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The Naughty Nine: Where Danger and Passion Collide

Page 200

by Nina Bruhns

  For some reason, the thought of going back to a hospital made her feel down, like she was taking a step back in her healing. She'd come so far since they'd arrived here. Her arm was almost completely healed and she'd remembered something. Maybe it was perfectly normal what was happening to her. She started wondering what she had to do to persuade Carter she didn't need to see a doctor.

  “Don't give me that look.” Carter said from across the room. He was flipping through the phone book, probably trying to find a local doctor.

  “What look?” She crossed her arms and glared at him.

  “The one that tells me you're about to try and swindle your way out of seeing a doctor.” He smiled and went back to flipping through the phone book. Her shoulders slumped a little. It was getting annoying that he had the ability to read her so well.

  Secret Identity: Chapter Ten

  Carter sat out in the waiting room and felt like pacing. The array of beautiful fish that swam happily in a very large tank in the doctor's waiting room did little to calm his nerves. They'd driven into Portland to see a head injury specialist there.

  Eve had insisted that he stay in the waiting room while she went back to see the doctor. Since he'd won the two-day battle of coming to the doctor, he considered this a small sacrifice he'd willingly make. Since her first episode, she'd had a total of three fainting spells. Each one lasting longer than the first. It was the one that had happened last night that had finally caused her to agree to come in and be seen. He'd walked in on her in the bedroom, and she'd been lying on the floor, one leg in her pants, one out. She was lucky she hadn't hit her head.

  When she’d come to, she'd been so excited that she'd finally had a memory with him in it, even thought it had been from when they'd been in high school.

  She'd told him about the memory and said she remembered it like it was yesterday. To be honest, he'd totally forgotten the episode. There had been another teen, Angie something, who had been picking on Eve for ten years. This particular day, Angie, along with a couple of other girls, had placed a large wad of bubble gum on Eve's chair. Then they had followed her around and called her names and pointed it out to everyone.

  Eve had shown up at Carter’s locker between classes and he’d known something was wrong before she'd made it across the hall towards him. Her face was set in determination and anger.

  He smiled now, remembering. There was nothing sexier than seeing Eve angry. Somehow, she just glowed during those times. Maybe that's why in the last few years he'd liked pushing all her buttons.

  It took her less than a week to get Angie and the other girls back. But she didn't stoop to their level, no, not his Eve. She went beyond anything that they would have done to her. Instead, she hit Angie where it hurt the most. Angie's boyfriend, Jim, was captain of the football team. He was the type that didn't do a lot of homework, but instead chose to spend his time working on his form.

  Carter let it slip while talking to a friend in the library—one of the best places to pick up gossip—that he'd seen Jim making out with Angie's best friend Karley. The news took less than three hours to reach the entire school, including Angie. Then they had sat back and watched the whole scene unfold.

  Angie and Karley had caused such a scene that the teachers had to separate them. Karley had actually walked away with a large chunk of Angie's hair in her fists. Eve, Carter, and Mitch all chuckled as they were pulled into the principal's office.

  It wasn't one of Carter’s finest moments, but he did stick up for his family. After all, that's what Eve and Mitch were to him.

  He looked up to see Eve coming out of the doctor's office with a smile on her face. “Well?”

  “She says I'm fine.” She started walking towards the door, but he reached out and took her hand, halting her.

  “Eve?” He waited until she looked at him. “What did she say was triggering the blackouts?”

  She took a deep breath. “I'll tell you everything she said over lunch.”

  How could he argue with that? He'd been in the waiting room for almost two hours. Taking her hand in his, they walked back out to the car. “I know this great seafood place just down the street.”

  They sat in the packed restaurant in a booth overlooking the cove and enjoyed clam chowder together.

  He waited for her to tell him what the doctor had said. He knew that the more he pushed her to tell him, the longer it would take her to spit it out. Finally, when his bowl was almost empty, she set her spoon down.

  “First off, she wanted me to have another CAT scan. That's what took so long. Anyway, she said pretty much the same thing that the doctor in Chicago said. It will take time to recover. I will have headaches, blurred vision, etc. etc.” She took a drink of her water and he knew she was purposely leaving out the part he was waiting to hear. He looked at her until, finally, she sighed and looked back.

  “She doesn't know why I'm blacking out. She thinks it could just be a side effect each time I remember something. She doesn't want me using heavy equipment, yadda yadda.”

  He thought about it. “Has she ever seen a case like this? After all, she is a specialist that handles head injuries.”

  “Yes and no. She's seen plenty of amnesia cases, but none of them have blacked out upon triggering a memory.” She looked at him and he could see fear in her eyes for the first time. “Honestly, it makes me want to stop trying to remember anything.”

  He reached across the table and took her hand. “Don't worry, I'll be here. We'll take it easy. You've been doing too much around the house.” He frowned and thought about all the stuff he'd allowed her to help with the last few days.

  “Carter, I've barely lifted a finger. Besides, there isn't much more to do. It's not like I can go back to work. I don't even know if I still know how to do my job.” This time she frowned.

