Boomer (A Steele Riders MC Book 1)

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Boomer (A Steele Riders MC Book 1) Page 10

by C. M. Steele

  “Corey, we have a serious problem. Well, it’s more like you do, but not for long.” I punch him in the ribs and hearing the sound of his bones cracking thrills me to no fucking end. I do it again to the other side. He howls in pain, leaning over in the chair. I wrench him back with my hands in his fucking hair. I have a gun aimed to the side of his head. “You’re a dead fucker. Do you have anything to say?”

  “You’ll be joining me very soon,” he wheezes out.

  “Don’t count on it,” I say, pulling the trigger. Racking up bodies isn’t my intention. After leaving the military, I thought my killing days were behind me. I should feel something akin to fear, but there’s nothing except relief. My woman and every other one is safe from this motherfucker. I walk over to the other side of the room. I lift his father’s head, and it seems he bled out. Oh motherfucking well.

  “We’ll clean up,” Blade says.

  I nod then turn to Crystal’s dad. “Dan, fancy a game of pool?” I ask

  “Why yes, I do.” We wash up first then roll into the main room. The next few hours are spent getting to know my apparently bad ass father-in-law. He served in the Marines for ten years before meeting his wife.

  The guys come back and tell me everything is taken care of. I nod, then Dan and I finish our game before heading to the house. Tomorrow we fly out. We’re getting married Saturday morning at a chapel. It’s great to have so many people on top of it. Morgan, Sophia, and her mom, all helped Crystal put the wedding together. All I had to do is pack a suit and clothes for the night. We have the fight around eight, assuming the others go well. Both brothers are fighting for titles and are undefeated. They’re in different classes to prevent a match between them. They won’t fight each other, not even for a huge profit. I can’t wait to meet them. This should be fun. Two fucking big motherfuckers with short tempers. I’m not the kind to tolerate any shit, but since they’re Crystal’s brothers, I might have to back down. Nah, fuck that. She’s mine and they better get fucking used to it.

  Chapter 24


  We land at McCarran airport and the men stay close to us. Doc, Mick and Doc’s sister, Sammie, came too. Doc didn’t want to leave her alone with the shit going down. She seems like a really nice chick. Garrett hasn’t let go of my hand since we landed. I’m not sure if he’s worried they followed us here, or that I’m going to pull a runaway bride type thing. I’m ready to marry him, so he’s got nothing to worry about. Mick and Doc walk behind us for our protection. We hop into a limo my brothers sent for us. They’re waiting to meet Garrett. I had a long talk with them while Garrett did his “pool game.” They grilled me as Mike ran a search on Garrett. By the end of the conversation, they were happy to meet my future husband.

  We arrive at the Grand where Daniel and Mike are in their suite. They don’t want to come down because of the crowds that’ll mob them. Garrett’s holding me by the waist, refusing to separate from me for a moment. I love it. I lean into him as the elevator closes. My big, strong biker whispers in my ear so gently that I crave him. “I love you, Tigress.”

  “My Garrett, I love you so much.” He bends down and kisses me. We deepen it and then the door opens to my two brothers staring at us. Garrett doesn’t quickly pull away. Instead, he smiles at me then turns it on the guys.

  “Hello, Daniel and Mike. I’m Garrett Steele,” he greets them after we step out.

  “Mr. Steele, we’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “Good. Likewise. I’ve seen you fight on several occasions as well,” he says, reaching out with one hand while holding onto me. “It’s a pleasure to meet the both of you.”

  “Come inside.”

  “So, the wedding is tomorrow morning, are you ready?”

  “I am. Then again, Crystal has left me out of everything except picking my suit.”

  “Ha. That sounds about right.”

  The doorbell rings and it must be the rest of the family. They were going to drop all their things off in our suites. “Everyone’s here,” Daniel exclaims coming back into the main room with the others.

  We have a large group of people, but in truth, all I want is to get married to Garrett and being alone. The hours pass so fast as we all lounge about eating and talking. My brothers have to eat properly for their fights, plus, they were heading to bed early. I’m sleeping in my sister’s room for the night. I hate it, but it’s tradition.


