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Chaos Mortalitus

Page 5

by Mark LaMaster

  A closer look reveals it to be metallic in color, almost biological yet also a mechanical type suit. Suddenly this thing accelerates toward the ship even faster defying every form of logic I know as the ship begins firing some sort of weaponry in our direction. For some reason the alien ship seems badly damaged already, but I can't imagine why. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" I scream to the dark figure, remaining stuck at its side.

  "This is my world, they will die for this, all of them!" The dark figure replies. "This is judgment!"

  A level of acceleration beyond quantum measure as I feel the ship's hull rip like paper as we pass through it. Feeling the sheer force released as this dark figure rips a hole through the colossal piece of alien machinery, unlike any known to modern man. Explosions quickly engulf us as the fires spread quickly through the already battered vessel. We exit the other side plunging into the earthy terrain below, coming to complete stop on a coastal shoreline somewhere. I look up to find shadowy figures standing over me as I hear an army roar in the distance, with the cloaked creature's eyes still burning through the smoke and dust.

  Behind the figure I see the ship we just plunged through explode violently from its fatal wound inflicted by this thing, this monster. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?!"

  Standing with a powerful glare, a deafening presence, the dark messenger watches my livid reactions. "Our brothers and sisters of the revolution haven't much time, we must stay our course."

  Just then I regain my bearings and I'm back on the roof of the gallery, my chest flexing as I try to catch my breath. I'm must be losing my mind, realizing that I might literally be going crazy, my heart still pounding from this experience I couldn't possibly explain. Staring into the horizon once more with the fading light giving way as darkness begins to roll in. Losing sight of the shinning spot on the horizon, I sit for a moment until a voice from behind me speaks. "Hey you!"

  "AHHH, shit!!" I yell out loud stumbling a bit. "Oh God!"

  The shadows give way to reveal the face of an angel, a face I know all to well with an image that takes my breath away every time. "Little melodramatic don't ya' think?" Angela says with a laugh.

  "Damn it! You scared the crap out of me!" I reply grabbing my chest, trying to calm my nerves.

  "Ok, ok, it was just a joke, geez." Angela says. "I think you need a little time off after this, I mean look at you, you're a nervous wreck."

  Finally catching my breath I try to force a smile. "You're probably right, I just don't know what's up with me today… I feel so out of it."

  "I'm telling you, it's just nerves. So much has been going on lately, but after tonight we can slow things down a bit, after tonight everything will be different." Angela says, reassuring me.

  This is something I know to be true, something I feel deep in my heart and it's coming for me. As I begin to teeter at the edge of madness, I feel my stalker, methodical, with all these undying feelings about today, destiny surrounding these ever passing moments.

  "Oh by the way, that package from Tyler was at the house when I pulled up. I put it on the coffee table in the living room. It was weird though, no postage or writing on the box. It was just sealed, but I assume it's the package he spoke of. Angela says.

  Moment after moment the signs are everywhere and the reminders are endless. This has got to be real, I know who I am, this is happening to me.

  "I really think something's wrong Angela. I mean, you don't see the whole thing with Tyler as just a little bit crazy? Five years and now this crazy message, then a box in front of our house, what's next?"

  "You're reading into all this way to much Ash, you're just an ordinary man sweetheart, I'm sure it's nothing really. Besides, we have more important things to worry about, don't you think?" Angela says rubbing her stomach.

  Instantly I'm snapped back to reality, the fact that I'm going to be a father and we're finally starting our family. Suddenly a sense of calm invades who I am as I embrace this new found responsibility. I'm not crazy, my name is Ashton Mortal and I have it together. "You're right babe. You're absolutely right, our son's gonna' need his father to be on point. We definitely have our work cut out for us."

  "Son again huh? Always so sure of yourself, aren't you?" She snickers.

  "Our son, Seth Daniel Mortal. He will be a great man, I know it." I reply with a sense of pride.

  She knew in that moment that no response was needed, for fate had intervened and Angela Mortal would have a son, Seth, his name. "Sounds pretty good daddy."

  "I just have a feeling about it, I know it's the way it should be. Today is the first day for the three of us."

  Holding my wife upon the rooftop as the glistening sparkle of infinity slowly creeps in, two hours from opening night, two hours from destiny, this day lived as a lifetime. I see my future in our embrace and for her I would do anything, just one more glance and I remember, for her I'll face whatever may find me. "Your parents are early, I think your mom is worried about you a little bit, she said something about talking to you earlier today. They're both downstairs helping with last minute preparations. Kaldens running around down there too." Angela says.

  "Ok, I'll be down in a sec babe, just gonna' enjoy the breeze a bit longer."

  "See you inside, don't take forever! We love you." She replies rubbing her stomach again.

  "I love you both more than anything in the whole universe and I hear it's a pretty big place."

