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Bound in Darkness: Paranormal BBW Shapeshifter Dragon Romance (Drachen Mates Book 2)

Page 7

by Milly Taiden

  She turned and saw the two men who had slipped into the crowd from one of the unmanned entrances. They were still far enough from her that there were multiple people between them, but she saw that they were heading straight for her.

  “Hey, you’re not allowed to be here,” she shouted at the guys.

  Blake turned and stood in front of her when he noticed the two guys weren’t slowing down. With his Taser still in hand, he pointed it at the two men.

  “Stop right there! This is a private event. You need to leave.”

  The crowd moved back. The men didn’t slow. He shot his Taser at the first guy and one of the other officers took the second. The weapon didn’t do anything to either man. They continued. Blake pulled out his gun next, letting the Taser fall to the ground. “I said stop!”

  They were only a few feet at that point. Both men had black eyes and Lexi knew shooting them wasn’t going to do anything.

  The crowd pulled back, further and further. She motioned with her head to the volunteers to get the children away. Blake cocked his gun. If shots were fired, the last thing she wanted was for any of the kids to be near that spot. She started backing away, more of the police officers in front of her. The first guy grabbed an officer and tossed him across the field like a rag doll.

  Blake shot multiple times. Screams erupted and people hid behind games and dropped to the ground. She shoved Annie behind a table stand and met her gaze. “Stay here. It will be safer than you being with me.”

  She then ran toward the trees. This shelter was like a second home to her. Her parents had built it and she’d taken over running it when they went to do volunteer work on the other side of the world. She knew this place better than those guys. She was a big girl, but she ran regularly and was in decent shape. It wasn’t smart, but she glanced over her shoulder and saw one of the guys tossing a second police officer through a ride. Blake and some others were trying to physically fight the other one.

  Her breath caught in her throat when she saw the two guys rip out of their clothes, sprout wings and fly into the air, shifting into black dragons. Oh god. They’d burn the whole place down. Kids and all. She couldn’t let that happen. Instead of running like instinct told her, she turned and ran back. Those children were under her care.

  A loud roar sounded from nearby.

  Clacher. He shot up from the front side of the shelter into the sky and dove into one of the dragons. He hit the guy hard, driving his tail into the black’s side, his dragon’s color changing from green to blue. Both blacks sent massive plumes of fire at Clacher at the same time he sent big fiery clouds at the them. The shots hit Clacher, sending him reeling back. His fire followed both dragons until they hit their marks. She rushed to Blake. He was beat up and bleeding.

  “Are you okay?”

  He groaned but stood. “Yes. I’m good.”

  “Let’s get everyone inside. This is a brick building so they’ll be safe there. We can at least take the children into the basement.”

  “Good idea,” he told her.


  They gathered everyone into the building while the three dragons battled it out above them. She shoved everyone inside and stood by the entrance, watching with her heart in her throat as Clacher continued to fight two dragons but was getting pounded left and right by their fireballs.

  One of the blacks was having a hard time staying in flight. A fireball went through one of his wings and gravity pulled him down. Clacher focused on him. He dove toward him and pierced his side with his tail. The black tried to get away, but the inability to fly correctly slowed him too much. Clacher shot more of his fire missiles at the black until he incinerated his wings and he went down into the trees.

  The other black roared and another round of fireball fighting began. She felt ready to throw up. She saw the black dragon use his tail to stab Clacher’s side, but Clacher wasn’t giving in. He bit down on the other guy’s wing and tore it from his side. Then he fired away and the other black, too, went down over the trees. With her heart in her throat, she waited for Clacher to come down.

  He slowly landed behind the blow-up slides. She ran over to him. He was all bloody and wounded.

  Blake was there, too. They helped him back to the building. One of the volunteers stood at the door, holding a blanket. Clacher was covered and taken to one of the empty rooms. She got a first aid kit and helped clean his wounds.

  “Don’t worry about those,” he said in a low mumble.

  She glanced up and caught him watching her. “You’re hurt.”

