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Greyson's revenge aotr-2

Page 21

by Saxon Andrew

  “Oh yes. Just as yours will be for Dani.”

  Robby smiled and saw Dani Valrico’s face in the stars overhead.

  Niles felt the reactors power up and watched as his panel began illuminating. He punched the diagnostics button and the display began displaying the status of Bristone’s systems. He glanced over at Toland and saw he was balancing the reactors output. “Are you ready for this?”

  “I am.”

  “I’ve rethought our engagement plan.”

  Toland raised his head, “In what way?”

  “We need to see if we can escape first.”

  “You know we can’t jump out.”

  “Yes, but we need to see it they can track teleportation. If we wait until the shooting starts we may not get the chance.”

  “How do you want to do it?”

  “Program in six jumps. A light year, three light years, ten light years, thirty, sixty and finally a hundred. We’ll jump each time we detect their arrival. I’m hoping we’ll lose them on the first one.”

  “And if we don’t?”

  “We release the probe and face them after the last jump.”

  Toland turned back to his board and took a deep breath, “I think that’s a good plan, Sir. The ship is at optimum; ready to go?”

  “I’m taking the ship; get the weapons ready.”

  “I’m ahead of you.”

  “Universal jump in 4,3,2,1, now.”

  Scotty sat on board BC and watched the Bristone disappear. He lowered his head and remembered when the two former New Ulmerton Sailors had joined his fleet. BC said, “What’s bothering you?”

  Scotty sighed and looked at the display, “They won’t be coming back.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because they realize they can’t without leading the Invaders here.”

  BC thought about it and knew he was right.

  The Invader Battleship hung in space doing a full active scan of the galaxy in front of it. The Commander watched the readout on his display and was thankful for something to do other than just watch a universe and do nothing. It had been such a long time since he was allowed to fight his ship. He welcomed the chance to get back into action.

  “Sire, I have a ship that just jumped into normal space seventy light years from our current location.”

  The Commander jerked his attention to his combat display and saw the small ship. Isn’t that where we arrived?”

  The Sensor Being stared at his readout, “I can’t tell from this range but it’s close. I suspect they scanned our arrival and came to investigate.”

  “Did they come from this universe?”

  “I can’t tell. The track is too far away to read.”

  The Commander hit a pad on his panel and said, “Power all weapons, expand the force field, and lock in an approach trajectory.” The huge black ship turned on its axis and prepared to attack.

  Niles saw the ball galaxy off in the distance. Toland looked at his board and said, “How do you want to go about finding one of their ships?”

  “Just sit here. We know there’s nothing within range of our scanners. Let’s see if theirs are good enough to see us.”

  Niles reached forward and put his finger on the teleport board. He waited and kept his eye on his scans. He heard Toland say, “Disturbance breaking in normal space a hundred miles off the port side.” Niles pressed the board.

  “Sire, the ship just moved a light year away.”

  “Follow them. How did they move so fast?”

  “I’m not sure. They left no reading.”


  “Whatever method they used to escape, it didn’t register on my board.”

  “Don’t lose them!”

  Niles looked at Toland and yelled, “Change the last teleport to a hundred thousand light years in deep space.”


  “They scanned us from more than fifty light years. I want to make sure about them following teleport signals.”

  Toland scrambled to enter the last coordinates as Niles punched the second jump.”

  “They are now three light years away.”

  “Continue the pursuit.” The Commander was troubled. He had never encountered a ship that did not leave a trace of their jumps. That small ship could be from an advance civilization that had been missed in the survey of this universe. “Do not lose them!”

  “Sir, I don’t think they can trace a teleport.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because they scan before they chase us. I’ve picked up their scan on the last three jumps. They wouldn’t scan if they could read a trace.”

  “That is at least one good piece of news.”

  “Let’s do this; after the next jump, if I detect a scan, immediately take the last jump and see if they can see us.”

  “Thirty light years, Sire.”

  “I’ve detected a scan, hit it.” Niles punched the last jump.

  The huge black ship emerged into normal space and the Sensor Being worked the controls on his panel. He looked up at the Commander and said, “They are no longer on my board, Sire.”

  The Commander felt his rage and drew his side arm and shot the Sensor Being. “Get me someone here that can follow orders!”

  Niles and Toland watched their boards closely. Toland had released the probe and was preparing to face the giant ship. After two minutes Toland looked up, “I have not detected a scan. It looks like we lost them.”

  Niles recalled the probe into storage, hit his teleport board, and teleported another hundred thousand light years at a ninety degree angle to their last jump. Toland watched what he was doing and said, “You’re right. We’ve been moving on the same line. That’s my fault.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Leave one of our stealth probes here to see if anything shows up.”

  The Commander stared at the new Sensor Controller and heard, “They have been on the same track for all their jumps. I’m moving the ship eighty light years.”

