Book Read Free

Redeeming Heart

Page 12

by Pat Simmons

  Landon nodded. Maybe Rossi was right. It was time to get back in the game. This time he planned to chase the right woman for the right reason—love.

  Chapter 20

  James pulled out all the stops: flowers waiting on Octavia’s desk Monday morning after a weekend of a movie, museum and church on Sunday.

  Now, James was treating her to a mid-week dinner date. “So how was your day?” James asked after Octavia led them in grace over their food. His smile was engaging.

  “Actually, I had a great day. God turned a decision around for one of my clients to get the home they wanted. The seller had a change of heart and dropped the price twelve thousand dollars when she learned the couple were first-time buyers.”

  James chewed, then frowned. “But dropping the sales price will affect your commission, won’t it?” When she nodded, he rested his fork beside his plate. “How are you making any money?”

  “I have other sources of revenue. Banks request broker price opinions or BPOs, where I do drive-bys and take pictures of the property, determine if the houses look lived in, then give an opinion of the value of the property,” Octavia explained as he listened patiently minus a smile. “Plus, organizations pay me to conduct seminars, and I pick up business from those workshops.”

  Shaking his head, James frowned. “You’re piecing together an income.”

  “James, it’s not always about the money.”

  “It’s always about the money. If you were more selective in where you network, you could double or triple your income.” He picked up his fork and was about to shove mixed vegetables in his mouth, but paused. “Follow the money. Work smarter, not harder.”

  There wasn’t enough money in the world to buy genuine happiness. She looked him in the eyes. “I’m more than a real estate agent or realtor; I’m a Realtist. Our philosophy is to give back.”

  He pushed back from the table and held up his hands in surrender. “I don’t want to fight. I’m just looking out for you.”

  “I appreciate that, but I’ve never missed a house or car payment.”

  He smiled. “You need a vacation. How about you let me pamper you for a long weekend in Jamaica? You can get away from the stress and just enjoy yourself.”

  “James, I’m not sleeping with you—”

  “I didn’t ask you to,” he said too smugly. “I can book two rooms, and we can spend time together during the day and sleep in separate rooms.”

  Did he think she was compromisable? Was that even a word? “Hold it right there.” She pushed back her food. “You don’t get me, do you? I have a good reputation, and going on a get-away with a man who is not my husband isn’t a good reflection of holiness. I’m serious about my salvation.” She gathered her purse and admitted defeat. She didn’t feel a connection with James and it didn’t make sense to force a relationship where there was no chemistry. “Unless you have Jesus, I don’t expect you to understand, but I’m not the one for you.” She stood despite his protest and walked out of the restaurant to her car.

  She went home and cried. Why couldn’t a man see her worth? James was looking out for her financial interests, but what about her spiritual interests? Landon flashed in her mind. Had he been just an arrogant, charming man, wining and dining and beguiling silly women as the scripture said? How did she go from James to Landon?

  Evidently, James was as stubborn as her, because he didn’t try to change her mind. For the next weeks, she stayed focused on selling houses. Terri knew better than to say James’s name. Olivia, on the other hand, suddenly found time to hound Octavia about Landon until Octavia called Rossi to check on him.

  “Praise the Lord, Minister Rossi,” she said when he answered the phone. They exchanged pleasantries before she stated the purpose of her call.

  “Landon’s coming back to life. He’s been an asset to my company the short time he’s been here, and he’s picked up a few contracts. He’s saving up his money to buy a plane ticket back home.”

  Octavia’s heart tumbled as she stuttered, “Home? He’s leaving?”

  “Only for a few days. He’s heading to Boston to right the wrong. It’s going to take more than one visit for that, so I’m going with him for moral support.”

  “I’m going,” she spoke, then covered her mouth. “Sorry. I said that without thinking.”

