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Jayden Page 8

by Catherine Lievens

  Dominic glanced their way once Jayden had stopped crying. “You know we need to take Murray out, right?”

  “Yeah, I know, and honestly, I should’ve told you about him long ago. I just thought you had better things to do than going after a bully.”

  “You should know me better than that, Jayden.”

  “I do, but you had more important things to do.”

  “All right, let’s talk about what we can do rather than what we should’ve done,” Cole declared.

  Heath leaned against Jayden and whispered, “Who are all these guys?”

  Jayden laughed. He didn’t even know why, and he knew he probably looked like a crazy person, but it felt so good because he could feel the tension draining away.

  “Okay, wait. We need to do the who’s who before anything, and I think we should call Heath’s dad at the end of the meeting, to meet Cole. Besides, I think we all know what’s going to happen.”

  Dominic nodded. “Sorry, my bad. Heath, these are some of the council members. Nysys and his mate Morin, Kameron, Cole, and Chogan. Bradley you probably saw in the computer room. Cole is the one your father was looking for.”

  Jayden saw Heath look at Cole and gulp. Should he be telling his mate that Cole was a big teddy bear, or should he leave that honor to Cole himself?

  * * * *

  Cole wasn’t what Heath had expected. He’d imagined the guy would be a bit like Dominic, big and serious, but Cole was the exact opposite.

  He was wearing boots, jeans, and a black T-shirt, and that was where what Heath had expected ended. What Heath could see of the man’s arms was completely covered in tattoos and he sported more than one piercing. He looked like someone Heath wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley, or even in an illuminated one.

  “So, uh, what do we do?” he asked.

  “I suggest we send enforcers and grab Murray,” the guy they’d presented as Kameron proposed. “It’s obvious he can’t stay in command of the gang.”

  “But is there someone who can take his place?” Chogan asked. Heath briefly wondered what kind of shifter he was. The guy was unusual, and gorgeous.

  Everyone looked at Jayden and he shrugged. “Not really. Murray’s family has been guiding the gang for generations, and like I said, we’re only twenty or so, less now that me and Teddy are here and Mom...”

  “So we’ll need to relocate people,” Cole declared.

  “What about those who don’t want to? I’ve always wanted to leave Lowndesville, but not everyone is like me.”

  “Not all shifters have to be in a group or even to have an alpha,” Dominic pointed out. “I know it usually makes things easier for us, but I suggest we talk to them and let them decide what they want to do. Jayden’s right, most of them probably won’t want to leave their homes.”

  “Any idea on who we’re sending?” Kameron asked.

  “I want Corbin to lead the team,” Dominic answered.

  “What? You can’t send him,” Morin snapped.

  “Love-pie, we’ve already talked about this, remember?” Nysys said as he leaned toward Morin. “It wasn’t his fault.”

  Morin scowled. “One, I already told you not to call me love-pie, bunny, or any of those other ridiculous names you give me.”

  “But you love them when we’re having sex.”

  Morin’s face flushed. “That’s... you can say them then, but only then. Never in front of anyone else.”

  Someone snorted and Morin’s head swung around, his eyes narrowed as he tried to identify the culprit.

  “Fine, whatever,” Nysys answered, crossing his arms on his chest. Everyone in the room leaned backward, away from him, and Heath looked at Jayden in question. Jayden smirked and leaned against his side, whispering, “Nysys is... well, you’ll see. Just know that no one likes to cross him, because the results are never pretty.”

  “Nysys,” Morin begged, clearly having realized his mistake. “You know I don’t mean it in a bad way. I just want some things to stay private.”

  “I’ve seen you naked,” Kameron mumbled, covering his words with a cough. Morin scowled at him and went back to trying to pacify Nysys.

  Heath leaned toward Jayden. “Are they mates?”

  “Yes, and Nysys is a Nix. Who knows what he’s telling Morin right now.”

  “Huh? What does that mean?”

  “He can mind-talk to Morin.”


