Kate and Julia: Slave Girls of the Raj

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Kate and Julia: Slave Girls of the Raj Page 8

by Lindsey Brooks

  “Ow! Unquestioning obedience, Mister Ross, Sir.”

  “Then why are you jumping about all over the place when you should be holding still while I smack your impudent little bum?”

  “I’m -. Ooh! I’m trying but it hurts,” Kate gasped.

  “Then you aren’t trying hard enough, slave girl.” He gave her another half-dozen wickedly fierce spanks. Kate tried not to writhe but the scorching of her skin made it impossible. She did not doubt that Ross had known it would be and was only mocking her with his scolding.

  He continued smacking her for what seemed an age but was probably no more than a minute, the only sounds the regular crack of his palm on her flesh and Kate’s pained cries. Her buttocks were searingly hot and seemed to be vibrating continuously from the blows. The switch might well have hurt her less, yet Kate knew she would not have traded the spanking for the springy rod. There was something more personal, more intimate about being in contact with her tormentor’s body and knowing her pain flowed directly from his flesh to hers. It added another dimension to her punishment, not just physically, but for Kate, also emotionally. Unfortunately, it did nothing to reduce the scorch of the smacks or help her control her increasingly frantic wriggling.

  “There now,” Ross said. “Your cheeky little bum is a very nice shade of scarlet, miss minx. Are you going to admit your deceit or shall I turn it crimson?”

  Kate sucked in a deep breath. “I’m not deceiving you. Really I’m not. I swear I -. Ooh, please! Ow! Ow!”

  Ross’s hand rhythmically smacking her backside turned her protests to incoherent yelps. Only after he had dealt her another dozen squarely on the apex of her flaming and squirming rear-cheeks did she manage to get enough air into her lungs to surrender. By then, her tears were dripping to the floor below her.

  “All right, I admit it,” she panted between sobs. “I deceived you.”

  “No you didn’t. But you tried to, and I think that deserves another half-dozen, don’t you?”

  “Oh, no,” Kate wailed. An instant later his horny palm cracked down and stoked the fires already blazing across her skin. It seemed her buttocks were bouncing in all directions under the smacks, and she jerked and jiggled in a frenzy of pain. A particularly wicked blow made her howl but she knew from its ferocity that it was the last one, always much harder than the rest. Breathing hard, she stopped flailing and sagged on her tormentor’s knee, sobbing and rocking her hips in a vain attempt to ease her pain. Ross rolled her carelessly off his lap and she sprawled on the floor but quickly got to her knees to lift her weight from her smarting bottom. Wiping her tears away with the back of one hand, she looked up into his stern face.

  “You’re a naughty girl. You owe me an apology.”

  “Yes, Mister Ross, Sir,” she said meekly, hiding her resentment.

  “Well you should know how naughty girls apologise by now,” he said, and began unbuttoning his shirt.

  Despite the sting in her buttocks a warm tickle thrilled through Kate’s pussy. She shuffled forward and reached for his trouser fastenings. He leaned back on his elbows, watching her fingers nimbly freeing his erection. How willing she was, Kate thought, how eager to do something she could never have imagined just a few short days ago. The thought came and went in the moment her hand curled around him and she closed her lips over his shaft. She almost forgot her scorching buttocks in the surge of excitement that tightened her belly and sex as she drew gently on the hard flesh stretching her jaws.

  She did everything Ross had taught her during her long hours of instruction – bobbing her head as she sucked both gently and hard, rubbing and licking and lapping along his length. Kate had noticed he particularly liked it when she waggled the tip of her tongue on its sensitive underside and was pleased when several times she managed to make him sigh with pleasure by doing so.

  Strangely, though she was kneeling like a supplicant at his feet performing what many would think a degrading and demeaning act, Kate was more aware of a sense of her own power than she was of any shame.

  It was her beauty that aroused Ross, the skills with hand and mouth she had learned which were stirring his desire. It was very satisfying to know she had made him desire her. He seemed to vibrate suddenly between her lips, much sooner than Kate had expected. At times he had gone a whole morning before spilling his seed, but that had been part of her training.

  This time, she realized, he was using her purely for his pleasure.

