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Binding Magic (An Obscure Magic Book 7)

Page 3

by Grace,Viola

  He smiled slowly. “What are they willing to pay?”

  She nibbled at a carrot and the negotiation was on.

  Chapter Four

  After hearing the offer, Zemuel nodded. “Deal.”

  “Just like that?”

  He grinned. “Just like that.”

  He extended his hand, and a data pad flew from somewhere within the room to smack into his hand. He tapped a few markings and nodded. “Done.”

  “That was anticlimactic.”

  He grinned. “It usually is. Requests to bring in magical weaponry usually have more details in them, but defenses are fairly easy. They can come to the mine tomorrow, and the boss will show them around and give them the options of shape.”

  She blinked. “Weapons?”

  “Did you not know? I am the largest importer of magical weaponry on the continent.” He leaned back and smiled. “I would have thought you had done your homework on me.”

  She shrugged and focused on her meal. Flicking her glance up cautiously when she thought it was safe, she met his amused glance. “I am here as a representative of the one goblin nation. It isn’t really my speciality.”

  He rolled his wineglass between his finger and thumb. “Why did they ask you?”

  She shrugged. “I was informed that I have characteristics you would find attractive.”

  His smile was definitely amused. “What characteristics are those?”

  “Height, figure and power.” She kept it blunt.

  The laughter rang and echoed in the chamber. The column of his neck flexed, and his elongated canines were definitely visible as his wide jaw moved with the laugh.

  She continued to work her way through her food until she was finished. She set one hand in her lap and picked up the wineglass.

  “So, you were selected to seduce me?” He leaned forward with interest.

  “No, merely get your attention. I don’t seek out men for money.”

  He inclined his head. “Apologies. I am merely struck by the ease with which you could accomplish your goal.”

  For the first time in quite a while, she blushed. The barrier of the table was a comfort, because his gaze said he didn’t want it in the way.

  Idly, she tried to use a small spark of magic in her lap, and he looked at her sharply. “What are you attempting to do, Minerva?”

  She shrugged. “Just testing to see if the no-magic zone extended this far.”

  “It does.”

  She inclined her head. “You can understand that I had to test it.”

  He frowned. “Yes, I suppose I can. Did you learn what you needed?”

  She smiled. “I did. Thank you.”

  Minerva learned that her magic did work; she just needed to put some extra power into it.

  He finished his meal and tapped the table twice. The food disappeared.

  “Enchanted stone?”

  Zemuel nodded. “Very perceptive. You are indeed what was described.”

  She made a face. “I do not want to know.”

  “Oh, but I want to tell you.” He waggled his brows.

  She looked at the expanse between them and was at a loss for conversation.

  “Is there anything you want for yourself?”

  Minerva wrinkled her nose. “Not particularly. Perhaps a tour of your home.”

  He grinned and got to his feet, walking around the table and gripping her chair. “Lady, if you would do me the honour.”

  She arranged her skirt and got to her feet, setting her hand on the back of his as he walked with her into the distant shadows of the chamber.

  A wide corridor was cut into the stone, and she could feel the touch of the cool evening air. The floor was smooth under her feet, the slight click of her heels was the only sound and it echoed as she walked.

  Her voice was quiet when she observed, “You enjoy sound.”

  He chuckled, and that sound was magnified and echoed around them. “I do. When you sleep underground, sounds from what is going on above is essential to knowing how the world is changing.”

  “You do have a very adept grasp of technology.”

  “Thank you. I find the more recent discoveries and equipment to be most useful.” The rough, deep gravel of his voice sent shivers down her spine.

  She couldn’t stop herself. She asked, “You have been here a while?”

  “I have slept under this mountain for nearly a thousand years. I woke and carved the stone into this place four hundred years ago when the wave of magic woke me.”

  She shuddered. “That was a large one.”

  “It was. It created enough of a magical population for me to surface and ply my trade.”

  “Selling magical weapons.”

  “Well, the unpowered have an inborn hate for those extranaturals around them.”

  Minerva frowned, thinking of her mother. “That is not always the case.”

  “It is more common than the exception.”

  Weak light began to spill into the corridor, and as they closed on the origin of fresh air, she gasped.

  He continued to walk with her out onto the wide plateau carved into half of a mountain. It was a monstrous expanse of stone with claw marks gouged into the stone, denoting the size of his other form.

  She shivered at the thought of the magical creature who was leading her into the centre of the landing site.

  “I like to come out here and watch the stars dance.”

  There was something so ancient and sad in his tone. She moved closer to him and looked up and out to see the stars as they hung motionless. A shooting star skidded across the sky, and she closed her eyes to make a wish.

  Zemuel slid a hand into her hair, and she felt his lips press against hers. He was careful and deliberate. He worked to gain her cooperation.

  She found that her hand was clutching his wrist and kept her eyes closed as she gave in to the tingles of excitement that coursed through her.

  Next to him, she felt dainty, petite and desired. She had what she had come for, what would it hurt to take one night for herself?

