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The Beginning

Page 5

by Lenox Hills

  Embarrassed, I say “Nope, I was making a pass at you.”

  “Ah I see. Well Lenox, I was quite shocked but it was a very welcome advance.”

  “One that you never let me actually make.” I pointed out, looking away.

  “Touché” and with that he takes his right thumb and put the knuckle under my chin to bring my face back to his. He leans in, “you’re so sensual” and puts his mouth on mine.

  A volcano erupts in my belly and I feel hot lava running through my veins. I open my mouth wide to let him take all he wants of me, our tongues meet in my mouth, and he twirls his around my teeth while I follow his with mine. Jonathan pulls me up fully with both his hands on my ass, and leans back into the backrest. I scoot all the up to his lap, with both of my thighs straddling next to his, and wrap my arms around him and thrust my hands into his soft dark hair. We continue to kiss deeply, and he holds me tight rubbing his hands up and down my back. His hands all over envelope me in a lustful hug that makes me scoot closer to him and with my dress hiked up around my hips, my new silk panties are directly on the crotch of his black jeans. I can feel him hard against the denim and me.

  As we kiss, our bodies come together and rock and sway. Jonathan has his hand on the back of my neck and the other on my ass pulling me into him. I have tightened my grip with my thighs clamping them to his, holding on for dear life. He still has that perfect stubble from last night and it is soft and tickles my face as we kiss hard and deeply. Our tongues have a mind of their own and continue to circle and entwine each other. Both of us moan and growl when our groins touch with our rocking. I am wild with passion for this man. A man I just met whose side I don’t want to leave. What is it about him that makes me so attracted, so pulled, so desperate for his touch. I never want this kiss, this night, this feeling of being wrapped around him to end. But it does.

  Jonathan pulls away, but keeps me in a tight grip. My hands are still in his hair, we are panting, staring into each other’s eyes, and he is grinning with a sexy glint in his eyes.

  “Hey” he says.

  “Hi” I reply.

  We are enraptured and not letting go.

  “What you do to me. What I feel when I look at you is nothing I understand.” He says.

  “I feel the same. I was drawn to you instantly. But,” and I trail off.

  Jonathan takes a hand off my behind and with the tip his thumb under my chin he says, “What?”

  “Well, why did you apologize in that note? I don’t understand. Did I do something that made you feel like you owed me one? I was so confused.” The tone in my voice dips low.

  He looks away for a minute and turns back to me, eyes deep and dark, but I still sink into them like the deep blue sea.

  “I completely lost control with you last night. I let my thirst for you take over my rational mind and I never asked for your permission. I just went with my gut and took what I wanted. I wanted to taste you, all of you. I thought I owed you an apology for my hasty actions.”

  I smiled at the honesty and the memory of his tasting me.

  “Well, I am sure you could tell that my body was ok with your loss of control.” I smiled a big smiled desperate to show him that what he did was ok with me.

  “Yes,” he smiled a big smile, “your body was very responsive. It was such a turn on for me. It only made me want you more. I thought about you all day. I tried to stay away tonight, but I kept thinking about you, wondering what you bought today, and I rushed my business dinner to sneak in here.”

  He was here? Since when? “Why did you sneak in and when did you get here?” I asked.

  “I arrived about an hour into your shift and I snuck in because I was hoping just watching you would be enough to satisfy me. But it wasn’t. I had to touch you, to smell you again.”

  As he tells me these things, my stomach is doing somersaults. He nuzzles into my neck and re-grasps me tightly with both hands. I put my face next to his and slowly rub his cheek with mine. I feel him breath in and out deeply, taking in my scent. I feel the soft stubble on his face; I close my eyes and try to capture this feeling. Lock it away for when I am alone and thinking about him.

  We are both jolted from our silent moment of memory keeping by a ring. “Ugh” he groans. It must be his phone, and I notice him grab two smart phones from his jacket. Two? He must be very important. I lean back so he can pull the phone to his ear and talk. As he does, he mouths “sorry” to me.

  “Ellis.” His last name is Ellis. Jonathan Ellis. Strong, sexy. I like it. His face goes grim, his brow furrows and he stops looking at me and looks up.

