The House of Rothschild, Volume 1
Page 87
Montefiore, Moses
Montez, Lola
Montijo, Madame de
Montpensier, duc de
Morgan, J. P.
Morgan, Sydney
Morning Chronicle
Morrison, James
Morton, F.
Moscheles, Ignaz
Moses in the Bullrushes (Delaroche)
Mouchy, duc de
Muhammad, Khalid
Müller, Adam
Müller, Eberhard
Münch-Bellinghausen (minister)
Murillo, Bartolomé Estebán
Musterreiter (Nussgeig)
Myth of the Twentieth Century, The (Rosenberg)
Napier, Charles
Naples, Kingdom of
Austrian intervention and
Napoleon I, Emperor of France
Hundred Days of
Jews and
Napoleon III, Emperor of France
Napoleonic Wars
Narváez, General
Nassau, duchy of
Nassau-Saarbrücken, Prince of
Nathan the Wise (Lessing)
National Assembly, French
National Standard
Nation of Islam
Navarino, battle of
Nesselrode, Countess
Nesselrode, Karl Robert, Count von
Belgian crises and
1848 revolution and
Netscher, Gaspar
Neumann (Austrian ambassador)
New Court Fire Screen, A
New World Order, The (Robertson)
Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia
Nigra, Constantino
Niles Weekly Register
Nixon, Richard M.
N. M. Rothschild, Esq. (Thackeray)
N. M. Rothschild & Sons
Normanby, Lord
Northumberland, Duke of
Nursery, The (Greuze)
Oath of Abjuration, British
O’Connell, Daniel
“On the Jewish Question” (Marx)
On the State of Europe before and after the French Revolution (Gentz)
On the Traffic in State Bonds (Bender)
On the Way to Smala (Vernet)
Oppenheim, Moritz Daniel
Oppenheim, Samuel
Oppenheim, Wolf Jakob
Order of St. John
Orléans, duc d’
Ostade, Isaac van
Osten, Prokesch von
Ostrolenka, battle of
Osy (banker)
Ottoman Empire
Eastern Question and
Greek uprisings and
Russia’s conflict with
Ouvrard, Gabriel-Julien
Owen, Robert
Pacioli, Luca
Paganini, Niccolò
Palack, Frantis’‘ek
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Lord
Palmerston, Lady
Papal states
Paris, First Treaty of (1815)
Paris, Second Peace of
Parish, David
Parish, John
Parish & Co.
Parliament, British
Parma, duchy of
Parting Kiss, The (Greuze)
Patti, Adelina
Peace of Lunéville (1801)
Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil
Peel, Robert
financial reforms of
Peers, House of, French
Peninsular War
Perceval, Spencer
Percy, Henry
Père Goriot, Le (Balzac)
Pereira, Ludwig von
Pereire, Emile
Pereire, Isaac
Périer, Casimir
Peyrefitte, Roger
Philippson, Ludwig
Picciotto, Isaac de
Picot, François-Edouard
“Pictures from Frankfurt,”
Piedmont-Sardinia, Kingdom of
Pillar of the Exchange, A ( Jones)
Pitt, William
Pius IX, Pope
Place, Francis
Poèmes et légendes (Heine)
anti-Russian revolt in
Polignac, Jules de
Pompidou, Georges
Ponto, Erich
Portrait of Emma, Lady Hamilton (Romney)
Portrait of the Hon. Francis Duncombe (Gainsborough)
Portrait of Master Braddyl (Reynolds)
Portrait of Miss Meyer as Hebe (Reynolds)
Portrait of Mrs Lloyd (Reynolds)
Portrait of Mrs Sheridan (Gainsborough)
Portrait of a Nobleman (Hals)
Portrait of a Young Man (Rembrandt)
Canning and
dynastic conflict in
Rothschild loans to
Potocki, Stanislas
Potter, Paulus
Pozzi di Borgio, Carlo Andrea
Pragmatic Sanction, Spanish (1789)
Pressburg, Treaty of (1805)
Prevost-Marcilhacy, Pauline
Preye & Jordis
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Protocol Society in an Uproar, The
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
Belgian question and
1848 revolution in
Household Law of
Nathan’s subsidy deal with
post-Napoleonic Wars loans by
restrained borrowing by
Rothschild loans of 1830 to
State Debt Decree of
Public Works Ministry, French
Pückler-Muskau, Prince Hermann von
Nathan described by
Pynacker, Adam
Quadruple Alliance
Queensberry, Duke of
Radetzky, Joseph
Radius (clerk)
Raikes, Thomas
railway construction and investment
anti-Rothschild criticism and
in Austria
1847-48 banking crisis and
1848 revolution and
Fampoux derailment disaster and
in France
in Germany
impact of
in Italy
London house and
Rothschild interest in
Rothschild role in
vertical integration strategy and
Ranke, Leopold von
Raspail (socialist)
Ratti-Menton, comte de
Razumovski, Prince
Reeves, John
“Reflections at the Grave of N. M. Rothschild, Esq.” (Heseltine)
Reform Bill of 1830, British
Reid, Irving & Co.
