Phoenix Rising

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Phoenix Rising Page 15

by Anne, Melody

  “The president is dead. We’ve taken control of the White House. Troops are flying there now from Base Camp Delta.”

  “The president is dead?” she gasped, hoping she’d heard him right.

  “Yes. And we’re getting calls from all over the country at the command center. They want me down there right away. We have the complete list of bases. We almost have them in our possession,” Drake said.

  “Really? Please, don’t give me false hope,” she begged.

  “We already had control of more than I realized,” Drake told her.

  “But what if more come in from other countries?” she asked.

  “It sounds as if this world takeover has slowly been getting thwarted. We’re actually one of the last to take back our land. But our previous allies have been devastated just as hard as we have, and they’re rebuilding and haven’t been able to offer us any help,” he told her.

  “This is going to end,” she said in awe.

  “I think so,” he said with a touch of disbelief.

  “I don’t even know where to begin,” she said, leaning back.

  “Neither do I, darling, neither do I,” he said and pulled her close for a hug. “But there are smarter men than I who have been leading us. They’ll know what to do.”

  “Oh, Drake, you’ve kept this entire camp alive. Don’t think for one minute you’re not essential to our survival,” she scolded him.

  “I just knew I had to keep you safe. You’ve been my priority from the moment I found you.”

  “But you’ve not only kept me and the children safe, you’ve saved thousands of other lives. You’re a good man. Don’t take that away from yourself,” she demanded.

  “You make me a good man,” he assured her.

  “Get down there and give the good news to our community. They’ll want to hear it from you,” she told him.

  “Aren’t you coming with me?” he asked. Slowly he rose from their bed and dressed.

  “Not this time. This is for you. I want to sit here and cry for a minute.”

  “What? But this is good news.”

  “Oh, babe, these are tears of joy, and the emotion has to be released somehow. Let me be alone so I can let it all go.”

  He cupped her cheek and leaned down, gently kissing her lips before he left the room.

  She held herself together until a giant roar from their community shook her bedroom window with its joyful cry.

  She lay there for a very long time, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks.

  They were going to be safe. They were going to live their remaining years the way they were meant to.

  She couldn’t have ever imagined feeling so much joy as she did right then. This war was almost over.

  Chapter Forty-Five


  “Wait a minute,” Phoenix demanded, halting on the spot.

  “Phoenix, we need to go. If we want to change the world and create a peaceful environment, this is the first step,” Jayden said slowly.

  “Don’t treat me like a child who doesn’t understand simple concepts. We’re partners. Act like it,” Phoenix snapped.

  “Sorry,” Jayden mumbled.

  “We have a child with us,” Phoenix pointed out, tilting her head toward the sleeping child. It was a wonder the poor thing had managed to sleep through the entire night. “Do you propose we drag her down to the underworld with us?”

  “Time is of the essence,” Falcon said with an apologetic grin. “It would take much too long for us to get her back to base camp, which is the one place that would guarantee her safety, so the next best option is to keep her with us at all times.”

  “Then we need to at least wake her, so she’s aware of what’s happening and doesn’t freak out at the worst moment,” Phoenix said hesitantly, not liking the idea at all.

  “How in the hell will waking her help?” Jayden responded incredulously.

  “We can explain to her the seriousness of the situation. We can let her know that silence is necessary. She can wake up any moment. What if we are sneaking past a large group of dark forces, she wakes up in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people and starts to cry?” Phoenix explained. “I’ve been around more human children than the two of you.”

  “All right, I suppose you’re right,” Jayden conceded.

  “But you should make it quick,” Falcon cut in. “We only have a small window here. If Vyco is strong enough to send you visions, he’s strong enough to get to the underworld.”

  “I’ll be fast,” Phoenix murmured, barely paying attention to the two boys. Instead she slowly lowered herself and the tiny girl to the ground. The child looked so peaceful with her tiny eyes closed, her mouth open and releasing little puffs of air. Pour little thing would have to face a harsh reality much too soon.

  “Honey,” Phoenix said quietly, gently shaking one of the tiny little shoulders. “Baby girl, you need to wake up.”

  “Hmm?” she murmured, squirming, not quite awake yet.

  “Come on, Honey,” Phoenix said, gently holding her shoulder.

  Slowly her eyes blinked open, glancing around her in confusion. This wasn’t where she’d fallen asleep. The trees were much too sparse. And who were these people? Her confusion quickly changed to fear, reflected in her large brown eyes.

  “It’s okay,” Phoenix was quick to reassure the young girl. “We won’t harm you.”

  The child sat up, obviously uncomfortable.

  “Who are you? What do you want?”

  “My name is Phoenix. The boys I’m with are Falcon and Jayden. They can be a bit grumpy at times, but I promise they’re harmless,” Phoenix said quickly, ignoring Jayden’s chuckle, and Falcon’s indignant huff. “We found you in the woods, and we wanted to help.”

  “But I don’t need help,” the child stubbornly responded.

