Kate and Julia: Slave Girls of the Raj

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Kate and Julia: Slave Girls of the Raj Page 9

by Lindsey Brooks

  Kate’s own climax continued unabated, profoundly and breathtakingly intense. She juddered and writhed, utterly engulfed by the pleasure. Ross thrust on for several more thrilling moments before he subsided panting beside her. Utterly spent by the time he had finished, Kate found she had not even strength to brush her sweat-soaked hair from her eyes. She felt his tight hold relax but an arm remained wrapped reassuringly around her, and his slowly shrinking flesh did not withdraw.

  She sagged, sated and breathless, against him.

  Drifting once more she could feel the thump of his heartbeat against her back. It slowed gradually and his ragged breathing steadied and became even. Kate guessed he had fallen asleep. She was on the verge of doing the same. Carefully, she eased away from the cradle of his loins and let his flaccid manhood slide free. Sighing, she flexed her little muscle and felt it shiver. Lord, how good it had felt! Nothing could ever equal the delight she had known from being filled front and rear like that.

  Kate told herself it was madness to lie there feeling safe and protected in the arms of a man whose stated purpose was to teach her to act like a whore and then sell her to the highest bidder. Inexplicably, insanely, it made no difference. The glow in her heart remained. She thought suddenly of Roger and his earnest declarations of love each time he proposed to her. Kate tried to imagine his reaction if she offered herself to him with the words ‘put it up my bum, for heaven’s sake.’

  Picturing the look on his face set her giggling.

  She stopped abruptly as she remembered her parents. They would be horrified if they knew how willingly she had surrendered her innocence. Were they worried yet? She was only a few days late so far, and she had sent them a telegram from Bombay saying she was delayed and carefully avoiding explaining why. Her belly fluttered as she realized she might never get a chance to explain anything to either one of them ever again. Yet even then she knew she was not half as anxious about it as she should be. She craned her head over her shoulder to look at the cause of her dilemma. To her surprise, he was awake and looking at her.

  “Something amusing?” he asked. “I’m surprised you’ve got the strength.” He grinned. “I’ve had a good few little minxes like you in my time, but nobody ever came close to anything like that little performance of yours. It was quite something.”

  Kate was more pleased than embarrassed by the comment. “I was just thinking,” she said.

  “Me too,” he replied. “What was it about your thinking that was funny?”

  “Nothing really. I was being quite serious. I was thinking that Mummy and Daddy will be wondering where I am. Mummy calls me wayward and Daddy says I’m too impetuous for my own good.”

  “And what do you think?” Ross asked, pulling her closer.

  Kate nestled gratefully into the crook of his arm and rubbed her cheek on his chest. “I’m not sure any more. I always thought I was just adventurous. I’ve always been the outgoing sort and… a bit outspoken, I suppose. I like doing things on the spur of the moment. I don’t want to be tied down.” She winced at her poor choice of words and waited for him to laugh. When he did not, she sighed. “It’s got me into a lot of trouble this time, hasn’t it?”

  “Maybe. Or maybe you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and with the wrong people.”

  “I don’t understand,” Kate said.

  “Never mind. There’s nothing wrong with wanting some adventure in life.”

  “I know. It’s just that so many people seemed to think I was being headstrong or obstinate or downright unruly.”

  This time he did laugh. “I wonder why.”

  “Oh, you’re mocking me again!” Kate said. “You don’t see it either. Why should I have to settle for marriage and putting up with a boring life just because everyone else expects me to? You haven’t.”

  Ross smiled and gave her a squeeze. “That’s different. Anyway, I bet a beauty like you could have her pick of eligible young men. You must have had plenty of offers.”

  Kate pulled a face. “Not really. I suppose I was a bit too outgoing and outspoken sometimes. I have plenty of admirers, but I don’t think they see me as the kind of girl they want to take home to meet their mothers, except for one, that is. But he doesn’t interest me. Young men are either too serious or too juvenile, and they bore me.”

