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Page 105

by Michelle Love

  “A blanket, huh?” I ask. “Nap time, or what?”

  He shakes his head and takes the blanket and my hand and leads me through the thick woods until he finds the spot we found that’s perfect. A tall pine tree shoots up in the middle of the mix of Aspens and looks surreal against the tiny bits of blue sky that can be seen out of the thick canopy of the evergreen.

  He spreads the blanket and sits on it, pulling me down with him. He has me on my back in no time and his body is next to mine as he looks at me. I run my hand along his muscular arm as he holds himself up on it.

  “I love the way you look in this light,” he says in a husky whisper.

  “You do, huh?” I pull him to me and kiss him.

  He twirls his tongue around mine for a few moments then pulls back and looks at me again. He runs his hands through my hair and just gazes at me. “You know you’re extremely special, don’t you?”

  “I think you are,” I say and move my hands up over his wide shoulders.

  My eyes close as he moves in and takes my lips with his. The instant they touch a fire rips through me and my arms move over his broad shoulders then through his hair.

  He pulls me tighter to him and my breasts press against his hard chest. His heart is pounding so hard in his chest I can feel it on my own.

  Mine speeds up and matches the pace of his. Heat seems to be whipping through my veins.

  When his lips leave mine, I keep my eyes closed, savoring the way his mouth mingled with mine. Loving the taste that lingers on my tongue. Uniquely Benny and me.

  I want this man like I have never wanted anything in my entire life. My body is so drawn to his, even now we hold onto one another as if the other is a life preserver in an ocean full of dangerous waves.

  My mind spins and my body heats as his lips touch mine again and his tongue touches my bottom lip. I part my lips and his tongue pushes through them and slides along mine.

  A pulsing sensation begins in my crotch as he moves his body so I can straddle him. He presses his growing erection to my core. I feel myself growing wetter by the second.

  His makes a deep moan, igniting a desire in me I didn’t know could be so raw and powerful. His body grinds into mine and I grind right back. The rubbing back and forth on my leather pants has me shaking with need.

  Now he really starts grinding against me and I can feel his hard cock pulsing and growing with every move he makes. His kiss grows hungry and frantic as if he needs me to live or something.

  I wrap my legs around him and rake my nails over his back then run my hands over every leather covered muscle and try to memorize this whole thing for a future reference for my daydreams.

  I need him now. I need all of him. This making out isn’t going to cut it this afternoon under this tree. And by the way he’s breathing hard and heavy and pulling at my body, I can see he needs me too.

  His mouth leaves mine, and he reaches under my shirt and around me to unclasp my bra. “I just want to feel you breasts freed from this thing. They’re so soft and supple and amazing.”

  Benny pushes my T-shirt up and takes a tit in his hot mouth as his hand rubs the other and I moan with how it feels. His touch is sending little volts of electricity through me and my insides begin to pulse.

  The way he’s sucking my tit makes my stomach clench with each hard pull he makes on it. I groan in ecstasy as I look at the sky through the tree tops, “Benny.” It’s all so intense and unreal.

  My body begins to shake as he continues to grind into my core and the way he’s moving has my clothes moving over my clit and I shriek as I orgasm.

  His mouth leaves my breasts, and he trails kisses up my neck. “I love you.”

  I feel terrible that my body was able to finish in a sweet climax and his is left wanting more. Needing more.

  “Turn over. I want to finish you, Benny.”

  He looks at me with lust-filled eyes and he makes a low growl as I push him back and move my body over his. I kiss his chest and down his stomach then unbutton and unzip his leather jeans and release the beast inside.

  Although I’d like to take a minute or two to admire the long length as it stands at attention for me and the girth of it as it pulses with impatience to feel my mouth, I know that it is cold out and waiting could be uncomfortable for him. So I press my lips to the bulbous tip and he lies back with a loud groan, “That feels amazing!”

  And I haven’t really done anything yet!

  As I slide my mouth over him, I run my hands around his cock. Up and down I move them right behind where my mouth leaves.

