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Caged Heat (Black Meadow Pack)

Page 13

by Milly Taiden

  Nat sat unmoving. “Wow.”

  She shoved a big bite of cake into her mouth and moaned. “Mmm. I know. God this cake is fantastic. Do you think she puts something special in here? I’ve made cake tons of times, and they never tasted this good! I want to buy her to make this for me every day.”

  “No. It’s from an old family recipe, but we can make arrangements for you to get as much of it as you want.” Riel’s deep voice made her and Natalia both turn to face him. He stood by the kitchen door.

  He brought out the coffee and shook her head in a negative. All she wanted was cake. He grinned, and she wondered what he found amusing.

  He sat down on the lounger next to her and used his thumb to clean off the chocolate frosting from the corner of her mouth. “It’s supposed to go in your mouth, not on it.” Her throat dried when he sucked the thumb into his own mouth.

  Nat sighed a complaint. “Oh brother. Can you hold off all that private couple stuff until I’m gone? I don’t want to leave here needing therapy…or to get laid.”

  They continued to chat until Nat had to go. “I have a work emergency, and my stupid car is giving me problems. I’m going to have to buy a new one.”

  “Use my car.” Sam offered and eyed the cake again. “It’s not like I’m actively using it.”

  Her face brightened. “Really? Oh, Sam, you have no idea how much I need it.”

  “It’s no problem. You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to come and get it since I left it at Chase and Sophia’s, but it’s yours for as long as you need it.”

  “Thank you.” Nat bounced toward her friend and gave her a hug. “OK, I’m going.” She grinned and glanced at the cake. “Try not to eat that in one sitting. I have a feeling you’re going to need more of it.”

  Nat left. Sam jumped when her stomach growled. What the hell? She looked down at her empty plate and then up at Riel. He watched her with raised brows.

  “What?” She stood. “This is what happens when you don’t feed me. I’m going to make a sandwich, or two.” Or three. She strolled toward the kitchen, stopped and turned to glance back at Riel. He was still watching her. “Don’t touch my cake!” She marched inside in search of food, lots of it.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sam opened her eyes and groaned. She was starving but so damn tired. It was probably from all the craziness of the past few weeks. Her body was finally giving out on her. She sat up on the bed and groaned at the cramping in her stomach. Riel’s footsteps sounded, rushing down the hallway until his body filled the doorway.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He walked into the room and stopped next to the bed.

  She dropped back into the pillows with a groan. “I’m either starving to death or dying from exhaustion and starving at the same time.”

  “What?” He frowned as if she’d been speaking in another language.

  She groaned through the hair that covered her face. “Food. I need food and sleep. God, I’m tired. I think all my running around has finally caught up with me.”

  He pushed the curls away from her face. She glanced up into his worried eyes. “I’ll get you some food, you get some sleep. You’re sure that’s all? Are you in any other kind of pain?”

  She shook her head. “No, just hungry. Well…more like starving.”

  He nodded and turned to the door. “All right. I’ll be right back.”

  Good, because she didn’t think she’d make it out of bed. She was exhausted. Falling into a fitful sleep, she groaned again at the sharp cramps hitting her stomach. When the smell of food reached her, she sat up in a flash.

  Riel walked in carrying a tray brimming with food. She checked herself for drool. It would be such a shame for her man to see that this early in their relationship. He put the tray on the bed. He’d made her steak and eggs. How did he know she loved that? She grabbed the plate and a fork, cutting a nice chunk of meat and shoving it into her mouth. It was absolutely delicious. So much so, that she moaned as she chewed.

  “Thank you,” she said through bites. It alarmed her a little when she ate the contents on the plate and was still hungry.

  She glanced at him, wondering what he’d think, but he just grabbed a second plate and passed it to her. That plate had buttered toast, an omelet, and home fries. Digging into the food, she wondered if she had been eating too little lately. She’d never had problems eating, but the last few weeks were one big, jumbled mess in her mind. She was sure she’d never finish everything on the plate. It was a good thing she didn’t voice her opinion. Not ten minutes later she was passing him an empty plate. What the hell was wrong with her? Had her body finally decided it needed more food to sustain her curves?