  “There are so many bad people in this world, Honey,” Phoenix said, hoping she could convince the child to stay with them. “I’ve seen what they can do to sweet innocent children. I come from a large group of good people. We have some work to do, but we will go back to the camp where everyone can show you just how special you are, and how much love you deserve to have showered on you.”

  “Are there other kids?” the child asked with wide eyes.

  “So many other kids you’ll have a hard time choosing just who you want to play with,” Phoenix promised. “Now, Sweetie, what can I call you? What’s your name?”

  “I’m Allison, but my mom always called me Ali,” she responded shyly.

  “It’s lovely meeting you, Ali. What a beautiful name,” Phoenix told her.

  “Thank you,” Ali said with a little blush.

  “Okay, Ali, we have a task we have to do that might be able to make the world less scary. A task that can help make the horrible soldiers disappear. But we have to go to a frightening place to do that.” Phoenix spoke slowly, trying not to backtrack on the progress she’d made with Ali.

  “Phoenix will hold you the entire time. You can hide your face in her shoulder, and if you’re scared you can tell her quietly. We won’t let any harm come to you,” Jayden promised, kneeling down to be at Ali’s level. She slowly nodded, looking between the two of them apprehensively.

  “Are you ready to go now, we need to hurry,” Falcon repeated, shifting from foot to food impatiently.

  Phoenix looked to all questioningly. It was only after Ali slowly nodded her head that Phoenix relaxed. “Let’s get this done.”

  Falcon worked his magic, no one speaking while he took his time.

  “The portal is ready for us to go,” he finally said.

  “Took you long enough,” Jayden mumbled, gratified by the glare sent his way by Falcon.

  Phoenix stared at the circular portal, entranced by the swirling colors within its seemingly endless depth. “How do you know the portal actually leads where you want it to?”

  “Because I know what I’m doing,” Falcon s
aid, offended she’d doubt his ability.

  “But why can’t you see anything through it? Wouldn’t that be terrifying stepping into the unknown?” Phoenix asked, never looking away from the portal, a bit awed by the visible display of magic.

  “It isn’t like a window or a glass door where your destination is made known. We’re traveling through realms you never even knew existed before this war began, which means conventional thoughts and ideas are thrown out the window,” Falcon teased.

  “How will we get back?” Phoenix asked, feeling hesitant about this whole trip, especially since Ali was with them.

  “We have to find another spot to open a portal and return the way we came,” Falcon explained patiently, although he didn’t feel anything near patient. He wanted to get moving before it was too late. Before Vyco arrived.

  “Let’s do this before I lose my courage,” Phoenix said. “You ready for this Ali?” Ali nodded against her shoulder, tightening her arms around Phoenix’s neck. Phoenix slowly walked toward the swirling vortex, tensing further with each step.

  “Don’t worry, love. I’m right here with you,” Jayden assured her, as he wrapped an arm around Phoenix’s waist and matched her step for step. Together the two of them reached the vortex and stepped into the swirling depth.

  Phoenix felt weightless, as if she were floating through air. Maybe this was how clouds felt. She didn’t have much time to contemplate the feeling before she felt solid ground beneath her feet and the underworld came into focus.

  First of all, it was dark. There was some light, but not much. Most of the light came from a scattering of fires in the distance. Despite the fire, there was an icy chill that permeated the air, causing goosebumps to appear up and down Phoenix’s arms.

  They seemed to be in a vast dirt valley, with a few rugged rocks, and scattered tall ominous buildings complete with spiked towers in the distance. The area certainly wasn’t inviting, and it definitely didn’t offer much room for protection from the sight of other lurking dark forces.

  Ali burrowed farther into Phoenix’s shoulder, not liking the new area at all.

  “We need to move toward that tower,” Falcon said, pointing to a tall, dark building that rose above the wasteland.

  “I feel so exposed,” Phoenix said, scared to speak above a whisper, lest she be heard and minions attacked the group.

  “This is the only way to go, Princess. Suck it up,” Falcon responded unsympathetically, not even looking at Phoenix. Before she could utter a retort he was marching forward, cutting through the open desert as though he were a king with nothing to fear.

  “Hey there. You’re with me, Phoenix. And you know I’d never let anything happen to you, or the precious girl in your arms. If you trust in anything, trust that,” Jayden said.

  “I trust you,” Phoenix whispered back.

  “Good. I’ll be by your side the entire time we’re here. You would have never seen this place if circumstances were different. But we have to do this to fulfill our duty to the world. Soon this will be over,” Jayden responded, grasping Phoenix’s hand and gently tugging her so she began to walk.

  Falcon was already a good fifty yards ahead of the couple.

  They walked for a long while before Ali could be heard gently snoring from Phoenix’s shoulder. It was then that Phoenix decided she had some questions she needed answered.

  “This was your home?”

  Jayden shifted. He was never comfortable talking about his time in the underworld. If he could wipe the actions and memories from his past, he wouldn’t hesitate to do it, but unfortunately that wasn’t possible.

  He glanced around, hating that Phoenix was in such a dark place. She was much too pure for this, much too perfect. She rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb and looked at him inquisitively for an answer to her question.

  “This, regretfully, was my home,” Jayden finally responded. He was closing off, and she knew it.

