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Chaos Mortalitus

Page 12

by Mark LaMaster

  I stare at the liquid that has spread over my arms and legs, covering my body completely as I hover above the pool below. Moments later the liquid begins to harden becoming more like armor plating, rigid and jagged. Its color shifts into a darker metallic as it hardens, forming perfectly to my body. Molding to my muscle tones and features with no visible seams or welds. It is this moment I realize I've seen this before; I have encountered this biological suit in my dreams, my first encounter with this figure called Mortalitus. I feel more power than I could ever possibly explain in this revealing moment.

  Streams of energy surround this biomechanical armor I now wear, yet I still cannot see all of it. The pool below settles once more as I continue to hover above its surface, changed. Looking down at my arms I see this armor I now wear and realize the glowing figure of Mortalitus has vanished. Walking forward on the liquid, I exit the pool back to the crystal shoreline just standing for a few moments examining my surroundings, searching for Mortalitus. "Mortalitus! Where are you?"

  "I am with you Ashton Mortal, we are one."

  Fully covering my body the suit begins to retract and liquefy, removing itself from me. It pulls away and reforms its physical image right before my eyes, finally allowing for a closer examination. The armor design is sinister looking almost and very intimidating, shifting constantly almost as if it's alive. This suit seems to have a life force all its own, the helmet with the look of an ancient warrior. "What are you? Where is Mortalitus?" I command to this unknown creature.

  "I am Mortalitus. This is my physical form, connected to your life-force."

  Finally in this moment a realization has been made, an understanding of destiny and its role in the expansion of space. I've always felt a much grander sense of things at work, yet could never comprehend the meaning. My dreams, my nightmares, were all preparations for what's to come with this new destiny, with Mortalitus. I stare at my friend from long ago analyzing the suit, watching the reflections of the glowing energy wrap its outer shell. Mortalitus has become something very different from our first encounter as I stare back mystified. "So you planned this whole thing I take it?" I ask. "Did you cause my nightmares too?"

  "No. I had no hand in your dreams. Like I said, I am merely the narrator." Mortalitus replies. "The true visionary is Father, for his fates work mysteriously."

  "So Father sent me the Artifact?"

  "Not quite. I sent the Artifact to your planet. If Father deemed it the appropriate time, the Artifact would make its way to your hand and so it is by Father that this unification is deemed worthy."

  "What about the whole pyramid on the ocean? How was Tyler involved in all this?"

  "The fates of all this are intertwined with your own, the pyramid was to insure security. Lord Vexicus designed these ancient technologies in his time here. A gift awaits you in the pyramid not far from here. The Blade of Edoxus designed by Vexicus, forged within the oceans of Father." Mortalitus reveals.

  "The blade I saw floating in the beam of light within the pyramid? Vexicus designed it for me?"

  "It was designed specifically for you, its power uncanny on every level, the soul of all universes. You can only be destroyed with this blade Ashton Mortal, no other object. Keep it close to you always and our power will be limitless in all worlds, in all places. You have the infinite supremacy of creation, the power to unify all things. Use it wisely my son." Mortalitus says revealing my one true weakness.

  Walking toward me, Mortalitus begins bonding with my body again stepping through me as the suit begins to liquefy once more and form to my body. United with Mortalitus I feel powerful, invincible and with this awesome energy that I now control, I ask a question in my heart. What would happen if this power ever fell into the wrong hands, how could that ever be undone? Turning my attention to the pyramid that lies just beyond the statue of Lord Vexicus Miogar, I begin to make my way toward its location.

  Entering the pyramid not far from the shoreline, I scan the inner chamber once more and waiting for me, the Blade of Edoxus floating freely in a pure light beam. I walk to it and gaze a moment at the beautiful craftsmanship, accepting the reality of it all. Finally aware of the fact that I've become a host for the creator of the known universe as I take my initial steps on such a long road ahead. My soul is plural in its creation, shared with the maker of life as I wonder if I was ever truly myself to begin with, or merely a reflection of Mortalitus. This crystal blade reflects the pure light like a beautiful prism, a type of weaponry I've never seen.

