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Chosen To Be His Little Angeline

Page 11

by Zoe Blake

  Moving his hands over her oiled slick soft skin, he grabbed a handful of each bottom cheek, forcing her open even further as he tasted her sweet cunny further. Pulling her clit into his mouth, scraping it past his lip covered teeth, he whirled his tongue over the tip.

  The soreness in Angeline's bottom became a throbbing ache as she concentrated on the more powerful sensations caused by Papa's tongue on her cunny. She could feel the building pressure of her release but something was wrong. It was there…cresting…but she couldn't reach it.

  Just then, Blackhurst rolled his tongue over her clit the same moment he pulled out the dildo and painfully thrust it back into place. The mixture of pleasure and sharp pain bringing Angeline over the edge of release. Her body achingly clamped down on the dildo in her bottom as he felt her cunny muscles ripple and flex over his tongue.

  Angeline's knees collapsed as her breath came in great gasps. She felt faint and disoriented.

  Blackhurst brought her back to the present when he took hold of the dildo handle and gently pulled it from her body.

  There was a rush of relief for Angeline. As if a pressure valve had been released inside her body, but there was also this strange sense of emptiness.

  Blackhurst looked on with pride at her stretched bottom hole. Instead of a tight closed-off puckered hole, it was an open mouth awaiting his pleasure. He moved to the small table and once again picked up the small glass vial of oil.

  "Arch your bottom nice and high," he instructed as he urged Angeline once again fully up onto her knees.

  Confused, Angeline glanced over her shoulder. "But, Papa, I was a good girl. I took the whole dildo? Why?"

  "Oh, baby. We are not done. We started with the smaller dildo to open you up but now the true training of your bottom begins. Keep your head down. Arch your back and push out your bottom like you were told."

  Angeline submitted immediately. Startled, she felt him pour the oil directly into her slack bottom hole!

  Blackhurst picked up the second glass object. It was a butt plug close to two inches at its widest point before it narrowed then flared at the base and about four inches long. It would be a struggle for her bottom to take it. He would eventually work her up to much wider ones but since it was her first training session, he wanted it to be a challenge but did not want to harm her.

  He pulsed his middle finger into her now opened bottom a few times, feeling the heat from her chastised cheeks against his skin.

  Placing the cold, hard tip of the glass plug inside her opening, he started to push it forward.

  Angeline raised up on her arms, distressed as she felt her tender entrance already stretched to its limit being forced to loosen further. She had tried to prepare herself for the brutal feel of the long dildo but this was different. It was wider and much scarier.


  "Relax your bottom, baby. This one is thicker. If you are tense, the pain will be sharper," he warned.

  As he reached the widest point of the plug, he placed the flat of his hand against her punished bottom cheek, with a merciless shove, he pushed the plug past her final resistance.

  Angeline gave a high keening wail as she began to rock back and forth. The fierce pain was unrelenting. It kept coming in waves, with every heartbeat, with every breath, with every hint of movement.

  Blackhurst pushed the plug in the final inch till the handle was flush against her bottom. Angeline was in too much misery to even notice.

  "Why? Why? Why?" she kept crying over and over.

  Blackhurst stroked her wet cheek. "I told you, little one. Papa wants to possess all of you. I cannot take your bottom without training it first. This is not done as a punishment, my love. You must trust me. I know my little one will enjoy having her bottom taken by my cock," he remarked with a smile. "The pain will ebb into a dull, fullness. You will see. You just need something to take your mind off it."

  He stepped away and returned a moment later.

  "Open your mouth."

  Blackhurst pushed the metal ring past her pink lips and tied the leather strap around her head. Angeline felt light-headed with awareness. Nothing made her feel more wickedly wrong than wanting the sheer brutality of him forcing his shaft down her throat.

  Tilting her head up, he looked deep into her pain and desire laced blue eyes. "There will be a moment when my cock is so deep down your throat you will swear it touched that plug in your bottom."

  Angeline closed her eyes and moaned, the sensual image overtaking her.

