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Redeeming Heart

Page 18

by Pat Simmons

  “Is that the crazy one?” Olivia asked under her breath.

  Octavia nudged her to be discreet. “There’s one crazier than her,” she mumbled. “So let’s pray.” And all three did as they entered Kim’s house. Octavia could feel the presence of demonic influences around them.

  Octavia called on the name of Jesus so the demons would tremble and flee. While Landon was distracted with Cherie, Octavia tried to get to know the child’s mother. It didn’t help that Landon introduced her as his fiancée, which seemed to put Kim on the defense.

  “This is a nice place,” Octavia complimented as she scanned the living room and the other she could see.

  Kim shrugged. “It’ll do. It’s the best my money can buy. Maybe, now that Landon is paying his share again, Cherie and I might move.”

  Octavia tried to engage Kim in movies, hobbies, fashion, but the woman’s one word and brief answers suggested she didn’t want to be bothered. Octavia watched as Landon said his goodbye to Cherie at least three times. It was apparent he didn’t want to leave. At the door, Landon gave Cherie one more kiss and faced her mother. “I would like for my daughter to be in my wedding.

  “Humph, I’m not coming to St. Louis,” Kim snapped.

  “I’ll come and get Cherie,” Landon said in an even tone as if he were trying to hold it together. Octavia didn’t know if she should reach for his hand as a sign of moral support, or if the gesture would set Kim off, so she and Olivia remained quiet and praying.

  “You pay for everything, and I’ll think about it.”

  After saying their goodbyes, Octavia listened to Landon’s heavy footsteps from the door to the car. She exchanged glances with Olivia before reading Landon’s body language—he was tense. After they were strapped in and ready to drive away, Landon took a deep breath before starting the ignition. “That woman is going…” He gritted his teeth. “She’s going to push the wrong button, and I’ll—”

  “And you’ll what?” she said softly. Octavia reached over and linked her fingers through his. “Cherie’s mother will be in our lives permanently. You and I will pray that God will intervene and soften her heart. It might take a while or it may come instantly, but we’re a praying team.”

  “You’re right, babe.” He glanced at her, then squeezed her hand before bringing it to his lips where his mustache tickled her skin.

  She spoke positive words and quoted a few scripture verses to comfort his spirit. Soon, he shared some of the funny things Cherie asked him. The mood was jovial as they parked in front of the last residence about thirty minutes later. After this stop, he promised to take her and Olivia sightseeing. What a difference a trip made.

  “Yay, yay,” Olivia said as if she was a kid herself.

  It was déjà vu for Octavia when Brittani opened the door. The woman still wore the same attitude, but on a different day. Octavia summed her up in one word: bitter. The boys, on the other hand, weren’t shy about seeing their father and were ready to go outside and play, so that’s what they did as she, Olivia and Brittani stood on the porch and watched for about twenty minutes or so. Brittani wasn’t pleased that Octavia was engaged to Landon and she wasn’t happy that Octavia had brought her sister. Brittani was just plain “not happy.”

  Brittani wore an engagement ring, but that didn’t seem to keep the contempt from her eyes. “Landon, do you mind if we speak in private?” she asked.

  Not only did Landon seem annoyed by the interruption, but the twins made their displeasure known.

  “We can watch the boys,” Octavia offered.

  “You do that.” Brittani jutted her chin and went inside the house as Landon followed. Octavia learned “private” to Brittani meant “behind her back instead of in front of her face” as her voice was anything but a hush. “She’d better not mistreat my boys when they come to visit.”

  “Both crazies are tied in first place,” Olivia mouth and giggled.

  “Watch it, Brittani,” She overheard Landon say in a low, but stern voice. “For the sake of our sons, I want us to have a working relationship, but we’d better set the ground rules now. Octavia doesn’t deserve your meanness. If you would take the time to get to know her, I think you’d like her, but I don’t care, because I love her. Don’t you ever—I mean ever—disrespect us again. Did I say ever?”

  “And what are you going to do about it?” she sassed him.

  “Trust me, you don’t want to find out…” Landon walked out of the house. He smiled at Octavia, then urged the boys to play another round of catch as if he hadn’t spoken a cross word minutes earlier. This time, Brittani stayed inside.

  Octavia relaxed, but she knew her marriage to Landon would include a lot of prayer and fasting for the sake of tranquility for the children. As she watched father and sons horseplay, Octavia wondered in Landon’s case, who had been the seducer and prey. Landon thought it was him, but maybe he had been Brittani’s prey all along, and it would bruise Landon’s ego to point out how he had been used. She snickered at the probability, but he would never, ever, ever hear that from her.

  Soon it was time to go, and they were back in the car. Landon was out of breath, but he was glowing with happiness. Watching him interact with the children, a thought came to Octavia. She lowered her voice so Olivia couldn’t hear. “Babe, have you considered moving back to Boston, so you can be closer to the children? It definitely would be cheaper, and I’m…okay with that.”

