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The Boy Next Door

Page 19

by Heather D'Agostino

  “I don’t think so…she was just being nice,” Patrick shook his head.

  “No…I’ve seen the way women look at you. She wanted you,” Katie rolled her eyes. “I wanted her to know you were mine. Kinda like you do when you see a guy talking to me,” Katie wagged her brow.

  Patrick looked across the table and chuckled as he shook his head, “Order anything you want.”

  She glanced down at the menu and noticed that there were no prices, “Patrick, there are no prices on here. That means it’s really expensive,” she blushed.

  “Don’t worry about the price, get what you want,” he reached across the table and rubbed the back of her hand. “I love you. I want to take care of you.”

  “Are you sure?” a worried look crossed Katie’s face.

  “About what? That I love you? That I want to take care of you?” Patrick looked confused by her reaction.

  “No silly…are you sure you want me to get whatever I want?” she giggled.

  “Yes…to all three questions. Get whatever you want,” he shook his head and sighed.

  She averted her gaze back to the menu and sat in quiet contemplation.

  As dinner continued, Katie couldn’t help but picture what life would be like with Patrick. He treated her like a princess and always thought about her needs first. She didn’t think she could be any happier at the moment.

  When dinner was finished, Patrick paid the bill, and they walked back to the car.

  “Where to now?” Katie cocked her head at him.

  “Not far,” Patrick smiled.

  “You really are going to keep me in the dark, aren’t you?” Katie glared at him.

  “Yes, that’s the fun part. I like watching your face twist and contort as you try to figure it out,” he smirked and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “In you go,” he opened her door and then jogged around to his side.

  Before climbing into the car, he stood by his door and took a deep breath. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand and tried to calm himself. This is it he told himself. The moment of truth.

  He climbed in and started the car as beads of sweat began to cover his forehead.

  “Are you ok?” Katie glanced at him with concern written all over her face.

  “I’m fine,” he grimaced.


  Patrick drove the car to the park and maneuvered into a secluded spot that overlooked the small pond. Other than the stars that were now slowly appearing, nothing else was around. Crickets chirped in the distance and fireflies were beginning to come out. A full moon was high in the sky, not a single cloud in sight. The water sparkled where the stars and moonbeams where glistening in the distance. It was a perfect summer night.

  Katie looked around, slightly nervous, “What are we doing here?”

  “You’ll see,” Patrick huffed.

  He climbed out of the car and came around to her door. After opening it up and helping her out, he led her around to the front.

  “Wait here,” he dropped her hand and went back to his side of the car. He leaned in and pushed the button that controlled the headlights. They popped on and lit up the small patch of grass that was in front of the car. Then he pushed a few buttons on the I Pod, and the stereo began playing soft music. He walked back around to where Katie was standing and wrapped one arm around her waist, grabbing her hand with his.

  “I thought you might like to dance,” he grinned. “Welcome to the McKinley ballroom, Miss. May I have the honor?”

  “Why certainly, sir,” Katie grinned back as the nervousness she had shown began to melt away. “Thank you for tonight Patrick. I’ve had a great time.” Katie gushed.

  “Well, it’s not over yet,” Patrick chuckled nervously.

  After swaying to several songs, there was a break in the music. Patrick fumbled, he knew this was it. She’d know his intention in a few moments. He ran his hand down his side over the small box in his pocket. Just then the music changed to the soulful sound of Train.

  Forever can never be long enough for me

  Realization hit and Katie froze in her spot. She stepped back out of his embrace and glanced up at him with a slight puzzlement in her eyes. He nodded and leaned close to place a soft kiss to her lips.

  Marry me…Today and every day

  Tears pricked her eyes as Patrick mouthed the words along with the song. Nothing but love shown from them. When the music stopped, Patrick produced the small blue box and got down on one knee. Katie gasped and tears ran down her face. It was too much to take in all at once. He was doing it…he was proposing and with a ring from Tiffany’s no less.

  “I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I know we’re young, and we’re not supposed to know what love is. But, I love you, I know that. I want to spend every day with you. I knew from the moment that I saw you glaring at me when I fell on the ice that first time we met, that you were someone special. I knew when we went ice skating together that I wanted to hold you in my arms as often as possible. I think even back then, at fifteen, I knew we’d end up here.” He glanced down at the box in his hand and opened it, “Marry me Katie. Make me the happiest man on earth.”

  He removed the ring from the box and lifted it up toward her. She looked at it and nodded slightly as the tears fell unchecked down her cheeks.

  “Is that a yes?” he questioned.

  “Yes!” she cried. “It’s a yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!” she sobbed as she held out her trembling left hand for him to place the ring on her finger.