  The Commander nodded and the ship jumped. The Sensor Being stared at his board and said, “Nothing appears on my board, Sire. They may have jumped again during the delay of my arrival.”

  The Commander whipped out his side arm again and saw the Sensor Being stand and stare at him with no fear. Ummm, this was one brave controller. He could be counted on during a fight to keep his composure. He lowered his gun and said, “I want random jumps. Find that ship and get a message out to Command with a recording of what just happened.”

  He leaned back in his chair and felt his excitement grow. Maybe there was an enemy that would challenge his ship. It had been so long since there had been anything to generate any excitement. He hoped his ship would be the one to find that ship.”

  The probe attached to the black ship dropped off when the Force field was dropped to send the message and make a scan. It waited for the black ship to disappear and then teleported four hundred thousand miles into open space and jumped back to the Empire.

  “Well, what now?”

  “I think we need to pull the probe back in and go take a look at that galaxy being invaded to see what the Invader’s tactics are. Program a hundred quick teleports into the board at different points in that galaxy and have the final one jump us into deep space where we can take a look at what we’ve found.”

  “Are you just putting off the fight?”

  “No! I’m gathering as much information as possible to help the Empire. There’s no rush to have the confrontation as long as we can collect information about these creatures.”

  “I know you’re right. I just want to get it over with. The waiting is starting to make me jumpy.”

  “I know, Toland. Let’s do our duty.”

  “That’s why you’re in command. You’ve always kept a clear head.”

  Niles looked at his board, “Ok, starting run in 3, 2, 1 now.”

  “Grace, I understand that you have an issue you want to discuss.”

  “I do, Your M
ajesty. I think we need to think about using armor for our Riders.”

  “You’re talking about the armor that was used by the Red Warriors?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Before I respond, tell me why you want to move in that direction.”

  “You’ve just held the funeral for the Riders and Zord that were killed in defending Priven. We wouldn’t have lost them if they had been wearing armor. We are also going to face a highly advanced civilization in the future and we’ll need every advantage we can get.”

  “Will that armor stand up to the beams of the Invaders? The Keepers were able to kill our warriors in spite of their armor. The only real advantage of it would be in our universe against the planets that are still aggressive. I don’t think that’s reason enough to release that technology here.”

  “It would have saved those lost Flyers.”

  “I know but sometimes a price must be paid for your actions. If we are able to sweep all opposition before us because of superior technology, it would only be a matter of time until resentment would rear its ugly head. We must persuade others to our values; not force them to it. Unless the armor is effective against the Invaders, I don’t want to use it against the planets in our universe. Will it be effective?”

  “I don’t have enough information to know.”

  “I’m like Alex on this issue Grace. Once that technology is released, it will be impossible to put back into the bottle. I’m uneasy about the Zeta Ships but we need them to face the coming invasion. I can also accept it because there can only be twenty of them. After this is over, I’m going to recommend that we put them back under Alex’s care. According to the defense database, once a person has armor; they cannot have it removed.”

  “Then it’s a control issue with you.”

  Scotty thought about it and said, “Yes, I guess it is.”

  “Then only give armor to the Searcher’s Partners. I know you’ve screened them with the Zord and every other mechanism available to you.”

  “Why are you so adamant about this, Grace?”

  “If Virze had armor, she could have teleported down and saved those brave warriors. She could have also removed the cannon from the top of that building and they would still be alive. I think it’s better to have more options available than less. You just don’t know what we might have to face and I’ve seen what armor can do in the hands of the right warriors.”

  Scotty didn’t want to give in. He struggled but then said, “Grace, have you allowed Bleath or Vring to take a look at the armor’s technology?”

  “No, Your Majesty.”

  “Have them look at it. Then I’ll make a decision.”

  “What do you expect them to do?”

  “Why see if it can be used against the invaders. I’d wait until the probe arrives from Niles first. It could make a difference in their analysis.”

  Grace reluctantly said, “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  Niles watched the video of the Invader’s Black Ships attacking numerous planets. The giant ships would come in system sweeping away all the forces sent against it. Nothing survived the beams of the black ships. Once at the planet, it was called upon to surrender. Any delay was met with a devastating bombardment from orbit. Once all resistence had been annihilated, giant troop carriers left orbit for the surface. Thousands of large, orange colored beings spread out and took control of the inhabitants. Any that resisted were killed. The black ships detected their presence but didn’t stop their attack. In every instance another black ship was called in to confront the small ship. Each time a huge ship appeared the small ship jumped away.

  “We need to go to another universe and see what it looks like when they complete their invasion.”

  Toland looked at his scanner, “I have a coordinate from the track one of their ships left.”

  “So you agree with me?”

  “I do. What are they trying to do? There must be a reason for their attacking these universes. We need to find out.”

  “Do you think that track will take us to a universe they’ve captured?”

  “If they were going home they would use their dimensional drive. The coordinates I copied are to a universe. I suspect we can find out there.”

