Boomer (A Steele Riders MC Book 1)

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Boomer (A Steele Riders MC Book 1) Page 11

by C. M. Steele

  “Mine. Only mine,” I grunt. I kiss her hard, biting her lip, crushing our mouths, and claiming her tongue. I pull away from her lips, needing to get myself under control. “Come for me, wife. Show me how much you love to feel me deep in your tiny pussy.” I’m getting turned on by my own words, but so is she. I reach up and tug on her ponytail, revealing her neck. My mouth attacks her pulse, kissing and sucking until she cries out. Coming on my cock, while wringing out my own cum into her.

  “I love you, Garrett,” she moans as her head falls forward onto my chest. I kiss the crown of her head and repeatedly tell her how much I love her. She’s everything to me. My phone goes off, but my pants are down to my fucking ankles. I don’t want to be out of her, but it’s more than likely important. I pull out of her warmth, but I watch as my seed slowly slides down her thighs. I take one hand and cup her pussy, not letting any more of my baby making juice leave her womb. I want that shit to stick. I answer the phone, my eyes trained to my wife’s face.

  “Hey, can you meet us at the club? There’s something important we need to discuss. It’s going to be awhile so bring the Missus.”

  “We’ll be on our way in a few minutes,” I say, dipping my fingers into her cunt. Letting her know that even though I have business to attend to, she’s my priority. She’s shaking and biting her lip.

  “Don’t rush. It’s not too important, but I need you both here,” Doc says. This is probably about Sophia. I think he’s going to pursue her. I’m not in a rush, Crystal needs to come again for me. I let my phone fall onto my pants then continue to finger fuck my wife until she’s clenching around my fingers and screaming my name.

  It takes her a minute to calm down. Then I finally let go and pull up my pants. “Go wash up. We have to go to the clubhouse.

  It's the first time I have her on my Harley. I never realized how great this would feel. I'm trying not to get hard as we ride to the club. “Oh my goodness,” she squeals, holding on to me even tighter. Her warm pussy grinding against my back doesn't help my stiffness at all. I'm going to end up breaking my cardinal rule for the club but fuck it, it's my place. I've got my spare bedroom in there and I'm going to fuck my wife until we're both too tired to get up. I’m glad she’s with me because the thought of spending time away from her is too much to bear. We only have a few hours before morning and then it’s back to work.

  I regret that she’s a teacher now, but it doesn’t matter because I still have to work too. I’m a fucking multimillionaire even with all the money the town has cost me, but I want it to be a success and a place for my wife and kids.

  I pull into our gravel parking lot. Turning off the engine, I get off the bike then pick up my woman. We walk inside and to our chagrin, there's a massive crowd cheering our names and shouting congratulations. They threw a huge party in our honor. And that little shit of a sister of mine is standing front and center. “You sneaky little devil,” Crystal says.

  “I guess we're going to have to wait,” I whisper in her ear.

  “Who says so big boy? I say you give me a full tour.”

  “In a little bit, baby.” The party is going for about fifteen minutes before all hell breaks loose. Before we know what's going on the sounds of gunfire come from outside and screams can be heard. I'm wondering who the hell has a woman outside. I look and don't see my sister anywhere. Fuck, Morgan.

  “Get them inside,” I tell Evan, one of the prospects. He leads Crystal, Sammy, and Demi into the secured area, locking them all in with him. We run out with our guns an open fire on the men shooting our way, while several guys in a van manage to get inside our guarded entrance. I don't want them all to die; I want to know how they got into my place. I see them toss my sister into the back of the van. The devil in me is on the edge. Our men shoot at the wheels sending the vehicle to spin out. We all charge forward. I pull the van doors wide open and see my sister bleeding and unconscious. There’s a guy with a gun trained on me, but I don’t hesitate and blast him in the head. I go around to the front and bust the head open of the first guy I see. I take the second guy and drag him out. “Bring this fucker to the room,” I order my men.

