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Page 14

by Danielle James

  “Where did you find these?” she asked.

  “In your sketchbook. I hope you don’t mind, I really like them and I wanted to be able to look at them any time I wanted.”

  “No, I don’t mind. You can have anything you want.”

  “Anything?” he asked mischievously.

  Kelly nodded and he threw her onto the oversized bed. “You were taunting me on purpose earlier, weren’t you?” he grinned.

  “Maybe,” she said, rolling her eyes upward. He bounced on the bed over to her side and kissed her again and again. They kissed and touched until they were panting and groaning.

  “I thought we had an agreement,” Jules’s voice said from the top of the stairs. Crap. It will just have to wait until later.

  Phoenix sighed and rolled over. “How about you play for me?” he asked.

  “My guitar? I thought you didn’t like my music,” she said.

  “I will admit, it’s different. But not bad. I think I like the show more than anything.”

  “Let me go get it,” she suggested. “Hey, I was thinking, since you enjoy the show, maybe you could talk Mom into letting us go to Phoenix next Friday night. My old band is playing at one of the clubs. I would really like to see them.”

  “That might be fun. Lord knows we could all use a break. If we all go, it may just work out. I doubt she will let us go alone, but I will work on it.”

  “Ok,” Kelly said, turning to get up and get her guitar.

  “Wait,” he said, putting his hand on her shoulder. “I finally got your birthday present.” He got up and went to his small closet. He reached in and picked something up. When he turned back to her, he was holding an acoustic guitar. It was the color of honey, with a big red bow tied to the neck. “The salesman said it was top of the line,” he said. “I wouldn’t know.”

  It was an Ovation. And a good one. Kelly took the instrument from his hands and took off the bow. She ran her fingers down the fret board, loving the way the strings barely cleared the neck. “I love it,” she told him, already checking the tuning. “What would you like to hear?” she asked.

  “Anything you want to play,” he answered.

  Kelly started picking out a melody she knew well. She closed her eyes and let the music take over, hearing the words and the melody in her mind. She hadn’t realized that she had been humming until Phoenix asked her if the song had a name.

  “It’s Wanted, Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi,” she said. He only nodded and she knew he didn’t recognize the name. She was going to have to school him in the ways of rock and roll.

  “I can hear the lyrics in your mind,” he said. “Seems fitting, the way things have been going around here.” Kelly nodded, but continued to play.

  Suddenly, Kelly felt very sick. Out of nowhere she was hot and shaky. Her mouth started to water and her stomach simultaneously tied itself up in knots. Phoenix looked at her with alarm, but all she could do was hold one finger up to tell him to wait a moment. She couldn’t say anything or else she was going to lose control over her stomach. She started to stand up, but just as quickly as the nausea hit, it receded.

  “What was that?” Phoenix asked, worried.

  “Beats me, I just felt sick all at once. But it’s better now,” she assured him. She went back to playing for him. He just watched, listening. He seemed to enjoy it very much. When her fingers were tired, they just sat and talked. They talked until the daylight gave way to moonlight, and it was time for bed.

  They tried several more times over the next few days, but alone time was scarce. Kelly knew that Phoenix and Jared were going to fly to New Mexico in a few days to find information about their missing family members. Phoenix assured Kelly that they were at least alive, that no matter what, the bad guys would keep them alive to make the trap work. That did little to make her feel better, though.


  Phoenix scooped Kelly up into his arms and leapt from the second story window. They flew over the tree tops and over a small lake. Phoenix had taken steps just for this purpose. He was dying without being able to make love to his mate and desperate times called for desperate measures. He rented a small cottage on the lake so that they could spend some very needed alone time. Who knew how much time they actually had anyway? The end of humanity loomed on the horizon, and he was going to take advantage of every second he could with her.

  He landed nimbly on the shore and carried her through the front door. It was a small log cabin, complete with animal paintings on the wall. The design was rustic at best, but it wasn’t the décor that he was interested in though.

