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Page 14

by Various

  Just then Gemma moaned something about Mac’s loaded balls, and no matter how hard Allegra pretended not to hear, the colour burning in her face was a dead give-away.

  Dan Martin glanced over at the two and smiled. Gemma actually blushed. Allegra was sure that was a first. Then he turned his attention back to her. He sat his pint on the table and leaned in closer, holding her gaze, bringing the scent of the outdoors with him. ‘I’d like to do an article about your site and the archaeologist who discovered it. I promise I’ll be good, and I won’t take up too much of your time. I’ve read it might possibly be the underground temple of a fertility cult.’ He glanced again at Gemma and Mac, who had gone back to behaving like they were the only two people in the pub. ‘Who wouldn’t want to know more about such a discovery?’

  Allegra had nothing else to do that evening. And, for the first time in a long time, there was something in the pub more interesting than Gemma and Mac. In fact, Gemma and Mac had long since adjourned to a more private place before the interview came to an end. When at last there was a lull in the conversation, Allegra finished off her pint and smiled up at him. ‘Is there anything else you need?’

  ‘There is.’ The look on his face told her that he liked her choice of words. Though he managed to keep his eyes on hers, she suddenly felt as though he was imagining her naked, or maybe it was just the result of watching Mac and Gemma every night after digging all day in an ancient fertility site. He glanced down at his watch. ‘Wow! We’ve been sitting here for nearly three hours. I hadn’t planned to take up so much of your time. I hope you don’t mind.’

  She didn’t. She didn’t mind at all. In fact, what had started out as an interview for some newspaper she’d never even heard of had turned into a very interesting evening. She had expected stupid questions like ‘What’s it like to be an archaeologist?’ and ‘How did you feel when you discovered the site?’ But the man had actually done his homework and was amazingly familiar with the neolithic period, unlike a lot of people who thought Stonehenge was built by Celts.

  Dan closed his notepad and finished his pint. ‘Can you show me the site tomorrow?’

  Allegra looked at the white polo shirt stretched over an impressive chest. ‘You do have to crawl on your stomach to get inside, you know?’

  ‘Doc –’ the cheeky buzzard had started calling her Doc almost immediately, and she found she rather liked it ‘– I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get inside.’

  Allegra leaned over the table. ‘Then how about a little experiment?’

  ‘What do you have in mind?’ The sparkle in his eyes told her he was up for anything.

  ‘We’re only one day away from summer solstice. My suspicion is that the entrance of the chamber is aligned with the setting sun on summer solstice. With the days being long, we could go up tomorrow evening just before the sun sets and check out my theory.’

  ‘You and me alone in a possible fertility site at summer solstice?’

  She nodded.

  ‘Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.’

  Allegra thought the next day would drag by as she waited for her rendezvous with Dan. She had kicked herself for not inviting him back to the cottage for a drink. Was she really so out of practice with men? She’d had to settle for a solo session between the sheets in which, for the first time in a long time, Gemma and Mac played no role, but a certain journalist with an interest in archaeology took centre stage in her fantasies.

  That day, as she worked along the back wall of the cave, she noticed a feeling of light-headed euphoria. As she excavated several stone tools that she could only think looked like dildoes, she found herself wanting to grab the arse of the young assistant working next to her. For some reason, his bare shoulders seemed broader, more inviting, and he seemed to be labouring around an erection that tented the front of his shorts. Surely it was just her imagination. But when he brushed by her to exit, he touched her arm in a near-caress – something he would never have been bold enough to do. In fact, there seemed to be an inordinate amount of touching and feeling among the troops that day. Or perhaps the anticipation of her meeting with Dan Martin was playing tricks with her perception? It was hard to say.

  At lunchtime, she sought privacy. She needed to come, and the need wasn’t going to wait for her journalist. She stepped back into a stand of oak trees at the foot of the hill, surrounded by a hawthorn thicket, and was already undoing her jeans when she stopped suddenly and held her breath. There before her stood Mac, leaning against a tree, fly open, his pole fully extended in his stroking hand. His grunts and moans told her he was enjoying himself too much to notice her. She should have left, but she didn’t. Instead, desperate for some relief of her own, she stepped back into the thicket and watched. It wouldn’t take her long to come, then she’d go back to the site as though nothing had happened.

