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The Naughty Nine: Where Danger and Passion Collide

Page 37

by Nina Bruhns

  “Jesse you need to know, this time I’m not stopping.”

  She gasped and tried to pull away.

  “Dameon, for God’s sake, my father, Trey--”

  He grasped her hands and held them tight. “No, not tonight, tiger. But you deserve a heads-up. We’re moving away from your timing and getting on board mine.”

  Licking across the seam of her lips, he growled, “New rules, honey. The first period’s over. This is the beginning of the second period. We’ve been through a lot together. I’ve held back the best I can. Given you room, and time. I’m done, Jesse.”

  He twisted her hands together and held them up over her head with one strong hand. Gazing into her eyes, he pressed his hard body against hers. She slammed her eyes closed and shuddered, stunned at his rigid staff pressing against the top of her thighs. His voice was a low sexy growl.

  “You need to hear me, Jesse. I’m done holding back.”

  He stroked his hands over her hips edging her groin up hard against his and murmured in her ear.

  “I’m going to take you, baby. I’m going to have you under me, on top of me. I’m going to be so deep inside of you, you won’t know where I end and you begin.”

  Jesse gasped for air, her heart pounding in her chest. “Oh, my God….”

  Shivers of electricity flooded over her from her toes to the pit of her stomach and below.

  Dameon tightened his grip on her hips. His whisper was harsh, demanding—daring her.

  “Tell me you don’t want it. Tell me you don’t want me.”

  Unable to fight her excitement, she whimpered, “I can’t. I… I can’t!”

  “Can’t what?”

  “I can’t tell you that, Dameon….”

  “Good. Tell me what you do want. Tell me, Jesse. Tell me now.”

  His command broke through her defenses, unleashing a surge of desire.

  “I… I want you to touch me. Like you did before.”

  Running his hands under the top of her dress he cupped her breasts. He rubbed his fingers around the lacey satin covering her straining nipples.

  “Like this, baby? Like I did when you almost came--just by my touching your nipples?”

  When he pinched her nipples, she cried out at the burst of passion that shot through her. “Yes, Yes! Like that.”

  His voice was a low growl. “You want me to put my hands here?” He reached for the hem of her dress dragging it up to her waist. He jumped back in surprise then muttered, “Christ, woman. Do you always come armed?”

  He removed her gun, and yanked her knife from the other sheath. He tossed them on the table with a harsh laugh.

  “Did you think you could keep me away, Jesse? That I couldn’t disarm you? That I wouldn’t want to touch you here?”

  He forced her legs apart and pressed his hand against her damp panties.

  She could barely breathe. “Oh God, Dameon. No….”

  “No what?” His voice was gruff, insistent.

  He had her dress up around her waist. Cupping her ass cheeks in his big hands, he pulled her up against his hard arousal.

  “Feel that, Jesse. Feel what you do to me? I need you. I need you in the worst way.”

  He took her hand and rubbed it over the end of his cock that was straining against his trousers.

  “Understand, baby? That’s going to be inside of you, soon. I’m telling you, Jesse, I can’t stay away from you any longer. Do you understand?”

  At the sound of her father walking into the kitchen, Dameon groaned. His face tensed. With an effort he held her away from himself. Shaking with desire, Jesse whimpered at the loss. She ached to hold onto him.

  Dameon pulled her close again and murmured in her ear.

  “I have to confess. I overstated it a bit, what I said about your father. He didn’t say, I couldn’t court you….”

  Clinging to him, Jesse giggled. “Knowing my father, that’s the same as saying ‘have at her!’ ”

  They both laughed. Dameon wrapped her tight in his arms and buried his mouth in her silky hair and sucked in a noisy breath.

  “Jesse, Jesse. God, woman, what you do to me.”

  He tipped up her chin with his thumb, forcing her to look into his eyes.

  “I’m not done. I’m just starting. Do you hear me?”

  She clung to him and swallowed past the lump in her throat. Her heart was pounding so hard she thought it might break through her chest. “Yes. Yes, Dameon. I hear you.”