  Without setting her down, Phoenix kicked the bedroom door open and laid Kelly on the king sized bed. He didn’t hesitate before he lay down beside her. He ran his fingers along her shoulder, down her side, along her hip and leg. He stopped at her knee, wrapping his hand around her leg. He hitched her leg over his hip in one swift movement, and she caught up to where he already was.

  Kelly didn’t need any encouragement to kiss him passionately. Her hands worked fervently at the buttons on his shirt in a desperate attempt to remove it. Phoenix rested his weight on one elbow and was helping her with the other. He finally gave in to the urge to just rip it off. When his shirt was sufficiently off his body and on the floor, Phoenix returned his mouth to hers. He ate at her mouth like a man starved. He let his hands roam her body. When he encountered the lacy fabric of her bra, he reached behind her back and flipped the clasp open, revealing his prize.

  Before long they were both naked and twisting their bodies together. Phoenix wasted no time in settling between her thighs. “I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I can’t wait anymore.”

  “I don’t want you to,” she gasped as she felt the head of his cock brush her entrance. He pushed into her as gently as he could. It had been torture waiting to be inside her again. As he pushed all the way into her, he felt that familiar feeling that bloomed in his chest. Home. This was his home. Kelly was where he belonged and he would never let her go.

  He was holding her hips and desperately shoving his cock into her as he felt her nails rake his chest. He moved his hand to cup her face and she turned to take his finger into her mouth. She sucked at his finger and Phoenix felt it in his cock. It was while he was watching her that he noticed that he had caught fire. His wings were shimmering a brilliant low blue flame. It surrounded him and it surrounded Kelly. It only took a moment to realize that it was not hurting her. In fact, it seemed to fuel her desire. Phoenix had been known to catch fire during times of extreme emotion. Right then, eh was overwhelmed with how much he loved this woman. His flames never hurt anyone he didn’t intend for them to, but Kelly took it in stride. The expression of pure ecstasy on her face was all he needed to spur him on. He moved faster and harder until she was crying out his name. Nothing in Heaven or Hell could ruin this moment with his perfect mate.

  He was completely lost in the experience when she shouted his name. He smiled to himself as he thought he was doing something very right. He even felt her smack and claw at his chest. It hurt, but it also fueled his fire. Who knew he liked a little pain? Then she was forcefully pushing at his shoulders. What the…he snapped out of his little balloon of bliss and paid attention.

  “The room is on fire!” she shouted. Phoenix looked around to see orange and yellow flames snaking up the walls and dancing across the ceiling. Unlike the flames on his wings, these had taken on a life of their own and could hurt her. They were burning. Quickly. It was consuming every combustible material in the room. The room was quickly filling with thick black smoke. There was no way out.

  Phoenix grabbed Kelly into his arms and told her to hold on. He shot straight up through the ceiling and he shielded Kelly the best he could. They were in the air in a matter of seconds, watching the small cottage burn below them.

  “Well that’s different,” Kelly mused aloud.

  “I’ll say. Are you ok?”

  “Yeah, but we left our clothes. How are we going to get
past Mom?” And wasn’t that a good question. They were flying high in the sky and completely in the buff. That was going to be difficult to explain.

  After landing in the yard, Kelly crept into the house through the back door. She was wearing a t-shirt that they “borrowed” from a neighbor’s clothesline and she didn’t want to explain that if she didn’t have to. She tip toed through the kitchen and rounded the corner, straight into her mother.

  “Have a good time?” she asked, knowingly.

  “Um, sure. I’m going to my room,” Kelly stated, avoiding her eyes and turning sideways so that she could slip past her. Kelly felt the blood rushing to her face. She was busted. Again.

  “Where’s Phoenix?” Jules asked as if she didn’t know he would be right behind her somewhere.

  “Not sure,” Kelly called out behind her. She knew she was avoiding her mother. She knew that it was unnecessary because she was an adult. That didn’t meant that her mother couldn’t still make her feel like a kid. She walked briskly to her room and closed the door behind her.

