Boomer (A Steele Riders MC Book 1)

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Boomer (A Steele Riders MC Book 1) Page 12

by C. M. Steele

  “I should have done it sooner when I had them all trapped in that room. It would have been perfect. I would have been promoted in the ranks so fast.”

  “Who do you work for?” I ask. I don’t even want to think about what could have happened if he’d acted on it. The idea that we all could have lost all our women in the club. All our sisters and my wife. It scares me to fucking death. And that fear infuriates me to the point of blind rage.

  “Cortes,” he says just as I knock his teeth out. That’s all I need. The name has been circling our information, but we didn’t have proof. I take my gun and shoot him in the nuts first. I want him to suffer.

  “Bye, Evan,” I mutter, walking out of the room without looking back. I go to the bar and pour myself a drink.

  “Time to clean up?” Cowboy asks, standing beside me and helping himself to a drink.

  “No, I only shot him in the nuts. I feel like he should feel his life slowly slip by. My woman is pregnant and feared for our baby the whole time. Maybe he dies, maybe he doesn’t, but I’ll check him out in about fifteen minutes.”

  “Did he give you anything?”

  “Cortes,” I say, tossing back another shot.

  “Oh, Rodrigo Cortes. That’s one of the few who I thought it would be. It’s surprising how many foreign drug lords control the scene in the US.”

  “Tell me about it. We’ve got a name now we can start taking our payback. I want Cortes dead. Nothing less will do. We’ve done nothing to this guy. He’s after me for no damn reason. He better go into hiding. Or he’s going to wish he had.”

  The guys come into the clubhouse after bullshitting outside for a while. “Let’s go to Church fellas.” They nod and walk into our meeting area after getting some beers. Once in there, we call the guys at my house and the hospital, so they can listen in. “Brothers, I’ve got the name and we’ve got a lot of work to do. I want everyone on all the dealers for Cortes. I don’t know how large their operation is, but we’ve killed seven of them.”

  “We’re not attacking, right? We’re planning only?”

  “Yes, Beast. I don’t want to deal with this forever. Several of his guys are going to be lurking around. We have the people in the grocery store. Only two of them were the ones that showed up here a couple weeks ago. Law, I’d say that you need to have your deputies on alert. Trouble is already here.”

  “I will. Should we pick up a couple more deputies? Since we’re so small we don’t have to get it approved by the county.”

  “That works for me. Another thing, let’s keep an eye on those who look like they’re high. They’ll have the connections to the drugs. I want to know who’s dealing in our town.”

  “I’m on it, Boomer. How about some random drug busts?”

  “That’s good. Getting some of them to roll on their dealers will help us.”

  “Boomer, I’ll draw up charges when you tell me.” Beast won’t lie, but he’s not going to let small charges go. He’s the best lawyer I’ve ever seen. He hasn’t lost a case and yet, most of us have never heard him speak more so argue.

  “I got that, Boomer. Don’t worry. I’ve got you.” My men know how serious it is and I didn’t even get to what Evan said.

  “Brothers, we’ve let the wolves in. I don’t want you to knock all our prospects. I’m sure they’re good people, but Evan said some shit that fucked me up. He’s the one who was alone with the girls during the attack. He was locked alone with the girls.”

  Jackson gets up from the table without a word. We follow him out because we know where he’s going. He slams the door open and our guest lifts his head just a bit. “You’re done.” He pulls the trigger, shooting Evan in the crown of his head.

  “Now, let’s deal with him because I have to get the fuck out of here. I’ve got somewhere to be,” Jackson orders.

  “Go get her,” Cowboy roots.

  “Maybe you should get cleaned up.”

  “Damn it,” he grumbles, looking down at his clothes. “Boomer, I’m going to your place.” I nod because we’re brothers, so what’s mine is his. Well, except my girl, that’s a no go. Everything else I’ll hook him up when he needs it and vice versa.

  “I’m about to head back now.”

  “I’ve got this if the others can give me a hand,” Cowboy tells the rest of the guys.

  “Thank you,” I tell them.

  “Take care, Boomer. We’ve still got to celebrate the future of the club.”

  “Yes, we do. Let’s hope it’s a boy.” We laugh because we don’t need a daughter.

  “Damn right,” Law says. I’ve got to see my wife and kiss her until she wakes up and lets me love her. I jump on my bike and drive back to the house. I’ve got so much work to do, but these fuckers and their need to come after my family is messing with my work schedule. I’m able to do a lot of business remotely, but I do have many meetings in the next few weeks that can’t be offsite. And I need to set up Crystal with the female doctor in town. She works at the same office as Doc, but she’s a gynecologist. She’s been here for a year. With the town booming, people didn’t want to travel over half an hour away for a doctor, especially pregnant women. I hear she’s nice, but I’ve never met her. I hope she’s also capable. Crystal will get the best, even if I have to hire a doctor to come into town to check on her. I won’t let her suffer at the hands of someone incompetent.

  I turn off the engine, then run up to the house. Blade opens the door for me. “She’s sleeping on the sofa, Pres.”