  * * *

  Dameon, Trey and DaShon practiced at the park for hours, cheered on by an excited and verbal Sean. As long as you didn’t mind every third word being a curse word, they couldn’t have had a better or more knowledgeable cheerleader and assistant coach. Dameon chuckled thinking about the drill sergeants he’d had back in the day. They truly were a type and Sergeant Major Sean Casey O’Donnell was one of them.

  At noon he and the boys headed for the Pit, the nickname for the basketball arena on the New Mexico University campus. He’d reserved the court from three to five so his team could practice in the huge arena where only DaShon and Rodrigo had played before. He hoped that the practice would help get rid of their fears about the setting. He grimaced. The Wildcats were enough to worry about.

  Getting a message from his housekeeper, he placed a call to Jesse.

  “Jesse, I’m hoping you can help me out. Marina planned to bring Zoey to the game. Something’s come up and she can’t make it work. Zoey is hysterical that she might not be able to go to the game. Any way that I can impose on you? Please say no if it’s in any way a problem.”

  “Of course, Dameon, my Dad would love it and so will I. You know how much I like that little girl.”

  “The feeling is mutual, Jesse. Thank you. Zoey has been looking forward to this game as much as I have. I couldn’t have lived with her if she ended up missing it.”

  Within minutes of picking up Zoey, the young girl had won over Sean. Jesse had never seen her father as amenable as he was with the small, dark-haired sprite.

  Zoey had looked him over for a minute or two and then voiced her conclusion.

  “I have lots of different kinds of Grandpas. My dad says if he shouted ‘Hi Grandpa!’ into a crowd, half of the United Nations would stand up.”

  Jesse and Sean laughed at the precocious observation.

  Gazing at Sean, her heart-shaped face pinched with seriousness, Zoey pursed her lips. “I don’t have any red-haired grandpas. But I would like to have you.”

  Sean laughed aloud.

  “I’ll tell you a secret, little lady. I’ve had some interesting propositions in my life but I can’t remember one I’d rather accept. And you’re right. No self-respecting Grandpa collector should be without a red-headed Irishman. I’m honored to be your honorary Grandpa.”

  Zoey leapt up and kissed him on the cheek. In response Sean’s face flushed a rosy hue that mimicked his wiry hair.

  “Now that we have that settled, can I tell you a secret?” She raised an eyebrow at Jesse. “Do you promise you won’t tell?”

  “Hmm, I’m not sure I like making promises without knowing the topic. But go ahead. I’ll take a chance.”

  The young girl’s voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper.

  “When I grow up I am going to fall in love and marry someone who looks just like Trey. I think he is gorgeous. And if I can’t find someone as beautiful, then I am going to have to marry Trey.”

  Jesse managed to keep from laughing and looked as serious as she could.

  “We’ll keep your secret, Zoey, although I know that Trey would be flattered. Well, maybe not at age fifteen but in a few years he will be for sure.”

  She winked at Sean over the young girl’s head with a ‘didn’t I tell you she was something else’ look.

  Sean nodded, his eyes dancing. A moment later, he spoke with a slight catch in his voice.

  “Dameon’s done a terrific job with that little girl. She’s bright, charming and wise. I like her a lot.”
  Jesse responded to the wistful undercurrent in Sean’s voice.

  “C’mon, Dad, we did a good job too. And don’t you forget it.”

  * * *

  The parents clustered around Dameon and the team as they came off the practice court. It had been a challenging practice. Trey in particular seemed off his game. His face was flushed and he kept his eyes on the floor, ignoring Jesse as the parents huddled around for Dameon’s pep talk.

  Dameon was relaxed, smiling. He hugged Zoey, his adoration clear. “How are you doing, half pint? Excited for the big game?”

  Zoey shook her head and put on her coach’s hat. “They looked good, Daddy, but need to be more aggressive. They all seem a little off. I think you should consider a Box One defense and if the Wildcats are as good as everyone says, you may have to press the whole game.”

  Dameon laughed along with the parents. “That’s box and one, Sweetie. How about we critique the game after, okay half pint? For now I want to concentrate on what went well in our practice and the things we need to sharpen.”

  Speaking to the parents with an eye on the chastened-looking team, Dameon was cool, confident.

