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Page 49

by Michelle Love

  The music leaked out of the bar’s door and she found the bubblegum pop annoying already. She liked hard rock, much unlike every other girl on the planet she’d been told about her taste in music.

  After her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit bar, she found her roommate and gaggle of girlfriends shaking their asses on the dance floor. A thing she wasn’t about to get caught up in. Too sober and too embarrassed to be shaking it yet.

  She saw Gwen’s purse sitting on a table right next to the dance floor and knew she’d be trying to get her to dance with them, a thing that had her wanting to leave already.

  “Oh, hell,” she muttered to herself as she made her way to the table.

  Steele took a seat on one of the tall chairs that surrounded the little table and reached back and took her cell phone out of the back pocket of her jeans. While she waited she might as well see what her Face book peeps were up to on that Thursday night.

  To her surprise a waiter showed up with a drink in his hand.

  “From the gentleman at the next table, miss.” He placed the drink on the table in front of her.

  “What is it?” she asked. “I mean, I’m new to this drinking thing. Is it going to knock me on my ass?”

  The waiter smiled.

  “No, you’ll be fine. Sip, don’t chug. It’s a whisky sour, just like the man who sent it to you is drinking.” He turned and gestured to a man with dark waves which hung to his broad shoulders.

  Steele smiled and gave the man a little wave and mouthed, ‘thank you’ to him. She turned back around and had to take in a couple of deep breaths. The man who’d sent her the drink was the best looking man that she’d ever laid her eyes on.

  The fact he’d even noticed her was making her wet, and she wasn’t one to go all wet and wiggly so quickly and easily. But the way he looked at her with his dark eyes that seemed to narrow as he took her all in, made her knees weak.

  Steele prayed he wouldn’t come talk to her. She was sure she’d get all tongue tied and make a complete ass out of herself if he did. She wanted desperately to take another look at the magnificent specimen of manhood.

  He had a beard which was not a thing she’d ever thought attractive before, but it was meticulously groomed close to his face which was so symmetrical it looked perfect. She guessed he was some type of lawyer or business man because he had on an expensive suit, but his tie was gone and the top buttons on his shirt were undone. He must’ve had a rough day, she thought.

  He’s got to be married!

  He looked to be in his thirties and had to be a successful something or other, she just knew it. The gang of girls made their way back to the table and Steele was caught up in Gwen’s long arms before she knew it.

  The tall blonde was a sweet girl, but her taste in friends left a lot to be desired. The red-head, Tracy was a complete bitch and her other friend, Laura she thought might be a lesbian, but she didn’t claim to be. Then there were a couple of stragglers she didn’t know but recognized from their college.

  Gwen started wagging her finger in Steele’s face.

  “Why are you so late? And what the hell are you wearing? Did you come straight from that smelly old barn you keep your horse at? Oh, will you ever decide to clean up for anything?”

  “Nice to see you too, Gwen,” Steele said with a laugh. “I hope your birthday is going well.”

  “It is,” Gwen said and changed her mood quickly as she saw the birthday cake coming her way and the girls began singing her the birthday song. “Yes, cake!”

  Steele took a step back and got out of the way so Gwen could blow out her candles. She could swear the gorgeous man who’d sent her the drink was looking at her. She wasn’t about to do more than glance from the corner of her eye, but she was pretty sure he was looking at her.

  Why would he be? She thought. I’m nowhere near his league. I’m sure he has a beautiful wife at home waiting for him to get there and tuck their three kids in for the night.

  Another song came on and the girls around Steele burst into a simultaneous scream and ran to the dance floor. Gwen tugged at Steele’s arm to get her to join them, but she wasn’t budging and adamantly shook her head. Finally, Gwen could take it no more and gyrated her body out to join the other girls.

  Steele picked up her drink and took a sip, happy she got out of her roommate’s clutches. Something stirred her hair, and she turned around quickly, finding the gorgeous man right behind her. Her arm hit the drink he held and nearly knocked it out of his hand.

  “Oh! Sorry. You scared me.”

  “You should run.”

  Steele smiled nervously and found herself blushing. “Oh yeah?”

  His voice was deep and velvety. He stayed close to her. So close that she could smell his cologne which she knew had to be expensive because she’d never smelled any like it before. His elbow touched her upper arm and a constant stream of electricity was flowing across her bare skin.

  The way he told her she should run had her thinking all kinds of crazy thoughts, a thing she never did. He was beyond intriguing and he gave off a dangerous vibe.

  He nodded as he leveled his dark eyes on her. “I think your eyes are gorgeous. I had to come and say hello. I had to see the color and I have to say I’m not one bit disappointed.”

  OMG! He thinks my eyes are gorgeous!

  “Your eyes are pretty nice too,” she told him then took a sip of the drink he’d sent her. “Thanks for the drink. I’m not really knowledgeable about alcohol yet. I only turned twenty-one a few months ago.”

  “I see.” He took a drink, and she found herself mesmerized by the way his lips conformed to the glass. She licked her lips as she noticed a drop of the liquid on his bottom lip. With a quick flick of his tongue he got it and she felt her panties get a little bit wetter. “What is it that you do?”

