Over the Knee

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  “Yes, please.”

  He laughed and swatted my arse lightly. “You’re incorrigible. I’m going to get us a drink. What would you like?”

  “Water’s fine, thanks.”

  He lifted me gently off his lap and slid me onto the sofa then stood up. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  As I watched him make his way toward the bar, I couldn’t help wonder at how far I’d come tonight. I’d submitted and I’d been spanked. And I was fine. Maybe it was time I faced up to the fact that, try as I might, I just couldn’t deny my kinky needs any longer. But, deep down, a tiny niggle of uncertainty remained, along with the voice in my head saying, ‘what if it happens again?’

  “Well, well, look at you.”

  I jumped at the unexpected intrusion and glanced up at Chloe, who was looking more than a little pleased with herself. She sat down on a chair and studied me.

  “I knew you were kinky.”

  “What makes you think…?”

  She laughed. “Don’t deny it. You’ve got the look of subbie contentment written all over you. Either that or you’ve been taking drugs.”

  “I don’t do drugs.”

  “There you are then. Did you scene with Eddie?”

  I nodded, grinning. “Yeah, he spanked me.” Then he gave me the best fucking orgasm I’ve ever had before I gave him a blow job right here. I didn’t voice that, though.

  “All in the name of research, of course,” she said, giggling.

  “Of course.”

  “Where is he now? He hasn’t left you alone, has he?” Chloe looked around the dungeon with a frown.

  “No, of course not. He’s just gone to the bar to get us a drink. Anyway, how did you get on tonight? You don’t look the worse for wear.” In fact, she looked pretty amazing. Her face glowed and her eyes definitely had a twinkle in them that hadn’t been there before.

  “Well”—she leaned forward and lowered her voice—”Tom took me to one of the back rooms then tortured me with a violet wand. It was fucking amazing.”

  I stared at her in disbelief. Violet wand? “Er, I thought you said you’d just dabbled in the past? Electro play is hardly for beginners.”

  Chloe just shrugged. “It was fine. I enjoyed it. In fact, I want to do it again.”

  “You dark horse,” I muttered with a hint of admiration. Violet wand! Who would have thought it?

  “Look who’s talking,” Chloe cried, giggling. “If you’re so new to the scene you shouldn’t even know what a violet wand is.”

  We looked at each other for a second then started laughing.

  “It looks like we’ve both learnt a few things tonight,” I said, thoughtfully.

  Chloe nodded and stood up. “Eddie’s on his way back over. I’m going to find Tom. Oh, are you okay if I book the taxi to pick us up in about half an hour?”

  I looked at my watch. What? It was nearly one o’clock. How the hell had time passed so quickly? “Yes, that’s fine. I didn’t realize it was this late.”

  “Great. I’ll come and get you just before one-thirty. See ya.” She gave Eddie a wave as she passed him before disappearing into the small crowd near the bar.

  Eddie placed two glasses of iced water on the table then sat back down next to me on the sofa. “You okay?”

  “Yes, thanks. Chloe and I are sharing a taxi back as we live quite close to each other. She’s booking it for half past one.”

  “In that case I’ve got less than half an hour to convince you to come to dinner with me tomorrow night.”

  He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. It wasn’t a gentle, persuasive kiss but a hard, demanding one and my insides melted in response.

  “Yes,” I gasped when he finally allowed me to come up for air.

  “You’ll come to dinner?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  His broad smile told me that my acceptance was important to him and that made me feel incredibly happy.

  “Good. We can talk then. I still need to know what your problem with kink is. And don’t tell me there isn’t one because I can tell that something’s up.” His eyes narrowed as he reached up and cradled my head in both his hands. “I expect absolute openness and honesty from my sub, is that understood?”

  I knew he would have felt the strong shudder that shook me. But it wasn’t just the sexy Dom tone that floored me—it was the fact that he’d called me his sub. Was I? For some reason, I couldn’t stop the smile that stretched across my face as I managed to reply, “Yes, Sir.”

