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Page 65

by Michelle Love

  She heard and felt him inhale the air she let out and it thrilled her. His mouth came down on hers and his tongue roamed hers. Her body fell apart beneath him and she moaned as she arched up.

  He was still for a moment then made hard, deep thrusts. Arsen pulled his head back.

  “Keep coming for me, Baby. Don’t stop, take me with you, make me come.”

  She looked into his eyes as she kept arching up to meet his hard thrusts, her body squeezing his thick cock with little spasms. And just as his body was beginning to tense, she said, “Come for me.”

  His eyes went wide as his body did what she asked of him. He clenched his teeth and made a deep groan as his body released. Steele felt her body going into a deeper climax and joined him. They groaned together, long, deep, guttural.

  Then he laid his head on her chest as they tried to catch their breath. Steele ran her hand over his head as she thought about how he might be getting softer, but he was still strong and beginning to make a fantastic combination of both attributes.

  Arsen might just become the perfect man! And he’s all mine!


  Two male voices woke Gwen up from the deepest sleep she’d ever had. Her head was fuzzy, but she could make out what they were saying. One was Allen’s of that she was sure, the other wasn’t familiar at all.

  Her entire body ached. She had no idea how long he’d had her chained up to the little bed in the empty warehouse.

  The empty metal building with cement floors echoed as the two men talked. Even though they spoke as quietly as they could.

  Allen said, “I need two syringes, Peter.”

  “Look, I gave you my medical ID. I don’t want to get caught actually taking the stuff myself, Allen. And if I can be frank with you, this is getting a little too risky. Why do you have to take his current girlfriend? There’s more than enough evidence to put him away for a long time with the three other women’s deaths.”

  “I want this man to hurt as much as he hurt me. I came to the man needing his help, and he lost the case. Peter, it was the only case the man has ever lost. I think it’s because he wanted to see me punished for my crime. He is into punishments after all.” Allen’s voice was riddled with disgust.

  “You don’t understand a thing about what that lifestyle is about, little man. Look, I’ll go along with you using my ID but I won’t go further than that. I hated those bitches is the only reason I’ve even done as much as I have,” the other man said.

  “It was Arsen who got in your way when you were trying to get into their panties. You have to want to see him hurt,” Allen said.

  “Yes, I do. Not to mention the fact he turned Anne into a shell of her former self. That woman had been fantastic until she took him under her wing and he shit all over her for her efforts to turn him into something more than a weakling with oversensitivity,” Peter said.

  “Well then, why not help a little bit more than you have? I nearly got caught last time I was in the hospital. It’s not safe for me to go in there anymore. I need you to get me the two syringes of the same stuff we used on the others. And tell, Anne, she can take out Arsen’s girlfriend. I’ll allow her that pleasure,” Allen said.

  The other man laughed. “She’ll love that. That feisty little bitch did a number on Anne’s face last night and she is not happy with her at all. My mistress will be pleased with that. Tell you what, I will get the drug for you, but you have to swear not to tell Anne about my doing it. She forbade me to actually take the drug myself. And when she punishes for something she’s forbidden, it’s not pleasant at all.”

  Allen made a deep chuckle.

  “Well, that’s pretty obvious by what she’s doing to Arsen for leaving her. The woman is a force to be reckoned with. I just hope she stays true to her word.”

  Peter said, “She will. I’ve seen the fake contracts she’s had drawn up. They put her as a silent partner in every investment she could find Arsen has. Once he’s convicted and put away, she’ll gain access to all that investment return and I know she’ll give you the ten percent she promised you. Don’t worry.”

  “She better or she’ll find herself having a little accident. That’s all I have to say about that.”

  “Allen, don’t even think about talking like that about her.”

  “Just make sure she does what she said she’d do,” Allen said.

  “And you don’t forget who came to you in prison and told you how to get your guilty ass out of there. You show her the respect she deserves, Allen. Or you’ll deal with me.”

  “Fine! So, tell me how we’re going to get Arsen to strangle his girlfriend and mine?” Allen said.

  “I’ll handle that when we all meet up here once we have the other chick.”

  Gwen winced as she realized she’d been so wrong about Arsen and Allen. Now she and Steele would meet their end with some type of drug and somehow Arsen would be made to strangle them.

  I have to get free and get to Steele before it’s too late!


  With Steele wrapped tight in his arms, Arsen inhaled the scent of lilacs on her soft skin. Without thinking, he pressed his lips to her bare shoulder. His heart was full.

  With the information Sinclair had given him, he was nearly home free. Allen might be a crazy killer, but he was nowhere near as hard as Arsen could be. It shouldn’t take him much to get the little freak to confess.

  The police may have wanted his ass out of the courtroom and on the side of the accused, but with a confession they would have no real choice.

  Arsen nuzzled Steele’s neck and pushed her hair away and saw the purple mark he’d left on her neck. He grinned and kissed the spot.

  Soon he’d no longer have to hide their relationship. Once he was out of the mess he was in she and he could move forward. He had big plans for her and he hoped she’d agree with him about them.

  Steele groaned and rolled over to look at him as she rubbed her eyes.

  “What time is it?”

