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Dashing Rogues: A Historical Romance Collection

Page 36

by Dawn Brower, Amanda Mariel

Grace closed her eyes for nary a moment. “If age has departed any wisdom, it is that one should not judge a situation unless they have all of the facts. Only Lord Luvington and Lady Claudia know what transpired between them.”

  “He compromised her. She was utterly ruined and moved away as a result. I need not know all of the facts to make a wise decision on the matter.” Sarah stood and strolled back toward the path.

  Grace followed. “You are not some silly debutante, Lady Sarah. He would not be able to compromise you without your consent and participation.” She held Sarah’s gaze. “I only mean to say you would not get hurt by consenting to his courtship. Not unless you allowed it. And you might find the two of you are compatible.”

  Grace made good arguments in his favor. Lord Luvington was shockingly handsome, with regal features, strong jaw, a healthy physique. Maybe he could fall in love with her, but if so, could she trust him?

  She shook her head. No. She must be going daft to even consider it. “I grow weary of this topic. Might we discuss something else? Perhaps my theory in regards to Lord Luvington’s attentions. It is my conclusion he wishes to use me in an attempt to salvage his reputation.”

  “If so, you are safe in his company. He would not do anything to compromise you if he is indeed attempting to repair past damage to his character.”

  Sarah nibbled her bottom lip, considering. It was true, he could not very well repair his reputation by ruining hers. She ran a hand over the top of her skirt. “Mores the pity for I have no way of knowing what his purpose is.”

  “But of course you do.”

  Sarah fidgeted with a fold in her skirt. “At any rate, it does not signify since I have no intention of humoring him. What I called on you for is advice on how to scare him off. Without harming my reputation.”

  Grace lifted her parasol, stood, and ambled over to the grand stone fountain to lean on its edge. The sound of water running between the stone lovers and splashing into the ornate base filled Sarah’s ears. She joined Grace and gazed into the sparkling pool of water.

  “If you wish to beg him off, then you need to know what he wants. It would be rather difficult to form a plan without knowing his intentions,” Grace said. “If your theory is correct, then you cannot scare him off without ruining yourself in the process.”

  Sarah frowned. “Of course, you are right. I shall have to see him if I am to get to the truth of it. And if I am right about his motivation, I will have to make my position clear.”

  Grace smiled. “There are worse things in life than spending time with a thoughtful and handsome marquess. Do you know he has been a great help to me with my nephew out of town. Last week, he procured a book for me after a clerk refused to allow me to purchase it. The clerk said it was not of the proper nature for a lady. I am rather fond of Lord Luvington and believe you could be too. ”

  “That will never happen.” Sarah turned away from the fountain and rested her bottom on its edge. “But alas it is settled. I will speak with him and determine what his angle is.”

  “Very well, dear. Shall we make our way back to the house?” Grace stood.

  Sarah took one last glance back at the embracing lovers atop the grand fountain, then focused on following Grace’s lead.

  Hopefully, once she spoke with Lord Luvington, this would all become clear. Perhaps she could even convince him to leave her in peace. That is if she could get a straight answer from the man.

  Grace rearranged her parasol over her shoulder. “My nephew sent word that the Duchess Amelia is fast approaching her time. I intend to be present when the wee one makes its grand entrance.”

  “I asked Mama and Papa’s permission to visit. They said Glasgow is too far. I would have to wait until Lord and Lady Goldstone journeyed to London to meet the bundle of joy. I would give anything for the freedom afforded gentlemen.” Sarah let out a breath.

  “It is unfortunate. She would be pleased to have you nearby when she welcomes the babe. Maybe, if I extend an invitation for you to travel as my companion, your parents would consent.”

  Sarah bounced on her toes. “I would be much obliged if you would.”

  “Consider it done, my dear. You need only ask your parents’ permission.”

  It would be marvelous to see Amelia and get away from Lord Luvington. It may be too much to wish for. Sarah’s chest tightened. Mother would not likely let her get away in the midst of the season and with a future duke sniffing her skirts at that. She frowned at Grace and spoke her thoughts.