  “I’ll heal. I just need some time,” he groaned.

  “Get some rest. I’ll be right here.”

  “Call Tor. Someone has to make sure you’re protected. I’m hurt so I can’t do it.”


  He pierced her with his stare, leaving no room for argument with his look. “Call Tor. Your life is too important. I’d never survive knowing something happened to you because I couldn’t get help.”

  She nodded. “I will. I’ll call him now. Just get some rest.”

  She waited for him to close his eyes and fall asleep and was immediately amazed at how quickly the bruises started fading. She wasn’t sure how that would work with the wounds, they’d probably need more time, but it was unbelievable.

  She got her cell phone out of her pocket and called Morgan.

  “Hey, Lexi, how’s the carnival going? Sorry I couldn’t make it out there. Tor’s being all overprotective and I feel safer at home.”

  Lexi gave a hysterical laugh. “Hah! That’s the best thing you could have done. Clacher’s store was attacked and then our carnival was, too. It was crazy here.”

  “Oh my god. Are you okay? Is everyone okay?” Morgan asked, her voice shaky.

  “I’m fine, but Clacher, he’s hurt.” She gulped back her nerves. “He said he needs to heal, and in the meantime, wants someone else to come and protect me.”

  Morgan inhaled. “Lexi, you know I wouldn’t lie to you, right?”

  “You’re my best friend. Of course, I know that.”

  “I don’t know why, but I really feel like you and Clacher are mates.”

  Lexi’s heart thudded hard. Her head felt like it might explode at any moment. “Okay. What are you saying?”

  “Trust your instinct when you’re facing danger. I’ll send Ker. He can help until Clacher is back on his feet.” Morgan cleared her throat. “He’ll heal faster because he needs to make sure you’re okay. I’d give it a few hours before he’s back on his feet.”

  Lexi sat and held Clacher’s hand. His bruises were gone and the wounds were slowly getting smaller.

  A soft knock on the door made her turn to look.

  “Blake,” she gasped, surprised he wasn’t lying down being tended to. “How are you feeling?”

  “Just a couple of cuts and bruises,” Blake said. “I’ll be fine.” He pulled a chair next to her. “How’s he doing?”

  She bit her lip and tried to control the emotions tugging at her chest. “I think he’s better. He looked much worse before.”

  Blake nodded. “Yeah, he did. The bruises are gone.”

  Her gaze roamed his face. “I’m glad someone made sure you were okay.”

  “Lexi,” Blake said. “I know I must have sounded like an asshole with what I said about you not wanting to date me, but I can see now that you would have never looked at me the way you look at him.”

  Her brows lowered and she tipped her lips down. “I like you, Blake.”

  “No!” he said and grabbed her hand, squeezing lightly. “I don’t mean to put you on the spot. I just want you to know I can be a friend. I know how and I won’t ever make things uncomfortable for you. You’re an amazing person and I’d rather have your friendship than not have you in my life.”

  She squeezed his hand back and smiled. “Thank you. You’re a great guy. You’ll meet the right woman soon. I know you will.”


  Lexi opened her front door and
watched Clacher exit her car, and Ker leave his own with an overnight bag. He dropped his bag by the door then followed Clacher inside. They sat around her kitchen table.

  “Do you guys want some coffee? I’m going to make sandwiches,” she said, heading to the fridge. She could use a cup of coffee right about now. Or a bottle of vodka, but whatever.

  “I’d love coffee,” Ker replied with a yawn, stretching his tattooed, muscled arms above his head. “I have been helping this lovely schoolteacher with the school’s website and I’m working crazy hours.”

  She set the coffee to automatically brew and glanced at Clacher, worrying her bottom lip. “How are you holding up?”

  He cracked his neck and rubbed a hand on the back of his head. “I’m good. Just need some rest.”

  She wanted to send him to bed but knew he was stubborn and wouldn’t want to leave her alone. She made coffee and big sandwiches piled with turkey and everything she had in her fridge. She knew very well these guys were shifters and could eat her out of her pantry’s contents.