  His words had her looking back at his eyes and feeling like an idiot for starring at his lips.

  “I’m in school. I wanna be a lawyer when I grow up,” she said with a giggle.

  “I’m a lawyer.”

  Steele was even more intrigued...

  “Anyone I may have heard of?”

  “Name’s A.C. I’m nothing big, just a small time lawyer.” He took a drink, and she doubted he was a small time anything.

  “We all have to start somewhere. One day you’ll make it big I bet. You have the look of a powerful attorney.” She shifted her weight as she let her eyes run up and down his fit body.

  The man was muscled like a machine. She just knew there was a tight little six pack hidden under his starched white shirt and she bet his ass was solid as a rock.

  He smiled and said, “You don’t really fit in with the bitch pack, do you?”

  Her eyes traveled to the dance floor where the other girls had gone. She shook her head. “The tall blonde is my roommate. She turned twenty-one today and made me come. I’m not real big on hanging with, what did you call them, the bitch pack? That’s funny, I’m stealing it,” she said with a smile, finding him funny and great looking.

  What a fantastic combination! Now, if he’s great in bed that would be a trifecta!

  “Steal it,” he said as his dark eyes twinkled with amusement.

  She took a sip of her drink and peered at him over the ridge of the glass. He was much too good to be true. He held himself like a man, not some boy who was trying to get into her pants. This man had the look of a man who got his way.

  “Would you allow me to take you home? I have a car outside. I’d love it if you’d let me give you a ride.”

  “Sorry, I’m not that kind of girl,” she said then took another sip of her drink as he was getting under her skin and making her itch for him in a way she’d never done before. “You’re a complete stranger after all.”

  “Smart girl,” he said with a smile.

  Am I? Or am I just being a big chicken?

  “Thanks,” she looked him over and just knew he had to be married. He was too good looking and well put together to be single.
“You’re most likely married anyway. Have a house full of kids that you’re here to get away from.”

  “What makes you say that?” he asked, looking a little confused.

  She bit her bottom lip as she looked him over.

  “Can’t say really. You just look like you’re used to getting your way. Not many single guys get their way very often.”

  He held his left hand up.

  “You will not find a tan line around this finger. I’ve never been married.”

  She looked up at him. Her mind was spinning a bit with the knowledge he wasn’t married and that made him fair game. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure.” He moved a little closer to her. Her body warmed with the closeness and she wondered what it would feel like to be wrapped in his strong arms.

  “How old are you?”

  “Thirty-five.” He moved a step closer and touched her waist, making her legs shake. “Old enough to teach you things you never thought about knowing before.”

  Her insides melted. He was actually coming on to her. There was an actual chance she could feel this powerful man’s arms wrapped around her. His naked body touching hers.

  Steele blushed with the naughty thoughts that were running through her head.

  “I bet you could.”

  “You should let me take you home.” He leaned into her, his hand moving from her waist to the small of her back, gently moving her body to his, their hips touching.

  Steele had to fight the urge to give into the man. His face was so handsome and his body so rock hard. There had to be some downfall with the perfect man.

  “I’m really not that kind of girl. There are plenty of easy ho’s around here though.” She peered up at him as she tried to take a step back, but his hand on the small of her back stopped her retreat. She found she loved the way he made her do as he wanted.

  “I don’t do easy,” he said, and she found his mouth moving closer to hers. He wanted to kiss her. Right there in front of the whole bar, he wanted to take her mouth, and she wanted to let him so damn bad that she could already taste his lips.

  He was so close to her she could feel the softness of his whisker covered face. Steele licked her lips.

  “Don’t,” she whispered.

  She was still the same young woman inside no matter how crazy her brain was thinking. Steele did not make out with strangers and she sure as hell didn’t do it in a bar with people watching.

  He moved back a little. “Smart girl.”

  “I am and you, sir, I dare say seem a little bit dangerous,” she took in a deep breath and backed another step away from him. Her body was yearning for his, a thing she knew wasn’t smart to give into.

  He shook his head.

  “A little dangerous, no.”

  She surprised herself as she leaned back in close to him and whispered, “I have to tell you that you are the first man who actually made me think about doing what you asked though.”

  He smiled, making her happy to see he really did want her. It was still running around her mind that he had to be fucking with her. He was gorgeous and out of her league in every possible way after all.

  The other young women were coming back to the table she could tell by the way his eyes darted to the dance floor and a frown covered his handsome face. He kissed his fingertips and placed them on her lips.

  “See you around then.” He turned and left, leaving a chill covering her body as he did.

  Almost instantly she regretted not going with him. Gwen had her by the shoulders and steered her out to the dance floor not taking no for an answer any longer. Steele watched as the gorgeous man paid at the bar then left.

  Her chance had gone, and she felt like an idiot for not taking him up on his offer. As she danced to the crappy music, she felt disappointment in herself. She’d wanted a man’s man, and he sure seemed like one.

  His body and attitude commanded respect and attention. She was sure he could make her do just about anything he wanted her to. What did she want with a man like that anyway?

  She wasn’t sure what she wanted with a man like that, but she did want him. And she’d missed out on that chance.