  “For you parents, know this. When our practice is shaky it means we’re getting out the kinks. That’s exactly why I brought the team here early. Now that we’ve dealt with the largest arena most of our players have seen, we’re going to get our act together. Right team? We know who we’re facing. They have some of the biggest and best players in this state. What they don’t have is a team. That’s our point of difference and it is how we are going to beat them. Like them, we have our superstars, but we also have a bunch of guys who know what it means to play as a team.”

  He smiled his easy smile and turned to his team, most of whom were staring at the floor. “How it about it, men? Let’s show those Wildcats what a band of Warriors can do when we all pull together. Whadda you say we bring this one home?”

  At the encouraging shouts and applause from the parents, Dameon tousled Zoey’s hair and hugged her close. “See you soon, half pint. Take care of Jesse and her dad. Try not to commentate the entire game, okay?”

  He reached over and put an arm around Jesse’s waist. “Wish us luck, tiger.”

  His gesture didn’t escape Sean. Her father looked over at Jesse with a raised eyebrow and shook his head with a knowing smile.

  Jesse looked away, knowing the heat on her face gave her away.

  Red Rock Rises: Chapter Twenty-Three

  Jesse looked up at the scoreboard. She could barely see it through her tears. Ten minutes after the final buzzer sounded the crowd was as large as it had been in the beginning. No one wanted to leave. It had been an astonishing game. Jesse replayed the game in her mind, still not believing it.

  The first half had been horrible. The Wildcats were exactly as advertised. Big, aggressive, and more than a little dirty. They shoved, tripped, and generally ganged up on DaShon. It was a relief when the halftime buzzer sounded. The score was Wildcats 36, Warriors 18. Sean’s shrug said it all. It looked like a run-away defeat in the making. Even Zoey was quiet, contemplative. The Wildcats kept three men on DaShon at all times and by the end of the first half they’d virtually shut down the Warrior’s superstar. DaShon was a dismal 3-11 from the floor for six points, a fraction of his norm for a half. Jesse could only imagine what was going on in their heads as the Warriors left the court. She sent a silent prayer to Trey and to Dameon. Trey had barely played and when he did, he missed all four of his field goal attempts. Jesse’d comforted herself that at least he was shooting, but her heart ached for him. His confidence was likely in tatters.

  When the Warriors returned to the court, Trey and DaShon instituted their new pick and roll play. They were shaky at first, their timing was off. Then as though the hours of practice clicked in they began to work like a well-oiled machine. Ignored by the Wildcats, Trey was able to make two and then three unexpected baskets from behind the arc. The Wildcat lead deflated from nearly twenty to under ten points. The crowd went crazy and the deafening roar that met Trey’s third triple didn’t stop. For the first time in the game, the Wildcats took their attention off DaShon and paid attention to the scrappy young kid who had upset their game plan. The din was fierce. Jesse was sure she wouldn’t be able to speak after the game, she was screaming so loud. The only louder ones were Zoey and her dad.

  Freed from the constraint of an aggressive defense, in the last minute of the game, DaShon paved the way for an upset victory with a three-pointer. With twenty seconds on the clock, the Warriors trailed by a point. Fouled by an agitated Wildcat guard, DaShon stepped to the free throw line and with four seconds to go, coolly sank two free throws and the game was history. The Warriors won by one shocking point.

  The crowd around Dameon and the boys was twelve deep. Local TV camera crews fought ecstatic fans to get close enough to grab a prized interview. The excitement in the arena was electric. Jesse and Sean held back an eager Zoey trying to ensure the little girl didn’t get trampled by overzealous fans.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Jesse saw Garrett with several men she didn’t know. From their expensive suits she assumed they were friends from the hospital, likely other physicians. They looked out of place, much like Garrett did. Obviously they were men who weren’t accustomed to being jostled by screaming fans.

  She turned in time to see Dameon and Trey approaching, their faces lit with excitement. Over the cacophony, she heard one of the men next to Garrett say in a loud voice, “Jeeze, Garrett, that woman looks exactly like your son.”

  Garrett’s scornful response was audible.

  “Yeah, that’s his mother.”

  By this time both Jesse and Sean were close enough to hear the conversation. Jesse learned later that Dameon also heard and did his best to distract Trey.