  Riel didn’t seem bothered by her overeating. In fact, he smiled wide and passed more food her way. When he offered her a cup with coffee and a glass of juice, she wrinkled her nose at the coffee and grabbed the juice instead. That’s when exhaustion hit full force. She leaned back and shut her eyes.

  When Sam woke again, she was alone in the bedroom. Moonlight filtered through the windows. Damn how long had she slept? She stood and sniffed. Moisture gathered in her mouth. Burgers. Yum. Bypassing her shoes, she put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she heard Ry talking to Troy in the backyard. There was no longer a need to question how she could hear them from so far as if they were in the same room.

  Troy’s voice sounded surprised. “You’re sure?”

  Ry’s sighed. “No, I’m not sure. It’s the same thing Sophia experienced. Not to the degree she had it, but the exhaustion and the hunger. It’s all there. Not to mention she smells different, but I can’t tell this soon. Only Chase, Tryx, and now Sophia have that keen a sense.” Ry’s deep voice seeped into to her pores and made warmth spread through her. Was he talking about her?

  “I guess I should congratulate you then.” Congratulate him? About what?

  “Not until we know for sure. I’ll have to take her over to Chase and Sophia’s for blood testing.” What test? Frustration started to mount. She wanted them to speak clearer so she could understand what they were referring to.

  “Wow. But if you’re right then that means she’s pregnant.” Troy’s excitement made her excited too. Until she replayed his words and inhaled sharply.

  Oh my god. Her hands flew to her stomach. Was she pregnant? Was that the reason she’d been starving?

  She was about to head to the kitchen when a soft knock sounded at the front door. She pulled the door open. Shock made her stand there for a moment, unable to move. Her aunt Luisa was at the door. And she was in tears. Her heart immediately went out to the soft-spoken woman.

  “Aunt Luisa, what are you doing here? What’s wrong?”

  Luisa glanced at Sam and made a sad attempt to smile through her tears. Poor woman. She was so distressed, Sam’s first instinct was to make her feel better.

  “I’m so sorry to have to bother you, Sam. Could I possibly talk to you for a moment out here? I don’t want to take you away from whatever you’re doing, but I don’t want to share my personal misery with anyone that’s not family.”

  Sam nodded at her aunt. She pulled the door shut behind her and strolled down the steps to stand in front of Luisa’s car.

  She patted the older woman on her arm. “What’s wrong?”

  Luisa started crying so softly it was almost hard to hear. “It’s just that I need to beg you to help me. I never thought I’d have to do this, but with mother leaving you her estate, I find myself without anyone to ask for assistance.”

  Her heart broke for her poor aunt. She knew the others usually pushed her around. “Of course. Whatever you need, tell me.”

  Poor Luisa, she must have been in dire straits to lose her pride and search for Sam. Luisa’s shaky hand reached into her large handbag for what she assumed was a tissue to clear away the tears. What she pulled out was no tissue. Her dear old aunt held a Magnum .357 in a very steady grip.

  Sam wanted to kick her own ass fo
r being such a fool. She should’ve listened to Ry when he told her things were still unsettled. She gulped and thought of what Troy had said. She might be pregnant, and had possibly placed her child in danger. “Luisa, what are you doing?”

  Luisa shook her head. “Sam, I’m sorry.” She kept her voice soft. “I really am, but I need you to die. I can’t kill you here, so let’s get in my car and go for a drive.” She cocked the gun to prove she meant business, and Sam got into the car with her aunt.

  With Sam in the driver’s seat, Luisa pointed the gun into Sam’s head. She glanced back at the house, hoping Ry or Troy had heard them, but Luisa had spoken so softly even she’d had a hard time listening to her.

  Luisa smirked, and Sam started driving off. “I know all about the shifter-enhanced hearing. Trust me, your mother told me things.”

  “How did you know I’d get the door?”

  Luisa rolled her eyes. “You have huge bay windows with no curtains, incredibly tacky and stupid at the same time. I saw you walking down the stairs. I’d seen the men heading for the backyard earlier.”