  “I’m not sure,” he said then kissed her cheek.

  “I’m sorry, I must’ve overslept. I see the light coming in through the curtain. I know your breakfast is supposed to be ready by six each morning.” She tried to get up, but he held her in place.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked with a naughty grin.

  “Your breakfast. I have to get it ready. It’s in the book.” She looked puzzled.

  “Steele, do you really want that?” he asked as he gazed down at her.

  “Arsen, we’ve discussed this in depth. You know I do. So much is changing in you so quickly. I don’t want to sabotage anything and make you break. I can be what you need.” She ran her hand over his cheek.

  He kissed her softly.

  “You already are.”

  One of his hands ran over her soft stomach and he ran it until it touched her hip bone. He pulled it gently as he moved her body over his. Arsen settled her on his hard erection.

  She sat up and smiled. “Look who’s up!”

  He placed his hands on her breasts and gave them a squeeze.

  “Ride me, Baby.”

  Steele moved her body up and down his as he watched her. Her dark hair was just the right amount of messy. The blue in her eyes was bright from rest and happiness filled them.

  She was happy just to be there with him, he could tell. Steele moved to lie on his wide chest as she moved her body up and down his. Her mouth moved over his neck and she bit him playfully.

  “Feeling like playing a little rough this morning, Steele?” He chuckled.

  Steele sat back up and wiggled her eyebrows at him.

  “Want to show me who I belong to?”

  Arsen smiled and rolled her over quickly, pulling her arms up over her head. He slammed into her hard.

  “Who do you belong to?”

  With a moan she said, “You. I belong to you, Arsen.”

  Pulling out and pushing back into her hard enough a little air was pushed out of her lungs, he sai
d, “Damn right you do. You don’t make a move or I’ll smack that sweet little ass of yours, understand me?”

  She giggled.

  “I won’t move.”

  He knew she liked a little of the rough stuff. Arsen took both her wrists in one hand and took a handful of her thick dark hair in the other, pulling it back a bit, making her lips part.

  Arsen kissed her hard. His tongue moved through her mouth, claiming every last bit of it as his. Arsen could be whatever it was Steele wanted. He was going to prove to her she was what his world revolved around.

  Deep strokes had her breathing hard as her body struggled not to move. Her legs wound around his waist and for a second he forgot he’d told her not to move.

  He smacked the side of her ass and she quickly moved them.

  “Sorry.” She giggled, and he knew she’d done it on purpose.

  Arsen drove into her deeper and harder. The animal in him took over, and he pulled out and spun her around, drawing her back to him by her hips until their bodies collided.

  Almost instantly she began to climax.

  “Arsen! God!” Her body shook as it pulsed around his hard dick.

  He slammed into her harder and faster as her orgasm continued to make his cock feel as if he was about to explode. Arsen held it back until he no longer could and he erupted into her.

  Arsen gave her hair one last tug then let her body fall to the mattress as she caught her breath. She lay on the bed spent and looking prettier than she had minutes before.

  He moved off the bed and stood at the side of it. Her ass was begging for a quick swat, so he gave her one and she erupted into a fit of giggles.

  She rolled over and her gorgeous face nearly brought him to his knees. He loved that girl with every single thing in him. He knew it without a doubt. “Get your fine ass up and let’s shower then I want you to teach me how to ride your horse.”

  Steele sat up quickly.

  “Really! You want to go ride, Tripper? Arsen, that would be fantastic!”

  “I don’t have any cowboy boots,” he said with an exaggerated drawl. “Will sneakers do?”

  “They sure will!” she hopped out of the bed and he picked her up into his strong arms. “I can’t wait to introduce you to him. He’s such a sweet horse.”

  “I can’t wait to meet him,” he said then kissed her cheek.

  How much longer can I hold out before I ask her?


  The afternoon was going by much too quickly for Steele. She leaned back against Arsen’s broad chest as he sat behind her, holding her horse’s reins. He’d caught on quickly, and she was enjoying the day with her two favorite males.

  His thickly muscled legs were on either side of her and she rested her hands on them. They moved with each step the horse took and she loved how they felt as they did.

  “You know, Arsen. You haven’t told me what she said.”

  He moved her braid and kissed the back of her ear where she found out he had left a good sized hickey.

  “You know what? You just reminded me that I need to find that little fucker and deal with him. Thanks for reminding me. I’ve been kind of drunk on your love since last night.”

  Her heart fluttered.

  “Drunk on my love? That sounds so sweet.”

  “Yeah, you’re making me all sweet, you little hot temptress.” He squeezed her in his strong arms.

  “So,” Steele said as she waited to hear what Anne Sinclair had said to him that had him in the best spirits she’d ever seen him in.

  “Allen White has been impersonating an anesthesiologist, and he was able to procure a drug that leaves little trace it was given. It also causes the body’s muscles to stop working. The victim dies of asphyxiation. Sinclair found out from a friend who’s an intern at the place they’re doing the autopsies at. She said they weren’t looking for any needle marks and that we needed to get Allen White to admit what he’s done.”

