Phoenix Rising

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Phoenix Rising Page 17

by Anne, Melody

  “Let’s go home,” Jayden said.

  Together they walked from this evil chamber, never once stopping and looking back. It was over — it was all over.

  Chapter Forty-Nine


  His head wasn’t severed from his body. When he opened his eyes again, Johnathan was surprised to still be alive. He didn’t say a word as he waited for the council to speak.

  “What made you change your mind? What made you decide to help?” Edward, the lead council member, asked.

  “I couldn’t cause this destruction just because I was in pain. I couldn’t watch the universe fade into despair because I can’t seem to find a reason to keep going,” Johnathan answered. “Cassidy would be devastated by my behavior. I’ve become somebody she’d despise.”

  “You’re not the only man who has lost someone he loves dearly,” Edward pointed out.

  “No. My behavior has been inexcusable, and I accept any consequences chosen for me,” Johnathan answered.

  “You’re humanity still resides within you. There’s still hope,” Edward answered vaguely.

  “Johnathan, look at me,” Emily commanded.

  “Yes, Emily?”

  “You need healing.”

  “I didn’t get hurt,” he pointed out, confused.

  “I’m not worried about your body, Johnathan,” she told him.

  “I’m not going to ever be whole again,” he responded.

  “The pain of losing your true love is unbearable, but it’s the character you show in the face of your worst nightmare that defines who you truly are,” she told him.

  “And I have failed,” he said.

  “No, Johnathan. You are forgiven.”

  “I don’t deserve your mercy,” he said.

  “That’s not for you to decide,” Edward spoke.

  “I can only try to make amends for the damage I’ve caused,” he said, emotion welling within him so deeply he felt as if he were going to pass out. He was beginning to feel the pain all over again, and he didn’t want to.

  A scream ripped from his chest, and tears flooded down his cheeks.

  “No. Please take my life. I can’t feel this again. I can’t,” he pleaded.

  Edward laid a hand on his shoulder.

  “You made a good choice today — a choice that will be rewarded,” Edward said.

  “What? I don’t deserve a reward. If it hadn’t been for me, this attack would have never happened in the first place,” Johnathan told them.

  “The choice had already been made long before you made your journey into the underworld. Whether you were there or not it was going to happen. What’s important is the decision you made. That was free will. That’s what the council fights so hard to preserve,” Edward told him.

  “What are you saying?” At least in his confusion, the pain was lessened, if only by the tiniest bit.

  “We are saying you’ve earned a reward,” Edward repeated.

  “There’s nothing I want,” Johnathan told them honestly.

  “We’ve decided to bring back Cassidy.”

  “That’s impossible,” Johnathan whispered. But he suddenly hated this man with a viciousness that rivaled anything he’d felt before. “How dare you give me this hope?”

  “Johnathan,” Edward said, patiently waiting for Johnathan to calm down. “You’re new in this world, so of course you don’t know all of the workings of the council. Bringing Cassidy back is most certainly not impossible. It’s not often such an event will occur, but it’s possible. This building contains an ancient power that the council draws strength from. It takes many years to recharge the power, but it was last used longer ago. We have chosen to use it now,” Edward explained gently.

  “You can really bring her back?” he whispered.

  “We can and will bring her back.”

  “But why do this for me? There are many more worthy to bestow your favor upon.”

  “You have more ahead of you than you can imagine, Johnathan. Cassidy will have to be by your side for you to accomplish everything.”

  “What? I’m nobody,” he argued.

  “You are much more important than you can possibly comprehend,” Emily said.

  He was silent for several heartbeats as he tried to process their words. But when he looked up, there was true hope in his eyes.

  “How soon?”

  “It won’t be long, Johnathan. We need to convene, and then you will have her back,” Edward said.

  Then the council disappeared.

  Johnathan didn’t move as he waited. Even if it took an eternity of him kneeling in this very spot, he wouldn’t move. He didn’t quite believe them, but this was the council. They wouldn’t lie. Still, his heart rapidly beat as he waited . . .

  Chapter Fifty


  Scorching fire ripped through her as she felt her life draining. No! She couldn’t leave Johnathan. No. Please, no.

  As the embers of fire ripped through her body, the flash changed. Suddenly, she felt light filling her. What was this?

  And then she was falling. It seemed endless as she fell through the universe, stars blinding her, worlds going by. She’d been told eternal death meant forever death, but she felt alive.

  How was that possible?

  And then she hit the ground. Her body ached, and she shivered. But it didn’t last. Slowly, warmth suffused her, and without opening her eyes she knew she was in Johnathan’s arms.

  But how?

  “Johnathan?” she whispered, barely recognizing her own voice.

  “I’m right here. I’m right here,” he said over and over again. “I’m with you. We’re together.”

  Finally, she opened her eyes to see his beautiful face, tears streaming down his cheeks, dark circles around his eyes.

  “What’s happened? Why do you look this way?” she asked.

  “You left me,” he said then had to choke back the pain. “I couldn’t survive it, but it doesn’t matter, because you’re back.”