  Ross chuckled. “Ah, so you like older men. Men like me, I’m guessing?”

  “Well, there’s nothing wrong with that. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting more out of life than being another bored housewife.

  People don’t realise things are changing. There are women doctors and scientists now, and even some flying their own aeroplanes. I’m not clever enough for that, but that doesn’t mean I should just give up on what I want.”

  It struck Kate that her craving for adventure had never had a clear focus in the past. She had only ever been sure about what she did not want, and her restlessness and love of travelling had helped her to avoid it. Now she knew with complete certainty what she did want. Her adventurous spirit had been given the direction it had lacked. It meant giving up her independence but was that not a big part of what made it so attractive? And it would be worth it to see the world with this man always at her side. If only she could convince him that she meant it.

  He was chuckling again. He gave her left nipple a tweak. “I see where this is going, little minx, and you’re not fooling me. I know what you’re after.”

  Kate looked into his eyes. “Truly, Mister Ross, Sir, I’m not trying to deceive you.”

  “No, of course not,” he said sardonically. “And you’ll be telling me next that you want to be a slave girl.”

  “I do,” Kate said. “But only if I can be your slave girl.”


  “Head up.” Jahngir Khan’s impatient order penetrated the haze of pain filling Julia’s mind. She forced her eyelids open and raised her drooping head. Sweat ran down her face and dripped from her chin to the floor of the zenana. Wearily, she craned her neck and took her Master’s saliva-sheened manhood between her lips once more. As it had every time, the movement made the dildo buried in her backside shift, and the fearsome burning that its oily coating had created grew worse. Julia groaned around the flesh in her mouth as it slid back and forth over her tongue.

  She was bound within a steel frame – two sets of X-shaped struts joined by welded crosspieces. Her knees were held wide, tied to the struts resting on the floor, her arms bent and roped from wrist to elbow to those that formed the upper part of the device, both holding her torso angled forwards. Behind her neck was a crossbar to which she was fixed by a leather collar around her neck. Another bar pressed into the small of her back, forcing her to arch her spine and jut her bottom rearwards.

  Jahngir had looped cords tightly around each of Julia’s breasts, distorting them into two swollen, fleshy globes whose pale skin had quickly changed to an alarming mottle of purple and blue. They ached, but their pain was nothing compared to the awful fire in her rear.

  The Pathan pulled away and disappeared behind her. She hung her head, heard the slurping sounds Afia began making and trembled when the movements of the native girl’s bobbing head were translated into fiery discomfort in her own insides. Afia was bound in an identical fashion to the other side of the frame with her back to Julia’s. Jahngir had forced the opposite ends of the same long, black, double-ended ebony dildo into both girls. The slightest move either of them made was transferred to the oil-smeared phallus and heightened the fierce stinging of the sensitive membranes within their stretched openings.

  Jahngir appeared in front of Julia again and she wearily opened her mouth. This time he climaxed. The sudden gush caught her by surprise but she knew better than to let any escape. The mood he was in Jahngir might easily use the switch he had waved threateningly at her and Afia after discovering the native girl teaching her some dance steps in the garden that morning. So Julia suppressed her need to cough and continued serving him until he slid from her pursed lips
. Tired and hurting, she still felt a brief thrill as she swallowed. It seemed as if it was the taste of the Pathan’s strength, the essence of his masculinity, the same power she saw when she looked at his muscular figure, and heard in his commanding tone, and sensed in his dark, piercing gaze.

  He took his time releasing the girls. He freed Afia first, as Julia had known he would. She had the feeling he took much pleasure from the sight of his concubines bound helplessly in the elaborate coils of rope and cord with which he carefully and painstakingly enmeshed them.

  Tying them in position had taken nearly as long as the punishment and he seemed to enjoy the act of removing the ropes almost as much as he did putting them in place.

