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Box Set: Rune Alexander- Vol. 1-3 (Rune Alexander Box Set)

Page 35

by Laken Cane


  “And Rune…”

  Here it comes. “Yes?”

  “Good work protecting the humans last night.”

  Her jaw dropped. “Thanks,” she finally mumbled.

  When she walked into the RISC building an hour later, Strad was there, and he was raging. “We have to do what he wants. He has my son.”

  Elizabeth and two RISC security guards surrounded him. He was loaded down with weapons and twice as big as any of the three people trying to reason with him. His long silver spear was in its customary sheath on his back.

  “Try to calm down,” Elizabeth said, causing Rune to groan. “We understand how you feel, but allowing Llodra to dictate rules will not bring your son back.”

  Elizabeth was making it worse, but Rune didn’t blame her. The berserker was mad with grief and worry and in his mind, obeying Llodra might keep his child safe.

  The child the rest of them believed was already dead.

  She edged her way between the guards and took Strad’s arm. “Come on, Berserker. Let’s go talk.”

  He ran his hand over his face. “I know everyone thinks I’m not thinking clearly, Rune. Maybe I’m not. But a full out hunt on Llodra is not the right thing to do.”

  Elizabeth sent Rune a grateful look and sent the guards away with a nod. Rune led Strad toward her office, her heart breaking a little more for the big man.

  “How is Tina?”

  He sighed but said nothing. What could he say to such a question?

  She stopped in the hallway and took his hand. “Strad, what can I do? Tell me what I can do to help you.”

  “Find my kid. Find him alive. That’s what you can do to help me.”

  “I’ll try with everything I’ve got.” And she would try harder.

  She thought he would walk away then, but he snatched her off the floor and hugged her against him, hard. Every weapon and belt she had on dug into her flesh but she didn’t care.

  “I saw you on the news this morning,” he murmured into her ear. “You make me fucking crazy.”

  “It’s what I do.” Her voice was breathless and she shivered as he held her.

  “You take too many risks.”

  She heard footsteps and struggled against him until he lowered her to the floor. “I do what needs to be done.” She stared up at him, frowning. The berserker was getting some freebies because he was so tormented, but if he—

  “Next time you go out, call me. I want to…” He trailed off as though he knew he was about to cross a line.

  She put her hands on her hips. “Dude. You want to what? Protect me?”

  He didn’t backtrack like she thought he would. “Yeah, Rune. Yeah, I want to fucking protect you.” He didn’t waver, just held her stare with his own and waited.

  “I am as bad as you or any guy in Shiv Crew, Berserker. Do you even realize how incredibly insulting you just were?”

  “That’s how I feel. Want me to lie to you?”

  “Yeah, sometimes I do. Fake it until you make it, Strad, because I’m not changing.”

  A ghost of a smile flittered across his face. “I didn’t think you would.”

  “Hello,” someone greeted, and the low voice sent shivers down her spine even before she turned around and saw who it belonged to.

  She stared in shock at the cowboy she’d picked up in the Moor.

  “John?” she asked. “What are you doing here?” Maybe he’d seen her on that morning’s news and decided to chase her down. She touched one of her holstered shivs, an almost subconscious gesture to any perceived threat, real or otherwise.

  Strad didn’t look happy. He wrapped his fingers around her upper arm, his hold clearly territorial. “Rune, this is Owen Five. The new hire.”

  She looked from one to the other, half-smiling. “Is this a fucking joke?”

  John—Owen—lowered his stare to the berserker’s fingers encircling her arm, his stare dark but amused. He actually touched the brim of his battered hat. “Ms. Alexander.”

  “Fuck you,” she said, humiliated and not liking it. “Why didn’t you tell me who you were?”

  He shrugged. Then, as if he had all the time in the world, he leaned against the wall and crossed one ankle over the other. “Maybe the same reason you didn’t tell me who you were…Marie.”

  “So you were just going to let me…” Dammit. No matter how much she fought it, she was still, deep down, ashamed of what she was. Of her need.

