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Broken Lion

Page 16

by Devon Hartford

  “Be careful what you wish for. The orgasms I give have been known to kill.”

  “Oh yeah, big talker? Prove it.”

  He smirked and tossed the towel aside then picked up the box of condoms off the bed and ripped off the top with his teeth.

  I laughed.

  He grinned and pulled out the roll of condoms, also with his teeth.

  His cock was so beautiful it was a shame to sheath it. I wasn’t a fan of rubbers, but I wasn’t on the pill and I wasn’t taking any chances. The last thing I could afford was a baby and a scandal.

  He bit the corner of a condom wrapper with his teeth.

  For some reason, that gimmick didn’t work for me. It was simply too cheesy. In a limburger kind of way. “If you tear that condom package open with your teeth, I promise I will walk right out of this bedroom.”

  “How do you want me to open it? Using my fingers is too boring.”

  “You’re a man, think of something manly.”

  “The manliest thing I can think of is to shoot a hole through it with a .44 Magnum.”

  “That might ruin the condom.”

  “Melt the package off with a blow torch?”

  “That’ll melt the latex.”


  I laughed.

  “Lawn mower? Chipper shredder? Chain it between two Monster Trucks and have them floor it?”

  Giggling, I shook my head no to each option.

  “I’m running out of ideas. A samurai sword?”

  “Do you even have a samurai sword? Wait, I forgot who I was asking.”

  “I do.”

  “Of course you do.”

  “I can go get it.”

  I laughed again. “Just use your teeth.”

  He did.

  Surprisingly it was sexy the way he did it. Scary and dangerous. I don’t know why I doubted him. I really luh—I meant, this Lion Maxwell was a great guy.

  “Are you blushing, Irish?”

  “No. Put the damn condom on.”

  He did before climbing on the bed to kiss me. We made out for a while, our passionate kissing as intense as before. He slowly stroked my clit with his fingers the entire time. I was a dripping wet mess when he finally asked, “Hard or soft?”

  “You mean the fucking?”



  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “You figure it out.”

  Boy, did he. He rolled onto me and pushed my thighs open with his good knee and laid his weight on top of me, our eyes locked. His cock pressed against me. He just held it there until I was dying for it. Then he took his time easing inside. Despite me having had a baby, it was a tight fit to say the least. A wonderfully tight fit. He was huge and filled me up completely. Slowly, almost painfully, he withdrew. Painful only because I did not want his cock outside of me. I wanted him deep inside. Deep. Slowly, he eased back in, exactly where I needed him. In.

  In, in, in.

  He continued to ease in and withdraw again and again until I was writhing beneath him.

  “Like that,” I moaned. “Yes. Like. That. Ohmygod. Yes. Like… thaaaaaa…” My words crumbled into unintelligible moans.

  He responded by intensifying his thrusting. With my thighs wrapped around his ass, I clamped down with every thrust. I clawed at his back desperately, wanting more, more, more. I had no nails, which was probably for the best, otherwise I would’ve left gouges all over his back and shoulders. He wasn’t the only animal in the room and his steady thrusting filled me with lust.

  “Fuck, Brigid. Your pussy is so fucking tight.”

  “Nnnnnh.” It didn’t take long for the pre-orgasmic waves to tighten everything in my body. “Oh, Lion,” I whispered in his ear.

  He kept pumping and growling, driving deeper and deeper, filling me fuller and fuller.

  “I’m going to come, Lion. Ohmygod, I’m going to—”

  “Fuck! Come, Brigid! Come! With me! Fucking come!”

  I did.

  Impossibly, his cock got bigger and he roared, coming inside me at the same time. I pulled him in hard with my ankles, trying to milk him through the condom, trying to pull all of his cum inside me. It was nonsense, but I was thinking it anyway. It felt so good, I suddenly wondered if the condom had somehow broken without either of us realizing it.