  Chapter Five

  The following morning dragged. I was tired from lack of sleep and restless for the working day to be over so I could get ready for my date with Eddie. We’d agreed to meet at half past seven in a smart little bistro near Leicester Square.

  Rather than rushing all the way home to north London then coming back into the West End again, I’d decided this morning that I would work late then go straight to the restaurant from the office. I’d brought my outfit and makeup with me and planned to get changed in the ladies’ cloakroom when everyone had left.

  The afternoon passed a little more quickly as I lost myself in my article. I didn’t see Eddie, but that wasn’t unusual. Just as well, really. He would only have distracted me. I was so engrossed in my work that I lost track of time and only realized it was after five o’clock when Chloe came over to say goodbye.

  By six o’clock the office was deserted, which was something I didn’t get to experience very often. During the week, most people worked late and it was rarely quiet, but Friday afternoons there was a mass exodus as everyone rushed off to start their weekend.

  I was just shutting my computer down when my phone bleeped, shattering the silence. I picked it up and checked the display. It was a text from Eddie.

  Meet me in the marketing suite. Now!

  Huh? Why the hell would Eddie want me to go to the marketing suite at this time of the evening?

  I grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs a little apprehensively. If Eddie was going to cancel our date, why not just call me? The door was ajar so I pushed it open and looked inside. My stomach somersaulted when I saw Eddie, leaning against the back wall, arms crossed and looking every bit the big bad Dom.

  “Close the door.”

  I did as he’d asked then gave him a questioning look. “Why did you want to see me down here?”

  “Come here.” He ignored my question and his dark gaze dared me not to obey him.

  I walked slowly across the room until I was stood in front of him. The temptation to lean forward and kiss him was impossibly hard to resist, but I just about managed to stop myself. I was so close to him that I caught a whiff of his scent and my legs nearly buckled as I was transported back to last night.

  “Kneel for me, Kirsten.”

  The authority in his voice left me with no choice but to do as he said, and I sank silently to my knees. Bloody hell, how did one person have the power to reduce me to such a mass of pliable mush?

  He took a handful of my hair and pulled my head back so that I was looking up at him. His eyes shone with the same passion I’d seen last night and my skin tingled in anticipation of what he might do now.

  “Last night you stole an orgasm,” he growled, tightening his hold on my hair.

  Ah, so that’s what this is about. Little butterflies tickled my belly as adrenaline shot through my system.

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry.” No I’m not.

  “Hmm, I seem to remember that I promised you would be punished.” He bent forward and kissed me on my lips. Then, keeping his face close to mine, he tilted my head back a little farther and whispered, “As I’m a man of my word, I feel that it’s only right that I give you a good, hard spanking to teach you a lesson.”

  I giggled. Not exactly the right reaction, but I couldn’t help but find it funny that here we were in the marketing suite at work, and Eddie was informing me that he was going to spank me. When I’d arrived at work yesterday morning I would never have imagined this scena
rio in my wildest dreams. And yet now, the man I’d secretly held a torch for since he’d started working here was going to make my dreams come true. Being punished at work by my boss had been a fantasy of mine for a long time. Okay, Eddie wasn’t my boss, but he was a damn hot Dom and could command me with just a look, so that was good enough for me.

  Eddie chuckled. “You’re not supposed to giggle, you little minx. You’re meant to quiver with remorse and beg me not to punish you.” There was a flash in his eyes that had an injection of humor that mixed together with the lust and power already there.

  “Sorry, Sir. I’ll try to behave better in the future.” I looked him straight in the eyes, my lips quivering with the need to laugh as he struggled to keep a straight face himself.

  “How am I supposed to discipline you if you make me laugh? Now I’m going to have to smack you even harder.”

  We both broke into laughter as he helped me to stand back up. Wrapping his arms around me, he hugged me against his body and just held me for a few blissful minutes.