  Grace wet her lips. “Perhaps they will not, but the invitation stands.” She pointed off into the distance. “That patch of colorful flowers near the bird bath is a new addition this year. It is meant to draw butterflies near and seems to be a success thus far.”

  Sarah let out a breath, grateful for the distraction from Lord Luvington. She searched and caught sight of a bright blue and black butterfly flitting over the flower patch. “How marvelous. Does it attract several varieties?”

  “It is rumored to. Though I have noticed but two species thus far.” She glanced at Sarah. “I have some guests coming for tea in a couple of hours. Lady Vivian will be present. Do say you will join us.”

  “I am afraid I must decline.” Sarah intended to go home and face her predicament straight on. “Last night Lord Luvington said he would talk to me today. Of course I told him I would not be available, but I have since changed my mind.” She smirked.

  Grace beamed at her. “Splendid, I am pleased you have had a change of heart. Do consider my words as well. Perhaps I am correct and the two of you will get on smashingly.”

  “I will.” Sarah nodded. She only meant to insist the lord tell her why he pursued her, then she would beg him off. But she need not share the details with Grace. She curled her fingers in before relaxing them. No benefit would come from discussing the matter further.

  She stepped into Abernathy house and said her farewells to Grace. A glimmer of hope bloomed in her chest as she left to return home and wait for Lord Luvington to call on her.


  IT SHOULD NOT HAVE SURPRISED her, but all the same, Sarah startled at the sight of Lord Luvington lounging in her drawing room. She stared at him, relaxing on a wing-back chair conversing with Mother. A wave of heat coursed through her, spreading across her chest. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her reaction was but a mere offset.

  Mother grinned at her. “Do come join us, darling. Lord Luvington stopped by to call on you. I invited him to stay for tea.”

  He rose to his feet. “Good afternoon, Lady Sarah.”

  She curtsied. “My lord.” Her insides quivered as she made her way into the room and arranged herself on the settee next to Mother.

  Mother’s eyes danced. “I am pleased you made it back in time for tea.” She gave a nod to a waiting maid. “Bring Lady Sarah a cup.”

  The maid curtsied, her black skirts billowing around her before she left the room.

  “I had the impression you would be spending the afternoon with the Duchess of Abernathy,” Mother said. “I told Lord Luvington you were not expected home for several hours.”

  “It was indeed my intention, but after strolling through her garden, I became weary.” She stole a sideways glance at Lord Luvington. Her cheeks warmed at his roguish smirk.

  “Have you recovered, dear?” Mother set her cup down.

  “The carriage ride back proved refreshing.” She forced a small smile.


  The maid reentered and served Sarah her tea, before returning to her station at the room’s entrance. Sarah cleared her throat, suddenly feeling awkward.

  “Her Grace’s garden is splendid. I have always been fond of its impressive fountain.” Lord Luvington lifted his cup.

  “It is a marvelous sight, rivaled only by those at the palace.” Mother agreed.

  Sarah sat her cup down and glanced at Lord Luvington. “I did not realize you and the duchess were such good friends.” She could not keep the tightne
ss from her voice.

  “Indeed. Her late husband and my father were very close. I have known the duchess all my life.” Did she imagine a hint of smugness in his eyes?

  Grace’s defense of the reprobate made perfect sense now. Sarah glanced back to Mother. “The Duchess of Goldstone has invited the Duchess of Abernathy to stay in Glasgow with her for the birth of her babe.”

  Mother swallowed a sip of tea. “She will find comfort in knowing the duchess is present. The two of them have always been close.”

  “Yes indeed, Mother. Her Grace has invited me to join her on the journey.” Sarah’s stomach rolled as she nibbled her lip. Pray, let her be agreeable.

  Lord Luvington tapped his fingers on his thigh while Mother peered at Sarah. “Let us discuss this matter later, in private.”

  Sarah’s cheeks warmed. “Of course, Mother.” She swallowed back the lump in her throat. Surely, she would refuse the request. The tight lines of her face showed her displeasure at Sarah’s announcement.

