Phoenix Rising

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Phoenix Rising Page 16

by Anne, Melody

  She gasped as one of the followers struck a large blade through a council member’s midsection, feeling satisfaction ooze through her as the woman’s mouth opened in shock, her legs giving out under the brutal assault. What an entertaining way for Jessica to spend her evening.

  The screams continued ripping through the air and she laughed in triumph. Soon . . . very soon, she would be queen.

  Chapter Forty-Seven


  Screams could be heard as Johnathan rushed through the portal toward a building that appeared to be on fire. Never had he been in the mystical world of the council, and how unfortunate he was entering it in this way.

  He burst through the door, and his voice roared as he spoke.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going through with the plan! Unlike you, who didn’t even arrive as we agreed,” Jessica yelled, pissed that he would risk everything. He needed to get over his torment. He was the leader of the underworld now.

  “There was a change in plans,” Johnathan said, pushing past Jessica and entering the hole in the large doorway.

  “Stop,” Johnathan roared, his voice echoing across the room.

  He snarled at the evil minions, feeling his blood boil when a few of them disobeyed his orders. With a quick, smooth movement Johnathan drew his sword and sliced the heads from five evil beings, watching them fall to the ground, lifeless.

  “Anyone else want to test my patience? There isn’t much of it left.”

  Silence filled the chamber. The followers were unsure how to proceed, and the elders huddled closer together, trying to protect the living members, trying to survive.

  “This was the plan,” a reaper whispered. “You’re not our true leader. We will take control.” Without a second thought the reaper moved toward Johnathan, ready to attack.

  Johnathan closed his eyes for a brief second and reached deep for his powers. With a smirk he allowed a blast of fire to hit the reaper.

  Johnathan was inherently more powerful than each and every being in this room, and with his advanced knowledge of the heavens, the minions stood no chance. He knew the dark followers weaknesses, and he’d exploit them.

  “Anyone else want to end their life today?”

  No one moved. Johnathan almost felt disappointed. A little fighting would be a nice way to work off this energy, to push some of this rage from his system.

  “None of you? What a bunch of cowards you are,” he murmured, pacing the room. “It’s been too long since I’ve had a good fight.” But they wouldn’t go against him. With the reapers dead none of them would fight, not when he had so easily diminished the strongest creature of the underworld with so little effort. The survival instinct, the selfish need to survive, was much too strong among these beings.

  “Leave. Now. Go back to the underbellies of the earth. If I find even one of you out and about I will attack and mutilate as many of you as I find. That includes you, Jessica,” Johnathan demanded quietly, knowing he didn’t need to speak loud to be heard.

  The group gazed at him in horror, never having seen him so icy. He wasn’t showing anger. That was easy to push aside. That was easy to fight against. The lack of emotion though frightened them. He was serious.

  “Did I stutter? Move,” Johnathan demanded. Chaos erupted as minions fled toward the door, moving as fast as they could, pushing and shoving in an effort to get away.

  Johnathan watched as one of them tripped, watched as hundreds of minions trampled over his body, not caring about their fallen comrade. That was exactly why a demonic reign over the universe would never work. They were all too self-serving. There wasn’t a thought toward other creatures. Nobody would survive if mindless killing was the only agenda. The dark world would turn the universe into a lifeless existence.

  Soon the room was empty of the evil masses from the underworld. Johnathan glanced around the room and felt his heart constrict as he gazed at the destruction.

  Blood splatters covered the once pristine walls; soft crying could be heard coming from the injured and scared elders that still lived. Dead bodies were scattered throughout. A majority of the dead were dark followers, but a few white clad bodies could be found mixed in. How could he have ever thought this could be a good idea?

  Johnathan stepped forward, toward the living council who remained crouched in the corner. For a moment Johnathan wondered why they hadn’t attempted to run before he saw the wounded they were crowding around, trying to protect, and refusing to leave behind.