  Tracing the head of his cock over her pink lips, he continued, "Now let's see you take the full length again."

  Chapter Twelve – Lick Your Lips

  It had been several days since her first session in the playroom. Angeline had endured several more but none as painful as the first. Papa was demanding but patient. She could now much more easily accept the two inch glass plug into her bottom. The pride and excitement in Papa's eyes made the pain and discomfort worth it.

  She blushed to even think it but as Papa had promised, she had actually started to feel something other than pain. She never would have imagined it that first day but the more he coaxed a release from her while the plug or dildo were buried deep inside her bottom the more she craved the full feeling for that release.

  There was something about knowing Papa was somehow forcing himself on her in more ways than one that aroused all her senses. Angeline was already coming to accept her odd attraction to pain and pleasure but this was a new aspect that she was both frightened and excited to explore. A new side to her adventure with Papa. One she never would have undertaken without his insistence.

  Unfortunately she had only seen him during their afternoon play times these last few days. Adult worries and responsibilities had taken him away from her every evening. Each night she shared a simple meal with Nanny and then went to bed alone in the nursery. She missed her Papa!

  But tonight was special, he was going to be home and asked for her to join him in the adult dining room! Nanny dressed her in one of her prettiest dresses for the occasion. Pale blue with a white lace ruffle at the hem which ended as usual, mid-thigh. Her favorite part was the large white bow tied just above her bum in the back. Angeline was so excited she could barely sit still all afternoon. She had received several scoldings and more than one spanking from Nanny because of it. Not only would she be seeing Papa but she had overheard one of the maid's talking about the dinner they were preparing for that evening. There would be roast pheasant and gooseberry tarts! Angeline was so very tired of the simple, childish fare she had been served up in the nursery.

  * * * * *

  Later that evening, Angeline walked into the dining room feeling like a princess meeting her prince. Nanny had helped her prepare a special surprise for Papa, as well.

  Blackhurst rose to greet his sweet, little angel.

  "You look good enough to eat, little one," he said with a wink.

  Angeline was so taken by his appearance she almost forgot her surprise. He was dressed in all black with the exception of his crisp, white cravat. She just wanted to run her hands through his thick, wavy black hair and stare into his piercing silver eyes all night. Angeline didn't think she would ever get used to the masculine aura of power and confidence he exuded.

  Collecting herself, she took a deep breath and said, "Bonsoir, Papa. Merci à me manger."

  Blackhurst smiled broadly. The French was rudimentary and a bit stilted but he got the gist of her appreciation of the dinner invite and could not be more proud.

  Keeping his reply simple so she could understand, he said slowly, "Vous êtes bienvenue, belle."

  Angeline giggled. She had learned from Nanny that 'belle' was beautiful and 'bienvenue' meant welcome.

  Papa ushered her further into the room and held out a chair for her. Angeline was so happy that not even being served a glass of milk instead of wine like she had expected could dim her mood. She had hoped he had forgotten about the incident of her over indulgence at Lady Shackelt

on's house party but apparently not. Ah well, she thought, as she dutifully took a sip.

  Her mood changed dramatically when the courses were served. In front of Papa was placed the coveted roasted pheasant as well as a myriad of other delectable dishes that made her mouth water. In front of her was placed a simple dish of poached fish and boiled carrots.

  Blackhurst watched her out of the corner of his eye very carefully.

  With a resigned sign, Angeline picked up her fork and daintily began to eat the modest fare.

  "I am proud of you," said her Papa, glowing with pride. "Come here."

  Angeline laid down her fork and joined him on his lap.

  He stroked her cheek and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "You, my dear, are a very good little girl."

  "What did I do, Papa?" she asked in wonder, beaming under his praise.

  "You have learned discipline and restraint, mon amorette, and that must be rewarded."

  He picked up a piece of the roasted pheasant from his plate. "Open your mouth," he ordered huskily. Angeline obeyed. He placed the succulent meat on her tongue. She closed her lips over the tips of his fingers, relishing the savory, salty burst of flavor as much as the feel of him touching her mouth.

