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Chocolate Kisses: A Kissing Junction/Gallucci Crossover Novella (Kissing Junction, TX Book 5)

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by MK Moore

  She has been hitting on me since high school. While she is pretty, she has never been my type. Quite frankly, I’m getting tired of her always trying to get in my pants.

  “Okay doll, you just let me know if you change your mind.” Marc clears his throat.

  “Yeah Trish, that’s not going to happen. How about you go get Magen for us. She can help us out.” He says through clenched teeth. He has had his fair share of Trish’s shit. She never gives up, and I'm pretty sure every man in this town has had enough of it. Huffing, she turns on her heel and walks out the door. Two minutes later Magen comes in with everything she needs to fix me up.

  “Hey guys, what’d you do this time Cam? I swear you’re in here at least every other month,” she says as she starts to wrap my arm.

  “Hey! This time doesn’t count I fell through a roof.” I say in mock outrage. Okay, so I might have been in here like two, maybe three times this year. It wasn’t all my fault. I may have gotten food poisoning from trying to make a cake by myself, and I may have decided I was going to go mudding. Then there was the time that I may or may not have fallen off the truck while goofing off.

  “Fine, it may have been a little bit my fault.” Marc and Megan both look at me and start laughing. “Hey, knock it off, I’m hurt here, woman.” I glare at them.

  “Okay, you big baby. Let’s get you taken care of.”

  It takes about twenty minutes to get me all wrapped up. A few curse words later I'm all set to leave, I just have to wait to get my discharge paperwork.

  Chapter Three


  When Jules left to see Matt, I decided that I’d go down to Tiff’s Treats and look everything over. I’ve spent the last three hours working at the shop. I have a few things I need to get in order before I can officially open next week. I may be excited, but I'm freaking out just a tad. I want everything to go perfectly the first day. You know the old saying “First impressions last a lifetime?”

  Well, I want my customer's first impression of Tiff’s Treats to be flawless.

  I have more of my mother in me than I thought. She is a perfectionist, and I may have a slight OCD problem. That’s part of the reason it took so long getting the shop up and running. If I can get my contractor to finish the fucking bathroom before Sunday, we will be able to open Monday morning.

  Unfortunately, my apartment won't be done until next week sometime, so I am just going to see if I can stay with Jules until then. That way I don’t have to drive back and forth. Now that I know she’s with Matt, I don't see how that’s going to work. Maybe I can still stay there while she is at Matt’s place. I’ll have to ask her about it once she gets here.

  She told me to wait for her here, so I could show her the shop when she got back. I'll ask her then. I go into the kitchen and make sure I have all the supplies I need and that everything is where it should be.

  Then I go into my back office to check and see if I have everything for the books and that I don’t need to go to Office Max to get anything.

  I still need to get a couch and maybe a better chair. All though I highly doubt I will be back here. Oh, fuck me, I forgot to put a help wanted to sign up.

  It’s okay I take a deep breath and calm myself down. I can put one up tomorrow. It’s all good.

  It’s about seven when she finally gets here. It’s already dark outside when she walks in.

  “Damn woman, what the hell took you so long?”

  She turns bright red “I um… it took a little longer at the Hospital then I thought it would. Then I had to go park my car at the apartment.”

  “Oh, I bet it did take “longer” than you thought it would,” I say as I wiggle my eyebrows.

  She opens her mouth to say something, but before she can, a massive guy with black hair comes in. He’s looking at Jules like a love-sick puppy, this must be Matt.

  “Hey baby, I got the truck parked and Cam’s in the back. Have you talked to Tiff yet?” he asks before looking over Jules' shoulder to see me.

  I'm at least three inches shorter than her, so I can’t blame him for not seeing me.

  “Uh… Hi, I'm Matt,” he says as he walks closer and sticks out his hand.

  Giggling, Jules slaps his shoulder, “Babe you literally only gave me five seconds before coming in here.”