  Landon stared at her. The love shone from his eyes. “As a matter of fact, I have. I thought about it long and hard, and prayed for direction. God spoke to me and told me if I take you as my wife, you would be my priority.” He leaned over and brushed the softest kiss against her lips. “Thank you, baby, for offering.” Before pulling back, Landon pecked a few more kisses on her lips, then mumbled, “Come on June 24th.”

  Octavia smiled. Yes, their wedding couldn’t come soon enough.

  “Excuse me, there’s a child in the car,” Olivia said from the back seat, and they all burst out laughing.

  Chapter 32

  Six months later, on the third Sunday in June, Landon stood in Forest Park under a brass arch that had been intertwined with flowers. The day was extra special because it was the first time he would celebrate Father’s Day with all four of his children.

  Octavia had planned the day to perfection. Benson and Bryan were ring bearers while his daughters shared the spotlight as the flower girls.

  As he waited for his bride, Landon glanced around at the guests who had sacrificed their Father’s Day to be there for him: cousins—even Garrett and his wife—uncles, aunts, his grandparents, old friends and new.

  His musings were dashed at the first chord of the “Wedding March” when Octavia appeared. When his jaw dropped, Garrett, a groomsman, nudged him. “Close it before something flies in.”

  Rossi, his other groomsman, and his father, who was the best man, chuckled.

  But Landon did as instructed. The only thing he wanted to taste was his wife’s lips. His heart thundered against his chest in excitement. Instead of Octavia getting lost in yards of fabric, she was stunning in a sleek fabric that draped her figure, but still left a lot to his imagination. She had that wow factor on him every time he looked at her.

  God, what did I do to deserve her? he thought.

  Absolutely nothing, God whispered back and Landon smiled.

  A slight breeze ushered her closer. Landon stepped from his post to meet her. He shook hands with her father.

  The music continued to play, but Landon didn’t budge. This was his day—their day—and he wanted to catalog everything. Octavia’s curls were glossy and styled to frame her gorgeous face. “Thank You, Jesus,” he said and exhaled. Octavia Winston was about to be Octavia Thomas within minutes.

  “Landon, babe,” she whispered, “You’re supposed to walk me to the altar.”

  He bit his bottom lip and nodded. “Right.” Landon lingered a moment longer then escorted her until they were standing in front of his former p
astor from his home church in Boston who had volunteered to officiate.

  “It would be my honor to be part of your restoration. Your marriage will be a testament to God’s salvation that you’re an overcomer,” Pastor Justice had said when Landon spoke to him in confidence when he was in Boston on his last trip.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Brother Landon Thomas and Sister Octavia Winston…”

  The couple barely made it through their vows as Landon tried his best to hold back tears and Octavia’s flowed freely while her sister dabbed at her cheeks.

  “You promise before God’s presence that you will forsake all others. Let no man or woman come between you, be loyal and loving at all times…” He looked at Landon. “Cherish her at all times. Never forget the priceless jewel you have.”

  “Never—ever,” he whispered.

  Then the pastor turned to Octavia. “Respect him, submit to him, hold him up before God and most importantly love him. By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together, let no woman, man, or child come between you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.” He paused. “Brother Landon, you may now salute your—”

  “Daddy, I’ve got to pee,” Benson said, shattering the moment as Landon glanced down at his son who was holding his pants.

  “Not now, son,” Landon hushed.

  “I’ll take him,” his grandfather volunteered as everyone chuckled.

  “Without further delay, you may kiss your bride.” Pastor Justice smiled.

  Sweeping Octavia into his arms, he kissed her and then placed pecks on her cheeks until he whispered into her ear, “I’ll never make you regret being my wife.”

  “I know.” They kissed again, and the rest was history.


  One year later…

  Octavia Thomas massaged her husband’s shoulders as he poured over contracts he needed to sign to start his own small business marketing firm. He already had three clients waiting to come on board.

  She was so proud of Landon. He was an outstanding ad rep, an attentive husband and a dedicated father.

  She couldn’t ask for a better mate. Octavia doubted he would be the man he was without being tried through the fire of his trials. “How’s it going?”

  He glanced over his shoulder and coaxed her closer for a kiss. “I believe God will bless us.” He winked. “I’ve got one more year to show the bankruptcy court that I’m credit worthy again and then I’m buying us our first house.”

  “You know that’s not necessary. You insist on paying the mortgage here, and your name was added to the deed.”

  “But I didn’t buy it for you. I plan to change that.” Shoving the files aside, Landon stood and snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. “Besides, we’re going to need a bigger house as our family grows.”

  She laughed as Landon lovingly rubbed her stomach. At four months, Octavia had a bump. She couldn’t wait to cradle a new baby in her arms. As Landon’s smaller children had gotten in a habit of calling her an extra mommy from Alyssa, they all couldn’t wait to have an extra brother or sister.

  She and Landon still hadn’t ruled out a permanent move to the New England state, but as Landon assured her, “The children will grow up and leave home, but you…I’ll have you as long as the Lord gives us breath.”

  “In Jesus’ name, I receive that. Amen.” She squeezed his neck.