  He left freeing Julia’s breasts from their constricting cords until last. Their awful aching turned to a wicked throb as blood circulation returned, but she did not surrender to the need to rub them with her numbed hands. Instead, like Afia, she remained kneeling between the struts of the frame.

  “Come,” Jahngir ordered, and both girls crawled to his feet. “Look at me. I hope you are suitably contrite.”

  Julia looked up and then away from his frowning face, and saw instead his naked, muscled figure and the slack length hanging between his thighs. A little droplet clung to its tip. Afia must have seen it too.

  She leaned forward and lapped it onto her tongue.

  “Forgive us, my lord. They were only a few dance steps. You have never disapproved before.”

  Jahngir flicked the switch in his hand across her right teat.

  “Ow! My lord, you….” She looked at him, plainly shocked.

  “Impertinent girl! Neither did I order you to do it. If I want her to learn to dance I will say so.”

  Afia bowed her head. “Yes, my lord, it is as you say.”

  “And will continue so. The day will not come when my concubines usurp my authority in my own zenana.”

  “My lord?” Afia looked bewildered.

  He waved the switch impatiently. “Enough. Clean yourselves up.”

  Julia needed no second bidding, and Afia was right behind her as they hurried past the other girls’ concerned glances and rushed to the bath, clutching hands tingling and half-numbed to their breasts to stop their painful bouncing.

  Only when both girls had douched each other’s rear entrances with several jugfuls of blessedly cold water and stepped into the warm bathwater with heartfelt sighs of relief, did Afia speak.

  “I have never known him to be in such a mood for so long. He is often quick-tempered but also quick to forgive. I cannot think what has made him like this.”

  “Perhaps his aqueduct,” Julia suggested.

  “I don’t think so. Not this time.”

  A fiery little stab shivered through the English girl’s innards.

  “What is that awful stuff he puts on the dildo?” she asked.

  “Oil mixed with curry powder and extracts of chilli and peppers.

  And what we’ve just had isn’t the hottest.”

  “Hot enough,” Julia said ruefully. “He’s not an easy man to understand. I think he likes to see us all tied up in the ropes and cords.”

  Afia laughed. “Of course he does. He doesn’t just do it to punish us.”

  “You mean when he… he makes love to you? That can’t be very nice.”

  The native girl laughed again with her eyes sparkling. “Oh, you’d be surprised!”

  “You enjoy it?” A shocking little quiver ran through Julia. “But you’d be completely helpless. He could… could do anything. He’s just using you for his own pleasure.”

  “That is always true in the zenana.” Afia smiled. “To serve our master is why we are here, but he is a considerate lover. He always makes sure we are pleasured too.”

  Julia remembered how being manacled had allowed her to escape her guilt, and she found the idea suddenly more appealing. And she would willingly be tied any way Jahngir Khan wanted her if it meant he would make love to her.

  This time when Afia produced the pink soap Julia did not argue.

  She bent over and welcomed the slippery, well-lathered fingers that slid into her to wash away the last vestiges of the stinging oil. Nor did she demur when it was her turn to do the same for the Indian girl, though the sensations both actions caused her were strange and confusing.

  “He’s very stern,” she said as she felt Afia’s soft tissues yield under her fingertips. Recalling how stern sent another quiver through her sex.

  “But not always, as you have seen for yourself.” Afia gave a grunt, and pushed back against the pressure of the English girl’s hand. “But there are times I would gladly box his ears, and this is one of them. My bottom hasn’t suffered like this for ages. This ill-humoured behaviour isn’t really like him. He’s been much more bad-tempered since he brought you home with him, and especially after you both came back from the bath the day before yesterday. Did you do something to upset him?”

  “I don’t know,” Julia said. “I was… trying to please him. I thought I had, then the next thing I knew he had dragged me to the zenana and I was tied up with that dildo thing stuck inside me. And then yesterday he said I was inattentive during training and did it again.”

  “And now the same today and for no real reason,” the Indian girl said, and wriggled suddenly. “Ooh, deeper! There’s a place giving me hell and you’re not reaching it.”