  Sam tried to think of a way to get out of the situation without getting herself killed. “What exactly do you want Luisa?”

  “I want the money that belongs to me.” Luisa’s voice rose the further away they drove.

  Sam shook her head in confusion. “But Ginny left you a million dollars, Luisa. I know you don’t live with high expenses, so why do you need more money?”

  “Because my sons are sick.” Luisa’s voice lowered again with each word.

  Sam had never heard of Luisa’s kids being sick. She’d always boasted of them working for international companies and traveling the world in their successful careers. “Sick how?”

  Luisa’s sadness still made her feel bad for the woman. She looked a lot like Sam’s mother. “My oldest has a small drug problem. He tends to spend all our money on the stuff and needs help.”

  Sam grimaced. “If he’s spending all your money, what he needs is rehab.”

  “Don’t you think I know that?” Luisa shrieked.

  Shit. She’d pissed her off. Sam had been slowing down in the hopes that Luisa hadn’t noticed. They weren’t too far from the house, but the area was still somewhat deserted. Riel and Sam’s houses had been located in a section where there was a lot of space between neighbors. She tried to keep Luisa talking. “What’s wrong with your other son?”

  “He’s a bit of a compulsive gambler.” When Sam made a face to match her distaste, her aunt rushed on, “but he’s going to get help. He’s just always waiting for the big win, and I don’t have the money to wait on him anymore.”

  Wow. The entire family had treated Sam like a piece of trash because one of her parents had been a shifter, and all along they should’ve focused on their own issues. She continued driving straight instead of taking a curved road that would lead her into the highway. By going straight, they were forced to stop when they reached a dead end.

  “Why are you stopping?” Luisa demanded, not taking her eyes off Sam’s face.

  Sam turned to Luisa. “We’re at a dead end.”

  Luisa peered around and lowered the gun to shove it into Sam’s side. “I guess this spot can work just as well. Get out of the car.”

  Sam had to do something before things went downhill for her. She half turned toward the door handle, felt Luisa move closer to her, and slammed her elbow back into Luisa’s face.

  “You bitch!” Luisa screamed.

  Sam reached for the hand holding the gun.

  Blood covered the older woman’s face, but Sam was focused on fighting her for the weapon. She’d never have guessed Luisa had such a strong grip. Sam struggled to get the gun from Luisa and keep it from pointing in her own direction at the same time. A shot rang out inside the car, and she heard glass breaking. There was no time to talk or try to convince her aunt to stop. This was a fight for survival. She managed to turn the muzzle enough so that the gun now pointed in Luisa’s direction.

  Luisa screeched and fought her for the gun. “Let go. I’m going to kill you for this.”

  Sam tried really hard not to lose her grip on the gun that was facing away from her. “Luisa, don’t do anything stupid. This can be worked out.” She continued to try to pull the weapon from the other woman.

  “Are you kidding me? Juan Junior said he’d take care of you, but what good was he? He sent you a bomb, and nothing. We sat there in the car, watched you reach for the package, and set it off. We left before we could figure out if it had killed you, only to find out later that you were alive!” She screamed through the tugging. “You were supposed to die when we lit your house on fire, and yet you’re still here! Now I have to do this myself. You are just like your mother, consorting with animals,” Luisa spat in disgust.

  That did it. Her emotions raged, and she turned the gun fully on Luisa. Luisa screamed as the bones in her hands popped, and she squeezed the trigger involuntarily. Sam knew that shot had hit the mark. Luisa stopped struggling and glanced down at her chest. A small, red dot spread over the pristine silk blouse until the white material was covered in red. The raven-haired woman fell back into her seat, eyes open and mouth agape.

  The driver-side door was torn from the hinges, making Sam scream in fear. Riel’s angry, panting face scanned down her body.

  She shook her head. “I’m fine.” The finality of the situation got to her, and she threw her arms around his neck and started sobbing.

  Riel’s hold on her tightened. “I’ve got you.”

  She nodded into his shoulder through her tears. “I know.”

  * * *

  Sophia walked back into the living room from her office.