  The knowledge sent more shivering tremors through her as she felt his warm fluid flood her mouth. Nothing but perfection would satisfy him, Kate knew. Releasing her suction, she swallowed, gulped, and swallowed again, shuddering as it slid down her throat. Her stomach did not rebel. It was getting easier every time. She scooped the dribbles that escaped her lips from her chin onto a finger and licked it clean then, raising her eyes to his, swallowed once more. He was watching her with one eyebrow raised, his expression thoughtful. His eyes were still bright but no longer, she thought, with anger.

  “At least you’ve been paying attention to your lessons,” he said eventually and the glow the faint praise created in Kate’s breast increased when the corners of his mouth lifted in a smile. “But you had better not try to fool your new master the way you tried with me, little minx. I doubt he’ll be satisfied with smacking your bum if he catches you. He’ll likely take a cane or a whip to it. So, are you going to behave yourself from now on?”

  Lips still wrapped around his hardness, Kate nodded and saw his eyes narrow as the movement waggled it in her mouth. Somewhat to her surprise, it already seemed to be thickening again. Ross leaned forward and pushed her away, and she hissed in pain as her buttocks sank onto her heels.

  He laughed softly at her discomfiture. “Stand up. I want to see if you’re excited.”

  Kate was, and more so by the time his teasing fingers stopped massaging her swollen petals and little button until both were tingling.

  The heady aroma of her arousal filled her nostrils as she looked down at the ex-soldiers seated figure through passion-clouded eyes and saw his member was once more at the peak of readiness. How would it feel within her quivering sheath, she wondered, and shivered excitedly at the thought she might soon find out.

  “That’s enough,” Ross said. “We’ve another busy day tomorrow.

  Into the cage with you and straight to sleep. No touching yourself or you know what to expect.”

  With an awful sinking feeling inside her, Kate stared at him in dismay and disappointment.

  “Oh, Mister Ross, Sir,” she groaned in frustration. He had deliberately aroused her just to intensify her disappointment and remind her exactly who was in control. Deflated, she recalled the feeling of power she had experienced minutes before. She had been deluding herself. She was nothing to him but another slave girl to be trained and taught her place. His sharp tug at the little red-gold tuft of hair on her love-mound quickly ended her distraction.

  “I see everything is back to normal,” Ross said, looking stern.

  “Must I take the switch to you to get you to obey me?”

  “No, Sir,” Kate said and found it was much easier to suppress her temper than she expected. “I don’t want to make you angry. I… I want you to be pleased with me.” She crawled inside the cage and lay on her side to keep the weight from her buzzing bottom. He crossed the floor, raised the bars and locked them in place.

  Back on the bed, he lit a cigarette and watched her as he smoked.

  Kate looked back with the heat radiating from her thoroughly spanked rear-cheeks, her breasts tender and nipples erect, and tingling excitement shivering through her. She fought the temptation to slide the hand resting on her stomach any lower. No touching he had said, and she would obey.

  She would prove she was sincere. His eyes travelling slowly over her nudity heightened the moist glow between her legs, and she knew her eyes were bright and simmering with passion as she turned them up to his. She could still taste him.

  “I do
want to please you. Really I do.”

  “It’s not me you should be thinking about,” Ross said. “It’s your new master you need to please. He’s used to perfection in all things from his slaves. He won’t make any allowances because you’re from a different culture, the way I have.”

  “But I don’t even know who it’s going to be,” Kate protested.

  “That shouldn’t make any difference. You have to be ready to serve any man in any way you’re told. There might be times your master orders you to serve one of his guests, or loans you as a reward to a subordinate. And you’ll have to perform as well for them as you would for him.”

  “Are you serious?” Kate asked, horrified.

  “Of course. Remember a slave girl’s first duty? It’s more than just words. What if I told you to go to Captain Jefferson’s room and ask to serve him for your first proper time? Would you be so eager then?”

  “I…” Kate’s belly curled into a ball at the thought of offering herself to the cruel man.

  Ross laughed at her expression of distaste. “You see? There’s the value of your obedience and desire to please. You’ll have to do better than that, little miss, and you’ve only a few days left to accept the fact and do something about it if you want to save your bum from the whip in future.”