  He stood back up and enveloped her in a bone crushing hug, lifting her feet off the ground and spinning in several circles. When he placed her feet back down on the ground, he leaned in to place a soft kiss to her lips. Katie’s mind was still spinning from the events of the last ten minutes. When she felt his lips on hers, instinct took over, and she accepted him. Her hands wound around his neck, and she pressed herself into him as he released a slight groan. He deepened the kiss and ran his hands up her back finally stopping when he cupped her face. He broke the kiss and rested his forehead on hers.

  “I love you so much,” he sighed, placing a chaste kiss to her forehead.

  “What are we going to tell my parents?” Katie broke the moment. “I mean, like you said, we’re really young.”

  “I already talked to your dad about this. He made me promise that we would wait until I finished school,” Patrick smiled at her.

  “Wait, you talked to my dad about this?” Katie cocked her head to the side.

  “Well, yeah, that’s what you’re supposed to do. I may be old fashioned, but that’s what I was taught by my parents. I wanted to do right by you,” he shrugged.

  “So, two years, huh?” Katie leaned her head on his chest as they stood wrapped in each other’s arms.

  “Yeah, I figure if we love each other and this is going to work, two years is nothing compared to a lifetime together,” he kissed her forehead.

  “You’re right,” she nodded in agreement. “Are you willing to wait that long to be together?”

  “Sleeping with you was never my goal,” Patrick placed a finger under her chin to lift her head so she was looking him in the eyes. “Do I want to? Yes…most definitely. Do I want to take something from you that you’re not ready to give? No. I’m willing to wait…as long as it takes.”

  “I love you,” Katie sighed as she kissed his cheek.

  “I love you, too,” he returned. “I promised I wouldn’t have you out too late. We better head back so I can get you home,” he released her from his arms and led her back to the car to climb in.


  As they rode home, Katie couldn’t help but admire her ring. It was a beautiful princess cut, one caret diamond, just like her mom’s.

  Patrick caught her staring and chuckled, “I tried to find one like your mom’s. You were always talking about it after Austin proposed, and that’s the one Hannah said you’d want.”

  She grinned big and kissed him on the cheek, “It’s perfect. Perfectly pe

  Chapter 20

  May 2017 - Double Date

  “So, bowling, huh?” Matt chuckled.

  “Yeah…what did you want to do?” Patrick glanced over at him as tugged his shoes on.

  “Well…I was thinking something like…dinner and a movie? Maybe?” Matt wagged his brow.

  “Dude! This is a first date. You need to go somewhere you can actually talk. Make sure you really like her?” Patrick rolled his eyes.

  “Oh I know I like her. I want to kiss her,” Matt grinned.

  “We’re not going out just so you can make out with her,” Patrick slugged him as he stood up to make his way out of his room.

  “What’s the point of going on a date if I can’t kiss her?” Matt egged him on.

  Patrick huffed, “You can kiss her. Just not make out with her. Not on a first date, anyway.”

  “Wait,” Matt stopped at the top of the stairs. “You mean to tell me that when you took Katie to the park last summer that you didn’t make out with her?”

  “We’re not talking about me,” Patrick glared at him as he jogged down the stairs.

  “So you did make out with her!” he grinned.

  “Yes! Are you happy now? We made out,” Patrick growled in frustration. “We’ve also known each other for a long time.”

  “Kinda like I’ve known Hannah for a long time?” Matt continued.

  “Just keep your dick in your pants,” Patrick warned. “She’s gonna be my sister soon.”

  “Yeah, I know. I can’t believe you proposed,” Matt shook his head. “I mean…that means she’s the last girl you’ll ever…”

  “Shut it, Mills!” Patrick turned around pointing his finger right in Matt’s face. “I’m beginning to think that this was a bad idea.”

  “Fine…I’m done. I’ll be good now,” Matt held his hands up in surrender.

  “Come on…we’re going to be late picking them up,” the two made their way down the front steps to walk over to the Montgomery’s.


  “So, where are we going again?” Hannah sat on the edge of Katie’s bed kicking her feet back and forth.

  “Lucky Strike,” Katie mumbled as she tried to apply her lip gloss.

  “Bowling?” Hannah gulped.

  “Yeah, something wrong?” Katie turned from facing the mirror to face Hannah.

  “No, it’s just I’m not very good at bowling,” Hannah shrugged.

  “Wow…I finally found something you’re not good at,” Katie giggled.

  “That is so not funny,” Hannah tossed a pillow in her direction.

  “Well, it’s true. Every time you come out with me to do something…you seem to be an expert. Jet skis, ice skating, swimming…do I need to go on?” she tossed her hand in the air.

  “Ok, ok…I get it,” Hannah sighed. “At least it’ll be light in there.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?” a confused look crossed Katie’s face.

  “He hasn’t kissed me yet,” Hannah shrugged.

  “What?” Katie’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “But you guys have been hanging out a lot lately. Has he tried?”

  “Not really. I think he thinks that I don’t want to,” Hannah sighed.

  “Don’t worry,” Katie moved to sit beside her on the bed. “Patrick and I will help. You’ll get your kiss by the end of the night. Why were you concerned about the light?”