  “OK, Sam. I’ve got your test results. But before we get to it, explain to me how you guys know it was only Luisa and Juan Junior and not Danitelli or one of the others.”

  Riel spoke up. “Luisa told Sam all the attempts on her life had come from her and Juan Junior.”

  “But what about Danitelli?” Sophia asked.

  “We found out that while he does have some weird ties to the mob, he wasn’t involved in any of Sam’s death threats. He’s been taking over his sick uncle’s business, and it’s why he’s been so hard to trace. But he didn’t really have anything to show him as a culprit.”

  “What about the aunts?” Natalia asked.

  “Oh. Well you all know Cecilia is paying off the younger man to be with her, but she recently found out he was cheating with some other women and dumped him. As for Maggie, she’s busy being the new matriarch in Danitelli’s family. Juan Sr. is still in the Philippines, and Luisa’s two sons are overseas hiding from drug and gambling debts.”

  “Could they try to come and do something to Sam?” Kane asked.

  “We’ve got some of our friends in the London Pack keeping tabs on them. We’ll know if they try anything,” Chase added. He glanced at Sophia and then at Sam. “All right, love. I think if you don’t tell Sam her test results, she’s going to have a mild panic attack soon.” He grinned.

  Sam’s leg shook from nerves. Riel must’ve noticed her anxiety because he picked her up from her seat and sat her in his lap. The move instantly calmed her. She curled her arms around his neck and turned to Sophia. “OK. So what did you find out?”

  Sophia grimaced. “I’m sorry Sam. I have two theories. It is possible that your mother had a gene which kept her from turning shifter when she mated and that gene was passed on to you.”

  “There’s no way to tell?”

  “No. I would need your mother’s DNA to test and see if it was a genetic anomaly. My other theory is that her treatment with those drugs killed any chances for you to be a shifter. The compounds were super strong. I’m surprised they didn’t kill you in her womb.”

  Sam wasn’t surprised. She’d had a feeling from what she’d read that the drugs had caused her to be in her current state. Too bad, she’d never be a shifter.

  “But I do have good news.” Sophia smiled.

/>   “What?” All Sophia was supposed to look for was the alteration to her DNA.

  Sophia sat on Chase’s lap and grinned at them. “You’re going to have a baby.”

  A chorus of “what” and “congratulations” sounded in the room.

  “Hold on a second,” Sam interjected, confused as hell that Sophia could know something that soon. “How can you tell when it can’t be more than a week or two?”

  Everyone laughed.

  Sophia winked at her. “Well…shifter babies develop a lot faster than a human baby. What would be a nine-month pregnancy with a human is a six-month pregnancy with a shifter.”

  She gulped, unsure how to handle the-whole-going-to-be-a-mother thing so soon.

  “And,” Sophia continued over the loud voices, “I don’t think the problem with the lacking gene will pass on to your offspring. Your baby should be full-blown shifter.” She grinned and pointed at her own nose. “This little baby doesn’t lie. I can smell the tiny wolf a mile away.”

  Riel turned Sam in his lap and grabbed her face in his hands. He kissed her so softly she forgot all about how Sophia knew she was pregnant. She became oblivious to their audience until someone cleared their throat.

  “Um, excuse me,” Nat broke in. “But I’d like to hug the mom-to-be sometime before the baby is born. And I’m not trying to see any adult-rated shows anytime soon,” she complained.

  “Come on, Nat. I can show you some great sights in private,” Kane quipped.

  “Over my dead body,” Troy growled.

  She lifted her face to her mate’s. The look of total adoration in his eyes made her heart flip. She turned to Natalia who sat between Troy and Kane. They were ready to fight for the rights to her best friend. It was funny to see and so obvious to her that Kane was only trying to rile up Troy.

  Sam stood and was enveloped in multiple hugs until she found herself being pulled to the kitchen by Sophia’s sister Julia, and Nat.

  Sam’s smile grew when she noticed what was on the kitchen table. The women turned to Natalia, and she grinned. “I know how you pregnant shifters or almost shifters get without your chocolate, so I begged Tryx to hook you guys up. One for each so there’s no fighting.”


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