  “If… if that’s what you want, I’ll do it,” Kate said, with the knot of her fear tightening more.

  He stubbed out his cigarette and stood up. “Go on then.”

  Chapter 5

  Ross had unlocked the cage and lowered the bars while Kate was still wrestling with the alarming consequences of her impulsive decision.

  But it might be her only chance to show him that she was in earnest.

  “Well?” He looked down at her and raised an eyebrow.

  Hardly noticing the smart of her bottom in her new anxiety, Kate crawled out, stood unsteadily, and went slowly to the door. Opening it, she clung to its handle for long seconds before, with a deep breath and a glance back at Ross, she crossed the threshold.

  “Wait,” he said.

  Thank god, Kate thought with a flood of relief. She turned, filled with gratitude that he was not going to make her go through with her rash promise.

  “What are you going to tell him?”

  Kate’s belly flipped as her heart sank. It was not a reprieve at all.

  She struggled to think straight. “That… that you sent me, Sir.”


  “To… to please t…take me.”

  Ross nodded. “Good enough. Off you go.”

  Certain now that she meant nothing to him, Kate turned dejectedly to the open door. A hand grabbed her wrist, pulled her up short and yanked her back into the room. The door slammed shut and two strong arms enfolded her and pulled her against a muscular chest.

  “Oh, you beast! I really thought you meant it.”

  Ross laughed. “Maybe I did. In a few days I might give you to Jefferson. But not tonight. Not your first time. I happen to know he’s putting his latest acquisition through her paces right now. Besides, you need some kissing practice.” He scooped her up, carried her to his bed and dropped her on the mattress. Kate tried to roll off her bottom but his weight coming down on her prevented it, and his lips on hers and his hand cupping her breast made her stop caring about her burning buttocks.

  The curl of fear in her belly had become one of pure excitement and moist, tingling warmth suffused her as she moved her mouth greedily on his. Her skin felt as if it was on fire and her blood was singing in her veins. She clasped Ross tightly and pressed harder against him.

  “Gently girl,” he said against her mouth. “We’ve got all night. No need to rush.”

  Yearning to feel more fully the hard flesh against which she was rubbing herself, Kate thought there was every need. Yet, at the same time, she did not want the wonderful sensations running through her to stop. Twice the ex-soldier’s teasing fingers, nibbling lips and flickering tongue brought her to the brink, only to draw back at the last moment and leave her groaning and begging for fulfilment. At last he gave in and positioned himself between her eagerly parted thighs. Kate’s breath felt trapped in her lungs and her heart ready to burst as his cock nudged aside her dew-bathed nether-lips.

  “Ooh, it’s nice,” she panted as the rigid shaft glided slowly over the quivering walls of her sheath. “Ooh, it’s lovely!”

  Ross thrust his hips forward. Their bellies met and his hardness struck sparks on the rippling membranes within her. Lightning flashed before her eyes. Stars exploded in her head. Kate bucked and writhed, spasming and squirming with ecstatic delight. Nothing she had ever felt before could have prepared her for the intensity of the sheer, unutterable pleasure that flared within her. In a heartbeat it spread to every nerve and fibre from her spinning head to her curling toes. For long seconds she hovered on the edge of consciousness while the mad sparkling clamped uncontrollably on the hard flesh filling her. It was incredible. It was wonderful.

  Only when her frenetic thrashing and the wild clenching subsided did Ross begin thrusting again. Kate’s sex rippled in time with the slow back and forth rhythm. Gradually he increased the tempo, swinging his hips more rapidly until he was lunging harder and faster and panting as much as she was, their joined bodies slick with their mingling sweat and the air thick with an arousing aroma. Kate climaxed twice more before Ross gave a throaty growl and ground his belly against hers as his own fulfilment overtook him. His marvellous, furious thrusting triggered another breathtaking rush of delight that set her bucking and writhing in unfettered passion once again. As she shivered ecstatically, his mouth closed over hers in a long kiss and completed Kate’s feeling of total euphoria.

  Afterwards, she experienced another first – lying in blissful contentment in her lover’s arms with their warm bodies pressing against one another. She drifted, not thinking, only feeling. The glow within her was more than just the aftermath of their lovemaking and was not confined to her pussy. It filled her heart too.