  Then he took a handful of my hair and held onto it firmly so that I was unable to move my head whilst the grip on his free hand tightened around me. Suddenly all the joviality of a moment ago disappeared as I, once again, became aware of the overpowering dominance emanating from him. The hum of the air conditioning became muted as I fell under Eddie’s spell. Everything else ceased to exist as he became my entire world. A world where he was Master and I was his willing slave.

  Eddie must have sensed my surrender because he leaned away slightly without releasing his grip. His eyes smoldered with the seductive lure blazing out from them. Before I knew what was happening, our lips smashed together in a kiss so passionate that I would have lost my balance if he hadn’t been holding me.

  When he pulled away again he glared at me with fiery eyes. “Do you like it rough?” he growled.

  “Yes, Sir. Oh yes…”

  Without another word, he practically threw me against the wall and pressed his body against mine, completely immobilizing me. This time his kiss was deeper, stripping away the last of my control. Taking a handful of my hair, again with one hand, he lifted my skirt up with the other and sought out my aching crotch. When he reached it he growled in what must have been approval when he discovered that I wasn’t wearing any knickers. I’d taken his comment about his subs being forbidden to wear underwear on board and was now rewarded as his fingers slid along my slick entrance.

  I groaned as he penetrated me with two fingers, sending shock waves through my throbbing pussy. I thought he was going to finger-fuck me the way he had last night, but, once his fingers were deeply seated inside me, he stopped moving them and tugged on my hair.

  “Over here.”

  Then, unbelievably, he led me across the room using both my hair and my pussy as restraints. I tried shuffling as best I could with two thick fingers impaling me, but it wasn’t easy. I’d never been led by my cunt before. The crude action both thrilled me and humiliated me, which only excited me even more.

  When we reached the set of the leather suites, he guided me behind one of the sofas then stopped. Pushing my head forward, he forced me to bend over the back of it, his fingers still inserted inside me. Every movement made me flinch as the psychological thrill of the game mingled with the physical sensations.

  “I’m going to spank you now.” His voice was gruff, his hand firm as he held me down by my head.

  “Yes, Sir,” I whimpered, desperate to feel the sting of his hand on my arse.

  “Use your safeword if you need to. Don’t ever be afraid to use it. Okay?”

  Safeword. Oh yes. It’s chocolate.

  “I asked you a question, Kirsten.”

  “Sorry. Yes, Sir I understand.”

  “Good girl. I will hit you hard and I’ll fuck you hard. Tell me now if that’s a problem for you.”

  “No. Not a problem, Sir.” I was only just managing to keep my answers coherent. Just get on with it.

  Finally, he removed his fingers from my pussy, giving me a moment’s reprieve. I took a deep breath to calm myself. My excitement was now so intense that I was panting in short shallow gasps and he hadn’t even started yet.

  I was more aware of the sound of the first smack than the actual pain. It hadn’t actually hurt that much at all. The next few didn’t pack a punch either. It was almost as if he was deliberately being gentle. Fuck that. I wriggled my arse impatiently, and Eddie laughed.

  “Be patient. I’m warming your skin so you don’t bruise.”

  “I want bruises,” I snapped, now so desperate to feel the sting that I was losing my cool.

  There was no warning when the first real smack hit, and this time I got my pain. Bloody hell. Me and my big mouth. He hit me with a mixture of slaps, some punishing and extremely painful, others almost playful. He rained several brutal smacks down on my buttocks in quick succession, leaving me breathless as I tried to process the sensations. Then, just as the pain was becoming too intense, he eased off and gently rubbed my burning globes.

  “Mmm…” I mumbled trying to tell him that I wanted more. Somehow my tongue had stopped working.

  “Greedy little sub, aren’t you?”

  He resumed the spanking, faster and more forceful than before, and this time it was almost too much, even for me. He continued the onslaught, and I gradually lost track of where he was hitting me. The pain had blurred into one big hurt and my body now converted it to feelings of such intense pleasure that I was almost delirious.