  “Sofa?” I question.

  “Yes, she’s been waiting anxiously for you.” I walk in and she’s curled up with a blanket on her. I sit on the edge of the cushion, rubbing her back.

  “Baby, I’m home.” She mumbles softly at that, rolling to her back before waking up all the way. Her smile widens, and she sits up, throwing her arms around me.

  “Garrett,” she squeals, hugging me tightly. “I’m so happy you’re back. I had a nightmare that they attacked you.” She’s shaking and kissing me.

  “I’m here, Tigress. I’m not going to let anyone take me away from you.” I kiss her hard, lifting her onto my lap so she’s straddling me. I ground her pussy on my bulge, forgetting that we have a house full of people.

  “We’re going to leave you two alone. Morgan wants to go to the hospital and visit Mick.”

  “Okay, keep her safe,” I tell them. They nod and head out. She’s been visiting Mick every day, hoping he’ll wake up. She can’t forgive herself for this. But none of that matters at the moment, I’ve got a wife that needs thorough fucking.

  “Are you tired, Mrs. Steele?”


  “Well, then, we’re going to have fun until you’ve come for me at least three times. We have to celebrate me getting the job done and knocking you up.”

  “You act like it was a goal.”

  “It was, and I can’t wait for you to be round with the evidence of my baby for everyone to see.” I carry my Tigress upstairs and spend the next three hours eating her out, fucking her hard and deep, then nice and slow. The stress of the day has disappeared. I wrap my arms around her and hold her until she slips into a long, satisfied sleep. I look at the clock and it’s past midnight. Already Sunday. At least we have one more day before real life takes over.

  Chapter 30


  A month has gone by since the attack on my clubhouse. Video surveillance has given us a few more of their men, but they flee town before we can get to them. I know that they’re in the next town over, looking to start some shit. We can’t block off the entire town from these fucks, but I’ve decided that our town is going to put in some state of the art, traffic cams at the entry points of our town. At least if shit starts to pop off again, we’ll have somewhere to look.

  “Garrett, let’s watch a movie,” Crystal suggests. She’s been neglected with everything that’s been going on. I’ve had to leave her side more times than I can count.

  “What do you want to watch, Tigress.

  “I want to watch something funny. How about a Hot Fuzz?”

  “What movie is that?”

  “I’ve never seen it, but I hear it’s good. It’s about a by the book cop going to a small town in the UK. But things aren’t as they seem. That’s all I know, but it’s got the same people in from Shaun of the Dead and I love that movie.”

  “I’ve never seen either of them.”

  Her mouth drops in shock. “Wow, really? You are missing out.”

  “I’ve been busting my ass for years. I probably haven’t seen a lot of movies.”

  “Oh, Garrett. I suppose you’re going to be catching up. I love movies.”

  “As long as they’re with you, I’ll watch them.”

  “I’m so excited,” she squeals.

  “Then put one of them on, woman.” I swat her ass and head to the kitchen. “Want some popcorn?”

  “Yes, sir,” she replies, bouncing onto the sofa. I go over and steal a kiss before going I’m just about to put the popcorn in the microwave when my phone goes off. Fuck, it’s Cyber.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Cortes has left the country. I’m sure he’ll be back, but I think this is way of trying to distract us from coming after him.”

  “That’s fine. Let him go. If any of his men come into our town, we’ll deal with them,” I reply with a bit of ire in building in my chest.

  “Really, you want to let him go?”

  “Look at it this way. Like a hydra, you cut off the head of a criminal organization, another will be there to take his place. But if we take out the middle man things are still centralized, then we minimize his group slowly.”

  “True. I get it, Pres.”

  “Okay. I’ve got movie night with my wife. So unless an emergency, don’t call.”

  “Will do. Have fun, you lucky bas…” I end the call, laughing. The timer goes off and I pull it out carefully. Dumping it into a bowl, I grab our drinks, and hurry to the living room.

  “Are you ready, baby?”

  “Yes, sir. Let’s do this.”

  Four hours later, and I finished both movies. Sleeping beauty passed out half way through the second movie. She’s right. These are too good ones. I can’t wait for another peaceful night.

  Now if the Cortes crew would kindly die or go away, I can have many more nights like this. I kiss my wife goodnight after securing the house. Life is perfect.



  Eight months later…

  I’m doing all I can to stay calm. Garrett’s on his way back from a job site, but this baby wants to come out now. Blade is driving me to the hospital with two prospects following behind in another truck and Doc is sitting in back with me, wiping my head and taking my vitals. I feel like I have to push. I’m not going to make it to Dallas. I cry out. This baby is coming. “Doc, please, you have to check. I don’t care what Garrett says. I think the baby’s coming out.” My water broke at the house.

  He takes a brief peek at my parts, then slips on some gloves. I feel the pressure. “Call Boomer. She’s not going to make it to the hospital in this traffic. He should be only five minutes from us.” It’s storming hard and the sky is dark. Even with the rain, the heat is at its peak. It’s over a hundred. Doc has no choice but to open the door, so he can get me in the right position.