  I missed Garrett all night. I could hardly sleep. Sophia did her best, but I wanted my man. It’s strange that we had to sleep apart. He left several times since we’ve been together, but it was only for a few hours. It’s six in the morning and I’m getting ready before everyone wakes up. My longing for Garrett has grown to a breaking point. Morgan comes into the bathroom while I’m in the shower. We’ve become more than great friends and I know something’s up.

  “What’s up, Morgan?” I ask her, turning off the tap and grabbing my towel.

  “Nothing, girl. It’s your day and you’re marrying my amazing big brother. Let’s get started before Garrett comes banging down the door. You know, I don’t think he’ll be able to resist.” She starts brushing her teeth when there’s knock at the door. “Oh no. Don’t you dare go to the door,” she garbles with her mouth full. A bunch of dirty jokes pop into my head, but I let them go.

  “Tigress,” Garrett shouts through the door. I come out of the bathroom after slipping my robe on. I tie the belt as mom comes out of her room.

  “Leave her alone. You can’t see her,” my mother says, rubbing her eyes.

  “I just need to talk to her.”

  I walk over to the door, leaning against it. “Mr. Steele, is something wrong?”

  “Baby, tell me you’re still marrying me.”

  “Of course, I am. What makes you think otherwise?” I ask.

  “I had a bad dream. I just need to know you love me,” he growls against the door.

  I laugh softly at the ridiculousness of his needing reassurance. “I do, silly man. I’m going to meet you in three hours.” Suddenly, fear strikes me. What if he’s subconsciously having doubts? “Are you having second thoughts?”

  “The only damn second thoughts I’ve had are not getting married last night through one of those drive-thru wedding chapels.”

  “Me, too,” I sigh, leaning against the door. “Me, too.”

  “Good, now, your breakfast should be up soon. I can’t wait to see you, Tigress.” I can hear his footsteps as he moves away from the door. He has the suite we’ll be spending the night in after my brothers’ big fights.

  Three hours later, I'm standing in the dressing room of the chapel feeling like a princess. Morgan did a great job on my hair and my mom worked miracles to get my dress down to the hotel when we arrived. I can't even believe how this is all happening. I guess this is the marriage capital of the world. We’re surrounded by friends and family. It's beautiful. My dad comes in the room. "Princess, it's time.” A smile spreads across his face. It warms my soul and eases the nerves I didn’t know I had.

  “How do I look?”

  “Perfect. Boomer is going to have a hard time waiting at the altar, so we better get a move on,” he jokes. I won’t put it past Garrett to pick me up and carry me if I go too slow.

  “Girl, you look so pretty. We’ll see you out there,” Sophia cheers, walking out with our mother. Morgan fixes my veil before giving me a kiss on the cheek and running out the door behind the other two. The music begins, and I can’t stop smiling as we inch towards the grand doors. They open, and I see him. I notice nothing else except my man, my Boomer, my Garrett, waiting for me. He’s rocking side to side, looking anxious. I want to put my hands on his handsome, scruffy face, and take away all his tension.

  My dad leads the way and on cue, Garrett comes forward. Jackson and Doc grab his arms and my dad shakes his head at him.

  As we reach my man, he grabs the hem of his tux, clenching the material. He gives the officiant a look that says move along. My
father hands me over to the man I know will love and protect me. He doesn’t hold my hand like he should but puts his hand around my waist instead. It’s a territorial move and I’m not sure why.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.” He doesn’t hesitate to tighten his hold on me. One hand slides into my hair and the other is still on my waist with at least two fingers dangerously on the edge of my ass. I moan as his mouth comes down on mine. Our first kiss as Mr. and Mrs. Steele surpasses decency. I thrust my hands into his hair, tugging and moaning. A couple chuckles reach my ears eventually and I realize that I’m in his arms with my legs wrapped around his waist, grinding on him. I’m completely mortified and yet so turned on. Instead of setting me down, he adjusts me to be cradled in his arms and carries me off. We’re not having a reception because the guys are fighting tonight. We’ll celebrate with them later.