  I scan the area for Doc, but he’s leaning over Mick, who is on the ground bleeding heavily. I can’t even believe what I’m seeing. I carry my sister out of the van and toward the clubhouse while Doc and Beast continue to work on Mick. “We’re taking him to the hospital. It’ll take too long for a medic to get here.” A prospect brings Doc’s medical bag and they load Mick into the back of my Ford 350. The rest work on disposing of the van and the four dead bodies. They tried to mess with my family and red is all I see. From what I can see of her injuries Morgan hasn't been shot. She wakes up screaming for Mick. “Where's Mick? Please tell me he's okay. This is all my fault,” she sobs.

  “They're taking him to the hospital and Doc is working on him on the way.”

  “He covered me to protect me.”

  “Good, that's what he should have done. Now let's pray that he will make it.” I need to know who these bastards are and deal with all of them. I can see the scratches on her and I'm assuming that's from Mick covering her on the gravel. I'm trying to hold it together because I almost lost my baby sister. Nothing is going to save that fucker inside that room. Cyber, who has some medical training, gets the kit out and cleans Morgan's scratches then helps her into the room with the other girls. All my men join me while the prospects clean up.

  The guy is already bleeding from a gunshot wound, but he needs more though. I want him to bleed the fuck out. I want answers first. “Who the fuck sent you here?” I roar, grabbing him by the throat.

  “I'm not talking to you.” This fucker really has a death wish. I grab a baseball bat, my favorite hobby when I can play, and take it to his knee. He howls like a weak little bitch.

  “Now, who the fuck sent you?”

  “We're here to get the girl,” he remarks.

  “What girl?” I snarl. Mentioning either of the women would get him killed.

  He smiles at me defiantly. “Your sister, of course. We didn't get her the last time, so we came for her again. Too bad she has too much protection around her.

  The only thing that crosses my mind is that Santos broke the truce.

  “The last time? You work for Santos?” I ask him, holding his head up by his hair.

  “No. Maybe you should ask your little whore you married about us.” I punch him in his nuts, making the little shit barf. I step out of the way because that’s fucking gross as hell, but my rage is beyond measure at this moment.

  Screw this, I've had enough. I put the gun to his bastard’s head and pull the trigger. “Another one bites the dust,” I mutter, walking out of the room. Now it's time to get answers from my sister. Something’s going on and she and my wife know about it. I get a sick feeling that they’ve been lying to me. I don’t know how to handle this.

  I get to the door where they’re at with the key to unlock the door when I hear Morgan tell Crystal, “It’s them. They found me. I wish we’d told him before.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I should have, but…”

  “But you know he would have hunted them down and been killed or arrested.”

  “Yes, I can’t lose him. And now I might. He’s going to leave me for keeping this from him.” I hear my wife crying hard and it breaks my heart. I know she lied, but it’s not going to stop me from loving her. I burst through the door and wrap my arms around her, then take her seat and settle her in my lap.

  “Morgan, how are you doing?”

  “I’m physically okay. I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” Jackson came into the room along with Blade at the same time. “God, this is hard to talk about.” She looks to Crystal for support. Then Crystal sighs before continuing for her, “The day I met Morgan, it was chance. You wondered how we became friends. Well…” she pauses, and Morgan adds, “She saved my life.”

  “What?” Jackson roars, “And you’re just telling us this?”

nue please,” I say. I don’t care who tells me as long as one of them tells me how my wife saved my little sister.

  “I was walking back from the library, checking out all the cool things there when I was pulled into an alley. They…” she starts crying and can’t carry on. Instantly all us men look at her and know what she’s going to say next.

  “They started to attack her, sexually.”

  “They didn’t get to, you know…” she illustrates. I breathe a sigh of relief and so does Crystal. I accidentally held her a little too tight in my frustration.

  “I’m sorry, Tigress.”

  “If it wasn’t for Crystal coming over and kicking their asses. I don’t know what they would have done. Obviously, they wanted me dead.”