  “Vyco . . .” she uttered, fear in her eyes. “He . . . killed me. I don’t know how this is possible. Are we getting a chance to say goodbye?”

  “No, my darling. The council has given you back to me,” he whispered.

  “How long have I been gone?” she asked.

  “Too long, my darling. An eternity,” he said. She waited. “It’s been a year. You’ve been gone for a year.”

  “I was falling. There was so much pain, and I knew I was fading. I was falling through the stars. It was beautiful, but I had no control. I was lost,” she told him.

  “I should have searched for you. I should have known you were still out there,” he told her as he kissed her cheeks and ran his fingers through her silken hair.

  “It wasn’t your journey to find me, Johnathan. You must have done something great to have been able to bring me back.”

  “No. I was so lost, so very lost. But the council must see something I can’t,” he told her.

  “They see what I’ve always been able to,” she said, her fingers lacing with his as she gazed adoringly at him. “You are needed,” she said, not even surprised.

  “I won’t argue with them, but I think they have the wrong person. I’m nothing, but I wanted you back so badly, I couldn’t tell them that,” he admitted. “They said there’s something important in my future.”

  “I’ve always known that,” she told him.

  “I’ve done horrible things while you’ve been gone,” he admitted.

  “Oh, Johnathan, you must tell me.”

  “I’m afraid if I do, you’ll leave me,” he said as he hung his head in shame.

  “I might be disappointed in your actions, but I would never leave you,” she told him.

  With a sigh, he decided to start at the beginning. He couldn’t even look in her eyes as he spoke about trying to kill her brother, abandoning his sister, helping the enemy forces, and his time with
Jessica. She was silent throughout it all.

  “Please say something,” he pleaded when the silence lasted too long.

  “Wow,” she finally uttered as she rose.

  She paced in front of him, and all he wanted to do was pull her back into his arms, but he knew now wasn’t the best time to do that.

  “Will you forgive me?” he finally asked when he couldn’t stand it any longer.

  She moved over to him and looked deeply into his eyes as if assessing what he was thinking, feeling, and even dreaming of.

  “Did you learn from the mistakes you’ve made?” she finally asked.

  “I know I was wrong. I know I struck out in pain and anger, and before they granted you back into my life, I knew I’d made the wrong choices. I’m repentant for my sins. But I can’t ever take back what I did,” he told her.

  “It’s not my place to forgive you, Johnathan. The sins you committed are on your shoulders. It’s my place to be here for you, to love you through it, and to assure you that I’ll never go away. I love you, darling. And that means through the good and the bad.”

  It took him a moment to process her words, but when he did, joy rushed through him unlike anything he’d ever felt before. Not hesitating any further, he scooped Cassidy into his arms and pulled her tightly against him before he leaned down and kissed her with all the passion and love he’d been wanting to show her for the past year.

  When he pulled away, he stood there for a long moment looking at her and taking in her sweet scent.

  “I love you eternally, Cassidy. Please, never leave me again.”

  “Never would I part from your side as long as the choice is in my hands,” she assured him.

  His sins weren’t forgiven, not to him, at least, but he’d find redemption in this woman’s arms.

  Chapter Fifty-One


  Arriving at the tunnel that would take them from the underworld, Phoenix turned to give it a final look.

  “I pray we never have to return here,” she murmured, pulling Ali in closer as she felt a shiver down her spine.

  Jayden placed a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed it.

  “There’s no reason we would. We’ve done what we’ve been called to do. I think it’s time the two of us are allowed a bit of selfishness, time to focus on us and our future.”

  “After everything we’ve gone through it’s hard to picture that there will even be a future. How do we get past this, and put it behind us?”

  “We hold each other. We hold onto our dreams and we rely on each other’s strength. This has been crazy, but with you by my side we can do anything.” Jayden pressed a kiss to her temple.

  “I’m ready to leave,” Phoenix said, pressing a chaste kiss to Jayden’s cheek.

  The bright light of the portal was disorienting to stare at after being locked down in the underworld. The swirling colors were definitely inviting, but then almost anything would be a welcome change when compared to the dark vortex of the underworld.

  Falcon had already stepped through the portal. He seemed in a hurry to get away, and considering his past, it was probably best that he didn’t linger.

  Phoenix stepped through the portal, cringing as the dizzying effect of travel took hold. She clenched her eyes closed and continued to hold Ali against her, waiting until the spinning came to an end.

  “Are you okay?” Jayden asked.

  Phoenix weakly nodded.

  “It definitely takes some getting used to,” Jayden said.

  “That is something I never want to do enough to get used to it,” Phoenix told him. “I would consider it a happy life if I never see that darkness again.”

  “Then I will most certainly keep you away from any portals,” Jayden said with a smile.

  “Seriously, I’ve spent as much time with you two as a person can handle,” Falcon said.

  “What?” Phoenix questioned.

  “He watches your every move, practically knows what you’re going to do before you do it. You move together effortlessly. It’s a bit nauseating.”