  They were so loyal to each other. So selfless. Johnathan cringed, feeling like a monster. How could he even stand in their presence? He wasn’t worthy. But he needed to help them. He needed to change, to show he wasn’t as bad as he’d been acting.

  “Let me help,” Johnathan whispered, crouching low. He threw his sword to his side, allowing himself to be defenseless. Whether they accepted his help or killed him now was their choice, a choice he would happily accept. He needed to make this right.

  “Please,” Johnathan pleaded, staring desperately at the group as they continued to watch him. “You need to get medical attention. We need to bury the dead. No more can die!”

  One of the members stepped away from the others, and their faces suddenly transformed. The ones he’d thought were dead rose, and he was surrounded.

  “What is this?” he asked as he dropped to his knees. He knew he was about to die, and he wanted to at least know what was going on.

  A sound came through the door, and he looked over to see it repairing itself, one piece in less than the blink of an eye.

  “Did you really think the council was vulnerable?” the woman asked as she stood in front of him.

  “But you looked so frightened,” he gasped.

  “This battle wasn’t about us, Johnathan,” she said with a sad shake of her head. “With one twist of our finger, all creation on your planet would cease. Don’t you realize many have attempted to destroy us? It can’t be done.”

  What a fool he’d been.

  “So now I die,” he said. It wasn’t a question.

  He closed his eyes and finally allowed the rage to drain. He wanted her name on his lips when his head was removed.

  “Cassidy . . .”

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  I remember how scared I was when I’d first found out exactly who Jayden was and what kind of life he’d lived before we met. It was wild to imagine the terrible acts he’d committed or had been a part of.

  Those sorts of thoughts never cross my mind anymore. Now I just want to know him in every way possible. I wish I had more time to dig into Jayden’s brain and discover all his secrets, to hear about his life, and what he has been through. I want to know what makes him tick. What are his weak points? What were the hardest moments in his life? What has been his greatest joy?

  He’s the single most important person in my life, and I think he accomplished that feat the moment we met in that old clearing. Somehow he stole my heart. Not even my fear of the unknown has been enough to prevent our relationship from growing.

  If I don’t complete my mission, if I die before this is over, I won’t have any regrets. Because I have loved. I have loved pure and true. It doesn’t matter if the world tells me it’s wrong, it doesn’t matter if others agree with me or not. I know how I feel. I know what I want. I love him. I always will. Therefore I will never have any regrets.

  “We’re here. Talking needs to cease,” Falcon whispered, stepping back so he stood within arm’s reach of Phoenix and Jayden. He’d been leading the way since he was the only being alive who Vyco had told about his body.

  Jayden immediately placed an arm around Phoenix’s waist and pulled her close. Next he scanned the area, focusing on all his senses to figure out just what had thrown Falcon on edge.

  “What is it?” Jayden whispered, quickly glancing to Falcon before he continued his scan.

  “That’s the entr
ance,” Falcon murmured, pointing to a large building next to a dark opening.


  “It shouldn’t be open,” Falcon responded quickly. “You better be ready for a fight, because this task might have gotten ten times more difficult.”

  “It isn’t Vyco, is it?” Phoenix asked.

  “Vyco and I were the only ones who knew of this location and what’s held within it. It’s either Vyco, or a curious follower who has no clue what he’s stumbled upon. I’m leaning more toward the Vyco theory,” Falcon stated.

  He knew he’d changed sides, and it was going to stay that way, but going against the man he once had given his allegiance to was definitely not something he looked forward to.

  “Why not lean toward the side of optimism?” Phoenix asked weakly, staring at the dark tunnel. She didn’t want to face Vyco so soon. She hated the power he held over her, how weak he made her feel.

  “Optimism doesn’t prepare you for a worst case scenario,” Falcon responded, effectively crushing Phoenix’s hopes in one fell swoop.

  “It’s all right,” Jayden whispered, pulling her in closer so she could feel the heat radiating from him. “No matter what the situation, I will protect you. He has no more power over you. You are free. Always remember you are free of him.”