  He would be on to the next woman as soon as one crossed his path. Minerva had nothing to lose.

  She opened her mouth and touched his tongue with her own. Her acquiescence sparked something in him.

  He stroked her tongue with his, and the dexterity that his appendage had made her quiver. Her mind spun down a filthy path, and she pressed her hips against him. Her body had no doubt about the path it wanted to take.

  The silk of her skirt and his trousers were no barrier to the heat coming off their bodies.

  His mouth fed at her, and his right hand pressed her against him, covering most of her back with his palm.

  She felt the surge of magic before it enveloped her, but everything went dark and she was too distracted to fight it.

  The world brightened again, and he was holding her against him in what had to be his bedroom.

  “What just happened?” Her body was still limp, and it was his hand and her corset keeping her upright.

  “I relocated us. As romantic as it would be to take you under the stars, it would not be comfortable for you, and I would feel guilty for giving you pain.”

  She quirked her lips and felt the pull of the swollen skin. Damn, he can kiss. “I thank you for your consideration, but the pause is a bit of a mood killer.”

  He sighed. “I thought as much, so I will give you this.” He leaned toward her and exhaled.

  Magic swirled into her and twisted around her. It was more of an aphrodisiac than anything she had ever experienced. She reached up and pulled his head down to hers, extinguishing the smile on his lips with her own.

  He ran his hands up and down her spine, and her corset loosened. She found the closure of the belt that was supporting the wrapped fabric and opened it with a few short motions. The belt and the fabric rushed to his feet in seconds.

  He broke from the kiss, spun her around and
reached around her to open the busk of the corset. The rush of cool air against her silk-covered skin was enough of a sensory shock, but his hands covered her breasts, taking their measure with delicate slowness.

  Her sharp inhalation shoved her breasts into his palms, and his measured squeeze demonstrated his appreciation for her curves.

  She was just getting used to that touch when his right hand released her and shifted down her belly to press between her thighs. The silk became damp as he worked his fingers against her.

  He stroked her, licked and kissed at her neck, and used precise strength on her breasts. She could hear her breathing echoing in the room and the whining moans mocked her as he took her senses to the edge of release before he set her free.

  Her wail echoed back and muffled the wet sound of silk being torn.

  He carried her to the bed, turned her and tipped her backward. She had just gotten her balance when she felt him parting her thighs and delving between them with his clever tongue.

  The slick, wet thrusts brought her to the edge in a matter of moments. She twisted against his mouth, and he gripped her hips, holding her where he wanted her.

  This time, the fire in her blood flared and held her in a stimulated state with her screams echoing and his tongue moving within her.

  Minerva thrashed in his grip, and she gritted her teeth as she slowly ceased to spasm around his tongue.

  He deliberately pulled his tongue out of her, licked his lips and went back in for a final long stroke. His smile was anticipatory as he straightened and eased her back onto the bed.

  She had to let go of the sheet she was clutching as he slid her back so that he could join her on the bed. It wasn’t an easy manoeuver. Her hands were knotted in the fabric and didn’t want to release her one anchor to the world.

  She looked over the ferocious expression and let her gaze slide down his body. The musculature looked as hard as the stone around them, to say nothing of his erection. In theory, all dragons were different in biology, but the dramatic tapering of the head of his massive cock was startling. It looked like it would pierce her before he got halfway in.

  His grimace showed that he was watching her face. Without speaking, he reared back, slid an arm under her and flipped her to her stomach. Once he arranged her to his liking, he ran his hand under her, speaking soft words in a language that she didn’t know, and she knew most ancient and extranatural languages.

  As he cupped her sex, he ran his tongue up her spine, nibbling at her shoulders in turn. She quivered and sighed as her skin began to glow with heat again.

  The words he muttered spoke to something in her, and she rocked her hips against his palm, inviting him to do more than simply caress her.

  He groaned and trailed his tongue in lazy loops to the base of her spine. He moved in behind her and pressed the tight head of his cock between her folds, and the first few inches slid in easily because of the taper.

  Minerva lowered her head and closed her eyes, biting her lip as he retreated and plunged in, deeper and deeper.

  She rocked with him, taking him in as he slid and stroked every cell inside her.

  He groaned and gripped her hips as he moved against her. To her shock, she felt his thighs against her ass, and he shuddered in a move she felt all the way through her.

  The slow undulation began, and he leaned down, moving her hair away from her neck, licking and biting at her skin while he took his time working to his own release.

  They rocked together for what felt like hours. He ran his hands under her, worked her breasts and stroked her clit. She was covered in sweat and grunting as he thrust into her. Her arms ached and trembled, her back and shoulders stung from the grazing of his teeth and claws, but her body’s welcome still coated her thighs.

  When the first twinges of orgasm struck, she froze. Her body tried to tighten around him, but she was stretched to capacity. She trembled and her breath caught in her throat, leaving her to shake and twitch as it gave way to pleasure once again.

  Zemuel’s cock began to move, but his hips were still pressed against her ass. She gasped at the slow undulation, and when his hands tightened on his hips, his guttural shout echoed back to her.