  He wanted to laugh. “Eve, trust me, your job isn't something you'd forget how to do.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, the majority of your work is to wine and dine new clients and get them to sign a contract. Then…”—he raised his shoulders and lowered them again—“…well, you just take care of them when they need something. All marketing and other promotions for the clients are handled by the specialty teams in the office. You're the company’s biggest asset, though,” he said quickly when she started to frown again. “You play a huge part in our business, not to mention the fact that you've basically been running everything, including Mitch and myself.” He smiled, remembering how she was able to talk or argue him into anything.

  She was silent most of the drive back to the house. The snow was falling more quickly now and he was thankful the men had finished with the new roof. There was still so much he wanted to get done, but he was taking it in stages. He was planning on spending more time at the place in the future. He might even move up there. Mitchell and Sandi had bought a large place just down the coast from him. They planned on living there full time after their wedding next spring.

  Maybe he and Eve would make this their permanent place as well. It wasn't as if they couldn't move the business up here and still be successful. Honestly, he thought they could run the place from anywhere and still be successful, thanks to Eve.

  He smiled to himself when he realized he'd started thinking of them being together as a couple. The only thing looming over his head now was her health and the possibility that her memory would return and they'd be back to square one. Friendship.

  * * *

  When they made it back to the house, Eve retreated up to their room. Since that first night they'd spent together, he'd moved in to the large room with her. She didn't mind; after all, according to him, they were getting married and she knew she had feelings for him that ran deep. She enjoyed the physical relationship with him and the tender nights spent in his arms. But needing some alone time, she slipped into the bathroom and started the water. He must have gotten the clue because the entire time she soaked her worries away in the tub, he didn't come in, even tho
ugh the door was unlocked.

  Hearing the doctor's worried attitude today stirred up her own worries. Was she going to spend the rest of her life passing out every time she remembered something? The doctor had ruled out brain damage, but that didn't mean there wasn't something else going on. Something mental. The specialist had hinted that it was psychological, and that she should see a shrink. She'd even given her a card for a psychologist. She didn't need to see anyone to have them tell her she was stressed. Staying in the big house was relaxing, being with Carter felt right, but the rest of her world was black. It was almost as if nothing existed beyond the walls of the house and the waters of the cove.

  Maybe she should head back to the city. Back to her own apartment in New York. Would she find peace of mind there? Would there be clues as to who she was now, instead of all the old memories she saw around the place here?

  Staying here, she felt like she was trapped in an old rerun of a show. Seeing the younger images of herself and Carter didn't explain how their relationship had advanced to what it is today. Nor did it explain her personality and style. She'd been doing a lot of thinking about going back to the city and when she finally pulled herself out of the tub she thought she'd come to a decision. Quickly dressing in a pair of her black leggings and a large sweater. She put on a pair of fluffy pink socks that had been in her suitcase from Chicago. Walking down the stairs, she was surprised to find the living room in darkness with only a few candles and a fire in the fireplace to light the otherwise dark room. Candles and two plate settings sat on the coffee table next to a gorgeous chocolate cake that had one sparkler candle on it. Carter stood on the other side of the table smiling.

  “What's all this?” She walked all the way into the room.

  “I thought we'd celebrate your clean bill of health. I felt like baking and I know how much you love chocolate.” He motioned to the couch and she walked over and sat. Just knowing that he'd gone through all the trouble made her want him. She couldn't imagine another man baking a cake for her. No wonder they were together. All of the doubts she had about their relationship went out the door at that moment.

  She walked over and sat on the newly reupholstered couch that had been delivered the day before. Now it was as good looking as it was comfortable.

  When she looked at the cake, something told her he was right about her loving chocolate. Her mouth began to water as she looked at the chocolate mass before her, and the thought of eating half the cake herself popped into her head.

  “I found this.” He held up a movie case and shook it. “Your all-time favorite.”

  “What?” She tried to see the name of the movie. She watched him frown a little.

  “Say Anything.” He walked over and pushed it into the VHS player.

  She thought about it and shook her head. “Doesn't ring a bell.”

  “That's okay. It will be like watching it for the first time.” He walked over, sat next to her, and started cutting the cake, giving her a large slice, then putting one of equal size on his plate. “I know it's not kosher to have cake for dinner, but since we had a late lunch, I didn't think you'd mind.”

  She took a bite and closed her eyes. Something sparked in her mind, but there was no dizziness, no feeling faint. Instead, warmth spread throughout her entire body. She'd felt the exact same way a few times in the last few days, always in the arms of Carter as they made love.

  “Mmmm, oh my.” She licked her lips and watched his eyes heat. “I can definitely say that chocolate cake is still my favorite.”

  “It's becoming my favorite as well.” He watched her very closely. She couldn't explain it, but she felt a strange sensation pulsing through her knowing she had so much power over him. She watched as he picked up his fork and took a bite of the moist cake. His tongue darted out and licked the icing from his lips. Desire shot through her so quickly her head spun, and she gripped the table to stop the shaking she felt.

  “Eve?” Just her name on his lips did something to her. That voice. The smoothness, the richness of it.

  She nodded her head, showing him that she felt the same way. Slowly he set his plate down, then took hers from her. When he reached for her, she held onto his biceps and let him pull her closer.

