Book Read Free

His Father

Page 13

by A. E. Murphy

  “Nastya?” he whispers, his brows pulling together.

  I nod and bite my lip. “She knows I tried to get out of our deal.”

  “Fuck. Stone rat you out?”

  “He warned me so I doubt it.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  I shrug. “Hope and pray she fucks off without coming to Malibu. I might take an extended vacation until she’s gone.”

  “Not a bad idea.”

  I finish the last of my coffee and tuck my phone in the inside pocket of my jacket.

  “It’ll all work out,” he assures me. “Focus on your new girl, don’t worry about the other shit.”

  “Oh, I am definitely focusing on her.”

  He smiles genuinely and mutters, “Lucky bastard.”


  “He didn’t call,” I say after buckling myself into Sargent’s car. “He didn’t text, call, send a pigeon…”

  “A pigeon?” He smirks, placing his hand on my thigh after putting the car into drive.

  “Or an owl.”

  “An owl,” he mimics my accent, so I slap his arm.

  “This is serious.”

  “I know, but not tonight.” He turns a corner sharply, still smiling but the creases around his eyes are holding his stress. He might be smiling but I can see he too is suffering. “Tonight, it’s about me and you and nobody else.”

  “You’re not breaking this off to save face with your son?”


  I’m surprised by this, I’ve worried all day. “I thought this was going to be a breakup night.”

  “That’s what you want?”

  Is it? I don’t know what to think about any of it because Maddox hasn’t spoken to me yet.

  “Tempest,” he snaps, drawing my eyes back to his profile. His smile has gone and the handsome creases around his deep-set eyes are more prominent. “If you’re going to end this with me then do so now.”


  “Don’t blame it on my son either. Choose what makes you happy.”

  “His happiness makes me happy,” I admit. “He’s the only family I have.”

  “You have me,” he says quickly, still looking ahead at the road, glancing at me for only a split second.

  “Come on, Sarge,” I laugh but there’s little to no humor in my tone. “I have you until you tire of me, which won’t take much longer if rumors are true about your attention span.”

  He doesn’t deny it but he does add after a pause, “I promise I won’t abandon you.”

  “I’m not your responsibility.”

  “You’re not Maddox’s either.”

  He has a point.

  Sighing grievously, I look out of the window and purse my lips for a moment. Finding the right words in a situation as sticky as this and a conversation that’s teetering on the edge of argument is hard. “I’m sorry all of this is happening. I wish it wasn’t.”

  “I don’t wish that.”

  At least he knows what to say, this time at least. His words make me smile.

  “I’m not breaking this off. I’m enjoying whatever this is and like you said this morning, Maddox knows so there’s no use ending it. I’ll always wonder if I do.”

  “Good,” he says as his hand comes back to my thigh and squeezes before drifting up to my sensitive spot.

  I shiver and return the favor, groping him over her trousers while smiling a mischievous smile. “Why don’t we find somewhere quiet and just fuck this day away?”

  “No.” He withdraws his hand from between my thighs and grips mine. “I’ve made plans for us. Plans that can’t be changed. Plans I’ve spent a lot of time figuring out.”

  “I am intrigued.”

  We arrive at a large house, even larger than Sargent’s but less glass windows and more walls. It’s stunning. The driveway is huge but there are only half a dozen cars parked along the sides.

  We pull up at the very end, closest to the exit and I suddenly feel very underdressed when we approach a group of sophisticated-looking adults at the entrance doors.

  “Wolf!” an older man calls, and everybody moves to greet us. “It’s an honor to have you in attendance and your stunning lady friend, Tempest is it?”

  I nod. “I’m at a disadvantage.”

  “Of course, you are,” he chuckles, shaking his head as I look around the crowd of beautifully, expensively dressed individuals. I look a mess but I’ve just finished a long shift. “I’m Maxwell. This is Jenny, Debra, Hamish, Louis, and Josh.”

  “Hi.” I give them all a little wave and they politely do the same.