  “Out of the heart, the mouth speaks. It’s all right if you want to come, too. My cousin Levi is tagging along because his wife and little girl want to shop.” Rossi chuckled. “But we’re going as united prayer warriors on Landon’s behalf.” He paused. “Why don’t you come up to my office in the morning? I know he would love to see you.”

  “I want to see him, too,” she softly admitted.

  When she finished the call, Octavia didn’t move from her window side chair. What was wrong with her? Didn’t she get offended at James’s invitation to accompany him on an out-of- town trip? Yet, she invited herself for another man.

  She ran her fingers through her curls. “Lord, I’m confused. James is a nice man, but he’s not for me. All these years, I’ve prayed for a man who knows Your goodness and mercy.” Landon had abused the Lord’s goodness and mercy. “Why do I feel drawn to this man?”

  The questions were endless, yet God had not answered. Octavia stood. She had never been in love before or uttered those words to a man, so why did her heart feel as if it was breaking?

  As she was about to warm up leftovers for dinner, God’s presence seemed to fill the room and Octavia shivered.

  Landon is a benefactor of My love and mercy. Consider the Pharisee and tax collector. I look for humility in a person’s heart. He was My lost sheep that has been found. The voice of God faded as she digested every word.

  She stewed on the revelation as she prepared a salad to go with her leftovers. She and Landon had both started on the same road of salvation, then they took separate paths. Fear and trembling kept Octavia and Olivia within God’s boundaries for His protection; they thought that if they did sin, they may not be able to make it back. Landon had been fearless and tested God. “He knows more about His grace and mercy than I do,” Octavia concluded. “Yes, Lord, You have redeemed him.”

  The next morning, Octavia dressed meticulously. It had nothing to do with the seminar she had that night or the afternoon networking event, courtesy of a friend of a friend of James’s. She was going to see Landon—something she should have done weeks ago. It took the Lord to give her a better understanding about Landon. Minutes after crossing over the Mississippi River from Missouri to Illinois, she followed the signs to downtown East St. Louis, an eyesore for so long, but the Tolliver cousins were making their mark on the historic city.

  She parked in the complex, then gathered her purse and nerves. After taking a deep breath, she got out and walked toward the building, wondering what type of reception she would get from Landon. Would he be surprised after she basically wrote him off the night after he poured out his heart to her?

  Octavia greeted Rossi’s receptionist before he motioned her into his office. “He’s working on a campaign,” he said in a hushed tone.

  So Rossi hadn’t told Landon she was coming. He escorted her down the short hall and pointed to the last door. Before he turned around, he patted Octavia on the shoulder. “Reconciliation takes time, whether it’s with God or man. Remember that, sis.”

  “Right.” Octavia measured her steps. Although the door was cracked, she tapped softly before peeping inside. When Landon glanced up, his eyes brightened. The tension she imagined would be between them wasn’t there. Landon didn’t hide his happiness at seeing her.

  “Hi,” she said shyly. “Can I come in?”

  “Of course.” He stood. His work space wasn’t big enough for two people. “Octavia—”

  “No.” She swallowed. “Landon, let me get this out of the way. I’m sorry I judged you. Although I don’t like what you did, I’m glad you’re trying to fix things.”

  He smiled and stepped aside so she could have his se
at. That’s when she noticed the files on his desk.

  “You have no reason to apologize. After all the things I’ve done in my past, I’m surprised anyone wants to have anything to do with me. I took God for granted, yet He still loves me.” He shook his head as if he couldn’t believe it.

  “I can’t stay long, and you look busy, but I know you’re going home to try and sort things out. I want to go with you—and Minister Rossi and his family. I’m in your corner.” She stood and looked into his soulful eyes of disbelief.

  He wrapped her in his arms and rested his chin on the top of her head. She melted against his chest. It must have dawned on him what he just did, and he stepped back. “Sorry. I just choked. You don’t have to go.”

  “I know, but I feel my heart should be with you.”

  Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Landon looked away. His eyes appeared glazed over. He clenched his jaw, then he looked at her again; sadness coated his hazel eyes. “I took a part-time job at Walgreens while I wait on something permanent to catch up on my child support payments. A long way from corporate American, huh? I can barely afford to go, and I can’t afford to fly you.”

  There was no value that could be placed on the contentment she felt at the moment. Octavia reached for his hands. “I know what you have and what you don’t. I can pay my own way. There are two sides to Landon Thomas. Your family has seen the ugly side, but I have witnessed the redeemed. I want to be there when you testify. Plus, I’ll ask around and see if there are any programs to help fathers with child support.”

  He swallowed. “I don’t deserve…I can’t even find words to describe how I feel.”

  “You will.” She glanced at the time. “I’d better go.”

  He linked his fingers through hers before bringing her hand to his lips where he brushed a soft kiss on it. As in slow motion, a tingle started at her fingers and flowed through her body. She stared into his eyes.

  “I’ll walk you to the elevator.” He broke the spell, but kept their hands connected.

  When they opened the door and stepped into the hall, Rossi and his cousin were nearby, acting as if they were preoccupied.

  Landon cleared his throat and chuckled. “She forgave me.” He grinned as the two gave him a high-five as they passed by.

  “But you’re not out of the woods, yet,” Octavia told him as she pushed the elevator button. “Only time will tell if forgiveness is enough.” The doors opened and Octavia stepped in and waved goodbye.


  Landon exhaled when the doors closed. Yes, forgiveness takes time, but at least Octavia was speaking to him again. Grinning, Landon twirled around and was met with stare downs from Rossi and his cousin. Neither had moved from their spots. “What?” Landon asked. Where were their smiles and high fives?

  “My wife likes Octavia. I wouldn’t think about messing her over, if I were you.” Levi cracked his knuckles. “She served jail time.”

  Rossi shoved his cousin. “Would you cut it out?”

  Landon would have laughed at the joke, but rethought it as he nodded and returned to his workspace, aka cubby hole, aka storage room. Levi’s wife owned Crowning Glory. Karyn was the sweetest little thing with smiles for everyone. He grunted. There’s no way she would survive in jail.

  The scent of Octavia’s perfume lingered in the doorway. “I don’t care how long or how hard I have to work, I’ll earn her love,” he mumbled, thinking about Esau and Jacob once again and Jacob’s love for Rachel. Just like Jacob had tricked Esau out of something precious, Jacob had the tables turned on him when he met Rachel, and Jacob was deceived when he married the wrong sister. Yet, Jacob made the best out of a bad deal and so would Landon.

  Whatever he had to do, he was ready and willing. The other women in his life had seen dollar signs; he had seen bed partners. At the time, it had been an even exchange. Things were different, though, with Octavia—different from day one. She seemed to see something different in him, and he sure saw something different in her.

  He yawned and rubbed his hand over his face. He hadn’t worked multiple jobs since he was a junior in high school and was saving money to buy his first car. Funny how the very thing he turned his nose up at was now his saving grace: Walgreens at night and Rossi’s company in the mornings.

  “God, help me. I just need one good job, even if it’s half of what I used to bring home.”

  My grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in your weakness, God said, whispering 2 Corinthians 12:9.

  “I guess that means no.” Landon got back to work

  Chapter 21

  One look into Landon’s handsome face made Octavia’s heart soar. She was still humming and downright giddy by the time she arrived at the office.

  Terri squinted as Octavia sat at her desk. “You look happy.”

  “I am. Everything seems all right in my world.” She grinned. “I stopped by Rossi’s office and checked on Landon.” She rocked back in her chair and waited for her friend’s response.

  “Not him again.” Terri groaned and rolled her eyes. “Please tell me he’s not the reason you broke it off with James and turned down a weekend getaway?”

  “He’s not,” she defended. “Actually, there’s no comparison. Every man who looks good to you isn’t always good for you. James wasn’t a good fit for me.” She patted her chest.