  He watched the deep pools of her midnight blue eyes darken with desire as he slowly fed her tasty morsels from his own plate. Dipping his finger into the brandy cherry sauce he traced her plump, lower lip watching it darken to a deep pink.

  "Lick your lips."

  Remembering the first time he commanded her to do so in Lady Shackelton's study and all the sensual adventures it had led to made Angeline blush. She could feel his shaft harden beneath her bottom and could not resist a naughty shimmy that made him groan.

  Blackhurst rose and with a strong sweep of his arm, he sent the china, crystal and silver-plate crashing to the carpet. Grabbing Angeline by the waist, he lifted her onto the cool, polished wooden surface of the dining table. Just as he was pushing her short, ruffled skirts up above her waist to expose her shaved cunny, two footmen came running into the room, alarmed by the sound of the breaking china.

  "Get out," growled Blackhurst. The urgency behind his words and the novelty of her not being the one in trouble made Angeline giggle. The footman scurried out.

  "Time for me to lick your lips," he breathed against her cunny before running his tongue along her seam. He pushed his tongue between her lips a second time, tasting the sweet essence of her arousal.

  Angeline moaned as she lifted her hips, reaching to grab the thick waves of his hair for purchase.

  Swirling his tongue around her clit, he placed two fingers at her tight entrance with the pad of his thumb caressing her rosebud. "Does my baby want it rough and painful or gentle and easy?" he asked teasingly seductive.

  "Oh, Papa, make it hurt," she whimpered.

  Chapter Thirteen - A New Adventure

  Several weeks later…

  "You look adorable, my dear."

  "Thank you, Lady Shackelton. Nanny helped me sew it," beamed a shy Angeline. She was worried Lady Shackelton would judge her for the childishly, short dress but she was nothing but gracious.

  "Well, you did a fine job and it is not Lady Shackelton anymore. It is Lady Fairfax."

  Angeline tried to hide her astonishment. She found it hard to imagine the elegant lady would marry such a boorish man.

  Lady Fairfax laughed. "I can tell by your expression you think us an odd pair. Trust me, my dear, we all have our peccadillos," she said with a knowing look at Angeline's attire.

  "The last guest had barely left the house party before Lord Fairfax all but slung me over his shoulder and dragged me off to Gretna Green. We married over the anvil as they say. The Scottish brute! Subjecting me to such a common spectacle!"

  She may be complaining but Angeline could see the love and amusement in Lady Fairfax's eyes.

  "Lord Blackhurst says if Angeline is not in the parlor in five minutes, he is coming to fetch her himself," warned Mrs. Chapel.

  "Oh, posh," laughed Lady Fairfax at Angeline's worried look. "We will be ready when we are ready. Blackhurst is merely impatient to be with his little love."

  "Lord Fairfax said you might say that," chirped Mrs. Chapel. "So he told me to tell you if you are not down in two minutes, he will be the one to fetch you…and that you would know what would happen when he does."

  Lady Fairfax's cheeks blushed prettily as she quickly fled the room to obey her husband's command. "See you in the parlor, Angeline, Mrs. Chapel," she called over shoulder.

  Mrs. Chapel adjusted the veil over Angeline's bright gold curls. They had worked together on the doll-like wedding dress every afternoon for the last two weeks. It was a beautiful cream ivory with pale pink silk rosettes sewed along the cap sleeves and hem.

  "You look pretty as a princess," said Nanny, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  Angeline smiled as she took Nanny's hand and was led out the door to her next grand passionate adventure…marriage.

  * * * * *

  Blackhurst looked down at his little one as he held her in his embrace. Most men would feel complete. The words had been said over them a few hours ago. In front of man and God, she was his but Blackhurst would not feel as though she was his in every respect until he had her final, complete submission.

  He unpinned the veil partially concealing her soft curls. "You were my sweet little angel today."

  "Thank you, Papa."