  “Because when it’s dark…there’s temptation to do more,” Hannah shrugged.

  “Ok…now I know that’s not you talking…that’s our dad,” Katie huffed. “Relax and enjoy this night. If he does something that you don’t like, tell him. If he likes you as much as I think he does, he’ll listen.”

  “Gee, that sounds really familiar,” Hannah giggled.

  “Yeah…my sister once told me the same thing about the man that is now my fiancé,” Katie giggled.

  “You’ve got a smart sister,” Hannah stood to make her way out of the room.

  “Yeah, Cora’s real smart for a baby,” Katie followed her out.

  “Funny,” Hannah shoved her as they went to the living room to wait on the guys.


  After driving for about twenty minutes, the group pulled into the Lucky Strike bowling alley. Patrick climbed out of the car and made his way around to open Katie’s door. When Matt saw this, he took his cue to open Hannah’s door. This was new for him, dating someone that mattered.

  He’d been around girls his whole life, growing up with two sisters. He was the youngest by many years. Both his sisters were in high school when he was born. He was known as the surprise in the family.

  When he joined the hockey team, girls seemed to throw themselves at him. His height and good looks always garnered attention. At six-foot four, he towered over Hannah’s five- five frame. His lean muscular body strained against his shirt. The khaki cargo shorts that hung on his hips caressed his backside in a way that made you want to reach out and squeeze it. The red polo shirt he had paired with them complemented his tan perfectly. To top it off, he had chocolate brown hair that always seemed perfectly messed. The dark brown eyes that were framed with exceptionally long lashes always seemed to have a hidden message in them.

  Tonight was going to be a challenge for him. He wanted Hannah to see him as boyfriend material. She was so different from him. So innocent and pure still, not jaded like him. Matt had lost his virginity at fifteen to a girl named Megan. They never even really dated. She liked him, and she was hot. When she seduced him at a party, he took her up to a room and had sloppy drunken sex with her. The next morning, he didn’t even know where she went. He never heard from her again. That was only the beginning though. After that night, it seemed that girls everywhere were willing to give it up to the hot hockey player. Patrick had been there for a lot of the crazy nights, but Matt held the record for one night stands. After seeing how easy it was to get girls to jump into bed with him, he decided that dating was overrated.

  Hannah was different though. He actually liked her, and wanted more than just sex with her. She seemed to see something in him that made him want to be a better man. He had vowed earlier in the evening that he would change. For her…he was willing to do anything.


  Once the group made their way inside, they picked up their shoes from the rental counter, grabbed bowling balls, and walked over to their assigned lane. The bowling alley was fairly empty, due to the fact that it was spring time and most Bostonians spent as much time as they could outdoors when the weather was nice. It had been a long winter, and they were having an exceptionally warm spring.

  “Looks like we get the place to ourselves,” Patrick glanced around.

  “Yeah, I think everyone’s at the beach,” Hannah shrugged.

  They sat down and began putting their shoes on while Matt set up the scoring.

  “Do you know how to keep score?” Katie eyed him suspiciously.

  “Yeah,” Matt quirked his head to the side. “Computer does it though. All I have to do is enter our names.”

  “Cool,” Hannah stood and moved over beside him. “Why am I going first?”

  Matt shrugged, “You get to be number one tonight.”

  Hannah blushed, “Ok…thanks.”

  She grabbed her ball and made her way up to the line. She stood for a few minutes deciding on the best approach, all the while wiggling her hips. When she released the ball, it sailed down the lane knocking down all but two pins.

  “I thought you said you weren’t any good at this!” Katie shouted over the crash of the pins.

  Hannah jumped in the air and shouted, “Yes!” before turning to face the group.

  Matt had been eyeing her backside the entire time she was up at line. This hadn’t gone unnoticed by Patrick.

  “You promised you’d be good,” Patrick warned him under his breath.

  “Oh I am,” Matt grinned. “I haven’t touched her…Yet.”

  After she had finished her turn, she s
urprised Matt by coming back and sitting on his lap instead beside him.

  When she plopped down, she wound an arm around his neck and giggled nervously, “I like this better. You’re softer than that chair.”

  “I like this better, too,” he smirked as he wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her in place.

  As she sat there, she shifted around, unknowingly turning him on more than he already was. He knew if she kept it up, his lap wouldn’t be soft for long.

  Katie took her turn next, then Patrick, and finally Matt. They continued in this manner until they finished the game.

  “What’s next?” Patrick turned to the group as they were turning in their shoes.

  “Ice cream?” Hannah asked.

  “Sounds good to me,” Matt shrugged. “There’s a place right down the street. We can go there.”


  As they walked down the street heading in the direction of the ice cream shop, the group paired off. Patrick and Katie took the lead, leaving Hannah and Matt behind them.

  Matt reached over and clasped her hand in his, “I’m having a good time tonight. I hope you are, too.”


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