  Strad’s fingers tightened and he stared the other man down. “Don’t.”

  Just that one word, but the warning was clear. Owen straightened slowly, watching the berserker. “Do you want to make this into something, Matheson?”

  Rune sighed. “Owen. If you’re going to be Shiv Crew, I’m your boss. Here’s the first of many pieces of advice you’re going to get from me. Don’t fucking challenge the berserker.”

  She had his attention. “Lizzy wasn’t sure you were going to take me on.”


  “Elizabeth Peel,” Strad said. “Owen is her cousin.”

  Ah. It made sense now. She lifted an eyebrow at the cowboy. “I see.”

  His grin was white and somehow contagious. “I doubt you do,” he said. “She didn’t bring me in because she knows me. She brought me in because she needs me.”

  She crossed her arms. “RISC has a lot of crews, main one being Shiv Crew. She doesn’t need anyone else. If she brought you in, it’s because you’re related.” He started to speak and she lifted a hand. “Doesn’t mean I won’t try you out. Just means if you fuck up, you’re out—no matter what Lizzy says. Got it?”

  He inclined his head and his uneven, long hair slid over slim shoulders. “Yes, ma’am.” And he was still amused.



  “Don’t call me ma’am. My name is Rune.” Without waiting for a reply, she nodded a goodbye to a scowling Strad and strode away, uncertain about taking on the lanky cowboy. But that’s what her gut told her she should do.

  Owen Five. She scoffed, but was uncomfortably aware of how close she’d come to feeding from him, and how that memory caused her mouth to dry up and her hunger to get a little closer to the surface.

  Chapter Sixteen

  All eight members of Shiv Crew lined the hall, waiting for her. They’d strapped on more weapons than usual—Even Lex, who always carried light. Owen and Strad stood at opposite ends of that line.

  Raze stood beside Lex, and when Lex heard Rune coming she must have remembered their talk about reading Raze—she shot out a small hand and wrapped her fingers around Raze’s wrist. She grinned in Rune’s direction and Rune couldn’t help but grin back.

  Raze looked startled, and when he noticed Rune watching him, his face reddened. Raze blushing? She shook her head. The whole world had gone crazy.

  “Okay, everybody. We’ve got our locations, and we’re going to stick together until fucking Llodra is captured. There’s only one rule. If you see a vampire, kill its ass.”

  “And,” Strad added, “keep an eye out for my son. If you find Llodra, don’t kill him. We’ll need to question him.”

  They all looked at Rune. “Yes, he’s right.” But Llodra would never talk. Strad knew that, they all knew that, but he was desperate. The same way she’d been desperate a few weeks ago when she’d needed her father alive.

  She led her crew to the exit doors but just as they reached them her phone rang. Eager to be off, she answered impatiently.

  “Rune,” Elizabeth said. “Have you left the building?”

  “Just heading out. What’s up?”

  “Three dead humans were found on Creeper’s Point. Obvious vampire killings. I need you to change your location and go there as quickly as you can.”

  Rune clenched her teeth, furious. “He’s fucking killing humans.”

  “You’re not surprised.”

  “No, just pissed. We’ll head to the Point, but I doubt they’d have left the humans anyw
here near their nest.”

  “Llodra likes playing games.”

  “I’ll let you know what we find.”

  “Please do.”

  Rune hung up and told the crew what Elizabeth had reported. “Let’s go find the bastards.”

  She could feel Strad’s contained rage as she walked beside him to her car. “You want to leave your truck and ride with me?” she asked him.

  But he strode on toward his truck. “No,” was all he said.

  “I’ll catch a ride with you,” Owen said.

  Strad stopped in his tracks.

  Shit, Rune thought.

  But the berserker clenched his fists and stomped away.

  Rune let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Trying to stop a fight between Strad and Owen wasn’t something she wanted to attempt.

  “I heard,” Lex murmured, as Owen ambled to the back driver’s side of Rune’s SUV and climbed in, “that those two hated each other almost from the very moment Elizabeth stuck them together.”