  She slid herself into a pair of panties and opened the closet door to find some regular clothes. She really had no idea where Phoenix was, probably hiding somewhere from her mother. He had dropped Kelly off in the backyard and flew off. She yanked a pair of jeans and a t-shirt of her own off their hangers and dropped them on the bed. She started to remove the borrowed shirt when she caught a flash of movement outside her window.

  The blinds were open, so Kelly decided to check it out. She looked out the glass and over the yard. She didn’t see anything. Just about the time she decided to go back to getting dressed, a face appeared at the window.

  “Phoenix,” she hissed, jumping back. He smiled broadly, exposing his teeth.

  “Are you going to let me in?” he asked.

  Kelly thought that over for a moment, then had an idea. “Nope,” she said.

  “Why not?”

  “Because I am busy. Come in through the door,” she suggested. Let him get past Jules. Kelly doubted she would attack him again, but still, the idea of him being confronted by her was amusing.

  “But I’m not supposed to be here,” he reminded her.

  “Well then, how can you come in if you are not here?” she teased.

  “Kelly.....” he said, groaning against the glass.

  She shook her head and turned away from him. She wanted to have a little fun first. She knew he was still feeling amorous since they had been interrupted by an inferno and she played on that. She bent over right in front of the window, pretending to pick something up off the floor, and showing him a great view of her ass.

  He tapped on the glass.

  “What?” she asked innocently. “I have to get dressed.”

  “Let me in,” he growled. Kelly smiled, but made no move for the window. Instead, she bit her index finger lightly, then traced from her mouth down her chin, her neck, and across one breast. He was leaning his forehead on the window, watching her from under his brow. Kelly grasped the hem of the t-shirt, pulling it up slightly, and over to the side, pressing her chest against the fabric. Her nipples stood out against the thin fabric and she could hear his answering growl clearly.

  When that wasn’t enough, Kelly draped herself across her bed and began running her hands over her own body. She touched everywhere, lingering on her thighs, which were open for his view.

  “Open. The. Window. Now.”

  Kelly got up and went to the window with a huge smile. She placed both hands on the sill, but didn’t turn the lock. Instead, she pressed her chest against the glass. Phoenix groaned and put his hands on the window. “Why are you trying to drive me insane?” growled at her. Kelly was enjoying this very much. She finally decided to play nice and unlocked the window. Before she could open it, his hands were under the sill and pushing it up. He leapt through the window and tackled her to the bed.

  She wiggled out from under him and stood up. “Now see, I don’t know what all the fuss was about,” she teased, turning her back to him. She took one step and he had his arms around her.

  He kissed the back of her neck hard, pushing his raging cock into her back. His hands were everywhere. There was a ripping sound and Kelly’s borrowed t-shirt fell to the floor in a lifeless heap. He kissed urgently down her shoulder. “You make me crazy,” he growled in her ear, yanking her panties out of the way. He put his hand in the middle of her back and pushed her into the wall. He held both of her hands captive against the wall and continued his wonderful torture with his mouth.

  He bent at the knees and with one quick motion of his hips he was inside her again.


  Phoenix was able to convince Jules and the others that they all needed a break. Especially Kelly. She came to them from a life with little worry to the Apocalypse hanging over her head. They all knew there would be a fight, and Phoenix suggested that maybe they needed a reminder of what they were getting ready to fight for. They agreed after some persuading, that they would all go together.

  Kelly was ecstatic. She was going to get to see her old band mates, and she was going to get to go out. The club, called Limelight’s, was an eighteen and over joint, separate armbands for people over twenty one.

  When they arrived, there was a line at the door. There were more people in line than could possibly fit inside. They were all dressed in the hippest clothes, everyone trying to convince the bouncer at the door that they were important enough to get in. Phoenix studied the bouncer. He was an enormous black bear of a man with wide shoulders and a bald head. The lights from inside the doors danced off his dark skin, giving the illusion of an aura. He was checking identifications of the people he let in. Phoenix sighed to himself. Not only was he strange looking, but unlike the others, he didn’t usually carry ID. The few he had over the years had been fake. He meant to get a new one, but hadn’t done it yet.