  "Turn around so I can unbutton your dress."

  He slowly unhooked each carefully sewn pearl button. Although he was anxious to get her naked, he did not want to tear a single stitch, knowing how she cherished the gown. Holding the gown so she could step out of it, he gingerly laid it over a nearby chair.

  Angeline had lost count of the number of garments in their short acquaintance he had ruined in his sheer intensity to touch her skin. She was touched to see the special care he was showing her wedding dress.

  He had brought her to their playroom, immediately after the guest's departure.

  "I have a special wedding surprise for you," he whispered against her ear as he took her hand and led her to the padded bench on the platform.

  Kneeling in front of her, he removed her ruffled short bloomers. He then unbuckled her kid slippers and slipped them and her white lace knee socks off. Placing a soft kiss on the inside of each thigh as he did so. Angeline was happy when he told her to kneel on the bench since she was not sure her legs would be able to support her for much longer.

  Angeline was confused when after a few moments, she did not feel the familiar heavy leather restraints across her upper calves.


  He stroked her cheek as he said, "No restraints today, little one."

  After placing several objects on the small table nearby, he approached her with a piece of fabric in his hand. It was a long piece of black silk.

  "Do you remember this?" he asked.

  She shook her head no.

  He smiled. "It is the black sash from your dressing gown. The one I used to blindfold you the night I took your maidenhead. The night I first made you mine."

  Shocked, Angeline laughed. "I looked everywhere for that! You kept it!"

  "As a memento."

  This man would never cease to surprise her, thought Angeline with love in her eyes. Just when she thought she had reached her limit for adventure or passion, he would always challenge her with something new.

  Blackhurst placed the cool, silk blindfold over her eyes and secured it with a pretty bow nestled within her blonde curls.

  He reached for the special dildo he had made just for their wedding day. Modeled after his own cock, it was wood covered in soft leather, about nine inches long and close to three inches at the base. He moved to stand behind her prone position.

  Giving her a quick, playful slap, he ordered, "Arch your back. Push out your bottom."

  "Yes, Papa," she breathed.

  Using two fingers, he stroked the folds of her already
wet cunny. Angeline moaned and pushed her hips against his fingers. Brushing the tip of the dildo against her entrance, he ground out, "Ask Papa to fill your cunny."

  "Please, Papa, fill my cunny."

  Blackhurst shoved the dildo into her tight passage to the hilt. Angeline rocked forward with the force of it. She gave a slight whimper. Until this point, he had stretched her mouth and bottom hole with various dildos and plugs but not her cunny. She was not accustomed to the harsh feel of the unrelenting object in her soft, sensitive cunny.

  Blackhurst spread her bottom cheeks open wide. It was a beautiful sight to see her tiny puckered whole slack and slightly open…ready for him. With the use of plugs and daily training, her bottom would be constantly stretched so she would always be ready to receive his cock. He didn't like the sight of a tightly puckered, closed off rosebud.

  "Papa's going to finally take your bottom, little one."

  Angeline felt a moment of panic. Despite the numerous training sessions, it was still very painful whenever he pushed anything into her bottom.

  Blackhurst reached for the glass vial of fragrant oil. Putting pressure on the top of her rosebud to open it further, he drizzled a small amount directly into her opened rosebud.

  "Papa, I'm frightened."

  "I know, baby," he cooed as he rubbed her lower back for a few strokes. "You know Papa loves you."

  "Yes, Papa," she said with a pretty blush.

  "And I only want to give you pleasure."

  "Yes, Papa."

  "And doesn't my little angel like having her bottom stretched when she cums?" he asked, still caressing her back.

  "Yes, Papa," she answered shyly, feeling her blush extend straight down to her tippy toes.

  "Wouldn't my little one finally like to know what it feels like to have Papa's cock in her bottom? Especially knowing how happy it would make her Papa?"

  "Oh, yes, Papa."

  "Say it," he ordered.

  "Put your cock in my bottom, Papa. Please."


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