  “What happened, exactly?” Ker asked as she put the plate of food in the center of the table along with empty plates and napkins.

  “I left to handle the attack at the shop,” Clacher growled, clearly annoyed with himself for leaving her. “They took advantage of my being away to try and hurt Lexi.”

  Lexi shrugged, leaning against the kitchen counter, inhaling the lovely aroma of coffee brewing. “Nobody could’ve known that was going to happen.”

  “I should have known,” Clacher exclaimed, distress clear in his voice. “You’re my responsibility.”

  “Excuse me?” she snapped, fury making her tone high-pitched. She curled her fingers into fists at her sides. “I don’t like to hear you make me sound like some kind of child that needs to be babysat.”

  He growled and stood, pacing back and forth. “It’s not that, sweetheart. I just,” he marched in front of her and grabbed her stiff arms. “I can’t let anything hurt you. You mean the world to me.”

  The anger quickly deflated and she hugged him. She couldn’t blame him for worrying over her life, she’d worried herself stupid when he’d been hurt. Her knees still felt like they’d give any second. Hugging him calmed some of that fear. He felt so good. So warm and alive and strong. “It’s okay. We’ll get through this.”

  “Ah, well, this feels awkward,” Ker said and chugged his coffee before jumping to his feet. “I don’t want to be a third wheel so…guess I’ll go to my room and see you two later.”

  Clacher raised a brow. “You don’t have to go anywhere. Stay and eat.”

  He sat and took a bite of his sandwich. “Good, ‘cuz I really didn’t want to leave without eating.”

  Lexi went back to the kitchen and brought out a pitcher of iced tea and glasses. “I wasn’t sure if you’d want something different to drink with your food.”

  “Thank you,” Ker mumbled with his mouth full. “I love coffee but unless we’re having breakfast, it doesn’t taste as good with food.”

  She sat down and sighed.

  “So, Lexi,” Ker grinned. “How did you get into managing a women’s shelter?”

  She frowned. “I’ve always worked at a bunch of nonprofits. Tears of Hope was built by my parents as a place women could seek help and refuge. When we moved back to the United States, my mom, a teacher, found she had quite a few students living in abusive households and with mothers that felt trapped. The shelter became my parents’ first big project and I took it over once I graduated from college.”

  “You must feel a connection to these women to be doing this job,” Clacher asked.

  She grinned and brought her coffee mug down after a sip. “I do. I want to heal everyone,” she laughed. “Mom and Jules, my shelter co-director, think that’s why I can never turn anyone who needs help away.”

  “So you’re always working or volunteering for something?” Ker raised his brows. “Do you ever take time to just have fun?”

  She made a humming noise. “I guess when I visit Morgan or if she and I plan an outing, I have fun. Or planning events for the shelter or the dog shelter I volunteer at.”

  “Isn’t that work, though?” Ker frowned. “You’re really young. Do you have any other things you like to do?”

  She shrugged. “I guess compared to you guys, I’m a baby, but I’m not that young for a human. I’ve always wanted to try painting something. Like do one of those one-day classes where you sit and forget everything and just paint some random image to relax.” She focused on her coffee mug. “I miss Switzerland. I’d love to go back for Christmas and sit in a warm cabin and watch the snow fall. There are some amazing views there and that’s one of the things I miss most.”

  “Switzerland is beautiful. You should take a vacation and travel the world,” Ker told her. “You can do nice things and help others out and still have a life, you know.”

  “I do,” she groaned. “But it’s hard. I don’t have many friends who can afford to travel the world and I don’t want to do things like that alone.” She looked at Clacher.

  “You won’t have to,” Clacher replied.

  “On that note,” Ker cleared his throat. “I’m going to hit the sack.”

  Ker took his plate to the kitchen and went to pick up his overnight bag from the spot by the front door where he’d left it.

  “Your room is the first door on the left,” she told him.

  “Thanks. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight and thank you,” she said. He offered to stay in one of her guest rooms since Clacher was adamant he wanted someone else there until he was fully healed.


