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The Beginning

Page 13

by Lenox Hills

  “Short car trip, windy, cool, but comfortable.” He tells me. Jonathan is rummaging through his bag, and pulls out some soft worn jeans, brown suede loafers, a white t-shirt, blue-checkered boxer briefs, and a colorful blue-checkered oxford shirt. I love his casual preppy style, and wonder how he would look all dressed up.

  “Do you ever wear a suit?” I ask.

  “Not if I don’t have to, and even then, I get away with as little as possible.”

  “I think I like seeing you in as little as possible,” and I wink.

  “I think I like seeing you sprawled out naked on a bed in front of me,” he counters.

  “Yeah?” and I raise an eyebrow full of invitation.

  “Oh yes and stop, we are leaving in 15.”

  In the bag, I find khaki slim fit capris, a pink bra with matching panties in the softest cotton I have ever felt, and an expensive silk long sleeve pink sweater. I add my white converse, and head into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth, and hair slipping it into top knot on my head.

  “Ok ready,” I shout out.

  “Let’s roll.” Jonathan already packed up both of our bags and has a bellman waiting outside the door for us. When he takes our bags, Jonathan clasps my hand and we head to the elevator. As we ride down, he brings our clinched hands up to his mouth and gives mine three quick kisses. Before the door opens, he lets go and whispers in my ear, “Walk out the front doors, turn left and walk towards the hydrangea bushes down the drive, just keep going and I will pick you up.” His marital status suddenly slaps me in the face.

  Walking through the lobby this time I feel completely as if I belong, and I don’t know if it’s my chic new designer resort clothes, or my handsome man waiting for me, but something in me is different. I head out and to the left; it is breezy and sunny out, a beautiful California day. I stroll and keep from looking behind me, but in a moment, I feel a car sidle up to me. A tinted window rolls down, and Jonathan leans over to open the door. He is sitting behind the wheel of a metallic long beach blue BMW MX6, and he looks sexy, handsome and in control. I climb into the cockpit style seat next to him, and as soon as I fasten my seat belt, the car pulls off like a rocket at his acceleration. “Nice car,” I say running my hands over the leather, and touching all the buttons and gadgets for my seat. “Thanks, it’s a new favorite of mine.” The ride is luxurious and we roll over the roads like water flowing downhill. “I like this, it’s so smooth.” I tell him.

  “Just like your skin, your lips and the sweet, soft place between your legs.” He smirks.

  The observation makes me blush but excited at the thought of him touching me there.

  We ride in silence for a few minutes, the seal of the car encapsulating us from the traffic noise outside. Then I decide to bring it up, “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Yes, but I need to do some work for a bit, so do you mind if I take care of that first?”

  “No, of course.” With that, he grabs my hand, and hits the Bluetooth button on the steering wheel. I hear, “Jonathan Ellis’s assistant.”

  “Veronica, it’s me, what’s going on so far?”

  I tune them out and turn my head to watch the rolling hills and green of the 280 freeway. I zone out on his business talk, and enjoy the ride.

  After twenty or so minutes, Jonathan is finished with business, and hangs up. “Sorry,” he tells me and kisses my hand. I have decided to table my previous venture, and wait for a better time. We are on a curvy road, driving between the mountains. “Almost there, your going to love it, it is one of my favorite places to relax. I want to share it with you.” The offering warms my stomach when I hear this, and it makes me hopeful that we can work something out. We ride the rest of the way in silence, with our windows down and feeling the wind rush through our hair.

  Shortly, I begin to smell the saltiness unique to the ocean. Excitedly I turn my head and ask, “Are we near the water?” Jonathan points his fingers to the right and says, “Look.”

  I turn my head and see a beautiful vast ocean start to make an appearance between our mountains. I am excited to see the sea again, I love the way I feel when I am near the water, and we have a symbiotic relationship. Some people are afraid of such a large body of water with it’s loud rumbles and dark undercurrents but I love the power of it. Once we reach a fork in the road, we turn to the right and head down the Pacific Coast Highway. The ocean is on my right, and I lean my head against the car doorframe and watch it go by. It is so picturesque, deep blue like Jonathans eyes and has no end in sight. I do not care where we are going, as I am enjoying the ride.