  “That’s their ultimate goal, but I have a feeling these guys work for the Colombian dealer whose name is still unverified. Cyber, get to work on tracing the van.”

  “Already on it, Pres. I’ve got stolen plates. I’m looking into the location of the vehicle registration. The VIN comes back to Brownsville, Texas.”

  “Okay, well check all of Santos’s connections. If that fucker has ties there he’s going to have a serious problem. Now, let’s get to the hospital.” Morgan’s eyes widen, and she jumps up ready to go. I know she’s worried about Mick. The trouble isn’t her fault. I have a feeling the attack on her had more to do with her being a Steele heiress rather than a beautiful girl. Up until the incident I didn’t have any issues with anyone since I left the service.

  We take three trucks that weren’t hit with bullets. Several of the bikes have been damaged, but thankfully none of the gas tanks were hit. Cowboy, Jackson, some prospects, and a few others work on getting this place fixed for tighter security. When we arrive, they send us to the ER waiting area. Doc and Beast are sitting down looking torn up. I walk up to them and Doc says, “It doesn’t look good.” Morgan faints on the spot. Beast manages to reach out and catch her before it’s too late. “Fuck, I’m such a dick.”

  “Let’s get her in to see a doctor,” a nurse says, rushing up to us. Crystal walks with her and the nurse through the ER area and into triage. I’m not allowed in there because she’s going to be fully examined.

  “What the hell are we going to do with these bastards?”

  “I want to find them all. Cyber is still working on tracking these fuckers down. Their IDs are fake along with the plates. VIN takes it to southern Texas.”

  “We’ll get them. I’m sure they are going to come back and we’ll be ready,” Beast says.

  “That we will.”

  Chapter 28


  The men have been running back and forth between our place and the clubhouse. They’ve implemented a ton of technology to protect all of us. I have a new necklace that tracks me. The same thing with Morgan, although she’s moved in with us. Mick is still in the hospital in a coma. Demi has taken over the shop until he wakes up. The doctors have hope that he’s going to pull through, but two weeks later and he’s still not with us.

  “Crystal,” Morgan calls out from the kitchen.

  “Coming,” I shout back. I walk in and am surprised to see one of the prospects has a knife to her.

  “Well, it took a long time to get to both of you and now, we’re going to leave through the front and act as if nothing’s wrong. Your man is at work, leaving you here with us.” Evan and Keith are two prospects and I thought they were the most trustworthy. They’ve been behind this the whole time. I’m trying to hold myself together. This can’t be happening. My phone is in the other room. And I don’t have the ability to strike him before they hurt Morgan, so I comply.

  Keith jabs a gun into my side and I feel nauseous. My stomach is doing flips from fear and the fact that I found out I’m pregnant this morning. I didn’t get a chance to tell him yet. We get downstairs when Beast shows up. “Tell him you’re going shopping,” Keith hurriedly whispers to me.

  “Hi, Beast, Morgan and I are going to the store. I need creamer.”

  “Okay, I’m glad I like my coffee black.” He walks away, and I know he’s onto the situation. He doesn’t like his coffee that and he took me to the store yesterday. Since he arrived there’s a little distance between us and our captors. It’s their mistake because I attack, kicking the one near Morgan in the back of the leg and then she knees him in the face as he falls to the ground. Keith tries to aim the gun at me, but I kick it and Beast comes up and pulls the trigger before anyone can move. Then he moves to Evan and laughs. “You are going to wish you’re the one I killed first.” Beast kicks him straight in the face, then takes his phone and calls Garrett. “Pres, we have a serious problem at the house. The women are safe, but we’ve got someone to deal with and another to clean up.”

  “I’m on my way. Let me talk to Crystal.” I heard him, so I stick out my hand. Beast gives it to me and I step away from both men on the ground. I’m afraid to get too close.

  “Garrett, I need you.”

  “I’m on my way, Tigress. Stay strong for me.” I nod as if he can see me, then hand over the phone and fall into Morgan’s arms. I need my Garrett. I’ve never been so scared before. It’s not just me anymore. We have a baby on the way.