  Clacher gave Ker a dubious look. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Did you not hear her last night? This is something she wants to do and you can make it happen,” he replied, his tone made Clacher feel like an idiot for asking.

  “I haven’t painted in forever.”

  “And?” Ker sighed. “You’re not trying to be Picasso. You’re just taking her to the castle to do something fun.”

  Clacher thought about his painting room in the castle. He hadn’t painted in months, but he loved it. Once a student under Da Vinci, he’d learned quite a few techniques and could make something decent come to life. The price for his lessons had been one he’d happily paid since it meant he got to keep one of Da Vinci’s unknown paintings.

  “Look, I’ll go to the shelter and get reinforcements to ensure today there are no issues at the carnival.” He slapped Clacher on the shoulder. “Make it happen. She needs this.”

  “All right. You go back to the shelter. I’ll stay here with her.” It was knowing his Lexi needed a real break after the previous day’s fiasco that made him go along with Ker’s plan.

  He watched Ker leave the house and shut the front door behind him. It was time to figure out some way to help Lexi unwind.

  He appreciated that the previous night she’d slept next to him, even if he’d been so exhausted, he slept the whole night through from the moment his head hit the pillow. His dragon needed the rest and it helped restore him to feeling able to fight anyone if the need arose.

  Once she woke, she padded to the kitchen where the coffee had just finished brewing.

  “Mmm,” she moaned. “Coffee.”

  He chuckled at her half-asleep state and the way her hair had taken a weird shape through the night. One side of her head, the hair lay flat while the other side was as if she’d done something to make it stand on end.

  “What are you laughing at?” she asked, filling a cup with coffee, sugar, and cream.

  He raised his brows and glanced at her hair.

  “Ah, yeah. This is my troll look. I hope you like it. It doesn’t get any sexier than this.”

  He shook his head and pulled her into his arms to give her a kiss. She tasted sweet and sexy and he wanted to take her to bed but that would defeat the purpose of today.

  “Mmm.” She wrapped her arms around his waist. “You taste like c

  “Is that all you think about?”

  She met his gaze and the scent of her arousal hit him full force. “No. I have a few other things in my mind.”

  For fuck’s sakes. This was so not what he needed.


  She shook her head and undid his fly and shoved her hand into his jeans. “Mmm, you’re really hard.”

  “Fucking hell!” He groaned, growing harder at the feel of her hand around his cock, teasing him and jerking him in her hold. “We have to go.”

  She bit her bottom lip and gave him a look full of heat. “We’ll make it fast. Really fast.”

  He claimed her lips, thrusting his tongue into her mouth and loving the taste of her. He’d never tire of her. Never tire of hearing her little moans when he kissed her or the way she curled her tongue over his, rubbing his and trying to drive him fucking insane.

  He took her Sailor Moon tank top off and shoved her Super Mario boxer shorts off her body. With her naked, he could feel and touch her silky curves. Her skin felt warm and so soft, he could touch her forever.

  She yanked his jeans down and jerked him in her grasp. Sucking one of her nipples into his mouth, he slid a hand between her warm thighs and was greeted with liquid heat dripping from her center.

  “Fuck, Lexi,” he groaned and dipped a finger deep inside her. “You’re so goddamned wet.”

  She moaned, raking her nails over his shoulders and rocking her hips into his hand so he could go deeper inside.

  “Fuck me,” she breathed. “I dreamt you made me come last night. Make it a reality now. I woke up aching for you.”

  He flipped her, draping her over the kitchen counter. She shoved her ass back, spread her legs wide and clung to the kitchen faucet. He didn’t wait. She was slick and more than ready for him.

  He drove deeply until he was balls deep inside her. Her pussy fluttered around his length. “God, baby girl. You’re so damn hot and the sucking sounds your pussy’s making is driving me crazy.”

  She whimpered and pushed back to each of his forward drives. He gripped her hip and shoved her hair over her shoulder, kissing the back of her neck. Her pussy tightened around his dick, making it almost impossible for him to pull and surge deep.


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