Book Read Free

Broken Lion

Page 29

by Devon Hartford

  “Let’s get through the hearing first.”

  “Can I jump you first? Because your black lace bra is begging to be torn off.”

  “Oh.” I looked down. All I had on was the bra, my suit skirt, and black hose.

  “Why are you wearing sexy underwear for the hearing? No one is going to see it.”

  “It makes me feel more confident knowing it’s there.”

  “Smart. You wearing panties under that skirt?” He tugged on it.

  “Stop!” I laughed.

  He grinned. “I should probably check.”

  “No you shouldn’t.”

  “Yes I should.” He walked inside and closed the front door. Then he stalked toward me.

  I backed up into the couch. Nowhere to go. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to fuck you before your hearing.”

  “No! I need to stay focused and I need to get dressed!”

  “You need to relax.”

  He had a point. And we had time.

  He spun me around and pushed me down so my chest folded over the back of the couch. Then he hiked up my skirt.

  I was instantly wet. It was probably my anxiety. I had that feeling of “One last fuck before the end of the world” going on. I was game.

  “What the hell are these?”

  “You mean my garter socks?”

  “Yeah. They’re the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “I thought you might like them.” The garter socks were black lace and they rose up to my inseam. Each had a strap at the top that criss-crossed my body, making an X below my navel in front and an X above my ass in back. The whole effect looked like skin tight lace chaps that did a perfect job of highlighting my naughty parts. I knew because I’d admired them in my bathroom mirror before putting my skirt on.

  “You said you wore them to feel more confident, but it looks to me like you wore them to make me fucking crazy.”

  Still leaning against the couch with my ass in the air, I looked over my shoulder and said, “I did. So go fucking crazy.”

  “With pleasure. Now I’m going to attack that hot wet pussy of yours. But first this thong has to go.” He ripped it apart and threw it across the room. Strong hands pushed my pelvis forward and I felt myself exposed to him. He dropped to his good knee behind me and buried his hot tongue in my waiting wetness then licked all over my clit.

  It wasn’t long before I was moaning. He stood up and slapped my ass.


  “You like it.”

  I heard him unbuckle his belt and drop his slacks. I wasn’t going anywhere.

  “This is what we do to rule breakers.” The hard hot head of his cock pressed against my soft wet heat.

  I was into it. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Maxwell. I didn’t mean to spill your morning coffee all over your important papers.”

  “Too bad. You fucked up royally, Ms. Flanagan. Now you get royally fucked.”

  “I’ve never been fucked by royalty before,” I gasped.

  “I am the king of the beasts,” he chuckled and pushed himself in slowly.

  “Nnnnn,” It was all I could manage to say.

  “Fuck, Brigid. You feel so fucking good.”

  While I gripped the top of the couch, he gripped my hips and pumped me slowly from behind. There was an authoritative quality to his thrusting that I loved.

  He groaned, “I could do this all damn day.” He reached around and massaged my clit with his fingers. Lightning zinged through my entire body.

  “Me too,” I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut while he filled me up. I stood up on my tip toes and arched my back, pushing my ass back in time with his thrusts.

  “Yeah, like that. You should see the view from back here. Incredible.”

  I was too overwhelmed with sexual pleasure to respond. Whatever he was doing to my clit was making me insane.

  “As much as I like it, I want to see your face when you come.” He pulled out and spun me around. His cock throbbed between us, slick with my wetness. A swollen pearl of pre cum expanded on the tip. He grabbed my ass and jerked me forward. His cock bumped against my navel and slid upward, smearing that hot pearlescent bead up my stomach. “Get on my dick, woman. I am going to put all my seed inside you.”

  He lifted my ass and I hopped up and wrapped my thighs around his waist. He said, “Put it in.”

  I reached down and positioned his cock.

  Slowly, he eased me down.

