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Silencing Joy

Page 9

by Amy Rachiele

  As soon as she closed the door, we both let our breaths out.

  “You have money to pay her tomorrow, right?” I asked, concerned about this little ruse.

  “Yeah, I’ve got a couple of hundred.” He walked to the window and moved the lace curtain aside to look out. I went to the en suite bathroom. “At least, if anyone comes to town looking for us, Ann will lie and say no one is here,” Will remarked through the bathroom door.

  I came out of the bathroom to find Will unwrapping the rifle, leaning it against the bed. He kicked off his shoes and lay down.

  “Uh, what are you doing?” I asked.

  “Taking a nap. Might as well, while we wait. I’m exhausted.” He tossed and punched the lacy pillows until he was comfortable on the bed. “You should too. I want to get out of here as soon as Derek comes.”

  “You’re not going to try anything are you?” I questioned as I sat down on the other side of the bed.

  “Try. It wouldn’t be trying. We’re married, remember. It’s implied,” he laughed maniacally, making a piss-poor joke at the situation.

  “Oh, you’re funny, Jared.” I flushed and snapped as I remembered how we spent last evening. I attempted to get under the covers, yanking and tugging, but Will lay on top of them. I pulled on them some more just to aggravate him.

  “Wife, are you saying you would like me to get off the covers?” Will asked sarcastically.

  I yanked the fabric-softener-fresh covers one last time, and Will rocked, almost falling off the bed, but catching himself.

  Chapter 9


  “Shit!” Derek huffs under his breath.

  Derek has been watching Brian and Mouse staking out Joy’s apartment building. They are sitting outside on the stoop across the street observing. Dusk has settled across the sky and Jen, Joy’s friend, is walking home. Her enormous pocketbook is slung over her shoulder, and her steps are quick.

  Mouse is playing with a stick as he stares at her with his twitchy eye. That damn eye always freaks Derek out. Mouse is weirder than the rest.

  Derek stays in the alcove of the building next door. Joy is gone and has been gone. They must know that.

  What are those assholes doing?

  Derek’s FBI-issued cell phone pings with a message. An email icon appears. Derek taps it open.

  With V1, need U, T 4 15/60 MLT

  “Double shit!” Will is in trouble.



  I woke up when I heard a light rapping on the door. Will had snuggled up against my back.

  I whisper, “Will? Will, someone is at the door.”

  He groaned. I forgot about Mr. Cranky-pants. I slipped out from under the covers and cracked the door open to see Ann standing there.

  “It’s 5:45. Dinner is in fifteen minutes.”

  “Okay, thanks.” I shut the door quietly, bracing one hand on the door and the other on the knob. I walked back to the bed to wake Will. “It’s time for supper.” Will groaned again. I pinched his arm. “Get up,” I ordered.

  Without moving or opening his eyes, he grumbled, “Five more minutes.” He burrowed into the covers and added, “Five more minutes with you.” He patted the empty space next to him.

  I’d be lying if I said that waking up with Will next me was horrible. It wasn’t. It was really nice. The cozy, warmth of it made me want to do just that; snuggle up next to him, but my stomach had other ideas.

  I finally talked Will out of bed, and we walked down the stairs to the clatter of plates and silverware being shuffled around. We made our way into the dining room to a table set for two. Lit candles were placed in the center of the table. Cloth napkins were folded like little hats in the middle of our plates. The chandelier above the table cast a soft glow. Ann stood by the door to the kitchen smiling.

  Oh my! This woman went to all this trouble. I doubt she did all this fluff for every boarder that stayed the night. I turned to Will, and his face showed the same emotion that I felt...guilt!

  An older man appeared behind Ann and affectionately rubbed her arms. I took a shot in the dark, guessing that he was her husband, James.

  Will moved first, reaching for one of the chairs at the table and pulling it out. He motioned for me to sit. As he pushed the chair in for me, he spoke over his shoulder to Ann.

  “Thank you. This is very nice. Everything looks beautiful.”

  As Will complimented Ann, I nodded and smiled, hoping they didn’t notice the shame written in black sharpie on my face.