  “It’s ok,” Kelly said to him, sensing his concern and taking his hand in her own. She skipped forward, outside the ropes that confined the long line. Phoenix tried to hold her back, but she just waved for everyone to follow her as she slipped out of his hand and danced forward. She looked fabulous. Her hair was standing out from her head, looking much the same as when she woke up in the morning. She was wearing jeans and a black tank top, covered by a black half-length jacket with sparkly things on the sleeves. She had put on makeup for the occasion, which made her eyes seem even bigger and bluer. Her face and neck sparkled with the glitter powder she wore.

  “Boy, the security around here stinks,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest and eyeing the bouncer. Ah shit. She was going to get herself in trouble. Phoenix took three long strides in an attempt to catch up with her. He glanced over at Jules, who was smiling. He slowed his pace and took a deep breath. Kelly was in her element, he reminded himself. She knew what she was doing. That didn’t mean that he wouldn’t break that man’s neck if he even looked at her wrong.

  “If you have complaints, take it up with management,” the burly man growled at her.

  “If you don’t let me in, I am going to do far worse than that to you,” she glared. Phoenix gritted his teeth.

  The man took one step toward Kelly, his onyx eyes burning. Before Phoenix could take one step in her direction, he had his arms around her. “Hey baby girl! It’s about time!” He lifted her up and swung her around. He kissed her full on the mouth. Not an intimate kiss, but more that of family. Phoenix still growled and made himself a presence in the man’s face. His face had changed from business to a wide grin of white teeth. They stood out against his dark skin in a most eerie way.

  Kelly wiggled, trapped in the man’s embrace. “I missed you too, Brice. But I can’t breathe!” The man loosened his grip on her, and Phoenix let out the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. “So, are you going to let me and my family in or not?” she asked as he returned her feet to the ground.

  “Yeah, tell ‘em to get over here,” he smiled.

  Everyone walk
ed the last remaining five feet to the entrance of the club. The bouncer only nodded to each of them as they passed. Phoenix growled at him and stared a hole into his head. Jared stiffened as he passed. Phoenix gave him a quizzical look, and he whispered his answer. One word. Werewolf. As long as he didn’t cause any trouble, that was ok with Phoenix. In fact, he thought it was a good choice for a bouncer.

  Kelly led them to a booth that was roped off. She jerked the ‘Reserved’ sign off the table and wadded it up. “I called Jerick. He saved me a spot,” she explained. “This is the best seat in the house.”

  “Excuse me,” a waiter interrupted her, “this seat is reserved.” Kelly turned to face the waiter. His eyes lit up and he smiled. “Never mind, it’s yours. Nice to see you again,” he said, waving to Kelly and turning to go back to work. “Be right back,” he called over his shoulder.

  “Just how often did you come here?” Jules asked her daughter.

  “Enough. We played here several times. I really miss that. After all this is over, I want to go back to playing.”

  “An excellent idea,” Nick offered, staring at his wife. Jules looked wonderful. She was wearing black pants, heels, and a silver tank top that sparkled under the lights. Appropriate clubbing attire. The waiter returned and took drink orders.

  The lights over the dance floor and stage went dark. A hush settled over the massive crowd, followed by a roar of cheers. A spotlight appeared on the stage, and a man dressed in leather pants and leather jacket, no shirt, stood in front of the microphone. “Ladies and gentleman,” he boomed over the crowd, “Please, give a proper Limelight’s welcome to Asylum!!” he shouted the last word. The crowd erupted in cheers, applause, hoots and shouts. Phoenix saw Kelly beaming and screaming for her friends, waving her arms above her head. God she was beautiful.

  The stage went dark again and the sound of instruments being checked one final time was barely audible. Then, the sound of drums and guitars exploded from the speakers. The lights over the stage came on at the same time, making the excitement rip through the club. The energy was so thick Phoenix could have cut it with a knife. Young adults on the floor jumped up and down, waving their hands and fists, singing along with the man on stage.


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