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The One Awakened

Page 18

by Yvette M Calleiro

  Rafe shook his head. Sofia held her breath. She worried that he would not be able to choose the Diasodz over their father. She knew how much he loved him. After several painstakingly quiet moments, he straightened his shoulders while keeping his eyes to the ground. “Sofia. I will defend Sofia. If anyone tries to harm her, I will fight against him. The Goddess chose Sofia to be our savior, and I will defend her with my life.”

  Sofia felt Ar’ch sit up straighter and knew how proud Rafe’s answer made him. Her heart swelled with love and happiness. She knew in her heart that he had made the right decision. She knew he struggled with not siding with their father, but she could not help but feel a sense of relief that he had chosen her and the Diasodz. Before she could celebrate, she felt the Elders turn their attention toward her, and she swallowed.

  “The young Diasodz believes that you are our savior,” the Fire Elder said to Sofia. “Do you agree with his findings?”

  “It is what the prophecy says,” she replied.

  “But you have doubts,” the Air Elder stated.

  She bowed her head. She knew she could keep nothing from them. “My mother and father, the very roots of my heritage, are both evil, your Highness. How can the Goddess expect me to save goodness when evil created me?”

  “Young child, a flower is not loved for its roots but for the beauty that it bestows upon the world. Choose beauty and love and peace, and that is how you will be known,” the Earth Elder said.

  Sofia took a deep breath and embraced his words. “I do choose beauty and love and peace. I love the Goddess with all that I am, but I am a youngling, your Highness. I am afraid that my seed mother will command me to destroy those whom I love the most and that I won’t be able to disobey her.”

  “You are wise in fearing your seed mother. Fear is not to be ignored because then you will give less attention to the things that you fear. Fear is the Goddess’ way of warning you to be cautious of a thing for it lies in your path to do you harm. You must master the fear and always be on guard, but never become so relaxed that you believe that object does not need to be watched,” the Air Elder said.

  “But what if I am not strong enough?” she asked. “I do fear Damiana. I have seen firsthand what she is capable of, and I know that her plan is to use me against the Diasodz. What if I cannot disobey her? What if I become her weapon?”

  The Elders stayed silent for a moment, and Sofia knew that they were speaking to one another through their thoughts. She felt her heart racing. What if they were all placing their faith in her, and she failed them? Then again, what if they kept her from the battlefield, and they all died? Could she live with herself if she didn’t even try to help them?

  “Oracle, is the youngling the savior from the prophecy?” the Air Elder asked.

  Sofia looked at Cybil. It strained her eyes a bit, but Cybil sat close enough to the ground that she could manage to see her. Ar’ch, Rafe, and Angel were all watching Cybil in anticipation as well.

  Cybil’s eyes began to glow with golden specks swirling in a pool of emerald green. When she spoke, Sofia expected to hear Cybil’s voice, but instead a mixture of her voice with a majestic voice that sounded neither male nor female filled the air. Sofia realized that the Spirit Elder’s voice had connected with Cybil’s.

  “The death of the angel Sophia created us all; the life of Sofia, our savior, will protect us all,” their combined voices said, and then Cybil’s eyes settled back to normal.

  “So it is prophesied, so shall it be,” the other four Elders said in unison.

  Sofia didn’t understand how they could have so much faith in her, but if the Goddess said that she was the one, then she just had to believe that in Her. She took a deep breath and nodded her acceptance of her role.

  “Gentlemen, you have been chosen by our Goddess to protect our savior,” Cybil stated in her own voice. “Just as Archangel Raphael loved the angel Sophia, the three of you love our savior, Sofia. Ar’ch, you give Sofia true love. Rafe, you give Sofia brotherly love. And Angel, you give Sofia the love of true friendship. The three of you together, Ar’ch, Angel, and Rafael, represent all-encompassing love, which is what Archangel Raphael had for Sophia and all the angels. She will need all three of you to protect her for her to succeed in her task.”