  Chapter 25


  I know I’m a fucking caveman, but hell if I give two fucks. I carry her to the limo and tuck her in. I slide in beside her then lift her onto my lap. My dick is so fucking stiff I’m bound to come if she gives me one more of those sexy moans. “Mrs. Steele, are you ready to come for me?” I ask, sliding her dress up and squeeze her thighs with my fingers. I want to be in her.

  “Only if we come together,” she moans against my ear before sucking it between her teeth. I’m clenching my own, hoping to get myself under control. She grabs my belt and works to get my cock free. I help her straddle my thighs, then lower her warm pussy down my length. I’m about to come already. Her tight cunt sucks me into her depths. Gaining some semblance of control, I grab her face and kiss my wife hard. She begins to bounce up and down, riding me and every bump sends me deeper. “Fuck, you look so sexy.” I tug down the top of her gown, releasing her breasts. I suck her hard peak, then move to the other. I’m holding onto her hips, pumping into her. Her walls close around my length, pulsating around me as she shouts my name. My orgasm rips right through me filling her little womb. I’ve just come, but I’m still hard as fuck. I rock into her knowing she’s not ready to get off again, but I’m going to push my cum deep into her, hoping it takes root.

  “You know, I’ll keep trying to knock you up, Crystal, even with the birth control.”

  “Please give me your baby,” she begs. I can tell she’s serious. She rests her head on my chest and falls into a relaxed and spent state. Five more minutes and we’re in front of our hotel. We fix ourselves, then knock on the divider to let him know the coast is clear and he can open the door. Crystal’s face is bright as a tomato, but instead of letting her embarrassment get to her, she grabs my hard cock the second three hooker looking types walk into the hotel.

  We’re in our room within minutes and I’m tearing off her dress. I don’t care if she planned on saving it. She can send it to our tailor and have it fixed. In fact, it’ll be a memento to the time after we got married. She’s got that sexy lacy contraption you see in the movies. My dirty little wife isn’t wearing panties with the suspender looking things. I don’t know how to take them off, but since her pretty, little cunt is completely accessible, who cares. I walk us to the bed with her legs around my waist then lower her onto the surface long enough to get my cock out. I line up my dick with her soaked pussy and claim my bride again. “I can’t wait. You’re mine, Mrs. Steele, mine.”

  “That I am,” she grunts out as I slam into her womb repeatedly. I’m wild with desire for her and always will be. The things she does to me with just a smile or even that upturned brow are unbelievable. I want to live inside her. Thoughts of taking her while riding my bike hit me, making it hard to avoid coming. “Tigress, I’m going to have you ride me on my Harley one day. I want to feel you come with the vibration on your pussy as I dominate you.”

  “Fuck, I’m coming, Garrett,” she screams, choking my cock with her tight heat. I can’t hold on anymore and come deep inside her, streams of cum painting her pulsating walls. I hope one day my baby will be growing in there. Damn, I need to get her to change her mind about the birth control. The picture of her round with my kid is a primeval need.

  “Do you want to shower, eat, or nap?”

  “Nap, definitely, nap.”

  “Okay, sexy, get under the covers.” She does and I strip down to my boxers and hop in with her. We don’t have all night because of the fights, but that’s cool. A little nap will go a long way. And it doesn’t take more than a few minutes before we pass out.

  Chapter 26


  Our day has been so perfect. Now it’s almost time for the fights. I’ve packed my special cut. I’m going to wear it because my man needs to know I’m only his. Tonight, there’s going to be tons of sweaty, shirtless men. It’s never affected me before, but I know my husband will choke the life out of one of these guys if they speak to me.

  I won’t let the ring girls get to me because I know that he loves me and can’t keep his hands off my body. I’ve got nothing to fear from these broads.

  He tightens his hold on my waist as we walk into the arena. “You’re mine,” Garrett grunts against my ear.

  “I think I’ve made it clear.”

  “Yes, and you look sexy in that leather cut, Tigress.”