  “Stay right there.” He turned and walked me up against the nearest wall until my back pressed against it. He started slow, but it wasn’t long until he had a steady rhythm going. Most of his weight was on his good leg, which was more than strong enough. It didn’t take long for me to start screaming. Every time he thrust all the way in, I screamed. We were nose to nose when we came together, both of us snarling like beasts, eyes locked, foreheads pressed together, me screaming, him grunting, both of us sounding like we were dying painful but intensely pleasurable deaths. I felt him explode inside of me over and over again.

  “Take my cum, Brigid,” he hissed. “Take all of it.”

  “Nnnnh,” I moaned, squeezing my thighs as tight as I could, trying to pull all of him into me, clenching him with my pussy, one hand around his neck clawing at the shoulders of his suit jacket, the other knotting his tie in my fist like it was a silk dick.

  As the throes of our orgasms faded, a passing thought whisked through my mind. Is that what ties are? Silken symbols of hanging dicks? Whoever thought of the silk tie is a genius. I snickered to myself.

  He sagged into me, pressing me into the wall, breathless and heaving for air. “Feel better?”

  “Yes,” I purred.

  “Mission accomplished.”

  I could already feel his cum leaking out of me. “I better go drain before I drip all over your slacks.” They were still around his ankles.



  “Shut up.” He pulled out and lowered me.

  I let my feet touch the floor. He pushed me against the wall and squatted down in front of me. “What are you doing?”

  “Cleaning you up.” He squeezed my ass and pulled my hips into his face while his mouth ravaged my dripping cum-filled vagina.

  I couldn’t decide if this was too kinky for my tastes, but he was the one doing the tasting, so I let it ride and stopped caring when I felt another orgasm begin to build. I leaned my weight back against the wall. His tongue dug deep into my folds and hit my clit just right while both his hands reached up and massaged my breasts. Total stimulation. As my orgasm started to peak, I ran my fingers through his thick hair and gripped it hard as I came.

  After, when he finally pulled away, he grunted, “The taste of you and me together is something else.”

  I giggled, “I thought the same thing the first time I blew you.”

  “You relaxed now?”

  I smirked. “Like I wasn’t after the first orgasm?”

  “Did I give you too many?”

  “No,” I chuckled.

  “So, are you relaxed or do you need one more?”

  “Considering, I feel like syrup from head to toe, what do you think?”

  “Sounds tasty. I think I need another fuck.”

  “Okay, now we’re going to be late if I don’t get dressed. And if I get any more relaxed, I’ll fall asleep right here and now.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Then after we wake up, I can charter that private jet.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Just come with me to this hearing. That’s all I need.”

  Reluctantly, he pulled up his boxers and slacks and belted them. “If you insist. But I will be fucking you afterward whether we do it here or on that jet to Paris.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  He brushed my cheek softly with his thumb and kissed me gently. “You should know, Brigid, your wish is always my command.”

  Although I was nervous about the ethics hearing, I knew I was in good hands with Lion by my side.

  No matter what happened.


  Lion drove me to the hospital in his Range Rover. Traffic on the 5 south was still heavy because of the morning commute, but we had enough time.

  Lion signaled and changed lanes. He reached over and grabbed my hand and held it.

  “Is your attorney meeting you at the hospital?”

  “Yes,” I said. “She texted that she’s already there.”

  “Excellent.” He squeezed my hand. “I have a good feeling about today. Things are going to work out. I can feel it.”

  “That makes one of us,” I chuckled with no humor.

  He glanced over and smiled. “Don’t you know love conquers all, my love?”

  “That’s only in the movies.”

  “This isn’t a movie.”

  I hoped he was right.

  We parked in the hospital parking structure with time to spare, then made our way to the administration building. On the fourth floor, there was a waiting area across from the Sequoia Meeting Room. It was called that because it was named after the gigantic redwood trees found in California. These trees lived for hundreds of years, some as long as a thousand. Sequoia redwoods had an eternal quality that was the exact opposite of my career, which was minutes away from being cut down long before its time.

