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Daring Little Daisy

Page 1

by Rayanna Jamison

  Daring Little Daisy

  Allie Belle

  Rayanna Jamison



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  Daring Little Daisy

  A Rawhide Ranch Christmas Novella


  Allie Belle


  Rayanna Jamison

  ©All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  2019 © Published by Allie Belle and Rayanna Jamison

  Dynamic Duo Publishing

  Rawhide Ranch

  Edited by Maren Smith

  Cover by AllyCat’s Creations

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as the author’s advocating any non-consensual spanking/sexual activity or the spanking of minors.

  Created with Vellum

  Chapter One

  I dare you. The cursor blinked on Daisy’s laptop screen as she sat slack-jawed, staring.

  You don’t play fair, she typed back.

  You could always say no, the Dom on the other side of the chat conversation answered.

  Saying no was way easier done when typing, but it still wasn’t gonna happen. See, Daisy had a problem; she could never turn down a dare. She couldn’t remember how long ago it had started or what had caused it to happen, but it had gotten her into a few pickles. Like that time in high school when her friends had dared her to sneak into the boys’ locker room. Thankfully it had been empty, or she could have gotten herself expelled.

  Even though this was going to be by far the craziest thing she’d ever done, she wasn’t going to work on breaking that habit just yet. Meeting Everett Novak would not be a deal-breaker. Nope, nope, nope. Besides, if she was being honest with herself, this dare just made things easier.

  What exactly are you daring me to do again? Specifically? She was stalling, and she knew it, but she couldn’t help herself. She stared at the wimpy, sparse wreath hanging on her wall, the only Christmas decoration she could afford this year, and held her breath as she waited for him to clarify. She wanted to be certain that she wasn’t misunderstanding any part of his proposal. She didn't want to get her hopes up. The idea of a real Christmas, on a ranch for people exactly like her, and a Daddy of her very own to celebrate with was beyond tempting. In fact, she wanted it so badly, it hurt. Rett had done it. He had found the one thing she wouldn’t be able to say no to. Her kryptonite.

  She clutched her mouse with a death grip as she stared at the waiting dots floating across the screen, indicating that he was typing.

  Daisy held her breath, willing him to finish.

  Finally, the words appeared, and she exhaled all the hope and breath she had been holding with a giant, relieved, whoosh.

  I dare you to finally meet me. In person. For Christmas. At a Resort Ranch for Littles and Lifestyle couples. Owned by my cousin, Derek.

  That was a lot. It was meeting him, being expected to let her Little flag fly, and meeting his family all at once. But, it was an honest to goodness real Christmas. The Christmas of her dreams. And, it was a dare. That settled it. Despite her many misgivings, a dare was a dare, and Daisy never turned down a dare.

  What airport do I fly into? she typed with a smirk.

  Good girl.

  Caught off guard by the sweet term of endearment, she leaned back in her chair and sighed happily. That right there made it all worth it.

  Daisy and Everett, or Rett as he liked to be called, had been chatting online for the better part of a year. Having met on a kinky dating site, they had hit it off right away. Apart from the issue of distance that sometimes seemed insurmountable, they had a ton of random little things in common and his shows of dominance, that often snuck in through their chats and emails, never failed to turn her insides to gooey mush.

  Still, having been burned before, Daisy had taken it slowly. Proceed with caution had been her mantra. The nice thing was that, unlike many other so-called Doms she had encountered, Rett had been more than happy to let her do so. She told herself over and over that the man was too good to be true, but time after time, he proved himself to be exactly who he said he was. That was both good and bad. Good because she finally felt safe planning to meet him and now hoped that maybe, just maybe, she could find the kind of love she had always longed for, and bad because, well, it meant that the only one lying in this scenario was her.

  Not that she was exactly lying, but the photos she had sent him were almost two years old and she had definitely put on some weight since they’d been taken. And it wasn’t like she hadn’t tried to be honest. She had tried to tell him multiple times, but he just laughed it off and made comments about how women were never happy with their weight.

  Waiting for his next message, Daisy paused and mused over what she knew about him so far. Rett was a second-grade teacher in a small rural town in Texas, and he had told her he was nervous to date anyone that lived nearby because of his penchant for a kinky lifestyle. He’d expressed how much he loved teaching and that he didn’t want to chance losing his job if someone found out he liked to spank a naughty brat while they called him Daddy and begged him to stop. He’d talked a lot about how much more fun it was to teach the younger kiddos because they were still pretty innocent and eager to please, yet they were perfectly self-sufficient. It was the ideal age in his book.