  We’re all in our seats, but not sitting in the same place, unfortunately, because of it being sold out. Mick and Morgan are up further back. It seems like forever before Mike makes his appearance. Garrett keeps me occupied with random kisses and touches. I know he’s letting everyone know that he’s crazy about me, but it’s making me horny and irritable. We have two big fights to sit through. He’s about six-two and two-twenty. I start shouting and cheering for my brother. His opponent notices and turns and winks at me. Garrett’s ready to go after him, but I whisper, “Let Mike handle it. He’s trying to piss him off.” Then the fighter says something to Mike. The bell rings and they circle each other until the guy runs at Mike. He must have thought Mike’s some punk because Mike had him pinned to the ground with a rear naked choke. Before we know it, the shit talking ass has passed out. Mike wins and we cheer him on. He jumps on the top of the ring, straddling it and throwing his arms up in celebration. We stand as he comes out with his new belt. It’s an amazing night. “What did he say to you?”

  “Nothing that I’ll say aloud, especially with your husband standing here.”

  “I know he did it to get a rise out of you, but if he approaches her, I’ll make sure it’s the last thing he does,” Garrett informs Mike with a viciousness to his words that leaves no mistake or misinterpretation. Knowing Garrett and his men, he’s as serious as it gets.

  Mike goes back to get evaluated and cool down as we wait for the next fight and that’s Danny’s title match. Mike’s going to come back and watch of course. Assuming Danny makes it last that long. He’s been known to end fights in the first round. This one is different though because he’s facing another undefeated fighter, Diego “The Tank” Otero. I’ve seen him a couple times and the talk up to this fight has been brutal. I’m so glad that Garrett didn’t see it. There was a lot of screwing sisters type of talk and guys ragging on each other. This fight is as personal as it gets, but I hope that Garrett can contain himself.

  He grabs me and sits me on his lap as they announce the other guy. He looks my way and I know Garrett’s aware. The guy hides the hint of fear in his eyes because the cameras are on him. “Are you going to scare everyone?”

  “Baby, if I’d been with you when that fuck was trash talking your brother, he’d already be a dead man. Now, this is the only warning he gets. I don’t give two fucks if this is the name of the game. You’re mine and that must be respected. You must be. I know your brother is going to lay this guy out. If not, he may just come up missing one day.”

  “Garrett?” I challenge.

  “I’m kidding around. He’s not worth it. The police would be all over it.” We stand as my brother’s music begins and he walks out. I don’t like that my brothers do this for a livin
g because it’s so dangerous, but since they rarely get busted up, I suppose it’s okay.

  As soon as Danny’s in the ring, Garrett pulls me back on his lap. Danny is pinned against the cage, something that’s never happened before, but then he does some crazy shit and has the guy pinned instead and is throwing some elbows. “Night, night,” I shout as The Tank is asleep. Danny’s declared the winner and of course does the customary riding the cage that they all seem to do. I wonder if that hurts their nuts, but I’m guessing not.

  “Fuck, that looks like it hurts,” Garrett grunts.

  “I was thinking the same thing. But after everything else, I suppose it’s not a big deal.”

  “You even thinking about another man’s nuts is off limits, woman. You’re lucky he’s your brother.”

  “Oh hush, you were thinking about them, too,” I toss out laughing.

  “Well, he must not have any. Let’s go and celebrate. Then I can show you mine—up close and personal,” he growls in my ear. It’s going to be a memorable night.

  Chapter 27


  Blade picks us up at the airport then drives us home before taking Morgan to her apartment, then he’s going to drop off the rest. Once we get inside, I have her pinned to the door, my mouth on hers. I want her for my own in our house without a single distraction. I love this woman and she’s mine to keep for the rest of our lives. My hands dip under her top, feeling her skin littered with goosebumps from my touch. I slide down her body, taking her yoga pants with me. I press my face forward, smelling my favorite scent. I nudge her thighs apart with my arms. I need her to come for me. I want to christen our home now as a married couple.

  “Garrett,” she screams when I suck her clit between my lips. Her head hits the door and her hands thrust into my hair, rocking her hips. “Shit, I’m going to come,” she pants. I want us to come together, so I pull out my cock with one hand and stand. Gripping her ass, I lift her and slide her down my length. We both release a groan as I stretch her tight heat. She’s so damn tiny, and I feel like my dick is in a vise. The way she clenches around me, nearly causes me to black out from the pleasure shooting straight to my sack. I pump up into her, shaking our door with every thrust.


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