Reiss, Esriel
Rembrandt van Rijn
Remplin, Karl von Hahn zu
Response of Rothschild I, King of the Jews, to Satan the Last, King of the Impostors
Ressources de Quinola, Les (Balzac)
revolution of
in Britain
cholera epidemic and
in France
in Germany
in Hesse-Kassel
James’s financial experience during
Lionel’s description of
Louis-Philippe regime and
perceived power of the Rothschilds and
Reform Bill and
reform crisis and
revolution of
agrarian crises and
anti-Semitism and
banking crises and
central banks and
1830 revolution contrasted with
“June day
s” and
Louis-Napoleon and
nationalism and
onset of
railway investment and
Rothschilds as targets in
Rothschilds’ lack of influence and
Rothschilds’ recovery from
Rothschilds’ survival in
and threats to Rothschild properties
Reynolds, Joshua
Rheinische Eisenbahngesellschaft
Rhenish Confederation
Rice, Thomas Spring
Richelieu, duc de
Richmond, Duke of
Richtenberger, Lazare
Riepel, Franz Xavier
Rigny (French minister)
Rindskopf, Beer Nehm
Rindskopf, Nehm Beer
Ritter, Rosalie Dorothea
Robertson, Pat
Robespierre, Maximilien de
Robinson, Frederick
Romance of the Rothschilds, The (Balla)
Romancero (Heine)
Romney, George
Rosebery, Earl of
Rosenberg, Alfred
Rosendaal Castle (van der Heyden)
Rossini, Gioacchino
Rother, Christian
Rothschild, Adèle Hannah Charlotte
Rothschild, Adelheid (daughter of Wilhelm Carl)
Rothschild, Adelheid Herz (wife of Carl)
Rothschild, Adolph
Rothschild, Alfred Charles de
Rothschild, Alphonse (Mayer Alphonse) de
Rothschild, Amschel Moses
cartoon of
character of
1848 revolution and
garden of
“Hep” riots and
Jewish emancipation issue and
lavish entertaining by
properties of
railway investment and
religious observance by
Rothschild, Anselm (son of Salomon)
education of
1848 revolution and
made full partner
Vienna house salvaged by
Rothschild, Anselm Alexander (son of Carl)
Rothschild, Anthony (Billy)
apprenticeship of
art collection of
horse-racing enthusiasm of
made full partner
marriage question and
rail disaster reaction of
railway investment and
Rothschild, Babette (Breunle)
Rothschild, Bettina Caroline
Rothschild, Betty (Isabella) (daughter of Mayer Amschel)
Rothschild, Betty von (wife of James)
Balzac and
1848 revolution and
Heine and
Ingres’s portrait of
Rothschild, Carl (Kalman)
children of
conversion to Christianity repudiated by
de Medici and
on education
1848 revolution and
lavish entertaining by
Medici and
Neopolitan intervention and
papal audience of
personality of
real estate of
Rothschild, Caroline Julie (daughter of Anselm)
Rothschild, Caroline Stern (wife of Salomon)
Rothschild, Charlotte (daughter of Carl)
Hannah Mayer and
Rothschild, Charlotte (daughter of James)
Rothschild, Charlotte (daughter of Nathan)
Rothschild, Constance
Rothschild, Edmond
Rothschild, Emma Louise von
Rothschild, Eva Hanau
Rothschild, Evelina de
Rothschild, Ferdinand James
Rothschild, Gustave Salomon
Rothschild, Gutelche
Rothschild, Gutle Schnapper
Rothschild, Hannah Cohen (wife of Nathan)
Rothschild, Hannah Mathilde (daughter of Anselm)
Rothschild, Hannah Mayer (daughter of Nathan)
illness and death of
in marriage to Christian
as musician
Rothschild, Henrietta ( Jettchen)
Rothschild, James (Jacob)
accessibility of
in anti-Rothschild criticism
arts and
in Balzac’s fiction
Balzac’s relationship with
Bank of England’s 1839 crisis and
Belgian loans of 1838-39 and
cartoon of
children of
crisis of 1831and
derailment disaster and
1830 revolution and
1848 revolution and
excluded from French reparation loans
France’s Spanish intervention and
French loans of 1831-32 and
Hannah Mayer’s apostasy and
Heine in conversation with
Heine’s description of
Heine’s relationship with
Herzen’s friendship with
honors awarded to
hunting enthusiasm of
Iberian conflicts, loans and
intelligence of
lavish entertainment by
Louis-Philippe and
marriage of
Metternich and
Nat’s apprenticeship and