  Julia forced her finger further in and her own rear muscle reflexively pinched tight. “Oh, it’s awful, Afia! I don’t know how you can bear it each time he does it to you.”

  The girl laughed. “Because I know what we will do together afterwards. And because I love him.”

  Julia took a deep breath. “I thought he meant to do it with me the other day. I was sure, in fact, but then he stopped at the last minute.

  That’s when he got angry. He frightens me when he acts so strict and domineering.”

  Julia’s soapy digits slid free as the girl turned to face her.

  “Frightens or excites?”

  Julia gulped. “Both,” she answered honestly, and saw Afia’s knowing smile.

  “He does that to me too, and the others. I suppose that’s one reason I love him.”

  “Isn’t it hard having to share him? Wouldn’t you rather have him all to yourself?”

  The native girl’s eyes widened in surprise. “Just he and I? I never thought of that.” She considered for a moment. “Maybe I would, but it will never happen. It is not the way for men like Jahngir Khan to have only one bed-mate. I would be selfish to expect that of my lord, and unfair to the other girls to try to keep him to myself. I would much rather be one of my lord’s concubines than the wife of a lesser man.”

  A wriggle ran through Julia’s belly as she braced herself and made her confession. “So would I. I love him too.” It was total madness, almost beyond belief and understanding. Nevertheless, tears of sheer joy brimmed her eyes as she spoke. She shook her head in bewilderment.

  “I’ve only known him a few days. After how he’s treated me I should hate him, but Afia, I’ve never been so sure of anything before. Am I going mad?”

  Afia hugged her, crushing their full breasts together. “Not mad, poor girl, not mad at all. I fell in love with him on my first day. But you need to know -.”

  “I couldn’t believe it when I first realized,” Julia interrupted excitedly. “I didn’t want to believe it. This sort of thing doesn’t happen to me. I blamed my… my frustration to begin with but it’s more than that. Jahngir is moody and bad-tempered, and clever and witty, and strong and… wonderful. I hated it when he brought me here, but now I want to stay and be with him and you and the rest of the girls always. It might sound like craziness, but I feel like I have more freedom here than ever I did home in England, or ever could have there.” She laughed happily. “I know it makes no sense, not even to me, but I feel it just the same.” She felt liberated – from the conventions she had always allowed to rule her life, from her parents’ plans to force her i
nto a loveless marriage, from the need to conform to other peoples’ expectations, and most of all from the shyness and timidity that had stifled all of her ambition. Now, concubine and slave though she was, she had found the freedom to be herself.

  Julia was not exactly sure when it had happened; sometime during the long night that had followed the day on which Jahngir had almost made love to her and when her rear was still buzzing warmly from her mild punishment with the oil. She had lain in darkness with both wrists shackled so she could do nothing about her frustrations and suddenly everything had been clear.

  She had been vaguely aware that her feelings had been changing, growing alongside the suspicion that she had guessed who was going to be her master. The shock that had come when Julia realized her suspicion had become certainty had been nothing like what she would have felt a few days previously. In truth, it had not really been a shock at all, but a pleasant, reassuring glow of sudden happiness and contentment. It was then that she had understood there could be only one reason why, and had looked into her heart. The result of that had been astonishing but undeniable.

  “I love him,” Julia said again, with the same joyful thrill as before.

  The Indian girl clasped her tighter. “I’m sure you do, but I need to tell you -.”

  “What’s this, more misbehaviour?” Jahngir’s deep voice demanded.

  Thigh-deep in the water the girls let go of each other and turned to face him.

  “We are obeying your command, my lord,” Afia said.

  Julia felt no need to conceal her nudity from his glowering gaze.

  She drew herself straighter. It seemed as if a new strength had filled her since her confession. Despite Jahngir’s frown, his presence increased her happiness, and as he tossed his robe aside and waded naked into the bath her sex pulsed excitedly.


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