  Angela kisses me on the rooftop and the mood is perfect as she stares back into my eyes then turning to head back inside, walking slowly as our fingertips pull apart. My view is once again fixed on the horizon as I've realized so many things today, yet still I feel no closer to the truth in the back of my mind. I am a man, a painter, soon to be father and a husband. Through all these chaotic events today my inner peace has found turmoil, but these responsibilities are my only focus. I am a strange variety, but one thing I know I am not in the face of these mysterious events, is a madman.

  I clear my thoughts out on the rooftop and turn to head inside, for the clock is ticking and I have an art show to put on. Walking downstairs, I make my way down the hallway with the dark tile from earlier. From the silence of the rooftop, to the steadily growing hum of people and things moving about, working, talking and living their precious lives. Passing multiple people as I exit the long corridor back to the front of the building, I first head into the Skamar & Mortal Art Company exhibit, displaying our works together. These paintings were available for purchase but they have all been presold before opening day due to high demand.

  This exhibit showcases the differences in work style and technique between my partner and I. We are truly blessed with the response to our projects and the eagerness to own our visions of art. I come to a stop in front of piece done by Kalden, a calm landscape. Kalden's landscapes paint a vivid picture of the place dreams come from, tiny visions of perfection. "How's everything looking Ashton?" A familiar voice asks from behind me.

  "It's definitely a workable piece. With a little one on one, this guy could have a strong shot at becoming something amazing." I reply with a hint of sarcasm.

  "Well I'm sure he appreciates your opinion."

  Turning my focus away from the painting I see a figure I trust with my life, the man who above all had a hand in shaping what I am today. His strengths have been passed to me, his kindness helped quarrels my dramas, and into the very depths of hell I would stand at his side. As I face Kalden a smile breaks across my face and he extends his hand toward mine. A humble man as I embrace him he offers a subtle bow once again, yet time and time again we crack jokes on each other. Back to back no matter what, a bond exists between Kalden and I that words simply weren't designed for. Two opposites, different sides of the spectrum united in a common vision of art. "Every time I see this piece it's like the first time all over again."

  "Thank you my friend, I've finally thought of a name for it. I will call it Awake. What do you think?" Kalden asks.

/>   Staring at the beautiful piece I ponder. "I think it's perfect, you can really feel its presence."

  The painting is an acrylic work, a tree, very curvy hanging from the side of a mountaintop. Isolated high in the sky, firm roots allowing the best view imaginable. Thick layers of paint create surreal textures that offer intense realism. Heavy cloud cover gives the river in the distance a faint glimmer. Awake is a title that fits this particular piece perfectly, the finishing touch. "Good choice, as always Kalden."

  "I'm going to make sure everything is good with the lighting in the Nightmares of the Cosmos Exhibit. Back in a flash."

  Kalden turns and heads toward the other exhibit as I begin scanning the paintings and notice my father standing on the opposite side of the room staring at the visual displays. I journey to say hello, stopping briefly to review the artwork as my father patiently stares, searching for the work's meaning, its underlying mystery. He always has a way with finding a hidden mystery in everything as he scans a piece with a very alien landscape, an open sky view staring out toward a three star system. Very much a landscape piece from another world, an alien utopia I imagine. Daniel Mortal's mind wanders as his quest to conquer the universe in his mind continues.

  "Everything look good pop?" I ask.

  "If only my boy, if only for a moment, to stand on an alien world." He replies with a soft voice. "What I wouldn't give."

  "Don't worry pop, there's still time, you never know what the future holds."

  My dad looks up at me with the look he gives his students. "Well according to our friend Einstein, it is theoretically possible to go into the future, you need only accelerate to the speed of light and the sheer velocity will distort time and its effect on you. What do we know about an object and the effect time has on it, based on acceleration?" My father asks.

  I gather my thoughts for a moment as my father patiently awaits my response. " I believe it's the faster an object moves, the slower time is for the object. Hence light speed or superluminal travel would result in a forward shift in the space time continuum or a theoretical reversal effect." I answer hoping I'm on point.

  "Well done son, that will do. I tell you Ashton, your mother and I are so proud of you. You're an accomplished man; you make being a father great. We just love you so much." My father says as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

  "Thanks pop, your support means a lot to me, always has. So where's mom?"

  "She's with Angela, they're doing the walk through of Nightmares of the Cosmos right now. I'm heading over there next and I have to say Ash, I'm pretty excited, I've been hearing great things." My father says, pride glistening in his eyes.

  My father stands with me staring at the artwork and we are two of the same. In this moment the feelings of accomplishment are surreal along with many other emotions. Suddenly I find myself become drawn into the cosmic scene I painted long ago as tracers carve the edges of objects into my vision and a loss of equilibrium and I must excuse myself. "I'll be right back dad!"