  He tastes like Heaven and the way his soft skin feels as I move my mouth over his hard as a rock cock is a mixture of sensations I like very much.

  I find only half of him is fitting into my mouth so I push myself a bit more and take him down my throat. I gag a little then it slips on down and the sounds he makes lets me know he’s kind of enjoying it.

  Moving up and down his cock, I run my tongue along the underside and move one hand to touch his balls.

  They feel wonderful in my hand as I gently squeeze them and play with the little hard ball-like things inside. They instantly swell in my hand as a bit of juice comes out of the tip of his cock.

  I love the way it tastes and moan. Benny moans too and his hands tangle up in my hair. “Your cock-sucking skills are amazing.”

  A little more juice comes out and I speed up the process and before I know it he’s shouting curse words and his hot juices are shooting down my throat.

  His groan of appreciation makes the leaves shake on the trees it’s so loud and deep. I pull my mouth away from his cock and give him a smile.

  “Now for that ice cream, I was promised.”

  He laughs. “I’d have thought what I just gave you filled you up. You sure you have room for ice cream, Baby?”

  I get up as I nod and hold my hand out to help him up.

  “Benny, Benny, Benny, there’s always room for ice cream. Now come on, and take your wife to get some of that creamy goodness.”

  He gets up and pulls me to him and kisses me with a soft kiss. His tongue thrusts through my lips and he makes a low moan as our tongues run over the others. Then he eases the kiss and says, “I love the way my creamy goodness tastes in your sweet mouth, Princess.”

  I have to giggle and feel a blush heating my cheeks. “Me too.”

  I wonder if it will ever stop being this good. I hope not!


  “I don’t like this one bit, Gage,” I overhear Angel telling her old boyfriend who’s finally found himself a girlfriend after two years of staying single and us being his only friends.

  His past with the crazy Sandy chic, who now resides in prison along with her cousin, Donna, had him gun-shy for far too long. And now it seems that my wife isn’t a fan of this new chick he found on the internet.

  I mosey on over to the kitchen where I hear their voices coming from and find them looking at each other with scowls on both their faces as our little toddler walks around trying to open all the child-safety-locked drawers and cabinets.

  Easing into the kitchen, I pick up our now one and a half-year-old, Woody, and he immediately pulls my beard. I’ve been letting it grow again, and he’s kind of mesmerized by it and keeps wanting to see if it can come off.

  “Blaze, would you tell her that lots of people meet on the internet now?” Gage asks as he looks to me for some kind of hope.

  “Angel, lots of people meet now on the internet,” I say but I know my wife and it doesn’t really matter what anyone else says about things she’s sure of. And she’s sure this woman, who’s about to be here, is some kind of a kook.

  “Lots of people get killed by crazy women too. And Gage was almost a statistic, as was I and you for that matter, Benny! No!” She stomps her little boot covered foot. “No, Gage!”

  “She’s already on her way, Angel. She’ll be here any minute. I gave her this address so you can meet her before I take her to my place. And I expect you to
give her the same kind of welcome that I gave Blaze here,” he says then crosses his arms.

  I laugh and look out the window and see Cuddles running around the yard with the chicken who’s now full grown. He turned out to be a rooster who’s mean as hell. And upon closer inspection, I see they aren’t playing as much as the rooster is chasing the poor dog.

  I breathe a sigh of relief as Cuddles ducks under the fence, leaving the rooster alone in the backyard. We really need to set that bird free!

  Then Angel’s shrill voice fills the kitchen and Woody holds his little hands over his ears, “I will do that then. I guess you don’t recall nearly getting into a fight with him the first time you two met.”

  Gage looks a little shocked.

  “Blaze and I have always been the best of friends. I don’t know how you remember it but he and I got along from the get-go and that’s what I expect from you.”

  “I keep forgetting about your memory problems, Gage. Sorry.” She looks at me for a little help and all I can seem to do is shrug my shoulders.

  “Give the chick a shot, Angel,” I say as I bat my eyelashes at her. “For me. Please. Gage needs a life too, sweetheart.”