  They all nodded their acceptance of their duty. She loved each of them so very much. They were willing to risk their lives for her, and she would do the same for them. She thought about the prophecy she had been given: When the time is upon you, you must give of yourself to save those you love the most. If they were willing to stand by her side, then she would have the courage to fight alongside them.

  “You each represent one of the elements of the Goddess,” the Air Elder said.

  “Earth,” the Earth Elder said, causing Rafe to sit up straighter.

  “Water,” the Water Elder said, which made Angel straighten his shoulders with pride.

  “Air,” the Air Elder said, and Ar’ch nodded.

  “Fire,” the Fire Elder said, and Sofia smiled.

  “You must all work together to succeed. Fire cannot survive without air. Ar’ch, you must be there to support Sofia and provide her with strength,” the Air Elder said.

  “I have no intention of ever leaving her side, your Highness,” he said.

  “Angel and Rafe, you have been blessed with the water and earth affinities. Earth and water must work together if you want to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Sofia needs the two of you to be in synch with each other. Can you do that?” the Water Elder asked.

  Rafe looked over to Angel, who looked back at him. His shoulders relaxed, and he nodded. Angel smiled and turned back toward the Elders.

  “We will not fail our savior,” Angel said.

  “The Goddess has given the four of you as gifts to our kind. With your elements and our Goddess as Spirit, we have absolute faith that the Diasodz will prevail in this war,” the Fire Elder said. “Now, go in peace, and blessed be.”

  Sofia felt the Elders’ essence disappear. The four of them let out a long exhale at the same time, making them all smile. After they had all stood and stretched, she threw her arms around Rafe.

  “I love you,” she said. “And I’m so proud of you for making the right choice.”

  Then she hugged Angel and said, “And I love you and am honored to have you by my side.”

  Finally, she turned to Ar’ch. She kissed him and said, “I love you so much. I am so lucky to have you in my life.”

  “I am the lucky one,” he replied and then kissed her again. Then, he turned to his brothers and said, “Let’s go home.”


  The Elders watched them leave the room. Once they were gone, Cybil shut the doors, and the Elders appeared. Cybil walked back to her small throne, which had already been turned to face the Elders.

  “I am concerned with Rafe’s loyalties,” the Earth Elder said.

  “His love for his father is very strong,” the Water Elder said. “He will not harm his father. If his father attacks Sofia, Rafe will not be able to protect her or himself.”

  “I am concerned about Sofia’s youngling status,” the Fire Elder said. “Sofia was right about a youngling having to obey her seed mother. With the war possibly being in the near future, is it possible that the Goddess plans to induce Sofia’s death day before the war?”

  Cybil replied, “The prophecy says nothing of our savior being a Diasodz or a youngling.”

  “Then, we must have faith that the Goddess knows what She is doing,” the Air Elder stated. Turning to Cybil, she asked, “Is there anything else that you may know that could help us make our decision.”

  She closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes, they were pools of swirling gold. “I see a bright light. It is blindingly bright. It is beautiful,” she said and then gasped. “All I see now is darkness.” She blinked three times and then sighed. “That is all I have.”

  “What does that mean?” the Water Elder asked, even though she already knew C
ybil’s response.

  Cybil shrugged. “I can only share what I see, your Highness. I cannot interpret it.”

  “Thank you for your presence, Oracle,” the Air Elder said. “You have been quite helpful. Blessed be.”

  Cybil nodded and replied, “Blessed be.”

  When Cybil left, the Elders began to meditate. They each had much to reflect upon before deciding how to respond to the High Council. They prayed that the Goddess guided them well for She always had in the past. Their very existence depended on it.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Mel relaxed against the hot cedar planks in the sauna. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. She felt the beads of sweat roll down her neck and onto her chest. They tickled her a bit, so she wiped them away with her towel. It felt divine to relax. The door opened, and Kai walked in.

  “Great minds think alike,” he said and sat next to her, leaning his head back against the wall.