  “Oh, right. The disappearing mother you told me about.”

  “That’s her, alright. Some mother. If you don’t mind chasing her from one brothel to another across the globe.”

  Jesse saw Dameon’s eyes flash and his body tense as he quickened his pace. But Sean beat him to it. Jumping in front of the startled group, his eyes blazing with anger, he called out.

  “Excuse me, Garrett. You fucking son of a bitch. I heard what you said about my daughter.”

  Chambers paled and jerked back. Patrons close to them stepped back startled. In seconds the space around Garrett and his companions had cleared making way for the irate, red-haired dynamo who was now within striking distance of his former son-in-law.

  Garrett’s attempt at a greeting was forced, shrill and ended in a squeak.

  “Uh, um, nice to see you, Sean.”

  “It sure as hell ain’t nice to see you, Garrett. But then it never has been.”

  He spun to face Garrett’s shocked companions.

  Pointing to Jesse who’d stepped back and was doing her best to shield Zoey from the ugly scene, Sean’s voice was low, vibrating with anger. “As you can tell, I’m that beautiful woman’s father.” Shoving his face inches from the cowering men, he barked, “I don’t know you, sirs, but my name is Sergeant Major Sean O’Donnell. That is my daughter, Major Jesse O’Donnell.” Throwing a disparaging glance at Garrett, he sneered. “And this piece of shit? He’s a man so low he spews lies about the mother of his son. Be careful of him. Know that any man who insults a decorated United States soldier who risked her life to protect assholes like him is a coward. And that word doesn’t begin to describe this pathetic snake in the grass.”

  At this point an excited Trey crashed his way through the crowd apparently oblivious of the altercation unfolding between his father and grandfather.

  “Hi, Dad. Hi, Grandpa!” He ran past the men to Jesse. Grabbing her hands he swung her in a circle. He was incoherent with excitement.

  “Mom, mom, did you see me? Did you see me make that second three-pointer? I tried to think like DaShon. Like Coach says, ‘Just watch it go in.’ I did. And it worked!”

  Dameon and
DaShon came up behind him. Both were smiling but Dameon’s eyes were cold, hard, confirming that he had overheard the confrontation between Garrett and Sean. Fortunately, in his excitement, Trey seemed to have missed it.

  “What did you think, Mom? Wasn’t DaShon great? Did you see him draw that foul? Right at the end? It won the game!”

  Jesse hugged him. “Yes, Trey, I was so proud of you. Both of you! Of the whole team. You played beautifully.”

  As if seeing Garrett for the first time, Trey rushed over to him.

  “Dad, can I stay at Mom’s again tonight? Grandpa is only going to be here for one more night. Please, Dad.”

  Sean stepped forward inches away from Garrett. Daring him to disagree, he glowered at the flushed man.

  “I trust we can make that work. Don’t you, Garrett?”

  Garrett looked from Sean to Dameon and visibly swallowed. Backing up into the circle of his friends, he drew himself up with a shaky sneer. “Why not? I’m sure Trey is accustomed to your Houdini antics. Just like his mother, you come in and out of his life when it suits you, no matter what it does to anyone else’s schedule.” He glared at Trey. “Sure Trey, go ahead. Do whatever you wish. Why the hell would I care?”

  Followed by his startled friends, Garrett stormed off.

  Dameon filled the shocked silence.

  “Trey, you and DaShon go get changed. I’ve arranged for a bus to take the team to the restaurant. All the parents are meeting us there.” He turned to Sean. “Sergeant O’Donnell, I presume you are coming with us to celebrate. We are going to a special restaurant. I promise you will enjoy the owners, especially the red-haired doyenne who runs it.”

  Sean’s voice showed the strain of the argument but he managed to contain his anger.

  “I wouldn’t miss it, Dameon.”

  Dameon waited until Trey and DaShon were out of earshot then turned to the agitated sergeant who was still radiating fury. He threw a comforting arm around the older man’s shoulders.

  “Sean, I gotta tell you. That grandson of yours might be one of the finest young men it’s been my pleasure to work with. And I don’t have to tell you how I feel about your daughter. But how the hell did any of you end up with that pretentious son of a bitch?”


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