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Over the Knee

Page 17

by Ashe Barker, Lily Harlem, Katy Swann, Wendi Zwaduk, Lucy Felthouse, Dolly Watt

  “Sir.” His name came out brittle. “I need to come.”

  “Not until I’m ready.” He slapped her ass again, but this time he wound her hair around his hand and pulled. “I want you begging for me.”

  “I am.” Her skin prickled and her belly flip-flopped. No amount of holding back was going to work. The orgasm uncoiled in her groin and the gooey warmth washed over her. She moaned and gave in to the climax.

  “Fuck,” he bit out. Elias spanked her twice more hard on her ass, then let go of her hair and grasped her hips in both hands. His thrusts increased until he pistoned into her. His movements turned feral and a growl ripped from his body. “God damn it, you’re mine.”

  Elias slammed into her pussy, stretching her as his cock throbbed. He leaned forward and rested his body on hers. “Jesus,” he murmured. He held her, and together, they panted.

  Sadie closed her eyes. Being with him was better than she’d imagined. He knew what she needed and pushed her in ways she couldn’t have expected.

  “Babe.” Elias eased off her, then pulled out of her pussy. He helped her onto the bed. “Stretch out. I need to get rid of this.”

  She collapsed on his sheets, breathing in the scent of Elias. Her body hummed and sleep filled her eyes. She forced them open, needing to see where Elias had gone.

  He removed the spent condom then shucked his pants. His boxer shorts ended up at his feet in a pile along with the jeans and his shirt. Now fully naked, he made his way to the bed.

  She drank in his image. A light dusting of hairs covered his chest—enough tiny strands to run her fingers through, but not so much to overwhelm. He possessed so much muscle, but hid his physique beneath baggy jeans and the loose T-shirts worn at the restaurant. He reminded her of a diamond in the rough. Only she got to see the beauty he hid.

  Elias crawled into bed beside her then unwound the ties around her wrists. He kissed the reddened skin. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No, nothing I couldn’t manage.” She rolled onto her side. “My butt will hurt for a while. I definitely won’t be sitting at work.”

  “Roll onto your belly. I’ll rub some cream on your abused backside.” He picked up a small jar. “This will help.”

  “I know it will.” She folded her arms and rested her head on her forearms. “I’m not worried.” Of all people, she felt completely safe with him. The love in his heart shined through.

  “You should be worried.” Elias smiled, then sobered. “I’m not good for you.”

  “Now you tell me?” She tried to make light of his comment, but he wasn’t joking. What in the hell had caused his change in attitude? Something wasn’t right. “I’ve bared my heart and soul to you. It’s time you did some explaining.”

  “Babe, I’m… I’m a mess. I have an ex who felt the need to come over at the wrong time. I like to spank the woman I’m with. I’m your boss.” He shook his head and applied the cream then stopped and closed his eyes. “You deserve better than me.”

  “Slow down.” She rolled back onto her side to better look at him. He hadn’t been kidding. The white lotion had relieved some of the ache on her rump. She considered her answer. He wanted punished. In his own way, he doubted he could be the man she needed. “You need to let me in and talk. Get whatever it is out and on the table.” She wanted to say she wouldn’t be upset, but she knew better. He had the power to cut her deep.

  “I’m trying to care for you.” He touched her hip. “Please?”

  Before he’d been so commanding. He would’ve spanked her until she’d complied. Now he was so tender. She liked the different sides of his personality and his ability to know what she needed.

  “You’re dodging the issue.” She grasped his hand. “Come on. Open up so I can care for you, too.”

  “Babe.” He sighed and opened his eyes. “I don’t know how to make you understand.”

  What he didn’t see was that she did understand. “Elias, I went to Push knowing full well there was a chance I wouldn’t end up with what I wanted.” She crawled onto his lap and touched his cheek. “You might be a mess. You might have complications in your life, but I’m not that easily broken.”

  “But—” Pain resonated in his eyes. His brow furrowed.

