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My Dead America

Page 14

by Frank Weltner

  “It makes the bunkers stink of rotting banker flesh,” Rod Billingsly said. “We don't want that. We want these bunkers pristine so people can use them later on. They will become museums to your treacheries against us.”

  “I own my bunkers. They are my private property,” Kagan said. “You have no right...”

  “No right? No RIGHT? I have a right, sir! I have a right to murder you and your entire family, exactly as you murdered mine!”

  “No. I have the right of a war prisoner,” Kagan said.

  “You are not a war prisoner, Mr. Kagan. Do you know what you are?”

  “I suppose you are going tell me what I am soon enough, Mr. Billingsly.”

  For Billingsly, CEO Kagan's arrogance was too much. He fisted him in the nose even harder this time. His Commander, Bob Thornton, had gone easy on the bastard.


  “Please? Did the seven billion dead whom you killed in your official arrogance around the world get to say please to you? Did you attend to their protests? Did you even consider their pain as they bled out from your artificially engineered plague? Don’t attempt to answer! I won't hear you! You will get whatever we want to dish out to you.”

  Billingsly stopped talking and paced back and forth for a few minutes, carefully listening to the sobs coming from Kagan's smashed face. He was glad he'd hurt him. Kagan deserved it. There was no pain great enough for what Solomon Benjamin Kagan had done to Americans and to the world at large.

  “I told you I'd tell you what you are, that you are not a prisoner of war and entitled to the rights and protections of the Geneva Convention. Since you've probably never touched a gun in your life, there is no way you are a soldier, so you have no right to those protections normally granted to military captives under international law. Besides, you goon, you were the so-called international law, but the international law that you dealt out to the entire world didn't work out too well for my family and those of my friends, because they are all dead! Because of you! Because of people like you!”

  “I didn't do that! You can't blame me.”

  “Mr. Kagan, you are Jewish, am I right?”

  “That's right! And I have every right to be Jewish!”

  “Well, of course you do. Don't be overly melodramatic about it. I only asked you that to embarrass you even more for your murdering these innocent people with your artificial viruses and the vaccine you held back to protect your own Jewish family as opposed to mine just because they weren't of your own particular seedline. I'd think that a Jew who'd been taught about the so-called holocaust would think better of a plan to wipe out entire races and nations of people. You'd think, well, at least I'd think, that the experiences of Jews in Europe would make them insist on treating my people with more courtesy. I'd have thought you'd have become far more civil than that because of the holocaust you claim to have suffered, but you seem to have become even worse in planning our sadistic genocide at your people's racial discretion, Mr. Kagan.”

  “It was not racial, sir,” Mr. Kagan said.

  “You will have a hard time convincing me of that, Kagan. After all, Israel escaped the plague entirely. That means that you gave them the vaccine developed for the FBI.”

  “So what?”

  “So, it means your people, the bankers, are racists, because you selectively murdered people based on their race versus yours. Now, that seems more than a bit strange to me, because if you tell me you can save Jews in Israel while allowing the Christians and Muslims there to perish in the great dying, and you aren't racist, I'm calling you a damnable liar, sir!”

  “I can explain!”

  “Okay. Tell me the explanation, Kagan. I want to hear it.”

  “We had many scientists in both Israel and America who insisted that Israel could be totally freed of the armed menace of the Muslim and Christian forces in the vicinity of Jerusalem and Haifa which are Israel's major population centers over there. Letting the others die out was the price of getting their cooperation in developing the plague for our use. Otherwise they wouldn't have provided grants for the development and production of enough virus to complete the plan. In addition, they would not have produced the vaccines we took to survive with. They wouldn't have constructed our survival bunkers and other things to protect us during the dying out that was necessary to save our endangered planet from destruction from its overpopulation. So, we made that deal with them. It was their idea, not ours.”

  Rod slapped him several times from side to side, hearing him scream and plead for no more attacks against his person.

  “Listen, my little Jewish idiot who says he hated non-Jews enough to kill ninety-nine-percent of them with a cleverly invented virus! Listen. You are a terrorist. You are a mass murderer. You are a truly dangerous man and a truly dangerous people. I sentence you and your family to death, and the confiscation of all of your property. We plan on wiping your entire people out the same way you planned to do to those of us who are non-Jews, so that you will never rise up to do this again. It's nothing personal, just as your killing of my people was not personal, as you yourself explained to me just now. However, you deserve to lose everything and to die for what you have done to us. Israel, which is a part of your banking structures also will die. None of you are going to survive this. You have no right to survive after this. You are the ones who drew the line between Jews and non-Jews so that the Jews would survive and we wouldn't. That made you a danger to the human race. There's really nothing else we can do, because we've tried tolerance with your people, and you've destroyed us again and again. You started and ran the Soviet Union as an anti-Christian killing field. Sixty-five million Christians died at your hands inside that bastard nation. Then you started Israel and began driving the Palestinian Christians and Muslims into the Mediterranean. You and your entire people deserve death, just as you dished it out to all of the non-Jews you could ever find. Solomon Kagan, I'm afraid you've written your own death sentence by what you've done. You can expect no mercy whatsoever. No one who is still alive after all of your treachery will ever be able to trust your people again. You are mad dogs, and you need to be put down! All of you! We are not safe with you on our planet! If we don't kill you, you'll be back at it again in no time, killing us again! In fact, the sad thing, Kagan, is this type of behavior extends over your entire history!”