  “Well I wanna get you home, and Cam needs to lay down. He’s acting all tough and Macho Man but falling from a roof has to fucking hurt.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too Matt. Who’s Cam? Why did he fall off a roof?” I ask curiously as I shake his hand before letting it go.

  Jules completely ignores my question and turns to look at Matt.

  “Go back out to the car babe. We'll be there in a sec. Promise.”

  Giving her a quick kiss he nods and heads back outside.

  “What were you talking about and who the hell is Cam?” I demand as I fold my arms and glare at her.

  “Okay, so this is how it goes. Your future baby daddy is in the back of Matt's car. He fell through a roof today and is all fucked up. I don’t want to ditch you. I wanted to know if you would stay with Matt and I at his place? It's a lot closer to the shop if you stay with us. You’ll be closer than if you were at ma and pops place. Plus, we’ll be able to hang out.”

  “Jules slow down, what do you mean baby daddy? And isn't it going to be weird having two strangers together while you and Matt are off doing whatever couples do? Like some sort of third wheel type of deal.”

  “It’s not going to be weird.” When I raise my eyebrow at her she pouts her lip.

  “Please. Please, pretty please?”

  “Why can’t I just stay at your place while you go up there? I'm okay if we don’t hang out.”

  “Did I not just tell you about your future baby daddy? How can you pass that up, hmm?”

  “How the hell can you tell he’s my “future baby daddy”? How long have you even known him? And if you thought he was sooo good why are you just introducing us now?”

  “Well because it’s not like Anthony or the twins would have let him get close to you anyway. I didn’t want them running this one off, duh.”

  Well damn. I do have to give her that but he’s not going to be Cameron, and that just isn’t going to work for me. I don’t see how indulging her could hurt any and I would get a bed instead of sleeping on the couch.

  Plus, I could have her cook for me and not have to eat Top Ramen and toast for a week. Win-win.

  “Fine, but you have to cook for me, and they have to be all my favorites, and I make no promises on the baby daddy front.”

  “If you say so…” She sighs dramatically like I’m putting her out.

  “Oh shut up. At least I'm coming with you. Let me lock up, and then we can go.”

  Laughing she walks over to my purse on the counter and grabs the keys.

  “Okay biotch, let’s get out of here.” laughing I take the keys from her as she walks by me.

  “Hold up Jellybean, I still gotta turn off the lights.”

  “Oh… right, well hurry up then.”

  I quickly run around the shop turning off lights and making sure

  everything else is turned off.

  “Okay, we are good to go.”

  I tell her as I walk back to the front. She is already at the door looking like I made her wait for five hours instead of five minutes.

  “OhmyGod what took you so long?”

  “Oh, calm yourself, woman,” I say laughing as I get my jacket and walk past Jules. When we are both outside I quickly lock up and turn back to face her.

  Grabbing my hand, Jules practically drags me to Matt’s truck. “Slow down woman.” I laugh as I jog to keep up with her. We round the corner, and a big black Ford F150 is waiting for us.

  “Uh... Jules?”


  “How the hell do you expect me to get in that thing?”

  She looks from me to the truck then back to me. Putting her most serious face on.


  Folding my arms, I glare at her “Very funny, haha. Now how am I really getting into that monstrosity?”

  Giggling she walks over to the tuck as Matt gets out and opens the door for me and a step ladder thing pops out of the bottom.


  “Oh my God, you are such a dork,” I say laughing as I make my way to the open back door. My laugh is cut short as I look inside the cab and see the man of my dreams asleep in the back seat. “No fucking way,” I say under my breath, no way is that my Cameron.

  Matt looks at me “Need some help?”

  Clearing my throat, I shake my head and hop in.

  Chapter Four


  I wake up to the smell of sugar cookies and vanilla. It would be quite pleasant if I weren’t being jerked around on every bump. Matt seems to purposely be hitting every bump in the road on the way out of town.

  “Fuck Matt, do you have to hit every damn bump?” I grunt out.

  “I am not hitting every bump fuck face, I have only hit like four. Stop bitching we’re almost to my place.”

  “Fuck why do I hurt worse than when I fell. Remind me to never fall through a roof again, okay?”