  It’s not long before I hear a roar of motorcycles. Evan’s still knocked out when Garrett and the others pull in. I stare at him as he turns off the engine then rushes to me. I throw myself into his arms. I need him. Morgan goes to Jackson for comfort. It takes a while for me to calm down. Garrett takes me into the house and sets us down on the couch. “I love you, Crystal. Tell me you’re okay.”

  “I am now that you’re here.” I place my head on his chest until I feel calm enough to speak. “Beast was amazing. He picked up on my lie and knew we needed help.”

  “You were amazing. You were quick thinking although I wish you wouldn’t fight armed men. You’re trying to give me a heart attack.”

  “I know, but I couldn’t let him take us. And he gave us the little bit of room to act,” I argue. “Garrett, there’s something I need to tell you.”

  “What is it, Mrs. Steele?”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  “What?” he blurts out. Even though he’s clearly shocked by it, he’s happy as hell. His hand rests on my flat abs. “I can’t believe it. I thought you were on birth control.”

  “I haven’t taken it since our first night. You said I’d want your babies. I do, my husband.”

  “Thank fuck, I’ve been hoping that you would.” He tenses suddenly, and I wonder why. I look up and his face is full of anger.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “They tried to take you both from me.”

  “But they didn’t.”

  “Because I sent Beast over to do a test on the property.”

  “Boomer, sorry to interrupt, but lunch is ready,” Morgan utters. Garrett sets me down on the couch, then goes up to his sister and wraps her up in his arms. “Don’t, Garrett, I led Crystal in the kitchen where they were waiting.”

  “They would’ve made you anyway. Or have just shot you and came for me. Doing what they said, saved us both.,” I tell her.

  “She’s right, Morgan,” he reassures her. I know she had no choice. Lately, life has been cruel to her. She received a surprise this morning. Her heart’s breaking and it’s nothing short of a miracle that we got out of there today.

  Chapter 29


  He’s going to die as soon as he gives me more information. They came after my family, infiltrated my crew, and betrayed my trust. Nothing short of death will do. Each and every traitor will pay along with their associates. I hop on my bike after the guys cleaned up the mess and took Evan to the holding cell, waiting for my arrival. He’s going to meet his maker very soon. Only members are watching over my women. Cowboy has taken the shift at the house with Blade. I trust them both. Doc came over and checked on the girls and gave them a good bill of health. Other than shock and Crystal’s pregnancy, they were going to be fine. Crystal fell asleep
in my arms after eating and is resting in our bedroom. Morgan’s working on her plans for the coffee shop. I’m proud of the steps she’s made to get it ready to open.

  My temper isn’t safe for riding my Harley, but I can’t stop myself. I need to get my hands on Evan. He betrayed his potential brothers and our family. I make it to the club and the guys are all standing outside like something’s wrong.

  “What the fuck? Are you ready to do this shit or what?”

  “He’s dead,” Jackson blurts out nervously.

  “What the hell do you mean he’s dead?” I snap off.

  “He had a fucking cyanide pill and popped it. We searched for weapons, but missed the little tab.”

  “We’re just fucking with you, Pres. He’s waiting for you to do all you can. He did have a cyanide tab on him though, but we took it.”

  “I’m going to kick all your asses.”

  “Hey, we just didn’t want you to kill the fucker before you got the info. You came in ready to slit his throat without a word.”

  “What the fuck would you do? My wife, sister, and baby were almost kidnapped.”

  “Wow, congrats, Boomer. That was fucking fast,” Boss cheers, clapping my back

  “Let’s celebrate after this bastard is done with. He’s going to give me what I want.” I storm into the club, ready for action. It’s silent except for a chair being moved slightly. He’s nervous as he should be. He sealed his fate the second he chose to come after my family.

  I slam the door open, letting it crash loudly against the wall. “Well, well, well. What do we have here? Evan, it seems you’ve crossed a motherfucking line that can’t be taken back.”


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