  Mother sat down her empty teacup then smiled at Lord Luvington. “I shall leave the two of you to visit. It is Lady Sarah you came to see, after all.”

  From the corner of her eye, Sarah saw Lord Luvington wink at mother and nearly choked on her tea. “There is no chaperone about.” She set down her teacup and stood. “And I have letters awaiting my attention.”

  “Reclaim your seat, dear. There is a maid present.” Mother walked to the doorway. “The pleasure was all mine, Lord Luvington.”

  Sarah stared at mother as warmth spread through her. She flipped open her fan, attempting to cool her cheeks. She wanted to confront Lord Luvington about his sudden interest in her, but this seemed wrong. And what had that wink meant?

  “I enjoyed our time. Thank you for the hospitality.” Lord Luvington’s eyes twinkled.

  “You are most welcome.” She glanced at Sarah, then spun, taking her leave of the room.

  Sarah suppressed her fit. It was a shame ladies did not scream.

  JULIAN COULD NOT HAVE PLANNED the afternoon better. Lady Havenshire granted her support to his cause, and Lady Sarah had returned before he took his leave.

  Julian studied Lady Sarah as she waved her fan in front of pink cheeks. A lovely creature to be sure. Delicate features, striking eyes, petite, yet rounded in the right places. He ached to pull her close and run his fingers through her golden mane, but best not to act on his desire just yet.

  He gave her a bemused smile. “Seems I have serendipity on my side.”

  “There is nothing fated about this. I returned on purpose planning to see you.” She snapped her fan closed and rested it on her lap.

  “Then you wished to see me?” His gaze held hers as his pulse quickened.

  “I want to know why you are pursuing me.”

  “I have already told you. I find you irresistible. You are quite the most striking woman I have ever laid eyes on.” He moved his hand to rest on the smooth wooden arm of his chair.

  She nibbled her bottom lip as her gaze met his. He could get lost in those big violet eyes. Hell, a part of him wished to.

  She released her supple lip. “You must not say such things to me. It is not proper, nor does it answer my question.”

  “Of course it does. You asked why I am pursuing you, and that is my answer.” He took a sip of his tea, his gaze landing on her bosom. The rise and fall of her chest mesmerized him.

  “Even so, you did not tell me what I desire to know. What are your intentions?”

  He sipped his tea.

  Lady Sarah’s mouth pressed to a thin line. “Do you plan to answer me?”

  He admired her stubbornness. Every moment he spent in her company made him want her more. Not just her body, but her mind--her heart. She would make a fine wife and marchioness. He grinned when she turned back to him. “For now, I intend to court you.”

  “And if I allow it?” Her voice came out barely a whisper.

  “We will follow the natural progression of such a ritual.”

  A frown formed upon her pink lips. “There you go evading my questions again.”

  “Very well. If you allow me to court you, I intend to make you my marchioness.” He grinned when her eyes widened.

  She glanced at the floor and sighed. “You cannot be serious.”

  “I assure you, I am quite serious.” She met his gaze, and he went on. “In the short amount of time I have spent in your company, I have grown exponentially found of you.”

  Julian watched as the corners of her mouth twitch up. Her eyes sparkled, and a light blush covered her cheeks. “May I see you tomorrow?”

  Her eyes fluttered closed. “If I agree to see you tomorrow and do not wish to spend time with you thereafter, will you abandon this quest?”

  “As you wish.” A lie, but worst case, she would tell him to bugger off. There remained a chance she would enjoy herself and allow the courtship to continue… Either way, he would get to spend time with her.

  “What shall I expect us to be doing?” She refolded her hands on her lap.

  “What strikes your fancy?”

  “A well-chaperoned ride in the park might be pleasant.” Her smirk revealed an adorable dimple in one cheek.

  The little minx teased him. Maybe she still did not believe his intentions honorable. “Sounds sensible. I will bring my chaise and collect you in the morning.”

  Her frown returned. “I should not like that. Let us ride our mounts instead.”