  ‘Looks like this place is making us all horny.’ Before Allegra could even jump, she felt a soft whisper against her ear. ‘Sssh. Don’t surprise him. Let’s watch, and we can all come together.’

  Allegra recognised Gemma’s voice just as she felt the other woman’s arms slip around her from behind, one hand sliding brazenly up to cup and caress her breasts, the other sliding down her stomach into her open jeans. ‘Let me help you with that. Open your legs a little wider. There, that’s it. Mmm you feel so nice, and slippery.’ She didn’t give Allegra a chance to argue. Her fingers found their way between her swollen lips to dip into her moisture and circle her straining clit while she rubbed her own pubis against Allegra’s arse. ‘How many times have I fantasised about making you come? Both Mac and I get off on you watching us.’ She licked and nipped a wet, nibbly path down Allegra’s neck. ‘You should join us.’

  Allegra said nothing. She wasn’t sure she remembered how to speak. She just watched Mac thrusting against his hand while she rode Gemma’s fingers, which slipped deeper and deeper in and out of her wet grip.

  ‘Mac’s about to come,’ Gemma gasped, ‘and so are we.’ She lifted the back of Allegra’s shirt and pressed her hard, bare nipples against her spine. Was she topless, or had she just lifted her own shirt? Allegra’s pussy clenched as Gemma inserted a second, then a third finger into her slick opening. She was close, and she could tell by the thrusting of Gemma’s hips against her and her accelerated breathing that she wasn’t the only one.

  Just then Mac grunted and bucked and shot three, four, five spurts that arced into the air like a fountain. Allegra just had time to wonder how he could be so full when he fucked Gemma every night, before her pussy contracted in her first spasm, and Gemma nearly knocked her off her feet with her thrusting as her own orgasm hit and the smell of female heat filled the hawthorn thicket. They both watched as Mac wiped his penis on a handkerchief, manoeuvred his tool back into his shorts and walked away. Then they were buttoning, straightening, tucking and giggling like a couple of teenagers. Before she turned to go, Gemma caught Allegra’s face in her hands and kissed her with a deep tongue probe of a kiss. She pulled away, smiling. ‘Thanks. I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.’ Then she disappeared into the thicket.

  When Dan arrived that evening they took his Jeep as far as they could, then walked the last quarter of a mile to the entrance. Allegra tossed a couple of sandwiches and a bottle of wine into a rucksack, along with torches, a Swiss Army knife, a trowel and other essentials she always carried with her to the site. Dan had his own rucksack, which she assumed was filled with his journalist’s toys. When they reached the top of the hill, he let out a low whistle at the slitlike entrance of the chamber set between worked sandstone monoliths. ‘Wow! It looks like a …’

  ‘Like a vulva, I know.’ She looked over her shoulder at the setting sun. ‘Come on, we have to be inside when the sun sets. If I’m right, the light should come right through the entrance and shine on the back wall.’ She had already dropped to her knees, rucksack pushed ahead of her. As she squeezed through the narrow entrance, she could hear him crawling behind her. Once inside,
where the passage widened out, she stood in a cruciform chamber with a corbelled roof.

  Dan was soon standing at her side. ‘I’ve never seen anything like this before.’ His voice was breathless against the back of her neck as he regained his footing and looked around.

  ‘Neither have we. In fact the entrance and the shape of the chamber isn’t like anything we’ve found before. These things are always a puzzle without a written record to fill us in. Come on. It’s almost time.’ She grabbed his hand and scrambled to the back wall of the cave where she sat down. He sat next to her. ‘Should be any minute now. Switch off your torch.’

  They waited in almost total darkness, able to make out only a greying in the direction of the entrance. His breathing came fast and heavy.

  ‘Are you all right?’

  ‘I don’t like not being able to see. A bit claustrophobic maybe.’

  She slid closer to him, her hand settling on his thigh closer to his groin than she had intended. She heard him catch his breath.

  ‘Sorry.’ She started to pull away.