  “Well, I’ll make sure the probe has our change in plans recorded. We need to see. Send me the coordinates.”

  Toland touched his pad, “They’re on your panel.”

  Niles hit the universal drive and watched as the universe changed.


  “Yes, Alex.”

  “The probe I had attached to the Invader’s Ship has just returned. It appears our boys are avoiding being attacked.”

  “Why, I thought they went to confront one of those ships.”

  “They did but I think they are attempting to gather as much intelligence as possible. The Invaders chased them but lost them after a huge teleport. It appears they can scan about eighty light years but are not able to follow a teleport trail.”

  “That’s a valuable piece of information.”

  “Yes it is. They were smart to test their capabilities before taking on one of them on head-to-head.”

  “I know the Emperor is starting to worry. Their probe has not made it back and I know he fears they were both lost.”

  “I think those two will make certain the probe gets back. I suspect they are scouting the Invaders first. I really hope they make it back.”

  “We all do, Alex.”

  Niles and Toland scanned the planet and saw the inhabitants were working in fields growing a strange plant. It was orange in color and grew to about fifteen feet in height. The limbs spread out parallel to the ground and appeared to have one round fruit on each branch. The inhabitants were picking the orange balls with breathing masks on their faces and dropping them into a vehicle parked under each tree. As each fruit fell into the vehicle, one of the orange colored soldiers would wait at the end and supervise the removal of a clear package filled with an orange powder. They noticed in an adjoining field the inhabitants were growing crops to feed themselves.

  All of the planet’s cities were abandoned and basic wood structures were built on the huge farms growing the plants. There was very little evidence of advanced technology on the planet. Their scans also revealed more than ten large cities had been hit with nuclear warheads.

  “It looks like we have dimensional drug dealers.”

  Toland said, “Watch this.”

  One of the inhabitants picked one of the fruits and removed his breathing mask. It smelled the fruit and immediately fell off the ladder and tumbled to the ground where it spasmed so hard its arms and legs broke. Then the picker convulsed and its chest collapsed. An orange soldier walked up, pulled a gun, and shot the dead body incinerating it. The soldier then turned and shot the six workers that were picking fruit from that plant. It motioned for more workers to take the place of those killed.

  “Niles, this is terrible.”

  “You notice we have not been discovered. That means most of their ships are now in that other universe.”

  “Niles, did you notice the color of the inhabitant that was burned.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m going to freeze the video.”

  Niles watched as the picker that had breathed the fruit quit twitching. As the chest collapsed Toland froze the video. The formerly brown colored picker was now a bright orange color. “It appears the invaders are addicted as well as the population.”

  “We need to collect one of those fruits.”

  “Stand by. Get a vacuum container out of storage.”

  Toland left the bridge and came back with a clear round container. Niles used the scanner to zoom in on one of the fruit from a tree well ahead of the harvesting efforts. He read the coordinates and entered them in his board. He read the coordinates of the container and enabled the board. He pressed the teleport pad and a bright orange fruit appeared in the container.

  “Toland, teleport this to a probe along wit
h all that we’ve recorded so far and send it out into deep space to return to the empire.”

  Toland began pressing the keys to release a probe.

  Niles leaned back and decided that they had done all they could to scout the Invaders. Now it was time to see how the Bristone would hold up under attack. He looked at Toland and hoped his friend survived the coming attack. Toland made the teleport and Niles smiled, “Are you ready?”

  “I am. Let’s go do this.”

  The Bristone broke back into the first universe and ejected the probe. They waited for what they knew was coming.

  “Sire, that ship is back at the place they were first detected.”

  “Go there immediately.” The commander felt his excitement. They were not getting away this time. He sent the message to five other support ships that surrounded the small ship eighty thousand light years away. No matter which way it tried to escape a ship should be able to follow it. He smiled as his ship broke into normal space and the small ship was still there.

  “It doesn’t have a force field up.”

  “Scan it.”

  “Our scans are being stopped at that ships outer hull.”

  The commander watched the small ship wondering why it didn’t flee. Then a brilliant white beam struck his force field and rocked the giant black ship.

  “We’ve blown a hole in their force field that lasted two seconds. We did not hit the ship.”

  Niles teleported away.

  “What are you doing?”

  Niles jumped and saw another ship emerge. He teleported again and said quickly, “Are you sure about the hole in their force field?”

  “Yes, it was about ten feet in diameter.”

  “We can’t trial our beam.”

  “I thought that was why we’re here.”

  “It is but think about this.” Niles teleported again as two giant ships emerged. “What will those creatures do if we hit them and destroy one of their ships?” Niles teleported again and barely missed being hit by one of Invader’s main Beams.

  “They’ll strengthen them.”

  “We didn’t think our Zeta Beam would penetrate. Now we know it will open a hole that we can send things through. We can’t show them our focused beam. If the Zeta Beam opened a hole, the new beam will blow through. We don’t need to trial it.”


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