  “Fine, fine. Don’t worry about it,” Nysys told Morin. Morin didn’t look the least bit reassured, but Dominic interrupted the spat, earning himself a grateful glance from Morin.

  “I know you don’t like Corbin, for obvious reasons, but we’ve already talked about this. We’re trying to rehabilitate him, and we can’t do that if we keep him locked away. He needs to see there’s another way of living than being locked away and coming out only when we decide it. You know it’s what the company did to him. I don’t want to do the same.”

  Morin bowed his head and sighed. “I know. I just... keep him away from me. Please.”

  “He can come to Gillham once this is over,” Kameron proposed. “I can never have enough qualified guards.”

  Dominic nodded. “I’ll ask him if he’s willing.”

  Heath quickly lost interest in the rest of the conversation. He wasn’t part of the council, so he wasn’t taking part of the planning part. He leaned his head against the back of the couch and closed his eyes, letting the conversation lull him to sleep.

  Voices rose and Heath frowned. What was happening? He could hear someone was fighting, but he didn’t recognize the voices. He looked around and wondered why someone would be in the woods with it this cold. Of course, he couldn’t exactly blame them since he was right there too, but he had a goal. He needed to get to Alpha Nash, and that was why he was walking up the road that led to his home, or at least that was what he’d been told.

  He walked closer to the edge of the road and peered around a tree. There were two men, talking furiously. One of them, the smallest one, was gesturing and looked angry as hell.

  Something cracked under Heath’s foot and the two men froze and stopped talking. Heath stepped backward, hoping he hadn’t interrupted them, but before he could get back on the road—

  “Hey, Heath.”

  Heath startled awake. “What?”

  Jayden was looking at him, a soft smile on his face. “You fell asleep.”

  Heath rubbed his eyes and straightened. “Sorry.”

  “It’s fine,” Dominic. He was the only one left in the room, along with Heath, Jayden, and Teddy.

  “Can I ask if you already know what you’re going to do?” Dominic asked. Heath frowned, wondering what the alpha was talking about. “Where you’re going to live,” Dominic clarified. “It’s just to know if it’s worth moving the three of you in a suite or if I should just give Teddy a room not too far from yours.”

  “Honestly? I have no idea,” Heath answered. “I haven’t talked to Lucas yet, and I don’t know if I’ll even remember how to take care of a horse, much less run a ranch.”

  “Well, it looks like some things are just engrained in you, so maybe you will. You could try to go there and see how it goes.”

  “Besides, all your stuff is there,” Jayden added. “That way we won’t have to go shopping.”

  Heath looked down at himself. He was wearing someone else’s clothes—again. They’d planned to go shopping the day before, but then Heath’s parents had arrived and they’d stayed the night. They should’ve gone back today but had decided to stay one more night, and Heath had stayed in to spend as much time as possible with them.

  “Maybe tomorrow we could leave with my parents and stop at the ranch while they go on to Walden.”

  “What about me?” Teddy butted in.

  “You can come with us, of course. You have a say in the decision too. Or you can stay here and rest.”

  Teddy’s eyes went wide. “Really?” />
  “Sure. If we’re going to be a family, then we’re going to make decisions together, at least when it’s possible. In this case it is.”

  Dominic rose from the couch. “All right. Let me know when you make a decision, and in the meantime Keenan said there’s a free room four doors after yours coming from the stairs.” He looked at Teddy. “You can come to me or to any other pride members if you need anything, and I trust you not to cause problems.”

  Teddy nodded eagerly and they all followed Dominic’s example. They left the alpha in his office and Heath went in search of his parents. He found them in the kitchen, along with Will, and he grimaced. He wasn’t about to enter the room. Not that he didn’t want to talk to Will—he just wasn’t sure what to tell him.

  They’d seen each other that morning and the love Will had for Heath had been obvious in the way he’d looked at him. But Heath couldn’t love him back, no matter how much he wanted Will not to be hurt. Heath couldn’t even imagine being in Will’s situation and he felt guilty as fuck, but it didn’t change anything.