  Reaching forward, I grab the handle of this ancient blade as my body seems to charge the ancient relic. The moment I touched it, the puzzle seemingly was completed and my purpose finally apparent, revealing a warrior reborn in the reflection of a blade forged by the man I was long ago. After removing the blade from its floating sanctuary, a control panel to the left begins to light up. One of the walls to the central chamber shifts, revealing an ancient relic I know all to well. Walking over to the now exposed opening, I find a black cloak just like the one from my dreams; composed of a material I can't be sure of.

  This was the cloak of King Vexicus Miogar, I think to myself as I lift it from the indentation in the wall holding it with my hands. "This belonged to Lord Vexicus, didn't it?"

  "Yes." Mortalitus replies. "One of his earliest creations, a personal trademark. The materials can withstand any of the hostile environments in the universe."

  "Then it shall once again dawn the shoulders of the righteous, helping to conceal our true appearance."

  Pushing my right arm through the first sleeve, a subtle sound can be heard as the alien fabric brushes against the metallic armor that coats my body. I can feel the cloak hug my upper torso as a moment from a lifetime ago returns. Pulling the hood above my helmet all the elements are finally in place. My reflection stares back at me in the metallic lined room and this vision of what I've become is made crystal clear. Glowing eyes reveal the image from my dreams, the creature from my paintings and now I can see that the being haunting my dreams was always me.

  Placing the Blade of Edoxus at my side the suit seems to fasten it securely, the organic lining of the suit seemingly draws closer to the blade covering it like a casing, dimming the blade's intense glow. I turn and head out of the pyramid and shift back to the shoreline instantaneously. Quickly turning back toward the pyramid a brisk walk away, I realize in a single moment I went from the pyramid to the shoreline. "How did you do that Mortalitus?"

  "I didn't my son, you did." Mortalitus replies. "We are synced with your brain waves, you need only think it and so it shall be."

  "This is insane! This power has no limits! Enough of this, I'll figure it out as we go. For now, we have a job to do. Are you ready Mortalitus?"

  "Yes Ashton. I've waited for this moment for an eternity. I'm ready for what comes next and I hope you are as well." Mortalitus says. "This battle will stretch out through all of time and space. To those broken by bondage, your freedom is coming."

  "Then it is time. From this day forward I claim ownership of the universe I was born to and all reflections of that image. My kingdom is all things in all places and those who share these places will know the name of Lord Mortalitus, king of all creation." I say with steadfast determination once more.

  Extending my hand, I begin to bend the structure of the shoreline warping space and time, opening a gateway back to the universe of my birth. Strands of lightning once again circle in flowing shapes as I accelerate toward this doorway home. Flying fast through the singularity structure, the visions from my past are now common knowledge to me. The fictional dramas I depicted so long ago have revealed the immortal truth of what I am. Accelerating faster and faster through this wormhole, once again the feeling of déjà vu is very real.

  Faster, beyond comprehension as I accelerate homeward bound, to face the enemies of my past. I call out to the heavens, to my brother from long ago, my reflection. "Lord Vexicus, your sacrifice is not in vain. This vow shall echo eternally and Lord Erazux
will be no more, I swear it. The Xxirian reign of terror will finally end. This battle begins now." I shout out, this promise to what once was.

  Faster and faster the cloak flaps violently as we pass through the gateway from these origins of creation, back to my birthplace. Within Father all things are possible, yet on this day I go to finally calm the raging seas, this day I go to put right the wrongs of eternity and pick a fight in the eyes of tyranny for all beings. For the Creator, for our Father, for all those I love. Above all for those I hold most dear, for the love of my life, Angela. I whisper softly as I near the exit of this gateway as I am ready to finally return to my kingdom.