  “Pres, we’re on Williams Road. Get here as soon as you can. She’s in labor now.” Blade must’ve called Garrett.

  “Fuck, just make sure she’s okay. I’ll be there soon. Only Doc checks on her,” he says over the speaker. I cry out and laugh at the same time. “Tigress, I’ll be there soon. Please hang in there.” I hear the panic and I’m not in the least concerned about Doc’s hands on my body. I feel like I’m being torn in two and it’s happening fast.

  “Okay,” I squeak out. “Drive safe. Shit,” I grunt.

  Five minutes later, I see Garrett’s truck pull up on the other side of the road. He jumps out and opens the door near my head. “Good, you’ve made it in time. Let her rest her back on your body,” Doc mutters. “Your son has got a full head of hair.”

  “Shit, Garrett,” I sob hard. I rest my head on his chest. He kisses my sweaty brow.

  “I love you, Crystal. I’m sorry I almost missed this.”

  “Oh, hell. Crystal, I need to move your legs,” Doc informs me. He lifts one over the back row and the other on the front. “I want to make sure he’s got room to come out. Now, on the next contraction, I want you to give me a hard and long push.”

  I’m doing all I can to keep it together. This is all my fault. Garrett wanted us to stay at Jackson’s place just in case, now we’re here having a baby on the side of a road. “I’m sorry,” I tell him, hoping nothing happens to our son. Anything could go wrong delivering a baby in the middle of a road. The contraction rips through me and I push hard. “Good, the head’s completely out. Take a breather and the next one, I’m going to need a big push. The shoulders are the worst part.”

  “Oh hell. Are you fucking kidding me?” I hiss, panting hard. Garrett’s doing his best to comfort me, but I’m sure he’s ticked that we’re not at the hospital. I feel a little calm then it hits me. A huge contraction forces its way through me, and I push painfully. A wailing cry tears through the small space and my son has arrived.

  “Wow, you’ve got one big boy.” He lays him on my chest. I look down at my boy and shed tears of joy. He’s massive and healthy looking. “I’m going to do my best to clean you up, but we need to get you to the hospital.”

  “Okay. I’m going to drive. Blade take my truck and meet us there.”

  “Boss, we’ve got to go to the hospital in the next town over. There’s a lockdown. A microburst has hit the road into Dallas.”

  “Okay, damn. I want the best. Doc, we’re building a hospital in town. We have the space for a medium one. I’m not going to risk this again. And I plan on knocking my wife up many times to come.”

  “Don’t even think about it, Garrett. You aren’t getting near my womb anytime soon.”

  “I know, baby, but soon you’ll want my babies again.”

  He’s right. As painful as it is, I’d do it all over again.


  Seventeen Years Later…

  My son's nuttier than I am. At seventeen years old, he swears he's found the one. Problem is she's only fourteen and Beast's daughter. He's crazy and ready to settle down as soon as he takes over the club. He's already running daily operations at the demo company. He's brilliant like his mother and ambitious like I was. Crystal has taught him to fight. His uncles have all added to his skills. Some days, I’m not sure he wants to be in the family businesses in town, but he definitely wants to run the MC as the future president.

  “Will, you need to get a hold of yourself.”

  “I do, Dad, every damn night. I know she’s not old enough for me, but I’ll be waiting for her to grow up. I don’t care. I want her, and I will have her. I’ve had a crush on her since I was little, but now, things are different. She knows how I feel. One day she’ll feel the same way, I’m sure of it. For now, I’m off to college and I’ll be back for Christmas.”

  “You’ve got it all thought out don’t you.”

  “That I do, Dad, that I do.”

  “What’s going on in here?” Crystal asks, walking into my office. God, she’s so beautiful. All these years together and I can’t wait to get her alone and naked. She’s got her leather on, reminding me that we’re supposed to go out for a ride.

  “Nothing, just guy talk, Tigress.”

  “Yeah, just guy talk, mom,” Will parrots. We named him William Garrett Steele after the fact that he was born on Williams Road.

  “Okay, well enough of that. If you don’t take me for a ride I’m going to take my own bike out.” She can’t ride on her own, and she knows that I can’t handle her trying again. About six years after Will was born, she was finally not pregnant and I took her for a lesson. During her first run, she ma
de it a hundred feet before she got scared and fell. I rushed her to the hospital. She only had some scrapes and bruises, but I swore never again. If she rides, it’s on my bike. That night we slowly made love out of fear and made our baby girl. Our only princess, Cora. We now have six kids: five boys, and one girl. I’m still trying to knock her up all the time.

  “Have fun. But remember, no sex in the clubhouse,” Will yells out. It’s my rule and I’m the only one to break it.

  “Boy, get inside and start packing. I need the room. I’m hoping to give you another sibling,” I tease, leaving the room with Crystal for our long filthy ride.

  Nine months later, Crystal and I welcome our seventh and final child. We know, within hours of her birth, Dylan Steele is going to give us the most trouble; I’m sure of it. Crystal blames it on the ride, but I’d gladly do it again. In fact, I just might in say six more weeks.





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