  In a few miles, we turn onto a beautiful road that snakes through a golf course, and soon as I see the ocean again I see a beautiful thatched wood New England style sprawling hotel set out on the edge of a cliff, with beach and waves crashing in below. It is scenic, and I turn to Jonathan and grab his hand, “Thank you for bringing me here, it is beautiful” I tell him. He picks up my hand and three quick kisses are placed, and I get a nice, warm smile back, “You are very welcome kitten.”

  We pull into the brick paved portico and a valet comes running over to open my door and announces, “Welcome to the Ritz Carlton.” I turn to Jonathan with a big smile and squeal. “I told you, they have the best service,” he reminds me and I am so excited and skip inside. The hard wood floors are polished in stark contrast with the soft plush seating scattered around. A Ritz Carlton uniformed and chic woman steps forward to Jonathan and holds out her hand, “Welcome back Mr. Ellis it’s nice to see you again. Hello, I am Tracy, and I am here for anything that you need,” she says turned to me now.

  “Thank you, I am Lenox.”

  “Lenox, I understand that this visit is a surprise for you, so please let me know if you were unable to bring anything you may need. Do you golf? I can get shoes sent up to you to try on.”

  “I’m sorry, I do not golf. But I have always wanted to learn.”

  “In that case I can set up all the time you need with our pro for private lessons. Just let me know when.”

  Jonathan interrupts, “Actually Tracy this is going to be a very relaxing, restful trip, nothing athletic for us,” after addressing her he turns to give me a knowing wink.

  “Ok then,” she says not missing a beat, “I have the room ready and lets get you up there so you can start that relaxing!”

  A bellman with our bags follows us to the elevator, and we head to the fifth floor. Straight ahead and to the right, I see my new favorite site, two double mahogany doors. The plaque next to the doors states The Ritz Carlton Suite. When we enter, it is decorated in soft colors, with dark wood accents in keeping with the hotel decor. Tracy points out all the amenities, as well as the full bar, stocked cabinets with snacks, and the bellman places our bags on the bed in the master bedroom, as well as opening all of the windows in the suite. Jonathan is anxious for them to leave, and quickly hands them both a hundred dollar bill. They take the hint, and bow out of the room.

  The view of the ocean is beautiful from our room, and with all of the picture windows open, the breeze runs through our suite with its lush salty air. Leaning against the ledge at my thighs, I let the air stream through my hair and across my skin. Jonathan walks up behind me, and places his hands on my hips. I relax back into him and can feel his chest move up and down as his heart beats. Gently he slides his hands from my hips around my waist and rests them on my stomach. I reach back with my arms and rest my hands on his thighs. I have never stood like this with a man before, but it feels so natural to be close to him like this. Jonathan pulls up one of his hands to pull my hair back exposing my neck, as he bares my skin I can feel his breath on me mixed with the salty spray. Gently he leans down and starts to nuzzle me, nice long wet kisses with his tongue. “I like the taste of the pacific on you.” His lips on my skin send a quiver down my spine, as he maneuvers across me. I lean into him more and give him full access of my body. I begin to rub my hands up and down his thighs, as he moves is hands in tandem along
the outside of my thin sweater. I feel my back bow to push my breasts out to meet his palms. Kissing over my outer ear, Jonathan whispers, “You want me to touch your breasts baby?”

  “Oh yes please.” I murmur.