  He held himself against her, and when the undulation ceased, he slowly bore her down to the bedding.

  It was like being flattened by warm stone. The slight yield of the bedding was enough to let her breathe but only just.

  He slid a hand under her and turned them to their sides. He remained inside her and held onto her.

  She squirmed and tried to ease away.

  “Minerva, you and I have begun something that will not be undone.” Zemuel’s tone didn’t brook argument.

  She twisted and whispered a spell, building magic between them until he was locked in place and his eyes slowly drooped into sleep.

  She eased off his cock and wasn’t surprised to see it hadn’t flagged. A lot of extranatural species carried it over into sex.

  She gathered her clothing and checked on her victim one more time. She whispered the memory spell and transported away before he could see her and break her hold.

  Home was not an option.

  Chapter Five

  Emile opened the door and smiled. “Minerva, how nice to see you.”

  He was wearing his human form, but his nostrils flared at her scent.

  “Mage Ganger, I am in need of a place to stay. A heavily warded and off-the-map place.”

  “Come in, come in. Lenora will get you something to wear. Perhaps a shower?”

  Minerva stepped inside. “Both sound good.”

  “Excellent. Head for the gold room. I will send Lenora up in a few minutes.”

  Minerva ran up the stairs with cum running down her thighs. Surprisingly, it was not her most humiliating entry into the Ganger home.

  She couldn’t believe her stupidity. The one time she let her hormones gallop away with her and she had to pick a dragon.

  The shower took the traces of him from her, but the scratches and bites were still throbbing in her skin. The mirror was fogged, but she could see the red welts that Zemuel had left behind.

  Sighing, she wrapped herself in a towel and entered the bedroom. Lenora came in with folded fabric and a smile. “I am guessing that it was a one-night stand?”

  “I am hoping so. I didn’t intend for it to happen, but he and I just fit so well...”

  “Ah. What was he? Giant?”

  “No. Dragon.”

  Lenora sat at the foot of the bed. “Which one?”

  Minerva took the nightgown that Lenora held out. “Zemuel. I did some treaty work for goblins.”

  “Does he know where you are?”

  Minerva scowled. “He did know a lot about me. I wouldn’t doubt that he does.”

  “Well, you get some sleep, and if you don’t want to see him again, we will work on a concealment spell.”

  “Thank you. I know that Mom’s house is hidden, so that is a relief.”

  “Do you want me to call her for you while you rest?”

  Minerva thought about it and then nodded as she climbed into bed. “Would you? She and I need to have a conversation, and at least, we are safe here.”

  “Rest, dearling. She will be here when you wake.”

  Lenora drew the shades and left her alone without any additional questions. That was what had made her go to the Gangers. Nothing in the realm of sex surprised them.

  * * * *

  Lenora opened her door to Deirdre. “Good afternoon, Deirdre.”

  “Lenora, is she all right?” Deirdre looked frantic.

  “She is fine. She is resting. Would you like coffee or tea?” Lenora smiled helpfully.

  “Coffee, please. Is she safe here?”

  “Very safe. Even she couldn’t force her way in. She had to ring the bell, just like everyone else. They are the strongest barriers in the country, and she helped set them in place.”

ora linked arms with Deirdre and led her to the kitchen. She set up the coffee press and waved her hand to boil the water.

  Deirdre looked pale and her hands were shaking. “Lenora, may I ask you a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “Can the gods hear us here?”

  Lenora sat at the table and took Deirdre’s hands. “No.”

  She slumped in relief. “Good. I don’t want them to hear what I have to tell Minerva.”

  “Is it about her being a demigod?”

  Deirdre blinked. “Demi? Don’t be silly.”

  Lenora’s eyes widened as she caught on to what her acquaintance was saying. “I see.”

  “I have to tell her first. It is only right.”

  “Of course. She will be up around dinnertime. Will you stay?”

  “If you will let me. I need to tell her what she is.”

  “Are they threatening you?”

  “My goddess has my loyalty, but I value my life. This is getting scary.”

  “Nothing to be frightened of here, and your daughter will see off any threats. She is not a woman to be taken lightly.”

  Deirdre smiled. “No, she isn’t.”

  “You did an amazing job raising her.”

  “You did all the tricky work, Lenora. Try as I might, I just couldn’t learn to do magic.”

  “You weren’t touched by the waves, nor were your people. There is no shame in that. You are what you are, as Minerva is.”

  “Why is she here?”

  Lenora smiled. “A lover’s tryst got her more than she bargained for.”

  Minerva arrived, and she cleared her throat. “A lot more.”

  Lenora raised her brows. “I thought you would be out for a few more hours.”

  “Accelerated sleep spell. I got what I needed in three hours.” Minerva went to her mom, kissed her cheek and then headed to the counter to make the coffee. The kettle announced the boil just as she arrived.

  She poured the water into the waiting press and set cups along with cream and sugar on a tray. She carefully walked it over to the table and had a seat.


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