  She placed her finger over his lips. “For a Dominant guy, you have some interesting moments of submissiveness and worry. When you spank me, that pain frees me. I’d use my safeword if I were in danger. I trust you.” She kept her hand over his mouth. “Yes, you’re my boss. I knew that when I agreed to come to your place. I wouldn’t change a moment of our time together—even if the bottom magically falls out tomorrow.”

  “Sadie.” He moved her palm. “Babe. I don’t want this to get weird between us.”

  “It will. That’s life, but I understand.” She’d put on her big-girl panties and give him space. He knew what he wanted, but hadn’t convinced himself he deserved to have a happy ending. “I’m fine. Do you want me to stay or do you need time?”

  His eyes widened. “I’d planned on holding you while we slept.”

  “But you’re unsure about us.” She scooted off the bed then stood. “You’re afraid to let me go, but you’re pushing me away at the same time.”

  “I’m not trying to, but I am.” His shoulders slumped. “Christ.”

  “You’re honest. I can work with that.” She nodded. A little separation would do them good. The break would hurt, but the pain had to segue into pleasure. She knew him—despite what he thought—and knew they belonged together. “I’m going to go. What we did was overwhelming and fun.” She turned away from him and headed out of the door, but paused. “What your ex did was bad. She left you because you weren’t what she wanted. I’m sorry for that. I’m sorry she lost out. People need to think before they do shitty things to each other.”

  “Sadie.” He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and reached for her. “Come back.”

  “I can’t. Not right now.” She gripped the handle for support. “As for you and me, I’m sorry you’re not ready to admit the truth. But no amount of talking to Sean or running around the clubs will help you make this decision.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I’m not waiting around for you forever, but I’m giving you space. Goodnight.”

  She walked away, but a piece of her heart remained with him. The sex, the spanking, the way he played her body weren’t enough. She needed him to be honest and to offer up his heart. She forced herself to dress, then to pull on her jacket.

  Sadie picked up her purse and her keys, then went out to her car. Part of her wished he’d come running after her. She wanted to hear him say he wasn’t ready to let her go. The rest of her knew better. He needed this punishment. His ex had left him because she wanted something more. Now, Sadie was leaving because she wanted him and nothing more. Either he’d understand, or they were destined for the end. What he didn’t seem to understand was that she wasn’t giving up on him. Even if they didn’t continue the relationship, she’d be on his side. But he couldn’t see the obvious.

  She gripped the steering wheel, then pulled away from his condo. Why did men have to be so complicated?

  * * * *

  Elias didn’t sleep that night. Instead, he stared at the ceiling. He’d screwed up. Big time. Letting her go hadn’t been smart. So why do it?

  He kept thinking about Pam. The split had damn near killed him. Why? Because he’d thought he loved her. She hadn’t loved him. Well, good to know she’d moved on. He tossed the tablet onto the bed. Damn it. He scrubbed both hands over his face. Why had he pushed Sadie away? He wanted her. He craved her and probably already loved her. She loved him. The answer shouldn’t have been so difficult.

  But he’d made the situation sticky.

  He slapped the nightstand for his phone. Sadie claimed no conversation with Sean would help him change his mind. She was probably right, but he needed to talk to his friend. He pressed the buttons to connect the call, then switched to the speaker
setting. At least he’d waited until it was morning. He could’ve phoned in the middle of the night.

  “Hi, Elias. What’s wrong?” Sean asked.

  No hi, no how are you… Just what’s wrong? “I screwed up.”

  “How? You’re the poster child for following the rules.” Sean groaned. “I know it’s not the restaurant. I went in this morning and collected the deposit. The cleaning crew is already there and should be finished by eight.”

  “No, but good. I’m glad.”

  “Then what?”

  “I found a girlfriend…and lost her.”


  “Sadie.” Why bother to conceal the details? Sean would figure him out eventually. “You said to hook up with someone. She was the one I played with at Push. When I found out, I couldn’t ignore the sizzle between us. It was great.”

  “Okay? And? Why is she gone?” Sean growled. “Fuck. Pam is last week’s news. She wasn’t any good for you.”

  “How?” He knew damn well Pam was crap for him.