  “Thanks, my love,” Phoenix whispered, staring at him in admiration.

  How could he be so strong and steady in the face of conflict? She knew it couldn’t be easy for Jayden facing him, or even thinking of facing him. Vyco had been in control of Jayden for the majority of his life, had caused countless problems for him, and had been the one who murdered his sister so ruthlessly, yet Jayden didn’t falter in his determination to move forward.

  “We need to move out, and fast. If we get there quickly, we might be able to stop any progression he’s made toward reaching full power. We need every advantage we can get,” Falcon demanded.

  He moved again at a brutal pace. Jayden followed at his heel, knowing if a battle were to happen they needed to be a united front. Phoenix jogged behind them, cradling Ali.

  Before she turned another corner, there was a shout and then heat exploded as a blast of fire was released from Jayden’s hand.

  “You traitor,” a familiar voice hissed. It stopped Phoenix dead in her tracks.

  “Devon?” she whispered, hurrying forward, feeling as though she’d been punched in the gut as soon as his familiar curls came into sight.

  It was the same goofy guy she’d cared for so dearly. His same deep eyes, his same soft curly hair. But his face was twisted in a way Phoenix had never experienced. He was Devon, but not the Devon that Phoenix had come to know and love.

  “Sweet little Phoenix,” the thing responded, grinning cruelly in her direction, acting as though the fire Falcon had sent his way had been nothing. “You’ve made it much too easy to steal this boy’s body. Such a cruel woman.”

  Phoenix recoiled from him, from the words that spewed from his mouth. Jayden stepped in front of her.

  “Vyco.” His name came out on a whispered breath.

  “See, darling, we do have a connection — one you might not like, but one that is very real indeed,” he snarled. “Choose wisely now, Phoenix. You’re in my home. Either submit to me or perish with your so-called protectors,” he warned.

  She gasped at the audacity of this creature. “You still think you have power over me, that I would ever want you?”

  His eyes narrowed as he opened his mouth. Jayden was the next to speak though.

  “There’s nothing you have to say to us that we are remotely interested in hearing.”

  “Says the traitor,” Vyco snapped as he whipped his head in Jayden’s direction. “What a happy little reunion we have here,” he mused, glancing from Jayden to Falcon.

  He took a step toward the four of them.

  “It will be a short-lived reunion,” Falcon responded calmly. He took a deep breath, trying to steal his nerves, knowing he needed every ounce of sanity in him if he wanted to make it through a fight with Vyco.

  “What caused you to fall away from me, Little Falcon?” Vyco asked, ignoring the threats made against him, not deeming them worthy of concern.

  “I made new allegiances,” Falcon answered, standing in wait, wondering just what game Vyco was attempting to play.

  “Happened to find sweet little Evelyn, did you? I knew it would happen eventually, you always did follow after that one like a little lost puppy,” Vyco taunted, moving closer. “I thought about killing her multiple times, but she was always so elusive.”

  The laughter spilling from the vile creature’s lips was enraging Falcon.

  “What do you know of Evelyn?” Falcon demanded.

  “Little Evelyn, making a living on earth since the invasion. Her tiny little brain couldn’t handle all of the violence, poor thing,” Vyco simpered.

  “Don’t buy into his taunting,” Jayden snapped, grabbing Falcon’s arm to prevent him from attempting something reckless.

  Falcon shook off Jayden’s grip, staring down Vyco with furry. “How long have you known about Evelyn?”

  “Since the second you came to me about her missing,” Vyco replied. “Poor wounded Falcon was hurt that his soul mate would run away. It was the perfect opportunity to step in and take control. And as you can see, it worked for quite some time.”

  “You betrayed my trust from the beginning?” Falcon accused. All of those years of loyalty were for nothing. All that time wasted.

  “I never trust anyone. That’s an amateur mistake. I would think you’d have learned that lesson years ago. Apparently you were a subpar student, along with being naïve.”