  It could have been a minute or an hour later that Kate stirred and opened her eyes. A thrill ran through her. Ross was upright again, big and hard. The temptation to touch was irresistible. So was that to suck him again when she curled her fingers around his hard flesh and heard the pleasured hiss of his escaping breath. He stroked her back as she bobbed her head. Tremors tickled her at the rear as well as in front. Ross’s fingers moved to the back of her neck and drew her up beside him. He caressed her breasts with hands and lips.

  “Please,” she said, breathing faster. “Will you…? I want….”

  He raised his eyes to hers and she felt her cheeks burning.

  “Oh, hell!” Kate said, and cast off her embarrassment. “Put it up my bum, for heaven’s sake.” She cringed the moment the words were out.

  “Well, you’ve changed your tune very quickly, little miss,” Ross said.

  “Oh, don’t mock me, please!” Kate begged.

  He smiled. “All right. Lie on your side and pull your knees up towards your chest.”

  Belly fluttering with nerves and excitement, Kate turned her back and felt her buttocks separate as she drew her knees into the unfamiliar position. His big paw closing on her right rear cheek forcefully reminded her of the fiery burn in her well-spanked bottom, but she cared nothing for the discomfort when she was so aroused. Her little muscle clenched in delicious reflex as his blunt fingertip pressed against it but, still oily from the intrusion of the bum-stretcher, it yielded easily.

  “Ooh!” Kate sighed, and squirmed at the tremors rippling through her. “Ooh! Ooh!” A second finger joined the first, pushing deeper and stretching her tight pucker as if testing its elasticity.

  “Ready, sweetheart?”

  “Ooh, yes!” Her heart leapt as she heard the endearment, and then again as she felt Ross guide his manhood between her parted buttocks and push insistently against her shivering knot. Kate pushed back, eager to drive it deep inside at once. The hand gripping her right buttock tigh

  “No, we’ll go slowly to begin with. Relax. Get used to the feel of it first.” His hand slid over her hip and belly to gently squeeze her pebble-hard nipples. Tense and trembling in her excitement and with the tip of his hardened flesh already distending her, she found it difficult to keep still. It was even more difficult to resist tightening the ring of muscle around the head when she abruptly dilated and accepted it fully inside.

  Ross gave Kate’s nipples a firm pinch. “Slowly, I said. It’s not hurting you, is it?”

  “On, no! It’s lovely,” she gasped, forcing herself to slacken her grip. She did feel a twinge or two of pain as the broad baton sank deeper, but they were instantly swamped by the pleasure assailing her senses.

  The sensation of her sensitive tissues stretching to accommodate the intrusion was just as stimulating as their earlier lovemaking had been.

  When Ross’s hand moved from her breasts to between her thighs it increased further. His thumb found her upright button and rubbed. Kate gave a convulsive jerk backwards and drove the last inch of him into her wriggling passage. At the same moment, his fingers slipped between her feminine lips and teased her wonderfully.

  “Ooh, yes! Oooh!” A moist surge of excitement accompanied the rippling thrill of a little climax. Automatically, her rear contracted around its invader, making her gasp and squirm. The rigid flesh drew back against her clenching grip, then sank slowly deeper once more until Ross’s belly was hard against the upper curve of her buzzing bottom.

  He did it a dozen times more, all the while rubbing between her trembling thighs. Wriggling madly inside as well as out, she bucked against his hard body.

  “Ooh, harder, faster!” she moaned

  Ross withdrew almost completely then gave a sudden jerk of his hips, followed at once by several more.

  “Ooh-hoo!” Kate cried as her tingling membranes expanded under the vigorous thrusts, and her pussy thrilled and tickled with sparkling delight. His belly was slapping against her buttocks, and every lunge of his hips drove him deeper. Kate thrust back just as avidly, heightening the marvellous friction. Her sheath rippled and spasms wriggled and wrenched through her whole lower belly until she seemed to explode with sensation. Kate bucked, overwhelmed by pleasure, her body racked by writhing contractions that made her clamp down hard both front and back. Through her own ecstatic cries she heard a long, guttural growl and felt a hot flood on her sensitive inner tissues.


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