  Ann slipped into the kitchen and came out with filet mignon and mini potatoes. After she served us, she left us alone.

  Will began to cut his steak and talking without looking up. “Do you feel as shitty as me?”

  “Worse,” I cry softly. “It was my idea.”


  After the wonderful newlywed dinner, we climbed back upstairs. I wanted to use the bathroom before Will.

  “I wonder what time Derek will get here?” Will pondered aloud.

  I shrugged. No idea...I wondered if he even got the message. The clock by the bed said 8:00, but I wasn’t that tired since we had taken that long nap.

  When I came out of the bathroom, Will lay sprawled on the bed, his hands behind his head. The lights were off; the only light in the room was a blue glow from the TV. He was watching some documentary about whales. I wished I had my pajamas. Will was right the first night; it really feels gross to sleep in jeans.

  Another small tap sounded at the door. I opened it to find Ann standing holding a long white nightgown with delicate lace around the bodice, tasteful and vintage, but also looked to be very low-cut and possibly see-through.

  “I saw that you didn’t come with any luggage. I thought this might fit you.”

  “Oh, thank you,” I said as I took it from her.

  “Here is a pair of men’s sweatpants that someone left here at one time. I think they might fit Jared.” I took the clothes and thanked her again. I walked to the bed to give Will the sweatpants.

  “Hey, cool,” he said. Then, I held up the nightgown. He grinned mischievously. “Awesome.”

  “No peeking,” I reprimanded Will, and disappeared into the bathroom to change. The nightgown fit like a gem. I glanced in the mirror and flushed at what I saw. My hair cascaded down my shoulders and met the tips of the lace across my chest. This was the most beautiful nightgown I had ever seen. There was no way I could go out there and face Will.

  “You coming out or what?” Will called from the other side of the door. I sucked in a breath and opened the door. Will gaped at me.

  His chest was bare and he had on the sweatpants, compliments of Ann. I quickly crossed my arms over my upper body and sidestep him. Will took ahold of my arm and spun me around.

  “You look beautiful. Like an angel.” He looked me up and down. I turned my head, then my body, away and continue to the bed. “Can’t I just look at you?” Will whispered.

  He came up behind me and shifted my hair away from my neck, trailing slow kisses from my neck to my bare shoulder. I shivered and my head fell back, wanting more. Will led me to the bed. He laid me down and balanced above me, his movements slow and delicious. He followed the contours of my neck. Leisurely, his lips caressed my skin in a motion that directed him down to where the swell of my breasts met the lace of the gown.

  Will repositioned himself so we were hips on hips. I could feel his want growing in the passion of the kisses and the stretch of his pants between his legs. The kissing transferred to lips. He was urgent with need. My hands traced his back. I noticed that he was moving very lightly, his lower body grinding mildly with mine. My instinct was to move, too. I was so enthralled by Will that I forget everything.

  In the recesses of my mind, only for a second, I thought I heard Jen’s voice. My hands roamed Will’s body, and his mine. The soft glow of the room was romantic. Will was gorgeous, and I felt we were the only two people in the world.

  “OMG! Joy! What the hell
are you doing!?”

  Will and I jumped up. Standing in the doorway to our room were Jen and Derek. Derek clamped a hand over Jen’s mouth and shoved her in the room, gently kicking the door closed.

  “Does she ever shut up?” Jen bit Derek’s hand and he yelped. “Shit!”

  Jen pushed away and walked towards Will and me.

  “Are you kidding me? You live your life like a hermit, but, a few days on the run, and you’re getting it on with ‘beaten-up-druggie-guy?’” Jen looked us up and down. “What is that? You look like you’re wearing Queen Elizabeth’s hand-me-downs.” She points at Will below the waist. “...although it’s working for him.” I think it was the first time I saw Will embarrassed, although I wasn’t feeling too comfortable either standing in front of them with this somewhat see-through, revealing nightgown either.

  Will found his shirt and handed it to me to put on. I slipped it over the nightgown.

  “How did you get in here?” I asked.