  “Falcon, don’t listen to him. We end this today, and we never have to deal with him again. We never have to be under his control. Stand with me now, and bring his regime to a stop,” Jayden demanded, stepping forward and trying to make eye contact with Falcon. Falcon avoided the look, but allowed himself a terse nod.

  “You really think you two traitors have a chance against me? I created and ruled over the underworld for eternities for a reason,” Vyco taunted.

  “If Johnathan could so easily rid the world of your disgusting presence, I have full faith that Jayden could do it while half asleep,” Phoenix said, wanting his attention back on her. If he focused on her, he was weak, and that gave them power.

  “I’ve decided not to kill you, Phoenix. I’ll have you as mine. I have great plans for the two of us, especially now that you’re immortal. You have powers you don’t even understand. Together we will rule this universe,” he said with glee.

  “Go for the body. That’s the true source of life. That’s the source of his power. This is just the shell,” Falcon whispered to Jayden before sprinting forward.

  Vyco flung out his arm, halting Falcon’s progress. Jayden tried to use the opportunity to slip past, but Vyco was one step ahead, swiftly kicking his legs out from underneath him.

  Phoenix stared in horror at the quick movements. She concentrated, knowing she couldn’t give in to her fears, knowing that despite Falcon and Jayden working together, they weren’t strong enough to do this without her. She was the chosen one.

  She made a quick choice and slowly moved to a rocky corner. Pressing a quick kiss to Ali’s forehead, she set her down and moved away, praying she’d be protected.

  “Vyco!” Her voice had never thundered so loud. Everyone stopped as the walls shook.

  Before she had time to think about the power flowing through her, she rushed forward, grabbing hold of Vyco and making him stumble.

  “Get to the body,” she screamed at Jayden and Falcon who were looking at her in an entirely different way.

  Vyco slammed her against the cold rock wall, knocking the air from her. Phoenix felt the cold slice of stone cutting into her back as she slid down the wall.

  “If you wanted to play you should have said so,” Vyco whispered darkly, slamming his foot onto her stomac
h before kicking her arm, a sickening crack filling the room.

  She wouldn’t give in to the pain though.

  “Let’s see how your neck handles it,” Vyco taunted, bringing his foot down. Before he made contact, Jayden was there, flying through the air and sending both of them into the far wall, rocks crashing around them.

  “Falcon, do it!” Jayden shouted as Vyco gripped Jayden’s hair and shoulders, planning on decapitating him.

  Phoenix stood, her wounds already healing, but her strength diminished.

  “No.” She could hear Jayden’s bones breaking.

  Falcon rushed to Vyco’s cold, still body and with a quick thrust, pushed down his sword, plunging it into Vyco’s heart.

  “What have you done?” Vyco screamed, releasing Jayden as he dropped to his knees.

  How does it feel to lose, Vyco?

  “Shut up, Devon. I won’t lose,” Vyco screamed.

  You already have . . .

  Vyco was fading. He could feel Devon overtaking him.

  “I won’t go alone,” Vyco shouted, reaching for the nearest rock.


  “You didn’t expect this, did you?” Vyco gurgled as he sliced the rock across his host body’s throat, feeling hot blood trickle down his chest.

  “No! Devon,” Phoenix screamed, rushing toward the body that now lay motionless on the floor. “Please no. Please come back,” she cried, cradling his head, running her fingers through his curls.

  “Phoenix,” Jayden whispered, dropping to his knees. “I’m sorry.” He pulled her in close.

  “It’s done,” Falcon whispered, staring at the couple on the ground. “Vyco’s body is dust. His reign is over. He has no way of coming back. I know it’s hard to lose a friend, but I think he’d be happy to know you came out of it safe and alive.”

  “Phoenix,” Ali whispered, crawling out from the corner. “Are you okay? Can we leave now?”

  “Come here, sweet girl,” Phoenix said, holding out her arms. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her own emotions, knowing she needed to be strong if only to be there for this precious girl who’d already gone through too much.


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