  Mel smiled. The day had just gotten better. She took a moment to absorb his deliciousness. Except for a pair of shorts, the only thing he wore were his shades. What she wouldn’t give to trace her fingers over every rip in his muscles.

  “That workout today was exhausting,” she said, trying to get her mind out of the gutter.

  “No rest for the weary,” Kai teased.

  “Actually, I was thinking,” she said.

  “Uh oh.”

  Mel hit him lightly with her towel, causing him to laugh. She tried to hide her smile because she wanted him to take what she said next seriously. “What if we didn’t fight?”

  He turned to face her. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I once told Khameel that I’m team Earth, and I meant it. I didn’t grow up here. This isn’t my fight. There aren’t any prophecies stating that I will make a difference, so I’m thinking of just sitting this one out.”

  Kai laughed and shook his head. He looked at her as if he were thinking about what she had just said and then chuckled again.

  “Why are you laughing?” she said, crossing her arms.

  “Because you sound like me. I once told Ar’ch almost the same thing.”

  She brightened up with excitement. “So, let’s be team Earth together!”

  He smiled. “I will always be on your team, babe.”

  Mel smiled at his term of endearment. They weren’t officially an item…yet. He hadn’t kissed her or even held her hand, but she knew that he liked her. When they were together lately, he had become more comfortable with expressing himself, and this slip of the tongue proved it. The guys she’d met in the past never moved at a snail’s pace, but he was worth the wait.

  “Here’s the thing, though. This war is going to happen even if we do nothing. And I don’t know if I could live with myself if Ar’ch dies and I did nothing to try to save him.”

  Mel pouted and then sighed. “Yeah, I guess you have a point. Rafe and Sofia are my best friends. Ugh,” she groaned. “I guess we are fighting.”

  Kai chuckled. “But we will be fighting together, and I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said.

  She fluttered her eyes and pretended to swoon. “My own personal bodyguard.”

  He puffed out his chest and said, “You got it.”

  “Wait a second,” she said, sitting up and putting her hands on her hips. “Maybe I will be protecting you.”

  He laughed. “You better.”

  Mel smiled and then moved to sit close enough to him to lean against him. She felt him stiffen for a moment before finally relaxing. When he didn’t push her away, she relaxed a bit more against him and then closed her eyes to enjoy a little bit of heaven.


  Nolan sat at his desk in his office and reviewed the latest confirmations from the various Diasodz armies across their world. When he heard a knock at his door, he called out, “Come in.”

  It surprised him to see Rafe enter. He looked hesitant, and his eyes darted around the room. “Sir, may I speak to you a moment?”

  Nolan stood and walked over to him. “Of course, and please call me Nolan. Sir makes me feel really old,” he said and laughed. He pointed to a seat in front of his desk and said, “Please, have a seat.” Once Rafe sat, he sat in the seat directly next to him. He could tell that Rafe was nervous, and he did not want to appear more intimidating by sitting across from him at his desk.

  “Sofia told me how kind you have always been to her, even though you’ve always know that she is Drake’s daughter,” Rafe said.

  He smiled. It warmed his heart that she would speak kindly of him. “Sofia is a wonderful, young lady,” he said. He thought he knew why Rafe felt uncomfortable around him. “Rafe, I do not judge a person based on who his or her parents are. I accept you for who you choose to be.”

  Rafe looked down, then. He wrung his hands while he avoided Nolan’s eyes. Nolan placed his hand on his shoulder and said, “What’s troubling you, Rafe?”

  Rafe looked up and rolled his shoulders. He took a deep breath and then said, “I still love my father, despite everything he has done.”

  Nolan pressed his lips together. “I see,” he said and then leaned back in his chair. “I’m not sure if you know this but your father trained me when I was a young Diasodz. I looked up to him and once considered him a dear friend. I had no idea how much hatred he held for me because of what my parents had done to his parents.”

  Rafe looked back down to his hands. “You must hate him now.”