  “Come,” Sargent urges, his hand on the small of my back as he leads me into the magnificent house and straight through to the garden where a large stage has been set up with comfortable-looking chairs making sections on the soft grass.

  “It’s a theatre?” I ask, surprised.

  What on earth is going on?

  There are a few people in the crowd who are part of their own conversations. They wave but keep to themselves as Sargent takes me straight to a man at the side in a hut-like bar. We order popcorn and drinks and Sargent then leads me directly to the front row.

  “What are we watching?” I ask him quietly. “Why does that guy have a theatre in his garden?”

  “Actually, it’s in my garden.” A male voice chuckles to our left and Sargent, with a huge grin on his face, stands and greets the man. He’s not as tall as Sargent or as handsome in my opinion but I bet he could certainly turn heads.

  They hug like old friends and smile at each other.

  “I didn’t think you’d come.” Sargent pulls me into his side. “This is Tempest.”

  “Tempest.” The man’s tone is one of surprise, like mine moments ago, and his eyebrows hit his hairline. “It’s a pleasure. I’m Cassius, this douche’s oldest friend and his son’s godfather.”

  “Oh my God, I’ve heard so much about you,” I tell him, feeling awed as I shake his hand. “I was in your program last year in Surin!”

  “I thought your name sounded familiar. Not every day you hear the name Tempest.”

  “I’m sorry we never got to meet. The weekend you were visiting I was really ill with pneumonia and other ailments.”

  His smile is sympathetic. “Yes, I recall a few of the crew came down with something.”

  “It was horrendous but we powered through it. We helped so many people on your money…”

  “Lost a few too,” he mutters, looking sad.

  I place my hand on his arm. “It wasn’t in vain. They were remembered and celebrated always.”

  Sargent clears his throat.

  “Sorry, I’m talking your ear off. I’m just… it’s great to meet you, Cassius.”

  “Not at all.” The friends share a look and I wonder if Cassius approves of me. It’s extremely important to me that he does, not simply because of who he is to Sargent and Maddox, but because of all he has done for the world. “Will you be joining our movement next year? We’re tackling Africa next. I’m trying to convince Sargent to donate to the cause.”

  Sargent clears his throat and shifts against me when I reply, “I would love to! Have the details been sent over to Benny and his people? They usually keep me updated.”

  “Benny isn’t on this particular tour. If Sargent has your details I will personally email you, how’s that? We need as many people as we can get.”

  I try not to buzz with excitement but it’s impossible. “Thank you.”

  “Isn’t the part of Africa you are visiting extremely dangerous?” Sargent puts in, sounding annoyed and worried.

  “That’s kind of the point of going,” I respond, my smile not wavering. “To make life better over there for those who have to live there permanently. Nobody should have to live in fear.”

  Cassius holds out his fist and we bump knuckles like bros.

  “Enjoy the show, I’ll catch up with you both afterwards.” Cassius winks at me, slaps Sargent’s arm and moves on to greet other
people. I watch him go and then smile at Sargent who has a brow raised at me.

  “Should I get you both a room?” he asks but I see his lips twitch.

  “Shut up.” I kiss his jaw and look at Cassius once more over my shoulder. I’m still a little bit starstruck. I can’t help it.

  “You’ve impressed him.”

  “I’m an impressive kind of gal, what can I say?”

  He pinches my thigh making me squeal, and we sink into the love seat which is just big enough for both of us.

  “So, what are we watching?”

  I grab a handful of popcorn and stuff it unattractively into my mouth.

  Sargent kisses my sweet lips and pulls my legs over his lap. “You shall see.”

  The lights from around dim and the stage suddenly lights up with a powerful spotlight.

  It’s the man from the doorway, Maxwell.

  He addresses the crowd which has grown in the time we were talking. “Welcome to this impromptu performance, hosted by the gracious and wonderful, Cassius Lepore and organized by the incredible and extremely handsome, Sargent Wolf, and the lovely Marcy.”

  Extremely handsome indeed.

  I look around for Marcy but don’t see her.