  Rett said that there were no clubs in his area and even though he had visited kink parties in other nearby states multiple times trying to find that missing piece in his life, he hadn’t found it yet. His cousin, he had told her, was also in the lifestyle, and judging from what she had just learned, that was an understatement.

  Other than that unexpected and tardy detail, his story made perfect sense to her, but she still couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that he wanted to meet her, and spend time with her. She was nobody special. She had waited an entire year, thinking that eventually she would say the wrong thing, or do the wrong thing, and he would lose interest, but he hadn’t. And now there was nothing left to do, nothing left to say. She knew him as well as she was ever going to long-distance, and he was anxious to meet her in person. Time to fish or cut bait.

  He had wanted to fly out to meet her, but she was too nervous to let him. He had offered to fly her to him, but she was too stubborn to accept his money and she definitely could not afford it on her meager waitress salary.

  For a while, they had sat at an impasse, and she had assumed he was going to move on. He hadn’t. Instead, he had started telling her about this magical place known as “Rawhide Ranch.”

  The Ranch was established in 1890 as a refuge for at-risk young women and had been passed down through the generations. It had become a safe haven for submissive women, especially Littles
, to find their ideal Dom. Rett’s cousin, Derek, took over when their grandfather retired and Rett visited as often as his schedule allowed. Especially around the holidays.

  Rawhide Ranch, Rett had promised, did not do anything on a small scale and Holidays were no different. They were an excuse to party and spend time with people you cared about. Especially Christmas, when they made sure their guests got the full experience, including Santa, presents, cookies, tree decorating, and even reindeer. The restaurants served holiday themed foods and the entire place was transformed into a winter wonderland straight out of a dream.

  That was when he wanted her to go. Correction: Thanks to his dare, that’s when she was going.

  She checked her available credit, booked her flight and then opened the email Rett had sent her with all of the paperwork she needed to complete. It was a lot to take in and scared the living daylights out of her, but she started clicking boxes and filling in all of the information it asked for. The sooner she got it all done and sent in, the sooner she could work on the next stage of worry, her extra weight. She had a couple of weeks to get rid of as many of the pesky pounds as possible and she wasn’t planning to waste any time. No more junk food, no more drive-thrus, and her first stop Monday morning would be the gym.

  And hopefully, if she worked hard enough, she could manage to lose ten pounds before she met him, but if she didn’t, it didn’t matter, she wouldn’t back out.

  He had dared her.

  And she wouldn’t turn down a dare. Come hell or high water, in two weeks’ time, she was going to meet her Daddy.

  She was going to spend Christmas at the Ranch.

  Chapter Two

  After the longest two weeks of her life, in which she had managed to lose only a measly three pounds due to emotional stress eating, Daisy was finally on the taxi from the airport on her way to the Ranch. She couldn’t believe she had really followed through and she only felt mildly like puking.

  Writing the bundle of nerves in her stomach off as motion sickness, she concentrated on controlling her breathing and stared out the window at the vast nothingness, counting down the minutes until her arrival, and finally meeting Rett. He had wanted to meet her at the airport, but he had flown in a day early to hang out with his cousin and “prepare” for her, whatever the hell that meant.

  Rett had already done so much to help ease her nerves about this trip, including sending her the bear she currently had a death grip on. It was white with large yellow polka dots because he said that it reminded him of a daisy, which reminded him of her. It was scented too, but not like the lavender or rose scented ones she often saw in stores. This bear was scented with his cologne. It smelled like him. She knew what he smelled like. He had given her this long psycho-babble explanation about engaging the senses to help make her more comfortable with him when they did meet, but she didn't care about all that. She just knew it was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her.

  She hugged her Daddy bear, finding peace as she smelled the familiar scent. Rett apparently had a very minty smell with hints of sandalwood and pine. It smelled, she knew, not only like Rett, but also, like Christmas. Rett smelled like Christmas. The thought made her smile. She loved it already. With every passing second, she internally thanked Rett for his silly rule that she sleep with the bear every night. He hadn’t needed to make it a rule, she would have done it anyway, but he liked to “take care of her” even though he was far away.

  She loved all the things he did for her and reveled in the fact that she could make him proud just by doing things like going to bed on time and drinking enough water.

  She wanted so badly to have more rules and accountability, but she had been too nervous to ask. She didn’t want him to think she wasn’t capable of managing her own life. She totally was, but it would feel a lot less lonely if someone would notice the little things.

  He’d given her multiple chances to ask for more, talked about wanting her to feel happy, healthy, and secure in what they were building, but she couldn’t bring herself to let it happen. She knew she held him at arm's length no matter how hard he pushed his way into her heart, and no matter how sweetly he tried to tumble down those barriers. It wasn’t easy and her arms were really tired of the fight.