  I open my eyes when I hear the sweetest laugh I have ever heard and look over. Only to come face to face with the woman I have been dreaming about for the last month.

  “Wow,” I breathe out.

  “Hey, Matt? I think I might be hallucinating. Is that normal?”

  “Why do you say that Cam and no it’s not?”

  “Cause I'm seeing Tiffani.”

  I watch as her eyes grow big and she inhales sharply. “You know my name?”

  “Ah... yes. Do you know me?” Holy fuck, she’s here. She is even more beautiful in person. That picture does not do my Spitfire justice

  She turns bright pink and shakes her head. “Nope.” She pops the p, as she says it and turns to look out the window. After a few minutes, she turns back to me. “How did you fall through a roof?”

  It’s my turn to blush, it's not like I can tell her I was thinking about how my cock would feel in her tight little pussy. “Um... I was on the job, and I fell through the top of the old elementary school’s roof. I hit a fault in the foundation and poof, I'm through the roof and on my ass.” I say giving her a grin only for it to turn into a grimace as Matt hits another bump. Fuck! When the hell did the roads turn to shit?

  “Are you okay?” Tiffani asks, putting her hand on my knee.

  “I'm okay Sweetness, promise,” I say as I grab her hand without thinking and bring it up to my lips. Then I place it back on my knee.

  When she bites her bottom lip and squirms a little in her seat I know I'm getting to her. We sit there for a second just staring at each other before Jules turns around.

  “See, told you. Baby daddy,” she says before wiggling her eyebrows.

  Grinning, I turn back to Tiff “Baby daddy, eh?”

  “Oh my God Juliet! I can’t believe you just said that.” She gasps and pulls her hand away. Oh, we are definitely going to get to work on that baby daddy part. I'm in the middle of daydreaming about eating chocolate off Tiff’s body when Matt pulls into the underground parking garage and parks in his spot. He gets out of the truck and goes around to open the door for Jules. Tiff makes a move to get out, but I put my hand on her knee.

  “You don't think I'm going to let you get away from me that fast do you?”

  “Well seeing as you’re currently Mr. Gimp you'll just have to catch me, won't you?” She sasses and hops out of the truck.

  Fuck she is a feisty one. I can't wait to see what she's like when I get her under me. I get out of the truck as quickly as I can, which isn’t very fast seeing as she’s not wrong. I am kind of a gimp at the moment.

  By the time I'm around the truck, she has already joined Matt and Jules by the elevator. Hell, for a woman so short, she moves hella fast.

  When I catch up with them at the elevator, they’re inside, with Matt holding the door for me.

  “Oh, thanks. So nice of you to wait.” I say sarcastically. I walk in and stand right next to Tiff, leaning in close. “You can run all you want Sweetness, but no matter how far you run I will always catch you.”

  She turns the prettiest shade of pink I have ever seen but doesn’t say anything the rest of the way to the penthouse. As soon as the elevator door opens the girls get out and head to the kitchen while Matt stays back with a dreamy look on his face.

  “Please tell me I do not look like that when I look at Tiffani.”

  “I have no idea what you're talking about man. Hurry up my Dollface is making dinner, and I'm hungry,” he says, never taking his eyes off his girl. By the way he says hungry I have a feeling he is not talking about food.

  We follow the girls into the kitchen where Jules has already started taking stuff out of the fridge. “Babe where are your pans?” Walking up behind her he kisses the side of her neck before grabbing the pan. “Cam, you go sit down you are of no use to me. Tiff I may be making your favorites, but you still have to help. Babe, you can sit there and look pretty.”

  Matt laughs and then sits down at the island, but Tiff and I don't move Jules gives us a stern look. “Chop chop.” Laughing, I move over to the other side of Matt and sit down while Tiff walks over to Jules. Matt and I talk about how the football game with OCU went.

  Neither of us pay attention to what we are saying while we watch our girls. It’s fascinating watching them work together. They don’t even have to talk to know what the other person needs as Tiff cuts vegetables, Jules starts to cook something that looks like spaghetti.