  He didn’t remember Will and he didn’t love him. He was with Jayden, even if they hadn’t done anything more than kiss and sleep in the same bed. Heath knew that once the craziness in his life finally settled down, he’d ask Jayden to mate with him. Maybe once they were at the ranch.

  Yeah, that would be good.

  He silently backtracked and headed to his room instead.

  Chapter Five

  Jayden stopped the car and looked around. He’d never been on a ranch, but he’d read about them. It was mostly in romance novels, but still, it was almost exactly what he’d imagined.

  The house itself was big, although not as big as the mansion, of course. It sprawled in front of them, white against the white snow, two stories high. Someone had decorated it, and green and red garlands were wound on the porch railing and nailed around the windows and door. Jayden could see there were lights too, but they were off since it was just ten AM.

  The house wasn’t the only building in sight. There was a big stable on Jayden’s left, predictably painted in red and white, and they’d passed another small building that had a sign reading Information and Check-in above its door on their way into the ranch.

  There were a few people around, all of them working, but when Jayden looked at Heath he didn’t seem to recognize anyone. “Ready?” he asked.

  Heath looked a little pale, but he nodded anyway. They’d left Teddy at the mansion for the day. He’d tried to protest, but Jayden had showed him the upstairs living room and its gaming system and the kid hadn’t even looked backward as he’d said goodbye. Jayden hoped to use the time he and Heath were out to buy the Christmas presents he hadn’t bought yet. Heath and Teddy both had popped up in his life just days before Christmas, and he had to hurry if he didn’t want them to find a big nothing under the tree.

  Heath opened his door and Jayden followed his lead. Heath had called Lucas an hour before, and while Jayden hadn’t been present, he knew it had gone well from what Heath had told him. At least Lucas knew Heath didn’t remember anything, so he wouldn’t be surprised and they wouldn’t have to explain everything again.

  They met in front of the car and Jayden took Heath’s hand and squeezed it. “Did Lucas tell you where we’re supposed to meet him?”

  “He said to knock on the ranch house door when we got here.”

  “Let’s do that, then.”

  The space in front of the house had been cleared of snow, so they didn’t have problems getting on the porch. Jayden knocked, because Heath didn’t look like he was up to it, and a male voice yelled, “Coming!” from somewhere inside the house.

  The door swung open only minutes later and Jayden had to crane his neck to look at Lucas in the face. “How tall are you?” he blurted out without thinking.

  Lucas laughed. “I get that question every time I meet someone. Six foot eight.”


  “Freakish, I know.”

  “I was going to say a lot, but okay. Freakish works too. Not that I’m saying you’re a freak or anything, because I’m not. It’s just that I’m used to tall guys, but none as tall as you, unless you count Troy in his shifted form, but I don’t because he doesn’t like to shift. I don’t think I’d like it either if what happened to him had happened to me, but it’s still weird to hear, you know? Oh, of course you don’t, you’re not a shifter. I wonder how that happened? I mean, did you see Heath shift, or did he just tell you? And did you believe him? And why didn’t you run away? People usually don’t like it very much. I think they’re afraid because we have an animal half, but it doesn’t mean we’re real animals, you know? And even if we were, well, I’m a weasel. It’s not like I can hurt you. Heath can, though, since he’s a bear, but you already knew that.”

  Lucas’ eyes had glazed over and Heath was snickering, so Jayden snapped his mouth shut and smiled brightly. “Sorry, I tend to ramble when I’m nervous. Or excited. Or always, I guess.”

  “I noticed.” Lucas’s glance slid to Heath and he beamed. “Hey, Heath. I missed you, man. Come in. It’s freezing out here.”

  They both stomped their boots before stepping inside. Jayden’s cheeks prickled at the sudden warmth and he shed his jacket with a happy sigh. They left everything in the entrance, including their boots, and followed Lucas into the kitchen. He gestured to the table and they sat.