  ‘It’s all right.’ He laid his hand over hers. ‘Leave it there. I need all the reassurance I can get.’ He shifted against the wall behind them and slid an arm around her. ‘I didn’t think about it being so dark in here.’

  ‘Relax, and breathe deeply. The claustrophobia will pass. If you want the full experience, this is a part of it – the experience of the darkness of the womb. Well, at least that’s one theory.’

  Just then it began. The first ray of sunlight sparked against the entrance of the passage, then ignited into a starburst of brilliance nearly blinding them as it hit their light-deprived eyes. It moved along the passage, over the wall, and Dan Martin was suddenly bathed in flame-red light. They both gasped.

  He pulled her close and whispered, ‘I think we have penetration.’ His breathing accelerated.

  ‘You’re not still claustrophobic, are you?’

  ‘Don’t you feel that?’ His hand kneaded hers where it lay close to his dick. ‘If this site was used for fertility rites, isn’t it possible they put strong spells on this place? Because something here feels really amazing.’ He lifted his face to the light, and from where she sat still bathed in darkness, she could make out the pulse in his throat, the expansion of his chest and the press of nipples through the now dusty polo shirt. Suddenly her own nipples ached as her eyes followed the line of his body to a defined erection, scant millimetres from her palm.

  ‘We’ve been feeling strange all day, all of us.’ She thought about her encounter with Gemma and could no longer ignore the moist pulsations against the crotch of her jeans.

  ‘Then I’m not imagining it.’ He placed his hand on top of hers and slid it onto his erection.

  ‘Not unless I am too. I feel horny every time I’m down here.’

  ‘Is that why you brought me then?’

  ‘I brought you because you asked.’ She guided his hand to cup her breast. He fumbled with the top few buttons of her shirt and slid his hand inside to stroke a nipple through her bra.

  ‘Ever do anything about it? Before now, I mean.’ She could feel his hips rocking forwards and backwards against her stroking hand.

  ‘I’ve taken to bringing vegetables for lunch.’

  He pushed the bra strap off her shoulder and slid a hand inside to cup her and thumb her distended nipple and areola. ‘Other than being good for your health, how’s that helpful?’ His other hand found its way between her legs.

  ‘Carrots, cucumbers, courgettes.’ She spoke between efforts to breathe and to open her legs so his fingers, now stroking a path against the crotch seam of her jeans, could get closer to her growing moist spot. ‘I don’t work alone, you know, and vibrators are noisy. They might attract attention.’

  ‘Good point. Though I think some of your colleagues might not mind much, at least if last night was any indication.’

  ‘Very good point,’ she said, as she opened his fly and wriggled her hand inside. ‘What’s this? No undies? You naughty boy.’

  ‘Never wear the things,’ he grunted. ‘They’re too confining. Maybe my cock’s claustrophobic too.’

  She ran her fingers along the smooth length of his shaft and extended her palm to cup his balls where they rested in a nest of soft curls. He groaned and lifted his arse completely off the ground to get closer to her hand. ‘It’ll certainly make my job easier.’ She was already slipping his trousers over his hips, lingering for a nice feel of his tight arse on the way, and breathing in the humid male scent in sharp contrast to the dusty confines of the cave.

  ‘Wait. Best not let crotches control brains here just yet. We have a theory to test, remember?’ He stood, nearly bumping his head on an outcropping of rock, and stepped out of his trousers. Before she could catch more than an admiring glance of his greatly expanded package in the dazzling light, he knelt next to her and went to work on her jeans, pausing only momentarily to give her hard pallet a good tonguing before he pealed her as though she were a piece of ripe fruit. He lingered long enough to stroke the small triangle of fabric at the front of her zebra-print thong, and it was her turn to lift her arse off the ground as he hurried them down her thighs, then he sat back on his bare haunches. ‘Now.’ He looked over his shoulder to the shaft of light, which still hadn’t quite fully reached Allegra, than he shifted her slightly to the left. ‘That looks about right.’ He checked the light again, then slid a palm between her thighs and opened her wide to the cool air. She slumped against the wall, legs splayed in anticipation, feeling as though her cunt was as swollen and inviting as the opening to the chamber.