  By the time dinner is done I’m exhausted, and my ribs are killing me. “Thank you so much for dinner Jules, it was amazing.”

  “It's one of my favorites. Tiff’s ma taught me everything I know.” I raise my eyebrow and look across the table at Tiff

  “You know how to cook like this?”

  Tiff laughs. “Um no. Ma has been trying to teach me how to cook my entire life, but somehow I just don't have a knack for it. I got my Pops baking skills though.”

  “Are you the one who makes the eclairs at Peterson’s?”

  She smiles, “Maybe.”

  “I will take that as a yes.” Laughing, I stand up from the table. “I gotta get in the shower and take my meds. Thanks again for dinner Jules.” I look Tiff up and down before grinning. “Sweetness, I’ll see you in the morning.”

  There is that pretty blush again.

  “Don't get your cast wet,” Matt yells at me as I walk towards the room I always stay in when I'm in town.

  “Got it Doc, this ain't my first rodeo.”

  It takes me a lot longer in the shower than I anticipated. Trying to shower with a busted arm and bruised ribs is a bitch. By the time I am done, I am about ready to fall on my face.

  Walking into the bedroom I usually stay in, I see my Spitfire asleep in my bed. I’m in awe at the sense of contentment I feel at the thought of falling asleep with her every night and waking up with her every morning.

  I don't even think about moving her, I just drop my towel and walk over getting in on the other side of her. When I lay down, she immediately turns around wrapping herself around me.

  The way she is situated is killing my ribs, but it’s the best kind of pain I would gladly suffer just so I could have this woman in my arms.

  Chapter Five


  Fuck! Why the hell is it so hot in here and who the hell has pillows this hard? I think to myself as I hit my pillow with my fist trying to get it to soften up only to hear a masculine growl my eyes pop open and I gasp. I sit up and see Cam laying there.

  “Fuck Sweetness, what was that for?” he says rubbing his chest.

  “OhmyGod, I am so sorry Cameron I didn't mean it. Wait what the fuck are you doing in my bed?”

  Chuckling he lifts his hand up pushing my hair behind my ear. “Sweetness this is my bed. I always stay in here when I'm up this way.”
br />   Oh, I am so going to kill Jules. She did this on purpose. I make a move to get up, but Cameron tangles his fingers in my hair and sits up until our lips are inches apart.

  “I told you once I catch you I was never letting you go.” He growls before kissing me. I expected it to be a fierce and rough kiss, instead of the sweet, gentle one that he gives me. Moaning, I close my eyes and sink into his touch.

  Groaning, he lays back, and I follow him climbing onto his lap. I gasp as he runs his other hand up my thigh and under my shirt.

  Pulling back, I sit up. “Oh?” I breathe out as his very naked, very hard cock touches my wet panties.

  “That’s all for you Sweetness. I have wanted you ever since I first saw your beautiful face.”


  “Yes, Sweetness.”

  How can this be happening? The man of my dreams thinks I'm beautiful. He starts running his hand up my thigh while his other is on my hip.

  “Come here baby let me kiss those sweet lips of yours.”

  I couldn't say no even if I wanted to. I have wanted this man for over a year, and I'm finally going to take what I want. Crossing my arms, I grab the end of my shirt and pull it over my head.

  “Holy fuck Sweetness, you have the body of a Goddess.”

  I moan out as he thrusts his hips up making his cock hit my clit. Leaning down I place my hands on either side of his shoulders and start kissing him when he goes still and groans. I pull back, so our lips are inches apart and search his eyes. “Are you okay Love? I don't want to hurt you.”

  “Totally worth it, Sweetness.”

  I'm about to say something when he leans up and captures my lips. The hand he had on my thigh goes to my hip holding me down. As he thrusts up, his hard cock hits my clit again, and I moan into his mouth.

  Oh my God, how does that feel so good? I start to rub myself up and down his hard length mewling every time he hits my clit. I begin to move faster, and he growls pulling away from our kiss.


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