  “When you were with her, you weren’t you. I know you. I’ve never seen you so down and depressed. She wasn’t trying to break you—she wanted total Domination. Sounds stupid or crazy, but it’s true.”

  Sean was right. She’d done everything Sean said and more that he hadn’t even told Sean about. Elias had been miserable with Pam. Sadie made him happy. She brought the color back into his life. He needed her more than he’d realized. Pam might have shown up at his house, but Sadie had handled the situation with grace.

  “Are you still there?” Sean asked.

  “I am.” And realizing what he needed to do. “Go on.”

  “You want her back because you fell for her. I don’t know how you feel about Sadie, but even if it’s a fling, she’s good for you. She’s cute and sweet. Sounds like the type you really want.”

  Elias pinched the bridge of his nose. “She is.” What did he need to do in order to convince Sadie he was a jerk, but a jerk worth her time?

  “Then get off your ass and beg her to take you back. She’s off until Tuesday and you’re off the hook till then, too.”

  “Thanks, Sean.” He stared at the ceiling until Sean clicked off the line. Talking to Sean had made him realize everything he already knew. He jumped off the bed and dressed. The longer he waited to catch her, the more he risked losing her.

  He flipped through the pages on his tablet for Sadie’s information. According to her file, she lived just across town in one of the apartment buildings off Billings Avenue. He snatched his keys from the table and stuffed his wallet into his front pocket, then hurried out to his car.

  Elias wove down the streets leading to Sadie’s. He’d been crazy to allow Pam’s memory to warp his present. He loved Sadie. She understood his kinks and wasn’t about to let him wallow in the hurts from Pam.

  He parked in one of the visitor spots in front of her building, then left and locked his car. Shit. He should’ve brought flowers or something. He wiped his hands on his pants legs, then made his way up to the foyer doors. Once inside the building, he scanned the line of buttons and the subsequent names.

  His heart hammered and he blew out a long breath. “Here goes nothing,” he muttered and pressed her button.

  “Hello?” Sadie asked. “Can I help you?”

  “Sadie?” He rested his hand on the wall to steady himself. “It’s Elias. Can we talk?”

  “I’ll be down.”

  He stepped away from the panel and faced the parking lot. She’d be down. No emotion in her voice. Just a simple response. God, he’d fucked up. He waited for her, but he could’ve sworn the time slowed beyond comprehension.

  The door behind him creaked. “Hi, Elias.”

  “Sadie,” he said and turned around. Other words teetered on the tip of his tongue, but melted away when he saw her. “Hi, babe.”

  She folded her arms, bunching her breasts against the thin material of her T-shirt. Her jeans clung to her curvy frame and, even though she wasn’t dressed to the nines, she stole his breath away.

  “You called Sean, didn’t you?” She crossed the stoop to him and untangled her arms. She picked at the wrinkles on his shirt. “He didn’t convince you, did he?”

  “Yes, I called him and no, he didn’t.” He wanted to throw his arms around her. “I didn’t sleep last night.”

  “Me neither.” The skin under her eyes wasn’t as bright and her cheeks appeared pinker.

  “I made you cry,” he whispered. He needed to touch her, and snagged her in his embrace. “I’m sorry, baby. I let crap that had nothing to do with you or my present situation almost ruin what we could have. I was foolish.”

  She stayed in his arms, but didn’t hug him back. “Elias, you’re a complicated man. I knew that going in.”

  “But I never should’ve pushed you away.”

  “You’re my boss. You were looking out for my best interest.” She shrugged. “If we split, it could get weird. The problem is, I’m willing to take the chance.”

  “Me, too.” He brushed a lock of her hair from her eyes. “You make me happy. I feel like a brand new man when we’re together. Even when we were in the club, I couldn’t wait to see you. When you left last night, my heart went with you. I wanted to chase you, but was afraid that if I did, you’d tell me to go to hell or something.”

  “You needed separation.” A tear slipped down her cheek. “You’re stronger than you think.”

  “I am when I’m with you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Come home with me. Let me take care of you. Let me love you.”

  “You love me?” Her eyes widened. “Are you sure?”