  With my admission, he runs his palm back down and finding the hem, grabs it and pulls my sweater up and over my head. Once my sweater is on the floor, he moves his fingers to my new silky soft bra, he begins to circle and rub my nipples that have risen up to meet his fingertips. Kneading and pulling on them, they get harder in his grasp and I let out a call of release, wishing they were in his mouth. Jonathan pinches them hard, and I let out a little shriek, “too much baby?” I think for a second and realize no, and I shake my head for him. “Good,” he purrs and moves to unhook the clasp in the front, when it pops my breasts spill out and are free for his naked touch. However they are left wanting, as he doesn’t touch them, instead he runs down my stomach and slides his fingers into my pants, under my silky panties and to my shaved wetness. Just having his nimble fingers near my folds, makes my legs shake in anticipation. Once his hand is between my legs, he leaves them right at the apex of my upper thighs. I am still for a moment, waiting for his next skillful move. Soon I feel a lone finger move upward and works its way through my slit and slide inside me. I become more excited and nervous at the same time, I reach forward to place my hands on the window frame, knowing that if he moves around inside of me, I will buckle. “Damn Lenox, you are so tight and wet around my fingers, it fucking kills me.” “For you” I whisper. Slowly he pulls his finger in and out of me, but not touching anywhere else, then he slides in a second one, and with that, he pulls in and out a little faster. Speeding up inside makes me clamp down around his fingers wanting to drawn them into me deeply and firmly. “Spread your legs a little more baby,” Jonathan tells me. I do as told stepping further apart, and he grabs around my waist with his other hand and begins to rub my stiff clitoris. Its hard as glass and the moment he graces it, it shudders and I cry out with a loud “aaaahhhhh yessss.” My knees curve and I grab onto the window frame tighter to keep standing. “I don’t know how much longer I can wait to be inside you.” Jonathan whispers in my hair, “don’t wait” I reply as I thrust my hips back into his and move them in circles over his hard bulge. A deep low guttural moan rises out of his throat, and he pushes his hips into mine. Quickly Jonathan pulls his fingers out of me and pushes down my pants to the floor. Crouching behind me, he grabs the waistband of my drenched panties and adds them to my pants at my ankles. The next thing I feel is him grabbing my left ankle to pull it up, slide off my shoes, and then the other. Once my shoes are off, he repeats the process and pulls my pants over my bare feet getting me out of them. I now stand naked facing out over the ocean cliff, and trembling, waiting anxiously. I try to turn my head to see behind me, and hear, “NO” in a firm voice. I look straight ahead and wait. I can hear a zipper; buttons and clothing move to land on the floor.

  In a quick move, Jonathan is again behind me and I feel his hard naked body. His large penis erect and hitting me in my lower back. He places his body fully against mine, and leans across my body, still leaning against the window frame, and tangling our hands together. My body braces to hold his up as I go back to circling my hips against his stiff dick digging into me. Jonathan starts to groan low growls as I rhythmically encircle him. With a loud gruff grunt, suddenly my hips are grabbed and Jonathan spins me around, picks me up, and places my butt on the window ledge. Once on the ledge, he leans down and finally, picking up my left breast with his hand, bends down to suck my nipples and I let out cry in release. Pulling my nipples in and out of his mouth, back and forth, going between them, drives me over the brink. I thrust my fingers into his hair and watch him go from left to right. Nobody has ever taken them in their mouth better, before he leaves each one he gives it a little bite, which causes me to jolt. Soon Jonathan has me panting quickly desperate for him, and I start to feel dizzy from the erotic sensations his tongue gives my hard peaks relentlessly. “Shit I have to get inside you” Jonathan mumbles, “Yes! Please,” as I spread my legs as an invitation. Jonathan leaves my breasts and stands in front of me grabbing his hard cock that has shiny little drops coming out of it. I watch him stroking himself, and admire the good-looking man that wants to fuck me. The top of his dark hair is tousled and flopping over his forehead, his dark cerulean eyes look hungry and determined; I know he wants me and I am ready to give myself to him. As his eyes peer deep into mine, burning a hole of desire down in me, I spread my legs even more, offering myself up for his pleasure. Another gruff growl and Jonathan is on me quickly, grabbing my face with his left hand, he brings my mouth up to his and throws his tongue into mine hard and fast, with his right hand still holding his cock he guides himself into my wet and waiting pussy. He rapidly enters me causing me to moan into his mouth as we kiss, and Jonathan bites on my bottom lip and hisses out, “yyeesss take it.” Heavy thrusting starts in me deep, I can feel him filling me up and I expand to take all of him. I bend and lift my legs up in the air, and Jonathan grabs under my knees to hold them up. This angle helps him to go harder, faster and deeper. I hook my ankles over his pumping ass, and lean back out the window, holding on to the ledge. As Jonathan drills me, I can smell the ocean and feel the breeze run over my naked body and I feel like an animal fucking in the wild. I look up to Jonathans face and see him looking down at me, and he brings his tongue back down into my mouth. We kiss feverishly never changing our exchange of his plunging into me and me gladly taking it all. While we kiss he moves one of his hands over to my clitoris and gently presses his thumb on it, the combination of pressure, and his plunging make me want to cum almost immediately. “Oh god oh oh shit yes,” I shout out.