  I should’ve been jumping off the bed to frantically check, but I didn’t. In fact, that thought never crossed my mind. Instead, I lounged beneath him, content, as he pulsed inside me, gasping for air, his head hanging beside my ear.

  I whispered, “Yes, babe. That’s it. Give me everything you’ve got. Every last drop.”

  Finally, he grunted and groaned and collapsed on top of me, sated.

  We lay together for a long time, me caressing his back, kissing his cheek gently, his ear, his forehead. Smothering him with kisses.

  I curled my arms around his neck affectionately. “That was so good, babe. So incredibly good.” I was completely unaware that I kept calling him babe and never stopped to think how he might be taking it. It just came out. Coming hard did that.

  “Mmmmm,” he grunted.

  Neither of us moved to separate.

  Together felt right. Perfect.



  I imagined the condom was long gone, nothing but a ring of latex around the base of his cock.

  I imagined his cum working its way toward its final destination.

  Toward life.

  I was so wrong about this being a one time thing.

  I was in big trouble.

  Chapter 21


  “Did you talk to her?” Dean asked me a week later at my place. This was the first chance I’d had to talk with him since.

  “You could say that.”

  “How’d it go?”

  “Better than I expected.”

  “What did I tell you? All you gotta do is tell a woman how you feel, and everything else falls into place. You still working on that wood carving of the lions?”

  “Yeah. It’s in the garage. I’ll show you.”

  The only problem was that I hadn’t told Brigid how I felt about her or us. Not emotionally. It was too soon. But I’d told her over and over how incredible the sex was, and that was every day for the past week. We had sex all over my house, in every room except the garage. I told you, girls never cared about garages.

  Anyway, it was the best sex I’d ever had. Period.

  Sex with Minka had been incredible. But sex with Brigid was something different. I didn’t want to say magical because that sounded fucking lame. But it was, I don’t know, more. More intense. More connected. More everything.

  I couldn’t explain it, but I couldn’t deny it either. That’s why I knew I had it bad. No, not bad. Worse. I’d known I had it bad for Brigid minutes after we met. Not only was she hot, but she was a damn doctor. I loved her strength and intelligence. And her kid was as cool as she was. But after sex? I was hooked. Addicted. There was no way I could not be with Brigid.

  No. Way.

  The real reason I hadn’t told Brigid how I felt about her was because it felt like too much too soon. I felt like I sounded desperate. Nobody wanted desperate.

  Standing in the far end of my spacious four car garage where my workshop was, Dean turned the lion carving around in his hands. “That’s mighty fine work. Never seen anything like it.”

  “That’s because you don’t know shit about wood carving.”

  “I know how to whup your ass, boy.” He threw a half jab with his elbow and we both laughed.

  “Don’t drop my carving, old man.”

  “I’ll drop you.” He carefully set the carving down. “When you gonna show it to her?”

  “Soon as it’s finished.”

  “I’m sure she’ll love it.”

  There was that word. Love. “Dean, can I ask you a question? Man to man?”

  “Your woman give you the clap?”

; “No!” I laughed. “This is serious.”

  “Fire away.”

  “Do you think it’s possible for a man to, you know…” I wasn’t sure how to put it.

  “Know what? Do I have to tell you about the birds and the bees, son? You ain’t learned that yet? What they teaching you kids in school these days?” He laughed his wheezy laugh.

  I rolled my eyes. “Come on, Dean, I’m serious.”

  “All right, calm down, son. Don’t get your panties all up in a bunch. What’re you trying to ask?”

  “Can a man have… I don’t know… really strong feelings? I mean, right away? For, you know, a woman?”

  He pursed his lips and nodded. “You love her.”

  I ran my hand through my hair. “Is that possible after only a few weeks?”

  “I knew with Helen in a few minutes.”

  “I’m sure you knew you wanted to fuck her in a few minutes,” I chuckled.

  “Naw. We didn’t have sex in the old days. The stork brought the babies.” He winked at me.

  “Yeah, right. I’ve seen old photos of you and her. She was a fox.”