  Ever since we found out just how much irreversible damage was done to Gage’s brain a few months ago, Angel has become his fierce protector. And God help anyone who thinks they can attempt to pull anything over on the man.

  The doorbell chimes and Angel races Gage to the front door. I come along behind them, holding Woody and making faces at him to make him laugh. I love this kid’s laugh!

  Gage manages to beat her and he opens the door and there stands a woman. Not a chick, a full grown older woman. Pretty and nice looking but at least twenty years older than Gage.

  Angel stares at her as Gage reaches out and takes her hand. “Dana, it’s nice to finally meet you face to face.”

  She smiles, revealing a really nice set of dentures. She has to be in her early fifties, I think. A bit early for dentures but who am I to judge.

  I wonder if he realizes how much older she is than him.

  He pulls her into a hug and she squeals with delight. “Oh my, Gage! You’re even more handsome in person!”

  Angel steps back and looks them over as they hug and she looks kind of shocked as she mutters, “Um, hi.”

  Gage lets the woman out of his tight hug and holds her hand as he looks back at Angel. “Angel, this is the woman I’ve been telling you about. This is Dana Braxton. Dana, this is Angel, my self-proclaimed guardian.”

  Angel doesn’t even attempt to conceal her thoughts from the woman. “Hey there, Dana. Did Gage’s ad on that dating site say he was twenty-eight?”

  “It did,” she says as she pats his hand. “We talked over the phone too and he told me. He also told me his sad story and my heart just went out to him. I’m a bit of a nurturing soul. My last kid just left for college in the fall and I’m an empty-nester. When I found Gage here, well, I knew I’d found the man I’m supposed to take care of. My husband died three years ago and I’ve been very lonely.”

  “How many kids do you have, Dana?” Angel asks as she crosses her arms.

  “Six,” the woman says without blinking an eye. “I love having a big family.”

  “You like kids, huh,” Angel asks adding a little tap of her boot on the hardwood floor to accent her words and how she’s really not cool with this.

  But she’s not looking at Gage who’s beaming at the woman. She’s shorter than he is. Her hair is shoulder-length, blonde, and cut into a bob-like hairstyle.

  He likes her a lot from what I can tell. She’s okay for her age, but damn!

  The woman nods enthusiastically then looks at Woody. “Is that your son?”

  I walk up to her. “Hi, I’m Benny and this is Woody.”

  Our son holds out his arms to her, which is not a thing he does with strangers. She takes him and coos and he coos back at her. And all the while Gage looks at her with adoration.

  I wrap my arm around Angel’s shoulders, and she looks at me with such a scowl on her pretty face. I give her a little squeeze and whisper, “Invite her to stay for dinner.”

  She shakes her head a little and I squeeze her shoulders a little more and nod. Her eyes go narrow and she finally says, “We’re having a roast for dinner. I don’t suppose you like roast.”

  Dana looks away from Woody and smiles. “I love roast.”

  “Oh,” Angel says then frowns. “I don’t suppose you’d like to eat with us?”

  “I’d love to. If you’re inviting me.” Dana looks at Gage. “Is that something you want to do, sweetie?”

  He nods. “Angel makes a good roast.”

  Dana looks back at Angel. “If you’re inviting me, then I’d love to stay for dinner.”

  With a deep sigh, Angel says, “Great. I’ll be in the kitchen.”

  Dana hands the baby to Gage and winks at him. “I’ll help you, Angel. Gage has told me all about you and I think it’s fascinating that you make motorcycles. I ride too.”

  “You’re shitting me!” Angel says, making me cringe.

  Gage just laughs and looks at me. “She’ll have Angel wrapped around her finger before you know it.”

  I nod and wait for the women to get all the way out of earshot then say, “She’s a little older than you, you know.”

  He nods and follows me as we move along to join the women in the kitchen at a slow pace. “I know that. But there’s something about her. I don’t know what it is.”

  “I doubt she can have kids,” I say and watch his reaction to see what he thinks about that.