  “She can’t stand the play,” Sargent explains. He’s apparently a mind reader.

  I look at him sitting to my right as he draws patterns on my thigh with his fingers.

  “You organized this?”

  “We do hope you enjoy the screening of The Tempest. A Shakespearean classic if I do say so myself. One of our favorite pieces to perform.”

  “Oh my God,” I whisper, and my fingers fly to my lips.

  The spotlight dims to nothing and Maxwell quietly exits the stage.

  “Is this a coincidence?” I ask Sargent. “Were you already hosting? Or is this…”

  “For you,” he admits quietly, smiling gently at me.

  Is this because of the conversation I had with him and Devon in the garden that day? Devon asked if I’d ever seen the play, I admitted I hadn’t. I didn’t even realize Sargent was listening. He had such a bitter look on his face.

  “There was nothing within a six-hour drive or flight so I flew the play to you instead.”

  I push my lips onto his, wishing I could straddle him and fuck him into oblivion, wishing I could worship his body to show my appreciation but the play is beginning.

  It’s brilliant, even though I can only understand some of what they’re saying, the bits I do understand are powerful and will forever remain in my mind. This is incredible. I never want it to end.

  We sit silently, eating popcorn until the middle break, where Sargent gets a popcorn refill and more drinks and accosts me with his lips some more.

  How did he do any of this?

  When the play ends I clap and cheer louder than anyone else there. In true British fashion of course.

  The actors and actresses were brilliant, their clothing amazing, the stage props though quickly put together are so cleverly made.

  “I want them to do it again,” I whisper, wiping tears from under my eyes. “This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done.”

  Sargent catches me when I throw myself at him and kiss him hard. The emotions I’m feeling are too much.

  “Favorite part?” he asks.

  “When she finally declared her love for Ferdinand.”

  “Ah, of course that would be the bit you choose.” He smiles, looking up to the heavens.

  “I didn’t really understand the rest of it,” I whisper in his ear, making him laugh out loud. “But I’ll never forget when she declares that she’ll weep at her unworthiness to be his.” I wet my lips. “That’s how I feel with you sometimes… minus the lovey mushy stuff. I just mean because you’re you and I’m me.”

  “What’s wrong with you?”

  I hesitate, shrug and reply, “I have nothing to offer you in return for everything you give to me. I have no family, no friends outside of Maddox that I can rely on, no money or job, no qualifications…”

  “You have so many qualities that you didn’t list it’s almost laughable how insecure you sounded just then,” he scoffs, not being mean, he’s just not great with words. “You’re the most compassionate and kindest person I know. You’re so calm.”

  “That’s because I was a Buddhist monk in my past life. According to Facebook.”

  “You’re funny, clever… extremely talented.” He pulls me toward the house, away from the crowd and immediately pushes me up against the wall. “Stunningly beautiful. Perhaps even the most beautiful woman I have ever met.”

  “Coming from a god such as yourself I’ll take that as a major compliment.”

  I relax into his body, returning his kiss but push away his wandering hands. “Not here. People are everywhere.”

  He smiles in the dark and kisses my shoulder. “Come, I promised Cassius I’d find him after the play. Would you mind if he joined us for dinner? I know I said tonight is for you and me but…”

  “Are you kidding? Why even ask? He’s come from across the country! I’d be offended if you didn’t invite him.”

  He kisses me again and suddenly dips his hand into the front of my jeans.

  I squeal, not expecting it at all but then I melt because he presses his palm against my clit as his finger sinks inside.

  “Sargent.” I hiss his name but I don’t know if it’s because I want him to stop or I need him to continue. Both are tangling together on this web of pure lust, adrenaline, and arousal he’s brought me to.

  My head lolls back as he fucks me with his hand, kissing my neck before watching my reaction as I come undone by his touch alone.

  I choke out a cry with my orgasm. His satisfied, smug, aroused grin only powers my climax further. I can’t handle it all. It’s too much. My legs nearly buckle so I grip his shoulders as he withdraws his hand and then sucks his fingers into his mouth.