  His mouth was warm and his hands roamed over her back as she arched towards him. She felt like no matter what she did, she couldn't get close enough. Hoisting herself up, she straddled his hips as he leaned back on the couch. Her hands went to his hair and held his mouth to hers.

  His hands were under her sweater, running up and down her sides, and then he was pulling her sweater up and over her head. She leaned back and watched his face as he looked at her. She saw the surprise and heat cross his face as he noticed that she'd worn nothing else underneath. Then he dipped his head and placed his mouth on her taught skin, running his lips over the tender buds.

  “Carter.” She couldn't stop herself from moaning his name. She wanted to feel him next to her. Leaning back, she pulled off his shirt in one quick motion. He smiled a little as she ran her hands over his pecs. “Have I told you I really, really enjoy this body of yours?” She smiled and leaned down to follow the path her fingers had taken with her mouth. He moaned and leaned his head back against the couch cushions as his hands ran over her bare shoulders and back. Then she leaned up and ran her skin over his, chest to chest, skin to skin, as she took his mouth and enjoyed his lips again.

  Abruptly, Carter stood, picking her up with him. He turned and laid her down gently on the couch, following her down. He hovered over her as he looked into her eyes. She reached up and pulled him back to her, wrapping her legs around his hips. She felt his desire pressed up against her, the coarse material of his jeans rubbing against the softness of her leggings. His hips moved in a slow motion as his mouth tortured her. His hands moved over the light material, pulling it aside as his fingers found her sensitive skin. She arched back and moaned as he rubbed her gently, causing her hips to start moving and rotating. Then he pushed her leggings down off her legs, taking his time as he pulled each foot free.

  She tried to reach down for his jean's zipper, but he just held her hands still. “Let me. I want to enjoy all of you,” he said against her skin.

  “Carter, I need you.” She tried to get free from his light grasp. “Now, I need you now.” She moved her hips against him and felt him hold still as she rubbed herself against him. He released her hands and she made her way towards his zipper, pushing his jeans off his hips, enjoying the muscles as she pushed them lower.

  She felt his skin next to hers and moaned. His legs were still trapped in the jeans, but she enjoyed running her hands over his tight butt, pulling him closer to her.

  “Eve?” He tried to pull back. “Wait.” He reached around and pulled out a condom. Quickly donning it, he returned to her and took the kiss deeper as he slid into her. She wrapped her legs around his hips and held on. Just when she thought she couldn't wait any longer for him, he kissed the underside of her ear and whispered that he loved her as she threw her head back and screamed his name.

  Secret Identity: Chapter Eleven

  Carter lay there listening to his heart beat rapidly in his ears. He tried to hold his breath and lower the banging in his ears. He desperately wanted to hear her, to see if she'd been as moved as he had. To hear her response, if she'd had any.

  Finally, what seemed like minutes later, he heard her say his name. Leaning back, he looked down into her face and knew she had recovered more quickly than he had. It took just a second for him to slide his jeans back up and on.

  The movie played on the set as the fire died in the hearth. He walked over and threw a couple more logs on it, stirring it until it was crackling again. Then he walked over and hit the rewind button, to start the movie again. When it was ready to start again, he turned towards her and smiled. She was dressed again, her legs tucked up under her on the couch.

  “I know this is all new to you. Us.” He motioned between them, waving his hands. “So, I've tr
ied to go slow, but I can't deny my feelings. I won't deny them. I know you need some more time to work things out. I just wanted you to know how I felt.” He smiled and walked over to sit next to her. “Now, how about we eat some cake and watch your favorite movie?”

  She nodded and smiled at him, leaving so much unsaid.

  He fell asleep halfway through the movie. They'd ended up laying down, him behind her on the couch. The warmth and the feel of her heartbeat next to him made him drift right off.

  The dream started in normal speed. Them in the bar, dancing to the Irish music. Kissing on the dance floor as their bodies rubbed up against each other. Then they left, and he turned back to get his cell phone. He screamed in his head not to leave her alone, but his dream self continued to jog happily into the bar. He had a relieved look on his face when he picked up his cell phone, the two-hundred-dollar item that had caused so much pain.

  Here's where everything slowed down and deviated from reality. Next he was in the alley, watching Eve fight off a black blob that was her attacker. It was two sizes bigger than he was and had no mass. He watched sheer terror cross her face. She looked around for him, but couldn't see him as he tried to run towards her, screaming. Then the beast struck and she screamed his name.

  He woke and sat straight up, almost dislodging Eve in the process.

  “What?” Her eyes flew open. “What is it?” She looked around as he began to feel the tension leave his body.

  “Sorry,” he pulled her closer so that she wouldn't end up on the floor. “It was just a bad dream.” He kissed her hair and noticed the snow was really coming down outside. He felt her shiver. “We should head upstairs. I can get a fire going up there.”

  “Hmmm.” She settled back down against his chest. “I like it down here. Besides, I know how we could get a little of our own heat working for us.” She trailed kisses along his collarbone, running her hands under his shirt in the process. He leaned back and let her enjoy herself.


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