  ‘Now we’re ready.’ He sat back next to her and slipped his polo shirt over his head.

  She started to take off her top.

  ‘Don’t move. You’ll lose the position.’ He looked back over his shoulder at the encroaching light. Kneeling again, with his erection bobbing deliciously against her cleavage, he slid her blouse over her head, popping a couple of buttons, which bounced off the stone wall with a ping and went rolling down the passage. Then he reached behind her and unhooked her bra, lingering for a quick caress as he removed the troublesome garment. Another glance over his shoulder, and he positioned himself sitting at her side. He turned towards her with his eyes locked on her exposed sex. ‘Here it comes,’ he whispered breathlessly. He pulled her left thigh open a little more just to be sure, and she shifted her hips forwards towards the beam of light. They both watched as the rays of the setting sun snaked low along the wall, between Allegra’s legs and onto her pussy. Just at the right moment, he slid his fingers down over her pubic curls, parted her labia and whispered against her ear, ‘Looks like your hypothesis was right.’

  With his fingers still exposing her to the light, he turned and rummaged in his rucksack. For a second she was slightly miffed that he could allow himself to be distracted from something as amazing as this, but when he turned back to her, she understood why. With his free hand, he now held a digital camera. ‘No doubt, you’ll want to see this too. I figured I’d be taking photos inside the chamber, so the camera’s equipped for low light.’ He adjusted her thighs again and moved in so his face was close, but not blocking the sunlight. ‘I certainly hadn’t planned for anything as dramatic as this.’ He took the first image.

  ‘These had better not appear in your article.’

  He chuckled. ‘These are for private use only.’

  Allegra squirmed, lifting her arse and moving closer to the path of impossible warmth that she was no longer sure came from the shaft of tangerine light, or from Dan’s hand, the fingers stroking the sunlit parts of her that beaded with moisture. Each time he snapped the shutter, he moved his fingers away from her in order not to obscure the shot. And each time he did so, he licked his wet fingertips like a child tasting the cake batter. And each time he returned his fingers to stroke her parted lips she was wetter.

  She watched in fascination, straining to see between her breasts and over her stomach, wishing desperat
ely that she had a mirror. Suddenly, the light was momentarily shadowed as Dan laid the camera aside and repositioned himself so his tongue could lap at the single remaining sunbeam slipping across her swollen landscape, which she guessed strongly resembled the cleft entrance to the cave. She arched and braced herself, feeling the rough sandstone from the wall at her back abrading her shoulder blades and the wet warmth of his tongue at her pussy. She curled her fingers in his hair, ground her heels into the hard-packed earth and, while trying to remember to breathe occasionally, she rode his face.

  He nibbled and tongued his way up over her clitoris and pubic mound and onto her navel, where he lingered, nipping and probing, offering succulent intimations of what was still to come. From there, he worked his way upwards, spreading her salty sweet female scent over her belly and breasts and neck just before his penis followed the path of the shaft of light with a grunt and a deep upwards thrust.

  He felt megalithic inside her and, in her mind’s eye, the symbolism of all the standing stones she’d studied and admired and hypothesised about over the years became clear, as did the cleft opening to the passage they’d entered together only minutes before. While they pushed and shoved and groaned, Allegra watched the shaft of sunlight trail down Dan’s spine and over the hillocks of his bottom to recede down the corridor and back through the entrance, bathing them once again in close-fitting darkness.

  But they were far too busy to feel claustrophobic. The passing of the light seemed to have heightened their other senses. Suddenly it was as though her vagina had conformed completely to the anxious, insistent press of his penis, and behind her closed eyelids she could see every detail as though her insides had vision. Suddenly it was as though they covered each other, absorbing and transmitting the intimate geography of breast and penis, vulva and buttocks. The line between arousal and release thinned and stretched with each thrust. They rode it until the chain reaction began and exploded outwards, filling the cruciform passages and echoing around the corbelled chamber as they both offered their raucous salute to the summer solstice. At that exact moment a section of the wall gave way behind them in a shower of dust and pebbles.


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