  “Mr. Special Agent picked the lock on the house, then your room. You weren’t hard to find with the panting coming through the closed door. I had a hard time believing it was you in here,” she ranted.

  Derek had a weird look on his face. He stepped towards us and faced Will. “We should get out of here while its night.”

  “I agree.” Will said and started packing up our things.

  “I need to use the bathroom. Special-agent-dude wouldn’t stop the car to let me go.” In a huff, Jen closed the bathroom door.

  “Why is Jen here?” I asked Derek.

  “Things are fucking out of control. A few of Tommy’s guys were skulking around Jen’s apartment. One of them broke in when she wasn’t there. When I got the email, I didn’t have a choice but to take her with me.”

  Will dropped the sweats and slipped back into his jeans as he talked to Derek. My face heated at the sight, and I quickly looked away.

  “Joy took a picture at the game. It looks like a girl. It’s a shadow of a face, long hair, and tape over her mouth.”

  It didn’t seem to faze either guy that Will had just stripped in front of the two of us. The bathroom opened, and Jen stepped out. She deliberately took a sweep of the room with her eyes and absorbed it all.

  Derek continued, “I think Tommy ordered someone to take this girl, maybe to prove a point. Tommy is marking his territory like a dog.”

  “Isn’t this room cozy?” Jen sat down on the bed. “Here I am in little Rhode Island worrying about my best friend, and here you are getting it on with some guy you just met. Nice...”

  Jen was angry. I couldn’t blame her. I’d be mad too. I had only left her a note and took off with Derek.

  “I’m sorry,” I said sincerely.

  “I’m not talking to you.” Jen said as she examined her nails, not looking at me.

  I found my clothes and went into the bathroom to change. When I came out, Will and Derek were over by the desk examining a map. Derek’s face conveyed his anger.

  The backpack and rifle were by the door all ready to go. I laid the nightgown at the foot of the bed for Ann to find in the morning. It was midnight, and now I was suddenly tired in spite of my earlier nap.

  “I think we should cross the state and head down 95. It will take a couple of extra hours, but I think we need to.” Derek said as Will tossed two one hundred dollar bills on the nightgown for payment. Ann was really nice. I felt bad. When this was all over, I would love to come back here.

  The streets of the little town of Sydney were deserted. The B&B was dark and quiet. We silently headed toward the black car Derek and Jen came in.

  As we approached it, Will sidled up to me and whispered, “You’re not Mrs. Harrison anymore.” He eyes looked sad as he lightly squeezed my hand. Jen’s ears perked up at our private conversation. She still looked seriously pissed.

  Derek jumped in the driver’s seat. Jen went directly for the passenger front seat. Will stopped her.

  “Ummm... Other-Special-Agent-Guy gets shotgun.”

  “No way,” Jen whined. “I can’t ride in the back, I get car sick.” Will looked at me, and I just nodded. She does get car sick.

  “Besides,” Jen threw in with a sickly sweet voice. “You can be with Joy.”

  Derek was calling someone on his phone while Will and Jen bickered about where to sit. I wondered to myself if it was a good idea to call someone. He tapped the end button without saying anything. The person must not have picked up.

  “Well, it is the middle of the night,” I said to him.

  “Huh...Uh. Yeah,” he said very distractedly. “I’ll try again later.”

  When the car’s seating plan was all set, we took off, leaving the charming white house behind. No one said much. I could tell by Jen’s voice and comments that she was still really annoyed with me.

  We were all tired. Jen rested her head against the doorframe. Will put his arm around me, and I lay my head on his leg for a pillow. Derek traveled back roads for what felt like an eternity, evidenced by his speed and the amount of bumps in the road. When we finally hit the highway, the ride smoothed out, and I fell completely asleep.


  I woke with a start, hearing people talking. My heart was thumping. I shifted and opened my eyes to Will’s face, upside down above me, as he gazed thoughtfully out the window. Streaks of yellowish gold in the sky through the side window told me that dawn was upon us.

  Will looked down at me and saw my eyes open. “I think I know who is in the picture!”

  I sat up quickly. My head did a nasty rushing thing that happens when it moves the wrong way or too fast. My hand flew to my temple.