  The double doors of the meeting room were closed, so I couldn’t see inside. Who knew what fate awaited me behind those doors?

  A firing squad, possibly.

  Or insane crazy-eyed lumberjacks with chainsaws ready to cut down my career.

  Take your pick.

  My attorney Vikki Baxter stood up from one of the waiting area seats and walked over to us wearing a charcoal gray skirt suit. I had already met with her two weeks ago at her office in Pasadena. I’d liked her immediately. She exuded calm confidence, but also a lightness and a sense of humor. She was very charming, and exactly the sort of counsel I wanted for something as serious as this. We both agreed my case was a human issue. It was about love, not breaking the rules. Hopefully we could make the committee see that.

  “Good to see you, Brigid.” Vikki turned to Lion and offered her hand. “Vikki Baxter. And you are?”

  “The patient.” He shook her hand. “Lion Maxwell.”

  “So you’re the indiscretion,” she grinned.

  Lion chuckled. “You could say that.”

  Vikki winked at me, “I would say he was worth it.” She took a step back and looked us both over. “Did you two pick matching outfits on purpose?”

  I looked down at my navy skirt suit and then at Lion’s navy blue suit. “Oh, no! What was I thinking? Why didn’t you say anything, Lion?” I guess I’d been too distracted by our sex and the rush out the door afterward to notice.

  Lion chuckled, “I kind of like it. We look like a team.”

  I grimaced at Vikki. “What should I do?”

  She smiled reassuringly. “I think Lion’s right. You do look like a team. It might even work in your favor. I think it’s kind of cute. A show of solidarity.”

  “I hope so,” I sighed.

  Lion rubbed my back. “I agree with Vikki.”

  The three of us sat down and reviewed our strategy. Let the committee present their case. Answer honestly but say as little as possible. We didn’t know what the committee would ask and Vikki had never handled a case exactly like ours.

  She’d done quite a bit of research after we’d met, but she wasn’t able to find any cases similar enough to ours to use for guidance. Every case she found involved male doctors dating female patients, cases which often had the stink of prostitution (trading prescription drugs for sex with a patient who didn’t need the drugs for any medical reason) or coercion on the doctor’s part (abusing the power dynamic, especially during breast and pelvic exams). My situation was nothing like any of those, so we were essentially flying blind. Not my preferred way to operate, but we didn’t have a choice.

  After Vikki and I finished, Lion said, “Brigid, remember, they need to know that we didn’t do anything wrong. This isn’t a scandal. It’s love.”

  “I wish it were that simple.”

  He frowned, “It is that fucking simple.”

  Vikki arched her eyebrows but said nothing.

  “Would you keep your voice down?” I hissed. “And watch your language please?”

  “Sorry.” He squeezed my hand and muttered to himself, “It is that simple.”

  How could he be so sure? I knew I had broken the rules. He knew it too. We’d had a discussion about rules the night we met. The entire time we’d been dating, we’d been taking a huge risk and we knew it. We were both complicit. That was the simple part.

  I knew I needed to stay positive, so I tried to push my negative thoughts away. It didn’t help. My nerves were threatening to get the best of me. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. At the very least, I needed to stay calm if I wanted to get through the investigative hearing successfully.

  The door to the meeting room opened and a women I recognized from HR named Michelle stuck her head out. “They’re ready for you, Dr. Flanagan.”


  We all stood up and walked toward the door.

  Michelle looked at Lion and Vikki and said, “Are both of you Dr. Flanagan’s attorneys?”

  Lion didn’t say anything, just looked at me hopefully.

  I sighed. I wanted him in there with me, but I knew he wasn’t allowed. “No. He’s my boyfriend.”

  He smiled when I said it. “Damn right I am.”

  Michelle frowned. Did she know the details of the hearing? Or was she just offended by his language? “He can’t be in here.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Lion said. He took my hands.

  My eyes darted between Vikki and Michelle who were both watching me and making this moment more uncomfortable than it should’ve been.

