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The Naughty Nine: Where Danger and Passion Collide

Page 35

by Nina Bruhns

  “Jesse, we’re going to have a conversation, you and me.” He gently stroked the crease forming on her cheek. “Don’t worry. It can be on your timing. But we are going to have it. I need to understand why a woman like you doesn’t know how gorgeous she is, how desirable. Something or someone put bad crap in your head, sweetheart, and I’m gonna get it out. You got that?”

  She tossed her head. “Kind of like a ‘project?' ”

  His expression tightened and his voice hardened.

  “That was one of the more ugly things I’ve heard Nita say. No… not like a ‘project.’ ”

  Jesse was embarrassed and ashamed. “I’m sorry Dameon. I shouldn’t have said that. It was stupid and thoughtless.”

  “No, Jesse. I know that hurt you. Just so you know, that was a sample of what I put up with for seven years.” A distant look darkened his eyes. “I’m sorry she hurt you, Jesse. But in answer to your thoughts, I don’t have ‘projects.’ Trey isn’t my project, DaShon isn’t, Juan isn’t, Rodrigo isn’t, and you most certainly are not.”

  Jesse swallowed hard, refusing to let Nita come between them and spoil the lovely day. “Thank you, again, Dameon, for inviting me. It was a special day.”

  “Yes it was. And you’re welcome, tiger. Are you coming to the basketball practice tomorrow night?”

  “I don’t think I can. I… I’m meeting with a potential client.”

  Dameon’s brow creased. “Really. Who’s this one?”

  “He’s a budding politician. A client of Eric’s.” She didn’t mention that Raoul was also one of Eric’s clients. She aimed for lightness. “At least, to my knowledge, he’s not involved in the drug trade….”

  They both laughed.

  “Jesse, Jesse... What am I gonna do with you?”

  Dameon leaned down and holding her face between his hands, he gently kissed her on both cheeks.

  “Good night, pretty lady. Sleep well.”

  * * *

  Two days later Jesse made her way to the park to watch Trey practice. When she got out of her car, she saw Zoey running toward her.

  “Jesse, Jesse! I was hoping you would be here. My dad said you might be coming.”

  Jesse smiled at the young girl dancing around her.

  “Here I am.”

  “I saw your son. I’ve been watching him. He looks just like you. He’s gorgeous!”

  Jesse couldn’t help but laugh at the irrepressible girl.

  “Thank you very much. I agree. I’m sure Trey will appreciate that he has admirers in the crowd.”

  Pulling out a thick folder, Zoey asked, “Do you want to see what I am working on? I’m writing an essay on people I admire. I’m writing it about my dad. We have to do three of them this semester. After you come to my Taekwondo class, I want to write one on you.”

  Shaking her head at Zoey’s engaging presumptuousness, Jesse couldn’t help but smile. The young girl truly was a force of nature.

  “I don’t want to interrupt, Zoey. Your homework is important. I would like to read your essay when you are finished.”

  Zoey gave an aggrieved sigh. “Yes, I better do it. My dad said the only way I could come tonight is if I finish my homework before practice is over.”

  “You better do that then. I don’t want your father to be annoyed with you, or me. How about if I go for a walk around the park? That way I won’t distract you. I haven’t had any exercise today.”

  “Okay, but promise you’ll come back?”

  “Yes, Zoey, I promise.”

  When she’d done a three mile circle, Jesse joined the group of mothers who had assembled by the court.

  Zoey came dancing toward her, calling her name.

  Shaunda Williams gave Jesse a sly smile.

  “I see that you’ve met Wolf’s daughter.”

  Zoey answered for her. “Oh yes, Mrs. Williams. Jesse came to my birthday party on Sunday. We had so much fun. We made a movie together with my dad and my friends. And Jesse is a martial artist and she can do four--”

  Jesse held up her hands joining in the other women’s laughter. “Zoey, please. Thank you, but you’re embarrassing me.”

  Dameon came up from behind her with a grin on his face. He slipped his hand around Jesse’s waist, ignoring the winks that Shaunda and Rodrigo’s mother shared.

  “I like the fact that someone besides me is talking about how terrific Jesse is. Maybe if we keep it up, she’ll start to believe it.”