  “Completely.” He slid both hands into her back pockets and cupped her bottom. “I want you beneath me, on my lap, me using my paddle on you as well as my hand to bring you to orgasm. I want you with me.”

  “You’re crazy.” She laughed, although more tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “I might be crazy.” He kissed her, brushing away the wetness from her face. “I’ve never been in this far over my head, but you’re my silky decadence. I don’t want to let go.”

  “You liked that dress, eh?” She draped her arms around his neck. “I found it at a thrift store. It fit perfectly, so I bought it. Never had a reason to wear it until last night.”

  “It was perfect.” He rested his forehead against hers. “I want to see you in it a thousand times.”

  “You are crazy.” She clung to him. “But that’s why I love you, too.”

  She loved him. Thank you God. He squeezed her ass. “So now what? I love you and you love me. Where do we go from here?” He had a few ideas, but wanted her input.

  “We date. Play. Have lots of sex.” She smiled. “Define our relationship in the bedroom.”

  “I don’t have one yet, but I’m getting you a collar. I don’t want anyone else.” He kissed her hard on the lips. “I also want to do some aftercare. You went home rather fast last night. You should have your ass checked. Kissed. Touched. Worshiped while you’re bound in my silk ties…”

  She shivered. “Yes. To all of it. Yes.”

  “Then come home with me and we see where this leads.”

  “I’ll follow you anywhere, Sir.”

  Elias cradled her to his body. His world righted on its axis and the heaviness in his chest evaporated. He didn’t have to look for his perfect woman. He already had her in his arms. Silky, decadent and everything he’d ever dreamed of, his heart belonged to Sadie Lust.


  One year later

  Sadie stood behind Roxy and arranged her friend’s dress. “You look fantastic.”

  “So do you.” Roxy smiled as she fluffed her hair. “This was a great idea.”

  “I agree.” Sadie smoothed the wrinkles in her gown and glanced at herself in the mirror once more. Coming to Las Vegas had actually been Elias’ idea, but Sean had agreed right away. The quick, private ceremony was exactly what she wanted. Good thing their close friends had agreed.
  When she straightened the silk dress around her hips, the fabric slid over her ass and reminded her of the night before. Her cheeks burned and her nipples beaded. She could still feel the silk bindings around her wrists and the crack of the paddle on her ass. Elias had switched things up, using a leather paddle, his hands then a riding crop. The myriad of sensations had pushed her to orgasm so fast. Then he’d made love to her while spanking her. She stifled a whimper. Soon, they’d be playing again.

  “I like the collar he made you. It’s pretty,” Roxy said. “Matches your ring, doesn’t it?”

  Sadie twisted the diamond and ruby engagement ring around her finger. “Elias loves red.”

  “He also loves you.” Roxy handed Sadie the bouquet of flowers. “Here you go.” She sighed and gazed at their reflection in the mirror. “Never thought this would be our future. I never guessed Sean would see me as anything more than a server.”

  “Now you’re about to be his wife.” Sadie bumped shoulders with Roxy. “I never thought Elias would see me. Good thing we were wrong.”

  A knock at the door interrupted their conversation. “Rox? Sadie?” Elias called. “It’s time.”

  “You go first.” Roxy clasped the flowers and breathed out. “This is so much scarier than submitting.”

  “But it’s exactly what you both need.” Sadie nodded. “See you up front.” She ducked out the door and met Elias in the short hallway. “She’s ready.”

  “Are you?” He snagged her in his arms, then palmed her ass. “Not much sitting today?”

  “Nope.” Her skin prickled. “I’ll be okay.”

  “Just okay?” he murmured in her ear. “You were fantastic last night. Love the way your skin turns pink under my hand. For tonight, I thought we’d try something different.”

  Her eyes widened. “Different?”

  “Something soft. Like silk. Switch it up.” His smile widened. “Nothing’s too good for my bride.”

  “Very true.”

  “I’m going to marry you tonight. First Sean and Roxy, then us. I can’t wait any longer.” Elias kissed her left hand. “You’re my sub, my heart and my life. I love you.”


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