  “Well, how the hell is that, Arsen?” Steele felt agitated the woman was poking her nose into Arsen’s affairs. “I mean, she had to have been asking and investigating on her own. Why would she do that?”

  Her body had stiffened in his arms and he handed her the reins and massaged her tense shoulders.

  “Relax, Baby. She’s just that type of person. A real nosy woman. But in this case, I’m damn glad she’s that way.”

  “I don’t like it. I smell a rat, Arsen. A scrawny, old, blonde rat with crow’s feet.”

  “You sound like a jealous woman, Steele. You aren’t insecure enough to be jealous, are you?” He snickered a little as he deepened the massage.

  “I’d like to call it concerned. And here’s another thing I’d like to know. Did the old bat ask you to get back together with her?”

  His silence told her the answer and her body went hard as a rock.

  “Now, Steele, don’t go getting your panties in a wad. You have a man who will be propositioned from time to time. You have to….”

  She interrupted him.

  “Trust you! I know! Dang it, Arsen, I knew she was going to do that.” She looked back at him with horror on her face. “You didn’t kiss her or anything, did you?”

  He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.

  “Baby, you should know me better than that. My lips will never touch another’s now I know what a real kiss feels like.”

  She smiled and turned back around, finding his words and actions comforting.

  “I can’t believe you like me so much. I’m so plain and dull.”

  “I don’t like you, Baby. I love the shit out of you.” He turned her back to look at him. “Nothing about you is plain or dull. Please stop saying that. I want you to feel every bit as special and perfect as you truly are.”

  She shook her head as she looked into his dark eyes. “I have no idea how I got so lucky. You’re perfect, Arsen. You are the man of my dreams. I held out for you, I knew you’d come along one day. I saved my heart just for you.”

  The horse slowed to a stop as he kissed her. When he eased his kiss she giggled as she said, “Arsen, have you ever done it in a barn?”

  “Looks like I’m about to,” he said as he took the reins from her and tapped them, making the horse start back up, headed to the barn as the sun began to set behind them.


  “Please, Allen. Please,” Gwen begged him.

  Allen looked at her long and hard then took the key out of his pocket and unlocked the lock which held the chains. He quickly grabbed her by the wrist and hoisted her off the small bed.

  Gwen’s legs were weak, and she stumbled as he pulled her along behind him.

  “Thank you, Allen. I really didn’t want to spoil the bed.”

  “Just try to make it quick,” he said as he took her to the bathroom. Just before he let her go in he looked up at a small window at the top of the wall. “Take all your clothes off.”

  “What? Why?” she asked.

  “Just do it!” he snapped at her.

  She began taking off her clothes. Gwen knew he thought she wouldn’t try to escape if she was naked. But he was dead wrong.

  After she was undressed she asked, “Can I go in now. I’ll be as fast as I can.”

  Allen’s eyes traveled over her body. He smiled as he looked up at her.

  “Tell you what, Gwen. Take a shower while you’re in there. I think I’d like a taste of what you have before, well, never mind about that. Just take a shower and I’ll be here waiting when you get out.”

  She nodded and went inside the small bathroom. She turned the water on in the shower right away and after relieving herself she started figuring out how she could climb up and get out the window.

  A few old towels were laid out on the counter top and she wrapped one around her. Climbing on top of the toilet, she jumped and was able to grab the window ledge.

  She was weak from lack of food, water, and the time stuck in that bed, but she managed to pull her body up and pushed the screen out. The drop was
probably ten feet, and she knew she could really hurt herself.

  Gwen let her body fall out the small window, moving her body so she’d hit shoulder first. As her shoulder hit the cement, she rolled with the fall.

  Once she’d stopped rolling, she took a breath which she didn’t realize she’d been holding and found her shoulder hurt some, but her adrenaline had kicked in and the pain was bearable.

  Her towel had come loose, and she had to wrap it back around her and she began to run. It was dark, and she had no real idea where she was, but a woman running down the street wearing only a towel would be easily noticed.

  “Gwen!” Allen shouted as he ran out of the metal building. “Stop!”

  Gwen didn’t even look back. She just ran faster towards the lights she figured must be a street. A couple of cars’ headlights moved along the road and she nearly cried with relief.

  A hill separated her from the road and as she came over the hill she nearly fell down with disappointment. A tall fence with razor wire at the top of it kept her from getting to the road.

  With no shoes on, the rocks along the fence hurt her feet. But she kept running along the fence. There had to be an opening somewhere along it.

  “Gwen!” Allen shouted, and she looked back to see he was still pretty far behind her.

  She turned and gathered speed to stay away from him. If she couldn’t get out, she would hide from him.

  Abandoning the fence, she cut back up the hill and ran to the closest empty building. The whole place had been abandoned. It was a series of old metal buildings.

  She found this one had open rafters and there was a ladder. She propped it up against the wall and climbed until she got to the long steel beam which ran the length of the large building.

  It was wide enough if she laid down on the top of it, he wouldn’t be able to see her. The ladder would give her away though and she heaved it up and laid it on the beam as well.

  Her position was secure, and all she had to do was wait. She’d left the prison of the bed for the prison of a beam high up in the air, but this prison was one she could eventually make an escape from and the other one led to certain death.


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