  Red Rock Rises: Chapter Twenty

  Jesse could barely hear her father’s voice over the roar of the crowd. The noise in the field house was deafening. She held her cell phone up against her ear and shouted into the mouthpiece.

  “Hurry, Dad. You aren’t going to believe this. I’m in Section D four rows from the top. But hurry, Dad. The coach is letting Trey play.”

  Jesse looked back down at the court astonished to see Trey taking the ball down the court faster than she’d ever seen him move. She was stunned. They really might win the game. All day long the excitement had raged. This morning, the Albuquerque Gazette Sports Page had run a feature story on Dameon’s team. It described how the Albuquerque Police Force’s Cinderella team had a chance of sweeping the club regionals. While the article concluded that victory was unlikely given the strength of the team they would face tonight and the significant challenge tomorrow night, it praised to the hills the team and its coach.

  Jesse refused to let the sight of Garrett Chambers dampen her excitement. Of course he would come tonight. For three weeks he hadn’t been to a single practice and according to Trey refused to discuss Trey’s probation program. In fact, he rarely spoke to Trey. He just sneered when Trey came home sweaty and tired from basketball practice. Inquiring, "How was life in the ghetto?" After each stint with his father, Trey begged Jesse to see if there was some way he could live with her full time. His plea hit her hard. Knowing how determined Garrett was to change the terms of their custody arrangement in his favor, she did her best to appear calm. She told Trey that she and her lawyer were doing everything they could to give him more time with her.

  Garrett must have seen the newspaper article praising the innovative basketball program that, under Chief Macarios’s leadership, was becoming a model for police forces across the country. Knowing Garrett’s need for public adulation, Jesse could imagine how he’d twisted the article to his advantage. Seeing him with a group of men she didn’t recognize she was confident he’d claimed credit for Trey being included in the now famous program. He’d probably perverted Trey’s probation to his advantage as well. No doubt he blamed Jesse for the trouble Trey was in. She wouldn’t put it past him if he declared that because of him, the police chief had put his talented son on the team.

  Jesse’s heart leapt at the sight of her banty rooster father scaling the steep stairs, waving his arms when he saw her. The red-haired dynamo dressed in his Sergeant’s uniform gleaming with ribbons and Army brass was hard to miss. Heads turned when he passed. Only five feet nine inches tall, he nevertheless captured attention. His shocking hair and green eyes that he’d bequeathed to Jesse and his grandson made Sergeant Major Sean Casey O’Donnell a striking figure. But it was the unabashed love in his eyes when they landed on Jesse that had her heart pounding. She’d almost wept with excitement when her father called from Japan saying that he was on his way to Albuquerque. She knew how upset he’d been hearing about Trey’s trouble. She wasn’t surprised that he insisted on coming.

  An hour later, when the buzzer sounded, the final score declared that the Warriors had won by six points. Sean shook his head in amazement.

  “Goddamn, I can’t believe this, Jesse. Trey looked terrific. That kid has improved 1,000 percent.”

  “I told you, Dad. It’s amazing. This coach he’s working with? He’s turned Trey’s game upside down in less than three weeks. Trey’s biggest issue is his confidence. The coach has been fierce with him, putting him in one challenging position after another. I can tell you, just last week Trey would
never have gone for that three-pointer, much less three in a row.”

  Her father was hoarse from shouting but managed to croak, “And I’ll be fucked, he made two of them. Between him and that superstar? I swear they won the game!”

  Jesse and the proud grandfather tromped down the bleacher stairs arm in arm. She ignored Garrett who was slapping high fives with his friends and no doubt accepting congratulations for his son’s success. Too late, her father saw his former son-in-law.

  “Fuck!” Sean’s expletive said it all. “What’s that prick doing here, Jesse? I thought he didn’t watch ‘ghetto sports.’ ”

  Jesse tugged at his arm. “Ignore him, Dad. There was a terrific article about the team in the paper this morning. Apparently it helped Garrett get over his disdain for basketball.”

  Seeing Garrett basking in the admiration of his friends, Sean growled a low warning sound.