  "I love you Angela…now and forever."



  It's only been a few weeks on the shorelines of Father, yet four long years have passed on the planet I once called home. Earth has continued its silent rotation among the stars as lives throughout the cosmos have continued to change. The human date is March 10th, 2029 A.D. as Angela Mortal's struggle continues onward still, without any signs of hope. Tormented by her past as she faces the hardships of motherhood alone to raise my son, Seth Ashton Mortal. Never fully giving up on the man she loved so long ago, the man that vanished without a trace four years ago on today's fateful date.

  Every year as the date approaches the 10th of March, Angela is brought back to the moment that still has no explanation and this year is no different. Four years came and went without any evidence leading to the whereabouts of Ashton Mortal and Angela is finally ready to put these painful memories to rest. Today, a requiem in the name of a fallen angel as my wife and son will bury the memory of my name and begin the new chapters of their lives; unaware of my imminent return to the universe I vanished from. Overcast and a feeling of gloom set the mood for this sullen afternoon as spring rain clouds slowly gather overhead.

  Group after group huddle together with umbrellas ready, to pay respect to a man they all loved, a man whose time came far to early. The look on the faces of many in attendance is one of discomfort, the sheer anguish of the unknowing. This maybe the funeral of Ashton Mortal, yet to those who knew me the closest, my passing seems to be more than they can take. Fate carries the cruelty these people do not deserve, the hidden seamstress weaving silently this final masterpiece. My father stands alone in front of an empty casket containing pictures and belongings of the man I used to be, trinkets from a life I built with these people that matter most.

  My mother sits in the front row for the service, sobbing relentlessly as the quiet air about the cemetery has an eerie feeling and the gloom seems to worsen. Cascade Mortuary, my final resting place with a beautiful view not far from the beaches I loved as a child. My parents never imagined this day, never pictured this moment and truly have no way of understanding the fate of the son they lost long ago. Angela sits next to my mother gripping her hand tightly with their pain worn deeply in this face of acceptance, of remembrance. My son, Seth Ashton Mortal, born November 3rd, 2025 A.D., sits in the seat next to his mother silently scanning the endless crowds of people beginning to gather around the burial site.

  He doesn't quite understand the meaning here, only that his mother feels a deep pain. Seth stands and walks to his grandfather's side as Daniel stares down at his only son's coffin, tears building in his eyes. Reaching his hand toward his grandfather's, Daniel returns the gesture embracing his small grandson's hand as rain droplets begin to fall from the skies above. Within the crowds familiar faces all share the same loss, all having their own story of family and friendship, their individual connections to a man many knew simply as Ash.

  Landon Roth, the preacher that married Angela and I, presides over the service as he enters the cemetery from the ground's mausoleum not far from the burial site. He signals to my father that the funeral service is about to begin when there is a sudden burst of activity at the front of the mortuary as police car after police car pulls into the parking lot. Unmarked large black vehicles follow, as a small army assembles not far from the burial site. Just then the Presidential limo pulls in and slowly comes to a halt, with the entire funeral party staring in disbelief. This is no surprise for the young widow because she knows this man, and exactly why he's here.

  Angela doesn't even acknowledge the Presidential convoy as the large group of people organizes and awaits the President of the United States to emerge from his escort. Silent whispers race from group to group, from family to friends but there is only one question on everyone's mind. Why is President Jonathan Reynolds at the funeral for Ashton Mortal? Two familiar faces exit the vehicle as well taking their place at the side of the President, Jason Scott and Greg Knight, my best buds, my family. Jonathan left his high profile position in the government for the Presidency in 2028 A.D., his administration calling for reform in these drastic times.

  Jonathan's appearance is to bury a man he's never met and despite the controversy created today, he has come against the advice of his closest. Swarms of Secret Service accompany President Reynolds to the funeral service that is just about to begin. Jonathan heads for a seat sectioned off from the rest of the crowd, briefly stopping to speak with Angela. "I'm sorry for your loss Mrs. Mortal." Jonathan says. "My condolences."