  Before he can even respond I am heading to the back of the gallery hall desperately searching for the exit. My vision begins to fade and return as I make haste for I know the moment is coming. Opening the emergency exit, I feel the cool breeze from the ocean air hit my face sending a chill straight through me. Struggling to fight it off, my right hand pressed to the cold feel of concrete on the building next to me. Closing my eyes tightly I fight, trying to power through it yet once I peel my eyelids back, I realize the gallery is now just a thought far away.



  A gentle wind can be felt as my eyes focus revealing a room I've suddenly appeared in, along with a particular scent with no comparison. The room is large; pillars with ancient text run parallel on the outer edges of both sides of the room. A control panel of some sort in the center, nothing I can understand as I pass a relatively hidden section off to the side lined with charcoal sketches I can't quite make out, covered wall to wall. Seemingly a study or living quarters, but nothing makes sense to me as I try to regain my wits. Constructed with a single sheet of a strange metal, curves flow to perfect cuts that make up the architecture.

  Flapping furiously, lace-curtains dance with the steadily increasing wind flowing through this strange room. Walking toward the curtains I decide to pass through them to get a better perspective of my location. Beyond the curtains I emerge onto a large balcony area and realize the massive monument this room is part of. The outer lining of the sharply cut structure seems to be made of a sort of crystal like material, but that is speculation at best within this new manifestation. I head to the edge of the balcony to see the view and stare out onto a large open valley surrounded by the most beautiful shades of green, natural and very exotic tones.

  A place with a remarkable resemblance to the planet I know as Earth, yet still it feels like a very far off world. Suddenly I feel a presence next to me on my right side, one second nothing, the next I find myself shoulder to shoulder with the cloaked figure that has been stalking me. A serious tone is set as this moment is a very different scenario than our previous encounters. "What is all this? Why are you doing this to me, what could you possibly want?" I ask the menacing cloaked figure.

  "We want nothing but a chance set things right. We are all things, the fingertips of destiny." The shadowy figure replies, cryptic once more.

  "Why am I here, tell me the truth!"

  "To bear witness to the revolution, the new day ahead." The creature responds facing his attention toward the valley ahead of us.

  I stare at the dark one trying to understand its purpose, its conviction. "What is this place? What are you?" I ask, my patience draining. "I want the truth, I'm tired of these damn riddles!"

  Turning toward me from the shadows, this dark messenger casts a silent stare with its burning eyes. "We are Mortalitus, we are the revolution. In this our final revelation, we stand our ground. War is on the horizon Lord Mortal."

  The creature's face now exposed from the shadowy confines with the same one-piece armor plating from the vision earlier today. Hard cheek lines follow the ancient warrior's helmet with accented muscle features, still with no visible seams or welds. A quick glance nothing more, not enough to make any solid identification. "War? Lord Mortal? I don't understand." I reply as confusion takes hold. "What are you talking about?"

  Lifting its arms, I watch rays of light bounce off the creature's metallic reflection as it points toward the valley below. I once again train my eyes that direction and witness something new, something that just can't be real. Suddenly the once empty valley massive in size seems to be packed with a very large military force unlike anything I've ever seen. Quickly, I decipher that it's squares of a hundred that go on for as far as the eye can see, an army to end all armies, this impossible spectacle or so I thought. The shadowy figure then extends its arms out and levitates into the air high above, slowly drifting toward the center of the military coalition below.

  Channels of energy begin navigating toward him from all directions as he discharges it into the atmosphere above this army. The weather seems to shift even more as the sky rotates in a circular fashion. Lightning forms the center of this powerful rotating area as its shape becomes more pronounced. The creature seems to be opening a gateway of some kind, to where and what end remains to be seen. The sounds become more intense as the power of the universe is unleashed at the hands of this enigma. Strength in this cryptic figure, with his massive army beginning to cheer embracing him as commander I imagine.

  I do the best I can to make out the figures grouped together, thousands of them maybe more, but it's just beyond my line of sight. Shifting my attention back to the figure as it continues releasing intense amounts of energy as I too share in disbelief, understanding the creature's purpose. The circular rotation grows increasingly volatile, with constant lightning streams holding the gateway's composition in place. Finally at a loss in this dream as I know not the origins of this creature, nor its
meaning in this mystical place. This alien world seems to be closing in around me as it speaks, a voice that echoes through the heavens of this distant planet.

  "In this moment we are all things, the dreams of the innocent, the hopes of the enslaved. Brothers and sisters of the revolution, we are the redeemers today. Our battles have been long and hard, this fight through tyranny. To our enemies in this universe, we shout through these dark days. We are coming for you, embracers of hate, constructors of genocide, war machines of Deoth. We are coming for you!" The massive force below the dark one roars in agreement, embracing their leader.

  "We face this challenge together, though from different worlds together we unite under the common flag of freedom for all things in all places. Today, we go to see they have it. The righteous heart fights in the face of injustice, squares up against chaos. We seek peace today brothers and sisters, for the dreams of Vexicus!" The figure says stirring a truly mystical moment as I stand on the balcony, a presence like nothing I've ever felt.


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