  “Uh huh, uh huh, ok and how many servers are affected?” I stare at him while he talks and watch that strong jaw I like clench firm. I move to slide off him and give him some space, but he grabs me firmer at my waist, looks at me, and mouths “no.” Delighted I stay put. I can hear another male voice coming out of the phone and Jonathan is just listening. I take my fingers and tuck, and re-tuck his soft black hair behind his left ear. He squeezes me to let me know he likes it.

  “Ok, I can be in the office in thirty minutes.” He hangs up. He is leaving and I am deflated. My body slumps in his grip and on his lap. “I’m sorry kitten.” He kisses me softly on my pouting lips.

  “S’ok” I mumble. Shit. This was going so well, I thought maybe even further than last night. He reaches over to put down his phone and picks up his flute of champagne. He holds it to my lips. “Here, drink, cool off.” With the words, he smirks with the right side of his mouth. He knows how turned on I was, he knows he had me melting like chocolate in his arms and with his tongue. He tips the glass at my lips and I drink thirstily. Then he raises the flute to his own lips. I watch him close his eyes and drink. It gives me an idea.

  When he opens his eyes I stick my fingers in the champagne and rub them on my lips, “oops” I say, and hope he remembers what happened last night when I did this. He throws his head back and lets out a loud, “HA! Not this time my dear.” I crinkle up my nose and mouth into a semi-pout and get off his lap. Things were going so good and now he has to leave.

  “That was intense. I don’t know if I have ever been so turned on so quickly by anyone. I could hold you and kiss you all night.” He tells me. “Your skin is so soft and supple and your ass fits perfectly in my hands. The way you clamped your thighs into mine was like a vice, and I didn’t want to move.” I blush and want to tell him I feel the same way. As I am about to try, he grabs my hands, turns my palm up, and gives me three soft quick kisses on it. “I have to leave. I’m sorry.”

  He stands up, adjusts his jacket, states “I’ll be right back,” and he walked out of the curtain. I sit and wait. In a moment he comes back into our little cubicle, “Okay everything is all set and paid for. You can sit back here and finish the champagne, but I have to go, I am sorry.” He has returned to cool and calm. I do not want to look forlorn so I smile and just say, “Ok, thank you, good night.” He leans over, kisses my lips, turns, and walks back out through the curtain. Shit. He left again, but this time I was left with a sexual frustration that I didn’t know how to deal with. I grabbed my flute and poured fresh, cold champagne. I glug the entire thing. I moved and sat in the warm spot he had just left. I suppose I could masturbate in here. Probably not the first time someone has, but I decide to leave.

  Right as I stand up to leave there is a whoosh and flourish as Jonathan rushes back in. He grabs me into a tight embrace and throws his lips on mine, prying them apart with his strong tongue. I pull myself into him by wrapping my arms around his lower back and as he kisses me, he runs his fingers up into my hair and grabs my scalp. He is inhaling me again, taking me all into him and I love it.

  He picks me up and walks me backwards to the banquette, lowering to sit me down. Never letting me go, he shifts to the right and sits besides me. Using his left arm he turns me towards him, and I scoot my butt so that I am facing him, his lips and tongue have never left my mouth. With his right hand he pulls out from my hair, dow
n the nape of my neck, strong nimble fingers scroll down my back and slowly over to my stomach. His touch is a jumper cable to my engine. In two short pulls, he has my dress up at my hips again and just as I think he is going to pull my underwear down, he slows his touch and his tongue to match. Very soft deft fingers are placed outside of my silk panties. He slowly rubs me outside of them, up and down, the rhythm of his fingers matching the rhythm of his tongue in my mouth. He pulls his lips away from mine, and up to my right ear. “Lenox, listen to me, I want you to slow your breathing down. Breathe in and out, matching the rhythm of my fingers ok?”

  “mmhhmmm” I reply.

  “Good, now relax and enjoy.” He instructs me.

  Jonathan moves his mouth back over to mine, and his kiss changes to match the movements of his fingers, long soft slow strokes with them and his tongue. Never pushing the material aside, he stays right over my folds, never quite touching the throbbing little ball that is up higher. He is teasing me; I love it when this man teases me.