  He rubbed his thumbs on the backs of my hands. “Just remember, it’s love.” He raised both my hands and kissed the backs of each one.

  That made me feel better. I smiled at Lion, on the verge of tears. “Okay.”

  “Awww,” Vikki said.

  Michelle scowled impatiently.

  Vikki said softly, “We should probably go in now.”

  “Yeah, okay,” I sniffed.

  Reluctantly, I released Lion’s hands and walked through the doors.

  Time to face the firing squad.

  Or the crazy lumberjacks with their revving chainsaws.


  The meeting room was set up with a line of tables near the windows. Behind them sat a row of people I recognized.

  Sidney Copeland, MD, the Chief of Staff at LACH.

  Cynthia Badhoff, the Head of Human Resources.

  Marina Davis, MD, the Chief Medical Officer of LACH.

  Randolph Tanaka, MD, the Chairman of Orthopedic Surgery and the head of my department.

  Ivan Hackett, Major Dick and one of the assholes who probably told on me.

  There were two women I didn’t recognize, but I knew both were representatives from the Medical Board of California.

  The only dick who wasn’t here was Donald. Maybe that meant Hackett was the tattler? Or would someone on the committee read a prepared statement from Donald accusing me of breaking the rules?

  I’m sure I would find out.

  Michelle from HR led us toward the two empty seats facing the committee, then sat down at the tables with the rest of the firing squad. The only thing they were missing were rifles and chainsaws. I’m sure both would be brought in at the end of the hearing so each committee member could pick their weapon of choice.

  Vikki and I both sat down. We didn’t have a table for her briefcase, which was rude. I didn’t bring one so I didn’t need the table, but I felt like we were hanging out in the open without one. If the committee decided to pull out their rifles, Vikki and I could always kick the table over and hide behind it for cover. That was probably why the committee hadn’t provided one. I hoped Vikk
i didn’t get caught in any crossfire.

  Cynthia Badhoff spoke first. She made an official preamble noting the time, the purpose of the hearing, blah blah blah.

  My eyes glazed over as Dr. Sidney Copeland read a prepared speech from several sheets of paper, periodically glancing up to meet my eyes. He droned on about things like “my grievous disregard for the ethical policy of the hospital and the Medical Board of California” and “the likelihood of irreparable and monumental financial consequences” and “punitive action commensurate to the numerous instances of sexual misconduct in question.”

  In so many words, he was telling me that my career would be over shortly.

  I was nauseous in the extreme. I didn’t know if it was my hormones from the pregnancy or my fear. Probably both. I’m sure I was scaring the baby. Well, my fetus. He or she probably wasn’t enjoying this either.

  When Dr. Copeland finished his speech, he set his papers down and folded his hands together on the table. “Dr. Flanagan, how would you like to respond to these allegations?”

  I wanted to shout, Who’s the asshole who told on me?! I felt like jumping across the table and strangling Dr. Hackett, who looked suspiciously guilty and had not looked at me once during Copeland’s prepared speech. I restrained myself just in case it wasn’t him. It easily could have been Donald who tattled. But I didn’t know either way because they had not fucking told me!

  “Dr. Flanagan,” Copeland said. “Are you or are you not engaged in a sexual-romantic relationship with Lion M. Maxwell?”


  I hated this. I didn’t want to say it out loud.

  Vikki nudged me gently, “Brigid? Are you okay?”

  “I—I’m fine.” But I wasn’t fine. I was furious and scared and didn’t know what to do. They had me dead to rights. I had broken the rules. I had known I was breaking them, but I’d kept right on going like I didn’t give a shit, which was partially true. Once I knew Lion had good intentions and was a good person, I didn’t really care about the rules.

  Why couldn’t I be bold at a time like this? Why couldn’t I stand up and flip everyone off and shout, Your rules are fucking stupid! I love him! He loves me! We’re having a baby! What’s the fucking problem?!


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