  “Don’t, Dad. You know it would thrill Garrett to know he upset you. Pay attention to Trey instead. Look, he sees us.”

  Sean’s fury turned to excitement seeing his grandson pointing up to the stands and waving excitedly. Jesse tugged on his arm.

  “You see DaShon, Dad? The tall one standing beside Trey? The superstar? His mother and father insist that he would be in jail today if it wasn’t for the coach. He’s an inspiring man.”

  “Hell, he must be. These kids look like college players, junior NBA.”

  “Let’s wait over here for Trey, Dad. I’d like to avoid Garrett if we can. Trey is coming home with us, tonight.”

  “Grandpa, Grandpa!” Trey’s excited voice rang out as he sped through the crowd, running to Sean. “Did you see me?! Did you, Grandpa?” Trey’s normally shy demeanor was long gone as he hugged his grandfather, who clasped him close in return.

  “See you, Son? I can’t believe it. That last three pointer was the most amazing thing I’ve seen. You were like Reggie Miller out there. And what a time to get it! In the last 45 seconds of the game!”

  “Are you staying with us, Grandpa?”

  “Darn right I am. I’m sure as hell not going to see you for two days and stay in a hotel.”

  Trey grabbed hold of DaShon and pulled him over to Sean, his face bursting with pride.

  “This is DaShon, Grandpa. DaShon is going to spend the night. My mom said it’s okay. And Coach is coming over, too. If that’s okay with you.”

  “You bet. I’d like to meet that coach—or maybe we should call him the miracle worker.”

  Dameon made his way through the crowd of well-wishers heading toward them. He looked from Sean to Jesse and Trey and grinned.

  “Guess I don’t have to ask who you are, Sir.”

  Sean cocked a brow. “Damn straight. I’m proud to be this beautiful woman’s father and equally proud to be this kid’s grandfather. You are doing mighty impressive things with these young men. I’m a basketball fan and I’m seeing five years of growth in the time you’ve been working with Trey.”

  Looking up at DaShon who had a good six inches on him, Sean marveled. “This is the guy I really want to talk to. Tell me, son, where did you get that hook shot?”

  DaShon ducked his head then looked to Dameon. “Ask Coach. I didn’t have a hook shot until I started working with Wolf. He taught me.”

  “Damn, I’ve never seen anything quite like that. They couldn’t shut you down. Trey, you gotta follow this kid around. Do what he does.” He jerked his head in admiration at Dameon. “And apparently do whatever the hell this guy is telling you.”

  At that point, Dameon was pulled away by reporters and a TV Crew. He hollered out to the players to join him. He turned back and winked at Jesse.

  “If they play tomorrow night the way they did tonight, they’re going to need to learn how to talk with the press.”

  Shaunda Williams came over and introduced herself to Sean. Glancing over her shoulder at Dameon surrounded by the boys and the reporters, she didn’t hide her pride.

  “Just look at him. So willing to share the stage. Insisting that the focus be on the kids.”

  She threw a disgusted glance at Garrett Chambers, who was holding court on the other side of the crowd.

  “I can’t say the same for your ex, Jesse. He’s a piece of work. But Wolf put him in his place.” She scowled and leaned toward Sean and lowered her voice. “Trey’s father’s never been to one practice. Then after the piece in the paper today raving about the team, he shows up. You should have seen him cozy up to that cute little reporter. She was pleased as punch to interview him to hear how the Doctor felt about having his son on the team.”

  When Jesse gasped, Shaunda put her arm around her.

  “Uh, uh, girl. Don’t worry. Wolf stepped in. He said that it might embarrass your son since he was new on the team if she did her article on Dr. Chambers. He added that since Trey was the only white kid on the team, it’d be smart her for to interview me or one of the other boy’s mothers who have been working with him for a couple of years to get this program off the ground.”

  Shaunda’s bright eyes sparkled with wicked glee.

  “That girl took one look at me and flounced off. I guess she decided she didn’t want to do a story after all!”

  They were all laughing when Dameon came up.

  Shaunda sidled up to him and hugged him.

  “I was just telling Jesse and her dad what you did. That was really nice of you, Wolf. Thank you.”