  "I'm sure you are Mr. President." Angela replies never making eye contact.

  The President of the United States of America, the man that has secretly run this country for the last thirty years, Jonathan Reynolds. His interests have become vast at this point, minor pieces of an enormous puzzle but he is here to pay his respects to the one that got away. The clouds are unforgiving and the rains begin to fall to a choir's tune as Landon Roth begins the ceremony. "Friends, family, we are gathered here today to say goodbye to our friend and loved one, Ashton Seth Mortal. Four years ago today was the disappearance of Ashton and so it is on the anniversary of this day we lay his soul to rest with heavy hearts."

  Grace begins to sob heavily at the reality of this moment, for her son is gone as Daniel places his hand on his wife's to console her. Holding an umbrella overhead to shield his family from the gloomy afternoon his face carries a deep sadness, an arduous burden. Angela hugs her son ever so tightly as young Seth sits on his mother's lap. Tears pour from her eyes uncontrollably as her son lifts his small hands to help wipe away her pain, yet does not understand her wound. Beautiful memories keep her breathing, hanging on for one more day, one more hour.

  "Ashton is survived by his wife and son, Angela and Seth. Sometimes we may not see God's plan in our everyday lives, sometimes the tragedies we must face seem more than we can take. It is these moments we must forge ahead as one, to remember those lost to the whims of fate. Let us pray for our dear friend and companion, for his heart shall await us all in the kingdom of heaven." Landon says. "Let us pray."

  Kalden Skamar stands silently in the rain this afternoon, for the plans of a man who had become a brother to him, these plans they made together have now changed forever. The moment he said goodbye four years ago today, the life he had grown to enjoy so much was snatched away. Kalden's pain is constant, for his friend's disappearance has burned a hole in his heart and changed him to his core. Most days he wishes this were just a dream, yet the nightmare of it all remains as real as anything could ever be.

  "The kingdom of heaven awaits us all in the clouds of God's will. Might our friend Ashton find peace now, find solace in the serene embrace of our heavenly Father. God in heaven, please watch over the Mortal family and those dear to their hearts. Shield them from whatever sadness may follow in these days to come." Landon continues as his words touch the hearts of this congregation.

  Many weep in these moments, pain seeping into the onslaught of raindrops as the smells of rain and sounds of mourning fill this burial site. "In these precious seconds we find the courage to live, to persevere onward in memory of those we immortalize in stone. We lay you down today Ashton Mortal, may you find solace in your final everlasting peace. Let us pray."

  Every head at the burial sit
e drops and hangs low as the soft wounds of nature echo with the prayer of our father. Landon Roth finishes the prayer with a unanimous amen from the gathering. "Can we have those of you who wish to read a testament to Ashton, please step forward one at a time to address the gathering."

  The first to come up is Tyler Morgan, long time friend and comrade, a true soul through and through. Walking to the podium in front of the coffin holding the remains of my memory, he stands facing the crowd. "Ash and I met in high school many years ago, quickly developing a friendship I could never fully explain to you. His was a life I could never fully match, a friend, a brother, Ash Mortal; you will be missed more than you know. My only regret is that we could not meet face to face in your last days. Forgive my absence, forgive my hand in this…please forgive me. Forever in stone, but never alone." Tyler says fighting back the tears.

  Angela's pain grows and grows as the minutes tick by with each person who praises her husband, the man she is dying to love. Her fragile heart works hard just to keep beating, to love anything as she prays for better days. Kalden follows Tyler in speaking in the honor of their fallen friend. "I want to bless this day in the name of my friend and partner, Ashton Mortal. The times we spent together are forever imprinted in my heart and the life we've shared lives on for all time. To my dear friend Angela, you are a sister to me and you're not alone in this struggle."


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