  “That’s what it was like in the heavens when you were with Evelyn,” Jayden pointed out.

  “I don’t know how you put up with me then,” Falcon said with a laugh. “Let’s get some distance between us and this portal. I don’t want to be close when other beings come around to use it. I’ve had enough action for the day.”

  Ali poked her head out from beneath the blanket. “Are we all done with the scary stuff?” she asked softly.

  “All done, baby girl,” Phoenix responded. “We’re going to get you to a safe place now, sweet one.”

  Ali nodded, allowing a grin to lift her lips. She snuggled back against Phoenix’s neck, happy to let someone else take charge and not have to worry about her own safety or needs. She finally was allowed to be a child again.

  They didn’t hesitate any longer to start their journey home.

  Chapter Fifty-Two


  Slowing down, Phoenix looked toward the forest, noting a bright light that had nothing to do with the sun beginning to break through the trees.

  “Do you guys see that?” she asked.

  Jayden nodded tersely, glancing around to try to determine the cause. He sensed nothing in the vicinity. He couldn’t hear or smell any other beings. He glanced toward Falcon, wondering if maybe he noticed something that was slipping past his senses.

  “Nothing,” Falcon whispered back, moving closer to Jayden. If they were attacked, they presented a much stronger front together rather than as individual targets.

  They weren’t left waiting long. Josiah appeared in front of them.

  “No need to get worked up,” he stated calmly, stepping forward.

  It never ceased to amaze Phoenix when staring at the creator of her world, the man who’d bestowed so much responsibility on her, the man who had faith in humanity even when it fell into shambles.

  “What is this visit for?” Jayden asked, still feeling on edge around Josiah.

  He knew he wasn’t worthy to reside in his presence. Being near his creator reminded him of his past decisions and the shame those decisions brought.

  “I’ve come from a meeting with the council,” Josiah began. “There’s information I needed to give you right away.”

  “Did they finally decide to help? It’s a bit late now,” Falcon griped.

  This was the first time he’d seen Josiah since his fall from grace, and he was awash in shame, though desperately trying to cover it up.

  “They did decide to help,” Josiah responded, calm and collected as always. “The council was attacked by Jessica and her legion of minions. Johnathan arrived and stepped up, showing his true nature.”

  “Weren’t Johnathan and Jessica working together?” Phoenix asked.

  If Johnathan had fought against Jessica, that meant she had her brother back, didn’t it?

  “Johnathan had a change of heart. The attack, and your brother stepping in to choose right, has shown the council there is still so much good on this planet,” Josiah explained.

  “What does that mean, though?”

  “It means that you are in their favor,” Josiah said.

  “And what about Jessica?” Jayden asked.

  “She escaped but the council doesn’t believe she’s a threat on her own. She lost Johnathan, and she lost Vyco. She’s nothing now. But they’ll keep an eye on her.”

  Jayden would much prefer the entire underworld were eradicated, but he knew they wouldn’t do that. There needed to be balance in the universe, even if the existence of said balance wasn’t something Jayden particularly cared for. He’d much rather live in peace.

  “I think the evil forces will be running for a long time to come,” Josiah assured them all.

  “I hope so,” Phoenix said. “And I appreciate the news, however, you don’t visit unless it’s important,” Phoenix pointed out.

  “Your c
ontribution involving Vyco, while maybe not universally important, was necessary for peace and the longevity of this planet. The council allowed this world to be created, and although I lead the light force, I will never take away free will. I still want life to continue here and flourish,” Josiah began.

  “Wait,” Phoenix cut in. “How did you know about Vyco?”

  “You’d be surprised just how much an old man like me sees,” Josiah said with a mysterious smile.

  His eyes twinkled as he looked briefly at Phoenix. She would love to know what he was thinking about.

  “Now, as I was saying,” Josiah continued, “I came here to personally thank each of you for what you’ve done. Phoenix, I know you didn’t ask, or want, to be chosen for this task, but despite the circumstances you handled it with grace. Because of your hard work, I wish to bestow each of you a blessing.”

  “What do you mean by a blessing?” Jayden asked.

  “Anything you desire within my power is yours,” Josiah responded simply. “Falcon,” Josiah stated, making him jump. “Despite your thoughts otherwise, you are good. Your soul has always been good even if you strayed for a while. You might not believe yourself worthy, but you can return to where you belong. You can have your home in the light once more if that is your wish.”

  “My soul would be cleansed of the dark?” Falcon stuttered.

  “Not only you, but Evelyn as well. You have a lot of catching up to do, and you have a home the two of you have barely spent any time in,” Josiah responded. He was talking of the heavens where many immortals chose to reside. There was so much more out there in the universe than anyone could truly comprehend.

  “Yes,” Falcon whispered without hesitation. “There’s nothing I want more, and I know nothing else would make Evelyn happier.”

  Josiah smiled warmly, “Go to Evelyn and tell her the news. Tell her to make her last rounds on this planet. It will be some time before you’ll return. I’ll be there soon to take you home.”


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