  His tongue flicks softly in and out of my mouth, and around my lips, I am tortured, I am delving into the depths of wanting and desire to find him. Rubbing up and down he goes, his movements and his tongue charting the course for my body. I can feel him slowly speed up and as he does, I grip his strong bicep through his jacket with my right hand and with my left; I grip the end on the bench, my head starts to feel heavy. Jonathan must feel this and he takes his left hand that is holding my head and leans it back resting on the backrest of the banquette. I match my breathing to his rubbing. I am leaning back, relaxed and I trust him completely, and let him be in control of my pleasure. I hook my right leg over his thigh to open myself up even more to him. I notice that his fingers are now doing a dance, closer and closer to the center of my release and the tease is building inside me, the closer they go, the closer I come to that explosive moment. His movements matching my breathing put him in complete control of my climax and I love it.

  His fingers rub faster, harder, and now are hitting my hot spot each time they come to the top. I am now gasping and groaning into mouth while he kisses me, his tongue going faster and still keeping up with his fingers that are about to make me explode all over them. Kissing and rubbing is all I can feel, I am not longer able to control my breathing as he asked. I am very wet and the feeling just makes my panties feel silkier against my center. So soft, so good, please now Jonathan please I plead in my head. He is so tuned into my body that things speed up and this time there is more force at the top of his rub, he presses in harder, and now he stays and circles me in short fast movements with three fingers. He stopped kissing me and is now sucking on my lower lip with full command. Rubbing, sucking, so fast I know I am going to finally give him what he wants from me. He lets go of my lip, and moves back up to my right ear.

  “Lenox,” he says hot and breathy in my ear. “You are so ready I can feel it, you know what I want from you. Ready?” and I squeak out a low “yes.”

  “Yes what?” he quizzes me.

  I know what he wants from me. “Yes Jonathan.”

  “Good girl, now, one,” and he rubs harder and faster on my sweet spot.

  “two” and circles me with small tighter movements.

  “three” and with that he presses his thumb straight and hard into my throbbing spot and I convulse and cum into his hand that is cupping my wetness, and he holds me there firmly while I shake and constrict around his palm. I am spinning and swirling in this free fall and what makes it more intense is the feeling of his hand grasping me tightly. I have fallen.

  Slowly I open my eyes and look over at him.

  “Hi” he says.

  “Hey there” I answer. I smile and he grins. Another moment we share in my pleasure.

  “Why did you come back?” I ask him, “I thought you had to work.”

  “Aren’t you glad I did?” he questions me.

  I give him a cat that ate the canary grin, “Oh on, I am very, very glad.”

  Jonathan smiles a smirk with that right side curled up, he takes his hand from between my legs and brings his fingers to his nose. He takes a deep whiff, never taking his eyes off me. “I wanted to take this sweet smell back to the office.” His smirk grows into a wicked knowing smile. Normally this would embarrass me, but with Jonathan, I am not ashamed and it makes me feel good. “Ok, I really gotta go now” and he kisses my forehead and gets up.

  “Later Gator” I say. Geesh I am a geek sometimes.

  He just chuckles at me and leaves our cubicle. I finish the glass I was drinking before he barged back in. I know he is not coming back this time. I gather my things, take a look around, and leave.

  When I walk out of the champagne room I am assaulted with loud music and swirling lights. It is a busy night and there are bodies everywhere drinking and dancing. I’m not sure what to do next, but the champagne room manager comes over to me and leads me back to the cashier. “Lenox, my dear good score!” He smiles a cheesy yellow smokers toothed smile at me. “So Mr. Ellis,” he continues, “has taken good care of you.” I smile to myself and wonder if the creep watched Jonathan pleasure me.

  “Here is your tip,” and he thrusts an envelope into my hand. “You are done for the night, he paid you off, and he wanted you to take this with you.” He then hands me a bottle of the Perrier-Jouet Rose Belle Epoque 2004 we had been drinking.

  “Do I tip you?” I ask creepy champagne manager.

  “No, Mr. Ellis did.” Good.

  “Ok then, good night.” I head back to the locker room. It is empty, except for Samson who is reading Time magazine on the make-up chair.