  I’m an idiot!

  The night went on and after an hour, she managed to sneak away from the bitch pack. She smiled and thought to herself that the man from earlier was clever and it was hard to find clever.

  Out the door she went, the cool air making the skin on her bare arms goose-pimple. She ran her hands up and down them and silently cursed herself for wearing a sleeveless shirt after dark.

  Down the sidewalk she went, making her way back the mile-long walk to her apartment. Her eyes darted up as some damn guy focused his drunken gaze on her as he came towards her.

  “Hey, baby, where you off too?” the drunk guy asked as he approached her.

  Steele turned her head, ignoring the guy, but the drunk had the audacity to reach out and grab her arm, making her stop.

  Oh no he didn’t!

  She looked up to find his glassy ice-blue eyes glaring at her.

  “Too good for me, or what? Not even a ‘fuck you’, can you be bothered with saying to me?”

  Placing her hand in her purse to retrieve the pepper spray, she warned the fool, “Let me go.” She pulled the bottle out.

  His words were slurred as he said, “Who do you think you are, bitch?” He yanked her arm hard, and that was all she could stand out of the asshole.

  Steele pulled the pepper spray out of her purse in one swift motion and sprayed the drunk right in his drooping eyes.

  He screamed and let her go. With the man out there, she had no choice but to go back to the bar and wait for him to leave the area so she could go home. She turned around and went right back even though it was the last place she wanted to be at that time.

  Steele really wanted to go home and get into bed and think about the gorgeous man she let get away. What a fool she’d been, and it was highly doubtful she’d get a chance like that again.

  She went back to the table and Gwen frowned at her.

  “Where did you go, Steele?”

  “I tried to go home, but a drunken asshole messed with me. I pepper sprayed him and now I have to wait for him to get lost before I can go home.” She sat back down, but Gwen took her hand and pulled her back out on the dance floor and made her dance some more.

  The night was turning into exactly what she expected it would; a nightmare.

  Three dances later Steele could take no more. Crazy drunk guy or not, she was leaving. The party had gone on too long for her and she headed out after letting Gwen know she was going and wishing her a happy birthday.

  Just as she opened the door, she saw a wreck had happened right in front of the place and to her complete joy she saw the gorgeous man, sans his black suit jacket, standing at the back of a shiny black Escalade.

  His back was to her, and she’d had just enough liquid courage to have her acting on her whim. She walked quietly up behind him, brushing her hand against his arm. “What happened?” she asked.

  His eyes went wide as he turned back and saw her. “They wrecked. Um, hit each other, I mean, they smacked into one another. Fuck, you know what I mean, right?”

  His stammering made her giggle. She was glad to see her presence had unnerved him. She smiled. “Nervous?”

  “Me?” he asked in a high voice.

  Her mind raced with the fact she made him nervous.

  “Do I make you nervous?”

  “Hell no!” he said and slipped his arm around her waist.

  Steele felt complete with his arm securing her as if she belonged to him. His arm was strong. She could feel his bicep beneath the long sleeve shirt pressing against her back. She longed to actually see the muscled arm.

  Another tall man in a black suit came up to them. “Hi, I’m Paul.”

  Steele gave the man a nod and a smile. She took notice of the way the man who had his arm wrapped tightly around her looked at the other man. Paul walked away a
nd got in the driver’s seat.

  “As you can see, that’s my driver, Paul. So you won’t be completely alone with a stranger if you allow me to drive you to your home,” he told her as he moved her along with him.

  Not entirely sure it was smart to actually go through with accepting the man’s ride, she said, “I don’t think so. It’s very nice of you, don’t get me wrong.”

  “It’s really not safe for you to walk. Please, just get in. I swear we’ll take you straight home. If anything happened to you and I saw you were hurt or God forbid something worse, it would haunt me forever,” he told her as he opened the door and gently pushed against her.

  The way he gently was forcing her to do what he wanted secretly thrilled her. Though she knew it was most likely the most stupid and dangerous decision she’d ever made, she said, “I’d hate it if I haunted you. I think that would mean bad karma for me.” Looking deep into his eyes, she searched for the truth. “Promise me something.”

  “Anything,” he said. “I think I could promise you anything?” His finger trailed over her collar bone and he looked just as deep into her eyes. Her body tingled with his touch and she was hot and ready for the man in an instant.

  Feeling very vulnerable in the stranger’s hold she found something in his dark eyes that told her she could trust him. “Promise you won’t hurt me.”

  “Why would you say that?” he asked as he pulled his hand back and searched her eyes.

  She felt compelled to tell him how she really was. “It’s just that I don’t go places with strangers. I don’t do stupid or dangerous things.”

  He took a step back. “You should run, little girl.”

  His choice of words had her knowing she was about to show him she was no little girl.

  “Should I, really? A little while ago I tried to walk home, and a guy grabbed me. I had to empty my pepper spray on his ass. So I’m quite defenseless and a nice, strong lawyer seems a safe bet. A hell of a lot better than taking the chance the prick I sprayed may be waiting to get even with me.”

  “You know I saw you do that. You seem quite capable of taking care of yourself in situations you feel threatened in.”


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