  “I guess I should. He killed my entire family. He drugged Liana and me. He raped my wife. I have every reason to hate him, don’t I?”

  Rafe nodded. “Yes, sir. I mean, Nolan.”

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “The thing is that hatred only eats away at the love within us. He killed my family because my father was part of a group who killed his parents. I don’t know why, but it happened. He drugged Liana and me hoping that Valerie would leave me after she learned of my betrayal. Not only did she forgive me, but Angel was born and has been a blessing ever since. He raped my wife -”

  He took a deep breath and shook his head. “I will admit that that was the hardest to make peace with. But that even gave us you and indirectly brought us our savior, Sofia. I have put my faith time and time again in our Goddess, and I have chosen love and forgiveness and peace. And I do not regret any of it. Love is always the answer.”

  “I do choose love,” Rafe said. “The thing is…I love my father. Please do not misunderstand me. My loyalty for this war is with all of you. I will not betray any of you, especially Sofia.”

  “I know that.”

  “But I can’t betray my father, either.”

  Nolan nodded. “You are in a very complicated position. How can I help?”

  Rafe took a deep breath and straightened his shoulders. Nolan gave him the time he needed to muster up the courage to voice his request. “I want to speak with my father. I know you won’t believe me, but I know he loves Sofia and me, and I believe there is good in him. I need to explain to him why I did what I did.”

  Nolan sat quietly for a moment. He admired Rafe in that moment more than he could imagine. He thought of Alexandra and how she always came quickly to Drake’s defense. As much as he hated to admit it and would never say it aloud, maybe she was right. If Rafe thought there was good in his father, maybe it was worth the risk.

  “Very well. I understand. If there is still good in him, then I pray you can convince him to stop this war.”

  Rafe breathed a sigh of relief. “So do I, and thank you. Honestly, I thought you were going to say no.”

  “I want to,” he admitted and laughed, “but I can see the love you have for him, and maybe he will also see it and choose love over hate.” He stood and said, “You can use the comm port in the conference room. You will have privacy there.”

  Rafe stood and shook his hand. “Thank you, Nolan.”

  “You are welcome, Rafe. Good luck,” he said.

  As Rafe left his office, Nolan sighed. De
spite Damiana’s influence, Rafe had turned out to be one heck of a guy. Liana’s positive influence surely had made the difference. Nolan sent a silent prayer to the Goddess that Rafe could get through to Drake. He would love nothing more than to avoid this war.


  Rafe sat in front of the comm port in the conference room and took a few deep breaths to center himself. He thought through everything that he wanted to tell his father and prayed that his father was alone when he contacted him. He placed his palm on the comm panel and requested to contact Drake, and then he waited.

  His father’s image appeared almost instantly. “Son, are you alright? Has something happened to you or Sofia?”

  He shook his head. “Hello, Father. Sofia and I are fine. I just wanted to see you and talk to you.”

  Drake sighed in relief. “Then, come to me, son. Let us meet in private.”

  “I don’t think that is a good idea, Father.”

  “And why not? Have they brainwashed you so much that you don’t even want to be with me?”

  He could see the anger and hurt in his father’s eyes, and he knew that he had caused that. He wished he could have done things differently so that he hadn’t had to betray his father, especially since he had been nothing but kind and loving to him, but he couldn’t take the risk. Sofia had to be saved from Damiana.

  “Father, I have not been brainwashed. I promise you that I am and have always been in control of my own thoughts.”

  “Then, why, son? Why did you leave me? Why did you turn against me?”

  Rafe swallowed. “I haven’t, Father. I still love you completely. It’s just…” he exhaled in frustration. “I had to save Sofia from Damiana. She almost killed her, Father. I kept my promise to you when I said that I would not help Damiana with her crazy plan. I never had any intention of helping her, but I knew that if I did not follow along, she would have killed me. She hates my mother, and once she learned that I was not the savior, she no longer had any use for me.”


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