  “I can’t see how a homeless man can be your custom fit. He’s using you to move in with you. It’s part of his charm, and you’re gullible enough to let him do it.” Terri slapped her hand over her mouth and slowly removed it. She cringed. “Sorry. I didn’t like the way that came out.”

  “Me either.” Octavia lifted an eyebrow. “I’m a Christian, rooting for the underdog. Landon is trying to salvage his relationship with his family in Boston. He’s flying home next week, and I’m tagging along for support.”

  Terri’s eyes bucked before her mouth dropped open, but the words seemed to be on a five-second delay. “Hold up. You’re going out of town with a man who probably doesn’t have enough money for a Greyhound ticket, yet you turned down an all-expense paid trip to an island?”

  “Terri, if you want us to remain friends, then I suggest you stop acting as if you know what’s better for me.”

  Stepping back, Terri shook her head. Clearly, she was surprised by Octavia’s sharp tongue. “I’m not a praying woman, but I’m not about to let a man bring my friend down!” She twirled around and stormed away.

  I guess that’s one way to get someone on their knees. Taking a deep breath to regroup, Octavia turned on her laptop and logged into to search for new listings. Despite acting as if it was business as usual, Terri’s words stung. Octavia was beginning to make exceptions when it came to men. She dated James, even though he wasn’t what she wanted, and now Landon didn’t have the kind of stability in his life she needed from a man.


  Holding down two jobs, even if they were considered part-time, was taking a toll on Landon. He wasn’t a teenager anymore. His body and roommate reminded him of that when he fell into his bed at Mac’s Place. However, Octavia knew how to give him a boost in the mornings. He smiled every time he strolled into Rossi’s office and there was a card from Octavia waiting for him. It was day four, and she had yet to disappoint him. Thanking Rossi for his mail, he proceeded to his work space to rip it open. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Be encouraged.

  Landon had no right to be in love with her, but he was.

  Things were beginning to fall into place when Southwest Airlines had one of their twenty-four-hour specials a week later on payday. Landon gave Rossi the money to book his flight along with Octavia’s. “I can’t let her pay for her ticket. I don’t care if she’s coming of her own volition.”

  Rossi smirked. “I respect that. I’m glad Karyn is coming, so there will be no evil spoken of against Octavia for traveling out of town with single men. We’re there for you, brother,” he said, then booked everyone’s tickets. “We’re all se
t. There’s no turning back now. You ready?”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to face this army,” Landon answered honestly as he walked out the door to catch the bus for his night gig.

  Chapter 22

  “I’m nervous,” Octavia whispered as she stood next to Landon at Lambert Airport, waiting for security personnel to check their IDs. Landon squeezed her hand, and she responded with a smile. If he stared long enough, Landon was sure he would see a glimpse of her love for him. At the moment, he was searching for it.

  Although it was rather early, Octavia was alert. She smelled like peaches, and her attire was casual. Not one curl of her blondish brown hair was out of place until he tugged at a strand. “I know why I’m nervous, but why are you?” He lowered his voice to shut out everyone around them and focus on her.

  She jutted her chin and Landon smirked, bracing for a snappy response. “I don’t want anybody to mess with you.” She lifted a brow in a sign of defiance.

  “Thank you.” Her honesty humbled him. “Believe me, I can take whatever they dish out. I’m sure they have questioned my DNA to the family, so I have to earn their trust.”

  “You earned mine.” She stepped to the podium and handed the TSA worker her ticket and driver’s license.

  For a quick minute, Octavia’s fearlessness reminded him of Garrett’s wife, Shari. Before the woman married his cousin, she wasn’t fooled by his church-mimicking antics. Shari had rebuked those devils right out of him for bringing a false prophet to the hospital to minister to his grandfather after a heart attack, which he had indirectly caused.

  Looking back, Landon accepted he was on his way to hell with no regrets. Jesus’ grace, which persuaded him to repent, was invaluable.


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