  Yeah. Ever since the berserker yanked Owen away from my fangs in the Moor. She was not happy. The last thing she wanted was a couple of dick measuring men clashing every time they got near each other.

  But she had more important things to worry about. Llodra was keeping his promise. Three dead humans—and if Rune hadn’t stopped the vampires last night, there would have been three more added to that count.

  If she had time before she had to fight the wolf, she’d have a chat with Gunnar the Ghoul. Maybe he’d heard something through the Other grapevine and would share his knowledge.

  “I’ll ride with you, too,” Lex said.

  “Okay, baby.”

  Creeper’s Point was a high, wooded hill north of Spiritgrove where kids sometimes went to make out or ride four-wheelers. Now, it was also where vampires went to kill.

  She felt Owen watching her all the way there. Once she looked into the mirror and met his stare, and wondered what secrets those eyes held. What had happened to Owen Five?

  They all had a story to tell. But even after working with her men for years and later, with the twins and Lex, she still didn’t know everything about them. Maybe she never would.

  She did know they could be trusted. She’d trust any one of them with her life.

  Except Owen.

  She was going to have a talk with Elizabeth at the first opportunity.

  Owen’s cell rang. “Hey, Lizzy.” He listened for a couple of minutes. “I’ll tell her.” He hung up without so much as a goodbye.

  “What?” Rune asked.

  “Sherry’s body was found in Texas.”

  “Fuck,” Rune muttered. She wouldn’t miss the traitorous bitch, but she felt for Amanda.

  And now Sherry could never answer their questions. The secret of who had taken Matthew had died with her.

  Lex turned halfway in her seat and reached a hand back to Owen. “Hold my hand.”

  He laughed. “No, kid. You don’t want to read me. Your head would explode.”

  Somehow, Rune didn’t doubt it.

  She made an emergency stop for coffee which Lex and Owen both declined, and arrived at Creeper’s Point twenty minutes later.

  The crew was already there, milling about with the SPD. The media had arrived as well, and SPD had posted cops to keep them back and away from the crime scene.

  “Cruikshank is here,” Lex murmured.

  “I saw.”

  “Who is he?” Owen asked.

  “Newspaper reporter who follows me everywhere. Doesn’t talk much, doesn’t get in my way. Just follows me around.” Rune shrugged. “I have no idea why.”

  “Maybe he finds you interesting,” Owen replied, his eyes steady.

  “Yeah, and maybe he’s bored.” Rune climbed out of the car. “Vguns loaded, guys?”

  Her day would be made if they could find a nest and destroy some vampires before nightfall.

  Z and Jack came to meet her.

  “It’s fucked up,” Jack said, adjusting his eye patch. “The vampires bled them out, torturing them first.”

  Were the undead mad or just evil? Rune stood at the edge of the police tape. In the center of the large square lay the three bodies. They’d been arranged in a circle, feet touching, arms spread out.

  She knew immediately that Llodra himself had committed these murders, or at least helped. The victims had no faces. It was the work of a mad, enraged vampire.

  She motioned an officer to her. “Were they killed here, or killed somewhere else and brought here?”

  “They were killed here,” he said, his young face pale. “I hope you find the fucking bloodsuckers, Alexander. I wouldn’t mind having a minute alone with them.”

  She looked up, studying the area. To the north of the Point was nothing but deep woods. About fifty feet in front of the victims was a drop off—you could stand at the edge and watch the tiny cars far below on the highway.

  There were caves, too, deep into woods that seemed to go on forever. “This is going to take a while. Let’s get started. I want to clear as many caves as we can before it gets too dark.” She paused, looking around. “Where’s Strad?”

  “He glanced at the bodies and disappeared into the woods,” Denim said.

  Rune sighed. The berserker was not a team player. But she’d never met anyone more capable of handling trouble. “He’ll be okay. Let’s go.”

  With vguns out and ready, Shiv Crew trekked into the woods of Creeper’s Point. Please God let us find a nest.

  They all needed a kill. Not just Shiv Crew but the people of River County. Tremors of fear had started shaking the entire county. What if the vampires couldn’t be put down? What if the vampires—the Others—took over?