  Bob Thornton brought in Kagan's entire family.

  “This is your wife, brother, sister, sons, daughters, and other relatives.”

  “Are you going to let them live?”

  “Did you let my people live? No. I'll answer for you. Mr. Kagan, you plotted the death of my entire family, and I'm ready to do the same to your family.” Thornton held a sharp knife against the throat of Kagan's son. “Now tell me where all of the other hidden bunkers are that you plan to use to wipe the surviving non-millionaires out, you bitch, or I'll kill them. I swear I will!”

  Kagan told him everything. Even then, Thornton and Billingsly wouldn't let him go. That would be wrong. Instead, they brought Kagan and his family with them as they toured the bunkers and storage places he had told them about, the ones the banks had planned to use in case the people rose up against them and defeated them.

  They pulled the bankers and soldiers out of these bunkers and tortured them for more and more information. This went on day-after-day and month-after-month until every single bunker had been found and opened, using false negotiations. All of the other bunkers were pounded open with bombs, and emptied of their conspirators.

  After several years of interrogations, tortures, and executions of entire families, the world began to breathe easier. The danger was beginning to thin out and dissipate. The bankers and everyone associated with them were dying away at humanity's hands. Soon, not one of them would survive, and banks and investment houses had already been declared illegal, and to start one had been declared a capital offense. Someday, in the very near future, the entire human race might actually be safe.

  Thornton remembered t
he words of the bankers, how they pleaded for mercy, they who had never given mercy to anyone throughout all of history, how they became resigned to the fact they were going to be killed out forever same as they had done to the 65 million Russians in their USSR but never wrote about it in their newspapers or discussed it on the television news shows they owned precisely to be able to censor that information from ever being shared with the people.

  But Thornton told about it. Thornton also reminded the world that the premiere website on the subject of bankers, Israel, and the conspiracy role they played in nearly wiping out the entire human race over thousands of years in their absolute greed to own and control everything on the planet had been Thornton recalled on his own radio and television news hour how had been the first website to alert the world of what these bankers and international goons had done to the world for millennium past. It had been nearly hunted and terrorized out of existence for years by the bankers for most of its existence. Still, it had somehow persevered against the immense onslaught of hateful lies that they had unleashed against it in their maligning madness to control all thoughts in this world. That website had now become a protected and well-respected international historical icon, protected by Internet law. They wanted the survivors of the great dying off which had been engineered by these banking conspirators most of whom were dual citizens of Israel and loyal to traitorous organizations like AIPAC, Mossad, FBI, and CIA to remember that lone voice which warned the entire world of their menace.

  Now, it was safe. In fact, the website had been preserved forever. It was an icon and an Internet National Park. They wanted to preserve such an historic landmark for posterity to study. Schools held courses in that website to ensure that all students were aware of how dangerous banks and media can be for people, how their nations can be destroyed by them, and how such people can never be given so much power through the deception of tolerance.

  Intolerance of those who murder is never a crime.

  The trouble in The Great Dying was that tolerance of a very dangerous minority only went one way. Such tolerance was a danger to every majority person and group in every nation in the world. The worship of tolerance as a good in itself had also been used as a type of wickedness to import foreigners into lands where they were never wanted and only because the bankers wanted them to become even greater direct dangers to national majorities and make it more difficult to organize against their economic enslavement of mankind through the introduction of more and more human confusion and misunderstanding.

  Tolerance was a medical term for how much poison a person could train himself to ingest without dying, because tiny infusions of poison can adapt a person's body to take more and more of it until that body could tolerate ten times more poison than an average “killing dose” and still survive.

  “We don't need tolerance of poison,” Thornton taught the people. “What we need is total intolerance for strange people who want to burst through borders meant to keep them out, because tolerance is a measurement of social poison. A healthy people and a healthy nation do not allow foreigners to enter their lands and to subvert them through their strange ancient ways. We must never again make that mistake! We have paid dearly for this mistake. Not just America, but all nations have paid for this mistake. If we had never allowed these banking people into Western Europe, the Americas, and all other continents the world over, the dying out in the great plague they developed against us would not have been developed and used. Our tolerance for bankers resulted in the death of untold billions of our people worldwide, those of us who were the non-banking people, and at the hands of the bankers whom we allowed in here under the poisonous laws of tolerance. These laws were made up by them to destroy us. So, we must be certain,” Thornton concluded, “that this won't happen ever again, and we shall do just that by keeping strangers out of our lands and by repatriating the other strangers who are already here and who hate the majority as they most surely do as seen in their many lawsuits and their infernal bickering against us.”

  From now on our nation will be made safe, and our potential killers will never again hide beneath the false banner of selfish immigrants as they plan our destruction behind their closed doors.


  “We have finally learned our lesson,” Turner told us. “We now know what we must do for the safety of our people. We shall never forget.”

  Copyright 2012 by Frank Weltner

  All Rights Reserved

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