negotiating techniques discussed by
Nesselrode’s anecdote on
Netherlands-Belgium question and
ostentatiousness of
Paris fortification project and
personality of
Prussian subsidies and
railway investment and
real estate of
religious observance by
social, cultural pursuits of
social graces lacked by
succession issue and
Tommaso affair and-
underlings as treated by
U.S. agency debate and
Viktor Metternich’s description of
Rothschild, James Edouar (son of Alphonse)
Rothschild, James Edouard (son of Nat)
Rothschild, Jeanette (Schönche)
Rothschild, Jonas
Rothschild, Juliana Cohen
Rothschild, Julie (Gotton)
death of
Rothschild, Kalman (brother of Mayer Amschel)
Rothschild, Kalman (great-grandfather of Mayer Amschel)
Rothschild, Laura Thérèse
Rothschild, Leonora
Rothschild, Lionel de
art collection of
1830 revolution described by
1848 banking crisis and
1848 revolution and
Frankfurt disliked by
hunting enthusiasm of
Irish famine relief and
“Lycurgus cup” owned by
made partner
marriage of
Nathan’s illness and death and
in Piedmont
portrait of
Portuguese loans and
Spanish loans and
Tommaso affair and
Rothschild, Louisa Montefiore
Rothschild, Louise de
Rothschild, Mayer Alphonse, see Rothschild, Alphonse
Rothschild, Mayer Amschel (father of Nathan)
birth of
charity by
children of
cinematic representations of
death of
early business career of
education of
1810 partnership agreement and
Elector’s treasure myth and
familial unity and
first known balance sheet of
French Revolution and
George IV and
given title of court agent
growing wealth of
Jewish community and
legacy of
musical based on
Nathan’s correspondence with
in Nazi propaganda
ismatic interest of
personality of
political activism of
secrecy of
and transition of business to sons
in transition to banking
William IX’s relationship with
will of
Rothschild, Mayer Amschel (son of Nathan)
Rothschild, Mayer Carl
Rothschild, Miriam
Rothschild, Moses (grandfather of Mayer Amschel)
Rothschild, Moses Amschel (brother of Mayer Amschel)
Rothschild, Nathaniel (Nat) (son of Nathan)
apprenticeship of
1848 revolution and
Hannah Mayer’s marriage and
made partner
after Nathan’s death
railway investment and
Tommaso affair and
Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer (Natty) (son of Lionel)
Rothschild, Nathan Mayer
accounting procedures of
Alliance Assurance Company and
Austrian subsidy deal and
Bank Committee testimony of
Bank of England and
bribery as practiced by
Britain’s Napoleonic War financial crisis and
brothers’ relationship with
business methods of
caricatures of
charity by
children of
cinematic representations of
commemorations of
consul title of
contemporary perception of
crisis of 1825 and
in Don Juan
economic assertiveness of
education of children and
1830 revolution and
1836 partnership agreement and
in emigration to England
fictional representations of
financial leverage of
financial malpractice suits against
financial markets after death of
funeral of
Hebrew talisman legend and
Herries and
illness and death of
industrial finance and
insurance business and
Jewish emancipation issue and
lavish hospitality of
and loans to royalty
marriage of
Mayer Amschel’s correspondence with
Napoleonic Wars and
Netherlands-Belgium crisis and
obituary on
personality of
political connections of
portrait of
press and
prodigious memory of
Prussian subsidy deal and
Pückler’s description of
real estate of
reform crisis and
religious observance by
Russian loans and
Russian subsidy deal and
as smuggler
social rank as disregarded by
South American “bubble” and
Spanish loans and
sterling exchange rate speculation by
Thackeray’s verses on
tight-fistedness of
Times and
total wealth of
in transition to banking
“two chairs” joke and
Vansittart and
Waterloo myth and
Wellington and
will of
William IX’s British investments and
working mode of
Rothschild, Salomon Albert (son of Anselm)