  If that fear became stronger, chaos would ensue. People would panic. What people feared they hated—and then they went out and started killing. Others, people, animals. Themselves.

  So it was with a feeling of desperation the crew began combing the woods for mad, sleeping vampires. Time was running out.

  They found nothing except for a single note from the master, and it was again addressed to Rune.

  Maybe I will take everyone you love, Rune. Why? Because misery loves company, or so it is said. I do enjoy your company and would even were you not miserable. But misery lives inside you, doesn’t it? Just as it lives inside me. We are alike, though you will not want to admit that. But you know the truth. I am not alone in my madness.

  And that terrifies you.

  I will leave you more dead humans tomorrow.

  She avoided the eyes of her crew as Z read aloud the new note.

  “What he does is not because of you,” Jack said, watching her. “Don’t get that shit into your head.”

  “He’s fucking insane,” Z agreed. “It’s not your fault, Rune.”

  Right. “You all have to be super vigilant. If he can hurt me through you, he will.”

  “You be careful,” Lex said, vibrating slightly. “You’re the one he’s going to want. In the end, you’re the one he’s going to take.”

  They were all silent as they absorbed the truth of her words. Chilled, Rune trembled and rubbed her arms. Even a jacket wasn’t enough to warm her as she was caught in the mad master’s radar.

  “Let’s get out of here,” she said. “We’ll check the remaining caves and the rest of the woods in the morning.” She nearly groaned when she realized she still had to meet the wolves later that night.

  She hadn’t seen Strad in the woods, but Raze said he had. The berserker was doing things his own way and that was fine with her. For now.

  Lost in her thoughts, she ignored both Lex and Owen all the way back to RISC. She left them to find their rides and their dinners and went to report to Elizabeth.

  She handed over the note. “He’s going to kill more humans. You need to encourage a curfew until we find him.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “Already in place. The news will run a segment tonight and the papers will have pieces as well. Ev
eryone who doesn’t have to be out after dark is urged to stay inside. And if they’re driving, not to stop their vehicles for any reason.”

  “That part doesn’t really matter,” Rune said. “Vampires can stop a car.”

  “Only if it’s a small, slow car.”

  “It depends on the vampire. One as old—and mad—as Llodra could stop a bus. And I—” She cut herself off, horrified by her close admission. Sure, she could cause some damage to a moving car, but she didn’t want to put herself in the same sentence with fucking Llodra.

  “I want you to choose some of Shiv Crew to take the night search, Rune. Then they can sleep while the others take the day search.”

  Rune nodded. “I was going to suggest that myself. I’ll divvy up the crew tonight.” They could no longer afford to search only when the vampires slept.

  Elizabeth stood with the note in her hand. “I’ll get this logged into evidence. You should have some dinner and relax. You’ve earned a rest.”

  Rune wanted to laugh. Rest wasn’t an option. She needed to visit Tina, Gunnar the Ghoul, and meet with the wolves. There would be little resting.

  She stopped by Ellis’s desk to remind him about the coming night. “Hi baby.”

  “Hey Rune.” He held up a hand before she could say anything else. “I haven’t forgotten. I don’t like it, but I haven’t forgotten.”

  She grinned. “It’ll be good to get that behind me. I can’t carry the wolves.”

  “I know. I just don’t like that you’re going to get hurt.”

  “It has to be real for the new alpha’s sake.”

  “Have you met him?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. But if he can take care of the pack and I can give up the title, I’m happy. I need you to call Denim, Levi, Raze, and Owen. We’re starting a night search. I’d like them to take tonight. I’ll do the wolves tonight and take Lex, Z, Jack, and Strad with me to search in the morning.”

  “You got it. Back to the Point?”

  “Yes. Thanks, Ellie.”

  As she left RISC to visit Gunnar and Tina, she realized happy might have been a reach. After all, as Nick Llodra had written, misery had taken up residence inside her soul and didn’t seem to be in a hurry to move out.


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