  “Don’t you dare shut me down for asking a question! I love you, and that won’t change, but it does mean that your past is of interest to me, and I deserve answers,” Phoenix firmly said.

  “It’s not something I like to talk about,” Jayden answered.

  “Yes, we all have subjects we don’t want to talk about. Like, say, a brother who happens to be the new leader of the underworld. But when you’re in a relationship you want to work, honesty and trust are important, which translates to me able to ask questions, and you able to answer them,” Phoenix said, feeling grateful Falcon was marching ahead of the two of them so there was more privacy for this conversation.

  “What exactly would you like to know?” Jayden asked, feeling resigned to his fate of talking about the past.

  “First, tell me about the living situation here,” Phoenix said.

  She truly wanted to know. Not only would she learn new information about the mysterious underworld, but she’d also gain valuable information about her boyfriend and how he’d grown up and lived his life. So many questions. It was a good way to pass the time on this never-ending walk.

  “I’ll talk, but I’m not sure you’ll still feel the same about me,” he warned.

  She stopped and turned to him. “Nothing about your past will change the man you are today. I love you. That’s all that matters. Now, let me inside.”

  He wanted to kiss her, but he refused to do it in this dark place. Instead, he brushed her cheek before smiling.

  “I’ll remind you of what you just said if you grow angry with me,” he promised.

  “My time here began after I chose to leave the light . . .

  Chapter Forty-Six


  “Where is Johnathan? You said he’d help us with this task? Don’t we need his power?”

  “He’s taking care of business. He’ll be here shortly after the attack. He’ll help us, but even if he doesn’t come, the combined power of all of you is strong enough to triumph,” Jessica answered confidently, looking at the puny being who would dare question her.

  In reality, Jessica had no idea where the moody rat had run off to. He’d said he would be here, yet he wasn’t. Just when she thought he’d fallen under her thumb he went off and did something like this.

  “But we need him.”

  “Not with so many powerful, united followers who have the upper hand with surprise,” she repeated. “Once we step through this portal, there’s no going back.” Jessica stared across the crowd of followers, trying to convey how serious the situation was. “We need to stand as a united front if we want to turn the tide of this universe. To gain the control we truly want and need.”

  “We’ve been pushed and shoved to the bottom of society for too long. It’s time to stand up for our rightful position in this universe. It’s time to show those bigoted leaders just who is the true boss. It’s time to create our new world order,” a voice from the crowd shouted, causing a rumble of agreement to follow.

  Jessica glared, angry that some nobody could get a better reaction from the group than she could. She took a deep breath and blanked her face to conceal her emotion.

  She wouldn’t have to worry about any of them much longer. She would be on top, and there was nothing they could do about it. Queen Jessica had quite the ring to it.

  “Move out,” Jessica demanded, moving toward the portal without checking that any were following behind. She knew they would.

  The crowd quickly hurried forward, each person wanting to prove its worth and skill. They wanted a part in the violence, to be known historically as a follower that made a difference in the massacre that changed history. They each wanted control. They wanted to rule, and most of all, they wanted the power that Jessica offered them.

  Thousands of dark beings hurried through the portal, pushing, shoving, and growling as they made an entrance, Jessica standing in the lead. The landing was so very white, crisp and clean.

  It made Jessica shudder. She knew she wasn’t worthy to stand h
ere. She glanced around, shocked at how empty everything was. Where were the guards? Where were the pedestrians? The immortals? Not that this was anything to complain about. That was just one less issue she had to worry about in her mighty plan, but she definitely didn’t need any complications with Johnathan missing.

  “Quietly,” Jessica whispered, hearing a murmur move through the crowd as word spread of the silence greeting them. She moved forward, feeling the presence of the minions at her back. They stood behind her, giving her the confidence and power to continue forward.

  She wasn’t so foolish as to think she was strong enough to go against the council. However, she was smart enough to plan their takeover and rule the universe. Manipulation would work more to her advantage than brute strength ever could.

  Ahead, a crisp white building stood tall, arches showcasing its beauty. The purity made Jessica shudder. When she ruled high, this place would change. She hated it.

  The front doors were a tall rich wood. Maybe oak? Jessica had never paid much attention in the forest. Maybe that was the reason she was never picked to gather berries and such when she’d lived in that wretched cave with all those weak and entitled mortals.

  Covering the door were intricate carvings. It must have taken years to put this much detail into the design. Jessica looked back and nodded to the minions behind her, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction as the warm heat of flames rushed past her and blasted into the door, ruining the design and leaving a crater in the center, wide enough for the group to pour through.

  A deep roar echoed through the building as the minions rushed the entrance, ready to attack, ready to take over the world. Jessica stood aside, allowing the others to go through first. She couldn’t very well allow herself to be injured during the battle. What kind of ruler would she be if she needed to recuperate?

  A loud scream came from inside. Jessica couldn’t help but grin, loving the fear she felt oozing through the air. That was just what this building had been missing. She glanced through the opening as the last of the minions crowded inside, watching the white clad figures back into the wall, surrounded by hordes of minions, shock and fear clearly evident on their faces.


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