  The taxi slowed as it turned down a long drive, lined with Christmas lights, and gaudy Christmas inflatables that seemed to smile and wave at her as they passed. In the distance, she could see a massively large ranch house in the distance with more lights and decorations and a large wrap around porch. Finally, the taxi rolled to a stop, and Daisy realized she had been so busy staring at the Christmas lights, she had forgotten to be nervous. And now they were here, and the Ranch was staring her straight in the face. She’d looked at the pictures enough to know what the grounds looked like, but no picture in the world could have prepared her for this magical Christmas Wonderland.

  The Ranch was humongous and gorgeous and ominous all at the same time. The grandiose building with its lush grounds loomed before her, making her feel very tiny and unsure. She wasn’t paying any attention to what was going on around her as she stared up at the massive house. House didn't seem a fitting word. It was more like a country castle.

  “Are you getting out, Miss? This is the right place, isn’t it? It’s the address you gave me.” The taxi driver looked over his shoulder at her expectantly, and she startled.

  Right. She was here. It was time to stop staring in wonder and actually get out and go inside. Grabbing a bill from her wallet, she pressed it into his hand. “Keep the change.”

  Collecting her carry-on size suitcase and her purse from the seat beside her, she threw the door open, and stepped out.

  She didn’t move to go inside though, but instead resumed staring at the massive lit up building, in full glow even though it was the middle of the day. She waited until the cab driver disappeared from sight, and there was no chance that she could back out and change her mind at the last minute. Finally, she pulled her phone from her pocket, and shot off a text to Rett, letting him know she was here.

  With her suitcase clenched tightly in her fist, her purse on her shoulder and her bear in her arms, she drew a deep and fortifying breath, and marched toward the entrance with steely determination.

  The front door was adorned with a huge sparkly red and green wreath, and a string of bells on the doorknob jingled when she pulled it open, announcing her arrival.

  There was a large wooden desk at the front with a woman behind it, typing away at a computer. She didn’t look up until Daisy was standing right in front of her.

  Daisy smiled tentatively and tried to remember everything Rett had told her. The woman manning the registration desk was Sadie, and Sadie was his cousin Derek’s wife, and a very precocious Little.

  Daisy had never met another Little, and she was both nervous and excited to be doing just that. Sticking her hand out in front of her she smiled warmly, determined to make a good impression, despite the bundle of nerves dancing in her belly.

  “You must be Sadie. I’ve heard so much about you.”

  The dark-haired pixie behind the desk startled, looking very taken aback, and shook her head slowly. “I’m Erika. Sadie is not feeling well, so I’m taking over the registration desk duties for her today. Are you a guest here?”

  Daisy stepped back, her heart racing as the blush rushed up her cheeks. “Oh no! I’m so sorry. I'm so dumb. I was trying to remember everything Rett told me and make a good impression and I messed everything up. Oh, goodness. I can't get anything right!”

  Erika gasped and stepped out from behind the desk, her eyes wide with concern and surprise.

  “You’re Rett’s? You must be Daisy, then! Oh, it’s so nice to meet you. And really, you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. It's not your fault. You couldn’t have known, and it really isn't a big deal. But please don’t call yourself dumb. The Doms around here don’t like it. Rett included.”

  That blush on Daisy’s cheeks spread out through her, moving
down through her tight chest, through the butterflies now tangling in her tummy, until finally it settled, warm and pulsing, between her legs. Yeah… she kind of remembered Rett saying something about that once before, in their online communications. And now she would be meeting him in person. Where he would actually be present and in a prime position to do more than just give her a bottom-tingling lecture over the internet.

  Her nerves fluttered, wakening all through her.

  Get a grip, Daisy, she told herself, trying to ignore the ominous, half-dreadful, half-wonderful crawling sensation moving up the backs of her thighs and over her buttocks. He’d dared her and she was here. So long as she kept a firm handle on her mouth, and her nerves, then who was to say this wouldn’t be the best vacation of her life?

  Rett came down the stairs just in time to hear Daisy break down to Erika and call herself dumb. He didn’t know what had caused what seemed like the start of a spiral, but he was relieved to see Erika take action quickly so that he was able to stay hidden in the shadows for a minute just drinking in the sight of her.

  His Daisy. Finally here. Almost close enough to touch. He had waited for this moment for almost a year. He had dreamed about what it would be like to see her, touch her and hold her in his arms.

  She had been like a scared bird, weary and cautious, not that that was a bad thing, and he had waited patiently, content with pictures and nightly chats until he felt like he knew everything there was to know except how she tasted on his lips, or what her body felt like pressed against his, or the sound his hand would make when it bounced off her luscious backside.


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