  Dameon grinned down at her. “Ha! It was fun for me to re-direct her. Did you give her a good story?”

  Shaunda gave a self-satisfied smirk. “No, I think I was a little too dark for her; but her editor did come over to interview me and DaShon.” She poked Dameon playfully in the chest. “I’m thinking you put him up to that, didn’t you, Wolf?”

  Not taking credit for what obviously happened, Dameon leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek. “You are exactly the right color for me, Shaunda. And after everything you and that irascible husband of yours have done to help me get this team together, you and DaShon belong in the spotlight.”

  Dameon turned to Sean and extended his hand. “We didn’t formally meet. You are Sergeant Major O’Donnell?” Sean nodded and took his hand. Dameon continued, “It’s an honor, Sir. I’m Dameon Macarios. I’m pleased to be a friend of your daughter’s and coaching your grandson.”

  A dark cloud spread over Sean’s face, chasing away the good humor. Suspicion reigned in its place. Sean’s voice was suddenly brusque.

  “Macarios? You the Police Chief?” he asked coolly.

  “Yes, I am.”

  Openly glowering now, Sean withdrew his hand and stepped back.

  Jesse touched his arm to hold him back. “Dad… please….”

  Sean pushed her arm away and glared up at Dameon. “I’d like to talk with you. I was hoping I’d meet you. I’d planned to look you up.”

  Dameon’s expression was as smooth as his response.

  “By all means. I would like to have that conversation.”

  Several more excited parents approached and dragged Dameon away for photographs with their families.

  Sean grabbed Jesse’s arm, his eyes flashing with anger. “What the hell? He’s coming over to your house? That son of a bitch police chief?”

  Jesse tugged at his arm, sequestering him to the side away from the others.

  “Dad, please. We’ve resolved all that.”

  “Like hell we have. You get arrested by that asshole? You get a felony charge on your sheet?”

  “No. no. Dad. Really. Dameon--”

  Her father glared at her. “Dameon? You call him by his first name? What the hell is going on, girl?”

  “It’s okay, Dad. Dameon made certain to clear my record.”

  “He sure as hell better have,” Sean snapped, his eyes flashing. “You know what? I’m glad he’s coming to your house. I damn well do want to talk to him. You listen to me, girl. You make yourself scarce. Give me a chance to talk to him. Man to man.”

  Seeing that th
e fiery Irishman’s temper was in full bloom and knowing that Dameon could take care of himself, Jesse gave an exasperated shrug. “Fine. Do what you need to do. We were going to order-in pizza and celebrate what we hoped would be a big win.”

  Sean’s jaw tightened further.

  “Good. Like I said, you do some cooking or something in the kitchen. I want to have a private conversation with that egotistical hotshot.”

  Seeing her father’s scorn, Jesse shook her head. Just minutes ago he’d been praising Dameon as though he were the second coming of Christ. She gave a silent snort. “Men!”

  Red Rock Rises: Chapter Twenty-One

  Dameon followed Jesse’s father into the kitchen and stood back, waiting in the doorway. Sean grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and turned to face him. His wiry body was simmering with antagonistic heat. If the guy hadn’t been so angry, Dameon might have laughed. He’d seen those flashing eyes and that angry scowl before. Jesse had turned that same fierceness on him more than once.

  Sean O’Donnell was an imposing man. Not much taller than Jesse, he was sinewy. Lean muscle covered his slim frame. An impressive physique for a guy who had to be in his fifties. A shock of bright red hair liberally sprinkled with gray was cut military short. He stood arrow straight, his jaw was granite hard. This was a guy who met you head on and didn’t back off. Dameon could imagine how many raw recruits this fiery Irishman had sent to their barracks in tears.

  Dameon knew you should never show fear to these lifelong warriors. Respect, yes. Fear, uneasiness? Never. They lived to intimidate. He glanced pointedly at Sean’s beer and raised an eyebrow.

  Sean’s anger couldn’t squash his ingrained Irish hospitality.

  “You want one?”

  “Thank you, yes. Shall we go outside? I think Jesse plans to have us eat on the patio by the fireplace.”

  Sean sneered. “I see you’ve made yourself at home here.”


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