  “Feel good baby? Do you like this?” he asks back.

  “Yes yes oh god yes” I answer.

  “Will you cum for me baby?”


  “Ok baby come for me on three,” I love the control he has over my orgasms.

  “One” as he thrusts harder and bolder tearing through me and causing me to tremble, “Two” he pumps faster even now,

  “Three” and with that when his cock gets into the end of me Jonathans presses down on my hard clit and a orgasm shrieks through me as I scream out his name, making me crumble and sink like a stone in the sea behind us. In the midst of my orgasm, Jonathan looks down to watch me cum for him. Clenching his jaw he drives into me two more times before I feel his final slam hard against me and grasp me while he pours himself into me, throwing his head back with a large roar, and I feel every drop shooting into me till he is empty. We are still for a moment, catching our breath. I look up at him, and he looks down at me and states, “It can’t be like this every time…you’ll kill me,” but he is grinning with the corner of his mouth turned up. “Agreed,” I reply, “let’s not do this anymore.” I give a big grin back at him. We both smile since we already know I am full of shit.

  Jonathan grabs my hand, pulls me up, and leads me over to the large set of double doors leading to a wrap around patio. Upon opening the doors, I look out and see a large hammock. “Wait here,” Jonathan tells me and I do, still feeling the ocean breeze rush over my naked and sex sweaty body. In an instant, he comes back with an armful of supplies. He hands me a comforter, and I throw it over the hammock to save our selves from naked rope marks. While I set up the pillows for us, Jonathan opens up a nice bottle of Chardonnay and pours two glasses. “Ok ready, hop on and you can hold the wine.” He tells me. As graceful as possible I climb on, hold our wine, and wait for him. He slides on next to me, adjusts our pillows, and takes his wine. We are lying together, naked, swaying in the breeze and smelling the salty air. It is heavenly.

  “I like going to hotels with you,” I tell him.

  “I like when you come to hotels with me.” As he takes my free hand, he pulls the palm up to his lips and gives me three swift kisses. This is nice, but it’s time.

  “Is now a good time? To talk, I really
think we need to.”

  Nodding his head in agreement Jonathan says, “Yes, we do.”

  “So, you are married,” I blurt out. Crap, not subtle.

  “Yes, I am. However, there is more to the story than that and if you will give me a minute, I would like to tell you about my situation. “

  I nod my head, “Shoot.”

  “Ok, well the most important place to start is the end, I am legally separated from Alisha and I have been for almost a year. My lawyer has filed the proper papers in the court, and she was served. The problem is she won’t even discuss it, agree to any terms, or separation of assets. She has not hired a lawyer, and shredded the documents she was served. She pretends we are still happily married and I will come to my senses. She is not in love with me; she loves the money and the status. Since she won’t leave the house I built, and I don’t want to abandon it to her, we live together. I have a completely renovated downstairs office living space man cave. We have not slept in the same bed for two years, I moved down there before I filed for divorce. I work so many hours, that it didn’t really matter since I was never home.”

  Jonathan looks at me, and asks, “Is that the most important thing you need to know?”

  I nod my head. I feel flooded with relief learning the situation. I can handle this, married but trying to get out.

  “Do you have any questions?” I do.

  “So, if you are legally separated in the courts, can you date? Or is it considered adultery?” I need to understand if he is cheating with me.

  “Well, yes and no. I guess people that take the vows to be a commitment until a judge officially ends the marriage, sure. However, in the eyes of most people I think it isn’t. If you are trying to leave, and not sleeping with your spouse, I think dating is considered ok. I consider it ok since I know my true intentions with regards to her.”


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