  Jayden watched him as he moved around the kitchen, still surprised at the man’s height. Jayden was used to tall men, as he’d told Lucas, but Lucas wasn’t as brawny as Dominic or Jonah. His body was slimmer, lither, but even though Jayden couldn’t see under Lucas’ clothes, he could tell there were still muscles under them. They just weren’t as obvious.

  “Don’t check him out,” Heath whispered.

  “As if you aren’t,” Jayden whispered back.

  “I’d rather you not, please,” Lucas declared. “You’re like my brother, and it’s freaking me out.”

  Both Heath and Jayden blushed, albeit it was a lot more obvious on Jayden’s fairer skin. Lucas chuckled and put three mugs and a pot of coffee on the table. “I also have tea.”

  “Coffee’s fine,” Jayden told him.

  Lucas sat at the table with them and linked his fingers around his steaming mug. He looked at Heath, his head tilted a bit to the side. “It’s so weird to think you don’t remember me. We’ve been inseparable ever since we met in high school.”

  Heath followed the knots in the wooden table with one finger. “I guess. It’s not weird for me because I just don’t remember you, or my parents. The most awkward was Will, though.”

  Lucas grimaced. “I can imagine that. How did it go?”

  Heath shrugged. “It didn’t, not really. He saw me with Jayden, demanded an explanation and I could only tell him that I didn’t remember him and that Jayden was my mate anyway. You know about mates, right?”

  “Yeah.” He turned his gaze to Jayden and examined him. “You’re pretty. Not what I’m used to seeing with Heath.”

  Jayden didn’t know whether to be offended or pleased. “Is that a compliment? Because if it is, let me tell you, you need to work on your compliments. It sounded a bit like an insult. And I’m not only pretty, although thank you for thinking that. I’m smart too, and I love to read, and I like hiking, although I haven’t been able to do it much lately. Too much work. Oh, and I have a job, of course. I also love watching TV, but only some shows, like paranormal stuff. It’s always fun to see how humans picture us and some of the creatures I know about.”

  “It... wasn’t an insult.”

  “Okay then.”

  They looked at each other for a few seconds, then Lucas smiled and turned back to Heath. “So, what are you going to do? I know you told me you’re living with Jayden at the moment, and I guess I can see why, but you’re welcome to come back here any time you want. I really could use the help.”

  Heath frowned. “I thought my br
other was helping you.”

  “Oh, he is, but he’s studying and going back to college after the holidays, and we’re really feeling your absence, especially on the guest side of things.”

  “Can you explain what I do here?”

  “You mostly take care of the horses and the horseback rides during the summer, but in the winter you like to play with the kids. It leaves their parents some time to chill, and they’re usually grateful for it. You also help with whatever’s needed around the ranch, especially with the Christmas trees thing. That’s all yours, and we’ve done what we could with you missing just before Christmas, but it hasn’t been easy.”

  Heath splayed his hands on the table and looked at them before talking. “I want to help, really, but I’m not sure I’ll remember how to.”

  Lucas worried his lower lip with his teeth. “You could try with the horses for a few days. We’re closed for Christmas week anyway, so there are no guests right now. You still have a few days to get used to it again, although we’re usually at your parents’ for Christmas Day.”

  Heath looked at Jayden. “They asked me, but I told them I didn’t know yet.”

  “We could have breakfast at the mansion with everyone,” Jayden said, “and go to your parents’ for lunch. Although I’m not too sure about it. Is Will going to be there? No offense, because I really don’t have anything against him, but I’m pretty sure Christmas Day would be ruined if we were both present.”

  “I can ask them.”

  “You do that.”

  Lucas leaned back in his chair. “So. Do you want to have a walk around?”

  * * * *

  They followed Lucas up the stairs. He paused at the landing, and Heath saw the hallway had been walled off and that there were two doors just a few steps from the stairs.

  Lucas pointed to the right one. “That’s my side of the house.” He indicated the other one. “And that’s yours.”

  “We both have a side?”


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