  “You know what? I think you need to take a nap, and I think I’ll join you,” he said with a naughty grin before scooping her up and carrying her into their bedroom. When the door closed, they shut out the world. And the honeymoon continued.

  Book club discussions:

  1. Landon was reared in the church and knew better than to dishonor God. Talk about the consequences of a lukewarm person’s actions.

  2. Octavia made a choice to love Landon. Why?

  3. Landon had fathered four children. Discuss his revelation of what it took to be a daddy.

  4. Landon was portrayed as characters from the Bible: Jacob and Esau; the prodigal son and the lost sheep. Which scenario do you think he identified with most in the story?

  5. Discuss Octavia’s relationship with Terri in regards to Terri pushing Octavia toward James.

  6. What lesson did you receive from this story?

  7. Based on Landon’s past transgressions, how easy would it be for you to forgive someone like him?

  A special thank you.

  I’m so honored that you chose Redeeming Heart to read. I not only hope you have enjoyed Landon and Octavia’s story, but you were blessed.

  Please consider posting an honest review on Amazon, so others will know what you thought about this story.

  If you’re interested in being part of my street team to help me get the word out about my Christian titles, please email me at

  Most of all, may God bless you for blessing me!

  Pat Simmons

  About the Author

  Pat is the multi-published author of several single titles and eBook novellas, and is a two-time recipient of Emma Rodgers Award for Best Inspirational Romance. She has been a featured speaker and workshop presenter at various venues across the country.

  As a self-proclaimed genealogy sleuth, Pat is passionate about researching her ancestors, then casting them in starring roles in her novels. She describes the evidence of the gift of the Holy Ghost as an amazing, unforgettable, life-altering experience. God is the Author who advances the stories she writes.

  Currently, overseeing the media publicity for the annual RT Booklovers Conventions, Pat has a B.S. in mass communications from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts.

  Pat has converted her sofa-strapped, sports fanatic husband into an amateur travel agent, untrained bodyguard, GPS-guided chauffeur, and her administrative assistant who is constantly on probation. They have a son and a daughter.

  Read more about Pat and her books by visiting, or on social media.

  Other Christian Titles Include:

  The Guilty series

  Book I: Guilty of Love

  Book II: Not Guilty of Love

  Book III: Still Guilty

  The Guilty Parties series

  Book I: The Acquittal

  Book II: The Confession

  The Jamieson Legacy

  Book I: Guilty by Association

  Book II: The Guilt Trip

  Book III: Free from Guilt

  The Carmen Sisters

  Book I: No Easy Catch

  Book II: In Defense of Love

  Redeeming Heart

  Book III: Driven to Be Loved

  Love at the Crossroads

  Book I: Stopping Traffic

  Book II: A Baby for Christmas

  Book III: The Keepsake

  Book IV: What God Has

  for Me

  Making Love Work Anthology

  Book I: Love at Work

  Book II: Words of Love

  Book III: A Mother’s Love

  Single titles

  Crowning Glory

  Talk to Me

  Her Dress (novella)

  Holiday titles

  Love for the Holidays

  (Three Christian novellas)

  A Christian Christmas

  A Christian Easter

  A Christian Father’s Day

  A Woman After David’s Heart (Valentine’s Day)

  Christmas Greetings


  STOPPING TRAFFIC, Book I. Candace Clark has a phobia about crossing the street, and for good reason. As fate would have it, her daughter's principal assigns her to crossing guard duties as part of the school's Parent Participation program. With no choice in the matter, Candace begrudgingly accepts her stop sign and safety vest, then reports to her designated crosswalk. Once Candace is determined to overcome her fears, God opens the door for a blessing, and Royce Kavanaugh enters
into her life, a firefighter built to rescue any damsel in distress. When a spark of attraction ignites, Candace and Royce soon discover there's more than one way to stop traffic.

  A BABY FOR CHRISTMAS, Book II. Yes, diamonds are a girl's best friend, but in Solae Wyatt-Palmer's case, she desires something more valuable. Captain Hershel Kavanaugh is a divorcee and the father of two adorable little boys. Solae has never been married and longs to be a mother. Although Hershel showers her with expensive gifts, his hesitation about proposing causes Solae to walk and never look back. As the holidays approach, Hershel must convince Solae that she has everything he could ever want for Christmas.

  THE KEEPSAKE, Book III. Until death us do part…or until Desiree walks away. Desiree “Desi” Bishop is devastated when she finds evidence of her husband’s affair. God knew she didn’t get married only to one day have to stand before a judge and file for a divorce. But Desi wants out no matter how much her heart says to forgive Michael. That isn’t easier said than done. She sees God’s one acceptable reason for a divorce as the only opt-out clause in her marriage. Michael Bishop is a repenting man who loves his wife of three years. If only…he had paid attention to the red flags God sent to keep him from falling into the devil’s snares. But Michael didn’t and he had fallen. Although God had forgiven him instantly when he repented, Desi’s forgiveness is moving as a snail’s pace. In the end, after all the tears have been shed and forgiveness granted and received, the couple learns that some marriages are worth keeping.


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