  Bloody hell.

  “I hate you,” I breathe, feeling limbless. “Seriously. Why would you do that now?”

  “There you are.” Cassius appears from out of nowhere. “Come, let’s thank them for their performance and be on our way. We have so much to celebrate.”

  “Did she finally sign the papers?” Sargent asks and Cassius taps the side of his nose.

  After spending half an hour chatting and thanking everybody who came, we follow Cassius in his expensive sports car to a restaurant somewhere in LA. I don’t follow where we’re going because my head is bobbing up and down in Sargent’s lap.

  I suck his length, making him growl as I swallow as much of him as I can take. It’s not something I’ve done a lot of so I’m not perfect but it sure works for him.

  He rips up my head before he finishes and kisses my numb lips.

  “We’re coming up to traffic,” he says, sounding disappointed.

  “I wish I’d changed first. I look so out of place again.”

  “You look beautiful,” he assures me, bringing my hand to his lips.

  I’m wearing a peach dress and heels but I’m not wearing stockings because I’ve been working all day. My hair and makeup aren’t exactly what I’d call neat after a long day so I remove most of my residual eye makeup and pray that just my mascara and some lip balm is enough.

  “Where are we going?”

  “His favorite restaurant, it’s a Chinese place. Not too fancy so no valet which means we’ll have to find parking.”

  “You sound so horrified by the prospect.” I giggle upon seeing his expression. “Snob.”

  He growls at me playfully and bites the side of my hand.

  “I just touched your dick with that.”

  He throws it away and I laugh uncontrollably as he wipes his tongue on the side of his sleeve.


  I push in her seat for her, it’s ingrained in me to do so. I was raised with the manners of a gentleman in public. Though I simply enjoy seeing her smile when I offer her small gestures like this.

  “I did i
nvite Maddox,” my oldest friend, who I have known since I was only seven years of age, says softly but with a huge smile. He’s likely finding this entire thing amusing. I take the menu he offers and so does Tempest. “But he said to tell you you’re a cunt. His words not mine.”

  I smack my lips. “Sounds right. He’s unhappy with me.”

  “So, you were his girlfriend or…?”

  Tempest blanches and shakes her head. “No, nothing like that. We were close, have been for a year but it’s never been romantic.”

  “What about sexual…?”

  I kick my friend under the table, he flinches but his smile remains.

  “Doesn’t that fall under romance?” She’s adorably naïve and now I feel like the cunt my son has deemed me to be.

  Cassius raises a brow at me, likely thinking the same thing. “You went traveling together?”

  She nods but doesn’t get to answer as the waitress comes for our drinks order.

  Cassius either forgets he asked or just decides he’s not interested and moves on the conversation. “Africa, next year…”

  Her eyes light up and I can’t stop the pang of hatred I have at him for being able to get her to respond that way so easily.

  “I’ve always wanted to go, there are so many causes over there that are so close to my heart.” She places her hand over her heart as she speaks. I’ve never seen her look more beautiful than in this moment with a fiery determination in her eyes and a confidence to her body language that she doesn’t usually have.

  I wish I brought my camera.

  “Why did you get into traveling to impoverished places, or how?” He keeps his eyes on her and I want to kick him again. He likes her and if what he’s saying is true, he’s divorced now which means he’ll be looking for something to fill that gap.

  I’d like to say he wouldn’t fuck someone who I’m close to but right now I’m not so sure. Perhaps I’m being paranoid.

  I did plough his wife once, with his permission and because she asked… We were young and extremely drunk. So perhaps he considers I owe him one.

  I’m being ridiculous.

  All of this from one conversation that has hardly begun?

  “Honestly, I couldn’t afford to travel on my own so I joined RGF’s campaign. We spent a few months on Turkey’s border, taking water to the refugees they wouldn’t let through.” She’s told me a little about this but not much. “I never wanted fancy traveling. I mean, it would have been nice but at the time I was already on and off the streets anyway.”


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