  “That she was. Mmm, mmm. I miss that woman every day, God rest her soul.” His lips knotted for a moment. “Nobody else like her.”

  “Yeah.” I’d never met Helen, but I’d heard thousands of stories over the years. Dean and I shared a solemn moment. “But you loved her? After only a few minutes?”

  “I sure did.”

  “How did you know?”

  “You just feel it, son. I knew she was different the second I set eyes on her. It took a few minutes, but after talking back and forth, I just knew. She was like nobody else.”

  “That’s how I feel. Brigid walked in the room and—BAM!” I smacked my fist into my palm.

  “Then you probably love her.”

  Hearing him say it made my entire body tingle like it did when I was walking toward the cage before a fight: every nerve lighting up in anticipation of either disaster or victory. “Yeah, maybe I do.”

  “You tell her that?”


  “Then tell her already.”

  I just needed to figure out the best way to do it.

  Chapter 22


  “Are you sleeping with Lion Maxwell?” Donald demanded.

  I had no idea how Donald could know about me sleeping with Lion, but I needed a defense strategy. Play dumb. Quick! “Who?”

  “Your son’s karate teacher? Are you sleeping with him?”

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  I was terrible at lying on the fly. All I could think about was the truth: I had just spent an amazing week having sex with Lion. More sex than I could remember ever having.

  “Well?” Donald pressed. He was here at my condo dropping Daniel off. Normally he never got out of his car. This time he’d come up to the front door with Daniel and asked if he could speak to me outside. I sent Daniel into the house and here we were. Donald stared at me like he was the lawyer and I was on the witness stand. He was good at making me feel like I was the bad guy. “You are, aren’t you?” He sounded pleased with himself, and purely furious with me.

  “No, I am not!” I barked. It wasn’t a lie because I wasn’t having sex with Lion at that exact moment. It had been at least eighteen hours ago. Maybe even twenty.

  “You are the worst liar I’ve ever met, Brigid. I’ve told you that before.”

  “I’m not lying.” At the moment.

  He shook his head. “I can’t believe this. What possessed you to sleep with our son’s karate teacher?”

  “How do you know I’m sleeping with him?”

  “Because you’re not denying it. Brigid.” He glared at me.

  He was right. I was a terrible liar.

  He shook his head. “Oh my god, Brigid. Why?”

  I growled, “Why not?”

  He threw up his arms. “I can think of a million reasons.”

  Did he know Lion had been my patient? Had Daniel told him? Did Daniel even know Lion was my patient? I didn’t remember telling him. Maybe I had. But why would I? Stalling for time, I said, “Name a reason, Donald.”

  “I don’t know. Does the term ‘conflict of interest’ mean anything to you?”

  Shit. When being attacked, go on the attack. “He’s a karate teacher, Donald,” I sneered. “Not a… a…” I didn’t want to say my patient. “Not a business associate. Or my lawyer. Or Daniel’s fifth grade teacher who I’m trying to woo into giving Daniel a better grade. He’s Daniel’s karate teacher. They don’t even have grades.” I was really dancing around the issue. “I don’t know what you’re worried about. Do you think he’ll give Daniel special treatment he doesn’t deserve? Cut us a discount on the monthly fee? Advance Daniel to yellow belt sooner than he should? I don’t see how any of this is a problem.”

  Donald flashed his trademarked sneer. The one that said, Do you know who I am? I’m Donald Wright. THE Donald Wright. Why are you questioning me? I hated that sneer. I had seen it a million times during our marriage. It was often the reason I was too tired to have sex with him.

  “You’re not jealous are you, Donald?”

  “Fuff,” he snorted. “Me? Why would I be jealous of the man you’re willing to have sex with? I mean, why have sex with me when your son’s karate instructor will do? I was never attracted to you. Never wanted to have sex with you. Never even asked.” His sarcasm was as subtle as a fist in the face.