  Finally, the weight of the smacks eased and was gradually replaced with lighter, feathery strokes. I wanted to tell him how wonderful I felt, but I’d lost the power of speech so I just sighed happily as I devoured the sensuous touch of his now gentle hands.

  It didn’t take long, though, for my fuzzy brain to work out that the pulsing need between my legs was nearly at breaking point. I needed him to fuck me. Now!

  “Sir, please…”

  “What do you want, sub? Tell me.”

  “I need you to fuck me. Please… Sir…”

  The sound of a crinkly wrapper being ripped was music to my ears, and moments later, the large, solid head of his cock teased my over-sensitive labia as it slid through my juices. He leaned forward, took a firm grip of my hair then plunged into me, making me cry out as he filled me with his huge length.

  He hadn’t been joking when he’d said he was going to fuck me hard. He used me savagely, pounding into me with ferocious force, but he didn’t hurt me. I was consumed with the delicious knowledge that I was being fucked in the most primal way possible, and I absolutely loved it.

  “Don’t come until I tell you to,” he grunted.

  I mumbled something that I hoped he would understand and vowed not to let him down this time. But the pressure of impending release was building up and I knew I wouldn’t last much longer.

  Thankfully, before I reached the point of no return, his cock thickened inside me, sending fresh sensations zinging through my veins.

  “Sir… I need to…”

  Just when I thought I couldn’t hold it off any longer, his body stiffened and he let out a groan as he thrust his cock into me again, going even deeper than before.

  “Come for me,” he growled as he jerked inside me.

  I think I actually screamed as my orgasm ripped through me, blasting me into another world. A part of me felt as though I had left my body, but I knew that couldn’t really be the case because I could still feel Eddie’s cock shuddering inside me.

  Finally, he collapsed across my back, his ragged breathing warming my neck.

  “Are you okay?” he asked a few seconds later. He stroked my hair softly—such a strong contrast to his vicious grip of it a few minutes earlier.

  “Oh, yes,” I murmured. “I’m more than okay.”

  He nuzzled my neck then kissed it. I could quite happily have stayed like that for a very long time—bent over the back of the sofa with my skirt hitched up over my waist and Eddie flopped on m
y back, his strong arms holding me protectively. But, eventually, he stood up, making me shiver as cool air brushed against the damp skin of my back.

  “I guess we’d better get ready. We’ve got a dinner reservation in half an hour.” He slapped my arse then pulled me up to stand next to him. “Then I’m going to take you home to my place and fuck you all over again.”

  All I had to say in reply to that was, “Yes, Sir.”

  Chapter Six

  The bistro Eddie had chosen turned out to be a lovely, intimate little place run by a friendly Italian couple. Hidden in a narrow side street a few blocks away from Leicester Square, it wasn’t overrun by tourists, which was unusual for the area.

  We were seated in a little alcove near the back where the hum of voices faded into the background and we had the privacy to talk without anyone overhearing us.

  Eddie raised his glass of ice-cold pinot grigio. “Cheers.”


  We clinked our glasses and I took a sip of the crisp Italian wine. It was delicious.

  “Are you sitting comfortably?”

  I grinned as I nodded, knowing exactly what he was referring to. “It’s funny you should ask that. My bottom does happen to feel a little sore. I keep getting reminders of your firm discipline every time I move.”

  “Good. I could get used to spanking you. You’re very responsive.”

  “You can spank me as much as you like.” I pouted my lips suggestively before adding, “Sir.”

  “Be careful what you wish for,” he replied, laughing.

  We chatted idly about work while we ate our starters, laughing and joking about some of the antics our colleagues got up to. But, after the waiter had cleared the dishes away, Eddie’s face grew serious.

  “Last night you told me that you weren’t a submissive anymore. Obviously we both know that is complete rubbish, so what happened to make you believe it?”

  I looked down and clutched my wine glass a little tighter. I’d known we’d be having this conversation at some point but, suddenly, I wasn’t so sure I wanted to talk about it. The look on Eddie’s face, though, made it clear that he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. I took a deep breath to steady myself and looked back up at him.


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