  Gage stops and looks sheepish for a second. “I’ve been keeping something from you guys. It is part of the reason I hang out with Woody so much. In the accident, some real damage was done to my private area. I’m sterile. No kids are in my future, anyway. And I really do like Dana.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything to us about that, Gage?” I clap him on the back and feel terrible for the man.

  “It’s not a thing I like to talk about. I’m sure you can understand.”

  When we get into the kitchen, he puts Woody down and the kid goes straight to Dana. He’s a great judge of character so I think Gage may be onto something with the woman.

  Dana picks the baby up and keeps on doing what she was doing like it’s not a problem at all rinsing off baby carrots as she holds him. And after six kids, maybe it’s not a problem.

  Angel looks at our son and shakes her head and I know she’s thinking he’s a little traitor. She asks Dana, “Guess with six kids, you have a lot of grandkids, Dana.”

  “You’d think so,” Dana says with a nod. “But do you know, every one of those dang kids of mine are going to medical school and waiting to start their families until they’re finished? My oldest son got married last year to another dang doctor.”

  Angel stops peeling potatoes and looks at the woman with skepticism. “Do you expect me to…?”

  Gage cuts her off. “Look, Angel, here she is at the oldest one’s wedding.” He takes his cell phone to her and starts showing her the pictures of Dana with her apparently very intelligent kids.

  Angel taps her foot as she looks at picture after picture of the woman with her family. She doesn’t bother to look at Gage and see how his face is all lit up as he looks at the pictures.

  Angel spins around and looks at Dana. “Okay, I have to say something.”

  “Please do,” Dana says. “I’m an open book, dear. And I’m very pleased to see Gage has someone who looks out for him so well. His own family doesn’t do half the job you’re doing.”

  “Wait,” Angel looks at Gage. “How does she know your family? You never ever took me to meet them. Damn it!”

  Gage laughs. “My mother cleans her house, Angel.”

  Angel narrows her eyes. “Oh. Well, you said you met on the internet.”

  “And we did,” Dana says. “His mother told me about her son and his tragic story and told me he was on this dating site. And when I p
ut in my information into the site, he was one of the ones it said I’d be compatible with.”

  “But you’re so much older than he is,” Angel says very bluntly.

  I find myself cringing again and hiss, “Angel Worthington!”

  She looks at me with an incredulous expression. “Well, she is.”

  Dana nods. “I am. But he and I have not only similar experiences in life but also interests too. I love to play video games and ride motorcycles too.”

  “You like to play video games?” Angel asks as if there is no possible way that could be true.

  Gage laughs. “She does like to play games. We’ve played a lot online. She’s totally cool. You’ll see.”

  Dana’s cheeks go pink as she says, “Oh, Gage! You, flatterer.”

  Gage gets off the barstool and goes around and takes her up in his arms. His lips touch her cheek and Angel’s mouth drops open as he says, “You are cool. And gorgeous and sexy and I’m so damn happy to finally get to actually touch you.”

  Angel goes to the fridge and pulls out a few beers. She pops one open and chugs it then opens another before she offers, “Anyone else want a refreshing beverage?” Then she burps and we all laugh.

  Seems like my Angel is having problems letting Gage just be Gage.


  I climb into bed with Benny after putting the baby to bed and still can’t wrap my head around Gage with the old lady. “Benny, why would he want her?”

  “Come on, Baby. He has his reasons. I get that you don’t understand that but the woman checks out. She’s very wealthy. Maybe the whole thing where she’s stable and can’t have kids either has him liking that about her.” He fluffs his pillows and lies back on them.

  “What do you mean, can’t have kids either?” I stare at him and he freezes like a deer in the headlights.

  “Huh?” He acts stupid.

  “Benny, what do you know?” I pinch his shoulder and he lets out a yelp.

  “Damn! Okay, stop torturing me!”

  “Gage told you he can’t have kids?”

  He nods. “It’s not like he told me not to tell you but I doubt that he wants me to.”


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