  “Do you have to go there?” There, as in our ancient history together. I was already thinking there, but he didn’t have to go and talk about it. “You were the one who divorced me, remember?”

  “Good thing I did. Now you’re free to have sex with any Tom, Dick, or Cock that comes along.”

  “It’s Tom, Dick, or Harry. That’s what the saying is.”

  “I know what the saying is,” he growled through clenched teeth. “I was being sarcastic.”

  “You? Sarcastic? I never would’ve thought.” He was always sarcastic when he was pissy.

  “Funny, Brigid. Very funny.”

  “Are we done?”

  “The question is, are you?”

  “What, with Lion Maxwell?”

  “Yes. Him. Your son’s karate instructor. The one you’re having an affair with.”

  If he said karate instructor one more time, I was going to punch him in the face. Then kick him softly in the balls. Not too softly, but softly enough not to make him sterile. I wasn’t that mad. Yet. “It’s only an affair if one of you is married.”

  “I was trying not to be crude. You want me to be crude? Fine. I’ll be crude. I was talking about the man you are fucking. The one you spent the day with at Universal Studios with our son. Remember him? Daniel? You do know who I’m talking about, right? Your son?”

  I cringed. It had been two weeks since that fateful night in the Universal Studios parking structure. This was the first I’d heard mention of it from Donald. I was surprised he hadn’t said something sooner. I’m sure Daniel had mentioned all the fun we’d had on the rides that day, but had he told Donald about seeing Lion fight those men that night? That would be bad.

  Donald scanned my face carefully. He sneered, “Yes, that Lion Maxwell.”

  Did he know about the fight or not?

  I waited for him to say more. I knew Donald, and if Daniel had told him about the fight, he was going to tell me right now and tear me a new one. Suddenly, I was overcome by a sensation I could only describe as what it might feel like to grind my own teeth across a chalk board, the kind of feeling that caused my anal sphincter to squeeze tighter than a fist and all the hairs on my body to stand on end like they were trying to jump off my body so they could flee to safety.

  Donald arched a superior eyebrow. Apparently, he could tell how tight my sphincter was at that moment. But he didn’t say anything, which meant he didn’t know.

  I sighed. “Donald, we are divorced. I am free, as are you, to date whoever we want. If Lion was a bad person, you m
ight have a point. But he’s not.” He’s just my patient who I feel only moderately guilty about sleeping with. Forty times in one week. “So, until there’s an actual conflict of interest—” one that involves our son, not the one where my medical license gets revoked for having sex with my patient “—I will continue to see who I please, when I please.” I may have sucked at lying, but I was pretty good at omitting the truth.

  Arms at his sides, he flicked both index fingers repeatedly in that way he did when he was ready to blow his top and that I hated. “Mark my words, Brigid Flanagan. You are going to regret this.”

  “Is that a threat, Donald Wright?” I smirked.

  “No, Brigid. It’s a warning. There is something you’re not telling me and I know it’s going to bite you in the ass. And I don’t want your indiscretions spilling over into the life of my son.”

  “He’s my son too, Donald.”

  “Are you sure? Because you’re not acting like it.” He climbed into his BMW and sped off.


  He had played the bad mom card. With me, that card always made for a winning, or should I say losing hand.

  Worse, his warning echoed in my mind. Would he find out Lion was a convicted felon? What would he say then? It wasn’t so easy to label someone a good person when they’d spent time in prison.

  The other pressing problem was keeping my relationship with Lion—if you could call it that—a secret from the people at the hospital. That was critical. My biggest fear was that Donald might tell them. I had no idea whether or not he knew that it was unethical for me to date a patient. The topic had never come up when we were married, so maybe he didn’t. But, if he put everything together…

  Would he tell on me?

  I wasn’t sure.

  The way he was acting, it was very possible.

  Sadly, when we’d given our marriage vows ten years ago, I had thought that the part about loving and honoring each other forever actually meant something. Look how that turned out.

  No, I couldn’t trust Donald.


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