  “Oooohhhh girl you’re a hot mess, but I can tell you had a good time. Am I right?” Samson asked. I blush as if he can see right through me. “Yeah, I did.” I mumble. We look at each other and grin big grins. I want so badly to confide in Samson, in someone about Jonathan and what is going on. Is something going on? I don’t even know. Common sense takes over and I say nothing. I open my envelope and there are too many twenties to count, so I just hand Samson three of them.

  “Thanks Doll. You look beat, are you going home?”

  “Yes,” and I hold up my bottle of champagne to show him, “going home to have a drink.”

  “Oh girl nice pull.” Samson replies. I walk over to my locker, just pull over my dress, and put on my jeans and t-shirt over everything else. I am too tired all of the sudden to do anything. I grab my new bag, and say goodnight and leave the locker room.

  When I get to the front doors, the doorman holds it open for me, and says goodnight. I stood there for a moment decided about which direction to head for the best cab pick up.

  “Miss Lenox.” A voice I recognize says and I turn to my right. Marcus.

  “Hi” and I walk over to him.

  “Mr. Ellis sent me to take you home.” Marcus opens the SUV door.

  I smile at Jonathan’s thoughtfulness, and climb in. We arrive quickly at my place, Marcus opens my door, says goodnight and I get out.

  Once inside, I decide to draw a hot bath. I feed the sweet kitty I am caring for, and press play on the answering machine. “You have no messages.” I know. I grab the bottle of champagne, and a coffee cup since I have no idea if my sublet-landlord has any kind of flute or wine glasses packed away somewhere. Taking off all my clothes, I climb into the warm lavender bubble bath and relax. I reach over to the toilet where I put the champagne, pop it, but not as gracefully as Jonathan had earlier, and pour some into my coffee cup.

  The warm scented water and bubbles encircle me as I lean back and drink. I close my eyes and immediately think about Jonathan. I replay the night, every part, over and over in my head. I am so enthralled with this man. He is strong, sexy, bold, and at the same time tender and gentle with me. What is going on with us? I have no idea. Is this a kind of relationship, are we in a relationship? No, not after two nights. Could we be? Is that possible? Is this something that could actually turn into something? I have never been great at dating, or understanding
men. The only thing I do know is that they hate being questioned about things like this. Nothing good ever came after too many “where is this going” questions.

  I push that out of my head, pour more champagne, and go back to thinking about our time together. I close my eyes and remember what its like for him to touch me. The skin of his palms connected to my back, his fingers on my face, neck and in my hair. Grabbing and holding onto my hips, pulling me into him so I could feel him and his arousal. I go through each movement in my mind, finally getting to when he swooped back in astounding me, forcefully kissing me, and touching me with those strong fingers. I can feel the stirrings between my legs at this memory and start to move and twitch, rubbing my thighs together under the bubbles. God this man turns me on.

  I put down my champagne glass and place my hands under the water. The oil from the bubble bath makes my fingers smooth and soft like his were. I glide them all over my body, into my hair, down my neck, around my throat, all thinking about him and pretending it is Jonathan touching me again. I never used to touch or pleasure myself this often, and now in just two days, this man has turned me into a clitoris-rubbing fanatic. I tried to mimic his rhythm and pressure; I closed my eyes and thought about him. How he looked while he rubbed me, when I had my head laid on the backrest, in a moment of clarity I turned to look at him. I saw him watching my face, my expressions, and me as he ran his fingers over my wetness, and he was smiling. A very sexy, but serene smile. He was enjoying himself, turning me on turned him on. I could see it. I made my way down between my legs and found that same place he rubbed tonight and ran back over and over it. I tried to match my breathing as he wanted, and it got faster and faster and I began to climb into sweet tension. I opened my legs wider and gripped the edge of the tub with my other hand as I had grasped Jonathan’s bicep. His face, that smile, those fingers, I felt my climb almost over with a furious splashing from my hand underwater. I gripped the tub edge hard and bucked forward as I came again for him, “Jonathan” I groaned loudly, “ooohhhh Jonathan,” I whispered as I leaned back to feel the pulsing shocks run over my wet skin and slowly stop. I took a minute to revel in the feeling, and then I climbed out, toweled off, and fell into bed. My last thought is that he called me Kitten; I loved hearing it and how it made my belly do a flip when he said it. I fell asleep deeply and with a smile.


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