  Julian should have known Lady Sarah would not consent to such close quarters. Clearly, she knew his reputation well. “It would be an honor to ride beside such a lovely creature.” He watched the blush climb back into her face, his pulse speeding along with her rising color.

  “Please, do refrain from saying such things.” She drew her brows together.

  “It was your mount I referred to. Though you are lovely too.” He winked, unable to pass up the opportunity to tease her.

  Lady Sarah stood. “That is more than enough for one day. You can see yourself out.” She turned and walked from the room.

  Julian chuckled as he watched her flee then stood to take his leave. He would woo the lady one way or another.


  JULIAN STUDIED Lady Sarah as they rode through Regent’s Park. She sat sidesaddle atop a dapple gray, her midnight blue riding habit cascading around her legs. Leather riding gloves covered her hands and matched the trim of her saddle and reins. A narrow-brimmed bonnet with a white plume and matching parasol shaded her from the sun’s warm rays. The scent of jasmine surrounded him though he could not tell if it came from her or their surroundings.

  “Will you be attending the Duchess of Abernathy’s garden party tomorrow?”

  “Indeed.” Lady Sarah glanced at him.

  He took note of her glum disposition despite the smile she bestowed upon him. She radiated distance, and he had caught her frowning more than once since they arrived in the park. “Something bothers you, Lady Sarah. Pray tell, what is on your mind?”

  She sent another fake smile in his direction. Julian did not believe it sincere for nary a moment. Even if nothing weighed on her, she would not grin so broadly at him.

  “It is nothing.” She glanced away, and her mouth turned down again.

  Curiosity refused to allow him to leave it alone. “Perhaps you would recover from your depressed state if you were to share what is bothering you.”

  “I am not depressed, and sharing would do no good at tall. You could not possibly help my situation.”

  He rubbed one hand across his jaw while holding his reins in the other. “What makes you so certain?” Julian kept his face casual when she puckered her lips.

  “Because I seek freedom, and you lack the authority to grant it.” She urged her beast into a canter.

  Perfect. This was the angle he planned to use. Yesterday, he noticed the tension in her conversation with her mother about Glasgow. The lady clearly wished for some freedom, and he, for one, agreed ladies should enjoy the
freedoms granted to men. Perhaps sharing his views would soften her heart.

  Julian followed suit, pushing his mount to catch up. The breeze wrapped around him as he rode toward her. For all of Lady Sarah’s airs and propriety she did know how to let her passions rule. He imagined she would be a splendid mate.

  “Come now. Let us not spoil a perfect morning.” He slowed his mount to keep pace with hers.

  She glared at him as she pulled back on her reins slowing her beast to a walk.

  Her eyes glowed and her cheeks were flushed, but in excitement or anger? “If you were my wife, I could grant you the freedoms you desire.”

  She scrunched her adorable nose and peered at him. “If I were your wife, you would have the power to deny my wishes.” She grimaced. “There is no freedom for a lady in matrimony.”

  Her words lashed him, and he raised a brow. “I would never deny my wife her desires.”

  Lady Sarah glanced around, then jerked her eyes to him. “I beg you to cease saying such things before you are overheard. It is not proper conversation.”

  His gaze held hers. “As you wish, but I insist you tell me what freedom you are being denied. We can stop and spread out a blanket under one of these fine oak trees.”

  She gave him a sideways glance. “I do not recall agreeing to such an arrangement.”

  “We are well-chaperoned.” He nodded behind them at the footmen escorting Lady Sarah. “There is no harm in resting and talking for a bit.”

  If she agreed, he would have an advantage. Father’s words rang in his mind. Time is running out, Julian. Do not squander a moment.

  “Oh, very well.” She sighed.

  His heart skipped. He angled his head toward a towering old oak. “Shall we?”

  Lady Sarah followed his lead. An image of her wrapped in his arms upon the grass flashed through his mind. If she were any other woman, he would be sampling her sweet kisses in a moment’s time. Heat spread through him.

  Do not sully her reputation. Julian shook Father’s words away. He had to treat her like a lady, not one of his many conquests. Marriage to her would do no good if he were to ruin her beforehand.


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