  Jen leaned back over her seat to face us. “What picture?”

  “I’m pretty sure it was Kara Matthews.” Will said it like he just figured out how to solve the world hunger problem.

  Derek slammed on the brakes, surprising all of us. Fortunately it was early, and no one was behind us. We all flew forward. I grabbed the seat in front of me to stop myself from face-planting.

  “Who’s Kara Matthews?” Jen and I asked at the same time.

  “Al Matthews’ daughter!”

  “SHIT!” Derek shouted.

  Will met Derek’s blue eyes in the rearview mirror. Derek shook his head silently, but there was an unspoken seething emanating from him as he got the car moving again. Jen and I looked at each other perplexed.

  “And?” I asked. “Who is Al Matthews?”

  “Our boss,” Will said matter-of-factly.

  Derek hit the steering wheel with his hand, causing Jen to flinch.

  “I can’t believe we are that fucking stupid,” he cursed and shouted.

  Jen and I cowered slightly at Derek’s outburst. He had been so quiet since he found Will and me at the B&B. It started makes sense to me somewhat now.

  “Tommy and Matthews are in this together. Now they are having some kind of pissing match...”

  Derek finished for Will “ see who has more power.”

  “Your boss’s daughter goes to Pittsfield? Don’t you think that is weird?” I asked. “Her father knows a dangerous drug runner is there.”

  “Let me get this straight,” Jen piped in. Her hands began to gesture wildly. The more she talked, the more her hands moved, and I was sure this was going to be a doozy.

  “Joy took pictures at the game! Will gets his ass kicked...on purpose!! Derek is running with this Tommy guy who attacked Joy!!! You are both FBI agents trying to blow a hole in a HUGE drug and human trafficking ring, BUT you realize – after being chased and shot at – that your boss is corrupt!!!! To top it all off, Tommy has got his flunky pants in a wad to be the head-felon and has abducted a girl from Pittsfield who happens to be the daughter of your corrupted-asshole-supervisor!!!!!”

  “Don’t forget, Joy is not only a witness to my beating – and death – but has hard evidence of the abduction on her camera,” Will chimed in.

  “No wonder everybody wants Joy out of the picture,” Jen declared.
”No pun intended,” she added.

  A lump grew in my throat as the reality of the situation hit me. Someone wants me dead! The head rush I got was a picnic compared to the raging terror that took up shop in my stomach.

  “Pull over!” I yelled. “Pull over!”

  Derek eased the car to the shoulder of the road. I flung open my door and stumbled out, managing to take enough steps to the grass before I heaved everything in my stomach from Ann’s wonderful newlywed dinner the night before. The whooshing of cars passing by echoed loud in my head. I noticed Jen and Will walking up behind me. Will put his arms around my shoulders.

  “You okay?” Jen asked. I could hear her voice softening up, probably still hurt I bailed on her, but not as freakin’ pissed off as she was.

  “Yeah,” I answered weakly.

  After a moment, Will shuffled me to the car, and we all piled back in. Derek was making a call again, but threw the phone on the dash and switched on the directional, guiding us back on the road. Will rubbed circles on my back while Jen kept stealing glances at the back seat to check on me.

  “You feel better?” Will asked. “Do you want to stop off somewhere for water or coffee?”

  “That’s a good idea,” Jen said.

  The residual shaking that typically comes after getting sick gradually subsided as we drove along. We stopped at a little diner with red seats that squeaked as we all slid into a booth for four. Will sat next to me. I ordered a ginger ale to calm my stomach. The guys ordered full breakfasts, but I doubted I could keep anything down.

  The sun had fully made it up over the horizon and was shining in the large windows of the diner. Jen picked at her muffin while the guys shoveled in bacon and eggs. Although, Derek stayed remarkably quiet, eating mechanically as though he just wanted to be done. It was atypical of what I knew of him so far. Usually, he was happy-go-lucky and joking.

  “You sure you don’t want anything?” Will asked me for the fifth time.

  “No. I can’t.” I replied. I then asked the question I had been dreading. “What do we do now?”


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