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Her Stolen Son

Page 16

by Rita Herron

  She saw it in his eyes anyway. He had already made his choice. He was erecting walls. Walls she understood.

  She had thrown up walls all her life.

  What was one more time?

  She and Petey were a family. When Colt left, nothing would change that.

  Like Colt had said, she had survived the past. She had survived losing Parker.

  She would survive again.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Four months later

  Serena smiled at Madelyn Andrews Walker and accepted a cookie from the tray Brianna offered her. After she had returned home safely with Petey, the other wives of the GAI detectives had befriended her.

  Petey adored baby Ryan, liked Rebecca, Nina’s little girl, and Ruby, Leah’s daughter, but he especially enjoyed playing with Madelyn’s twin girls, Sara and Cissy. Serena would always have a special place in her heart for Cissy herself. After all, the little girl had saved her son’s life.

  Leah held her newborn son in her arms, cradling him close, and Ruby walked over to plant a kiss on her brother’s forehead.

  “He’s a good baby,” Leah said softly, her proud smile beaming.

  “Yep, he pees and poops and sleeps and cries just like he’s s’posed to,” Ruby chirped. “But I’ll be glad when he gets bigger and can play like Petey. Even Ryan can do more stuff.”

  She plopped down beside the toddler, then tried to teach him how to stack the plastic blocks.

  Serena treasured her new friends and felt as if they’d become a family to her and Petey.

  The only thing missing was Colt.

  He’d been undercover for four months now with no word, and she worried every day that he wouldn’t return.

  The phone trilled, and Leah reached for it. “Hello.” Pause. “Oh, gosh, that’s good news. Yes, we’ll turn on the TV now.”

  Leah disconnected and started to rise to retrieve the remote, but Nina waved her off. “Let me get it. What’s going on?”

  Leah smiled her thanks. “Gage said Colt finally managed to catch and disband the kidnapping ring. There’s a special news coverage airing now.”

  Nina punched the on button. Seconds later, the news story flashed onto the screen.

  “Folks, we’re coming to you live from Miami. Just moments ago, police reported that they have arrested the major players behind an international child kidnapping ring.” Cameras panned an estate on one of the remote islands off the coast.

  “FBI Special Agent Metcalf said he’s been working with a team of federal agents, local law officers and a private detective from GAI in North Carolina on this case for months.”

  Serena’s heart pounded. “Where’s Colt?”

  Petey ran up and leaned into her. “Mommy, is Mr. Colt there?”

  On the screen, sirens twirled and blinked in the darkness, dozens of police officers scurried about, three men in suits were being hauled to police cars in handcuffs, and another man lay on the ground soaked in blood.

  Serena knotted her hands. “Colt?”

  “In what came as a surprise, a former law officer from Raleigh’s police department, Geoff Harbison, was helping the feds. Reports indicate that he had been coerced into revealing the whereabouts of another law officer, Parker Stover, who was killed two years ago when he began investigating the ring. Harbison recently turned state’s evidence in order to arrest the leader behind the organization. Ricco DelGaldo is in custody, although his bodyguard was killed during the takedown tonight.”

  “Thank God they finally caught him,” Madelyn said.

  Leah made a sound of disgust. “I hope he rots in jail.”

  Ryan started fussing so Brianna picked him up and propped him on her hip. “Where’s Colt?”

  Serena hugged Petey to her. Yes, where was he?

  An ambulance screeched up, and she watched as two medics jogged around the house to the back and returned moments later carrying a man on the stretcher. Her breath hissed between her teeth when she saw the black hair, that chiseled face. Colt.

  “Oh, no, Colt’s hurt,” Leah gasped.

  Petey clenched Serena’s arm. “Mommy…”

  Serena cradled her son next to her, studying Colt. He was unconscious, blood soaked his shirt and pants, and she couldn’t tell if he was breathing.

  “He has to be all right,” she whispered.

  The camera panned back to the news reporter. “Unfortunately GAI Detective Colt Mason, the detective who spearheaded the investigation, was also shot. He is being airlifted to Miami Dade Hospital for emergency surgery.”

  Serena’s heart was breaking. She’d missed Colt so much the past few months, had feared for his life. She’d drawn on that fear as a reminder that they didn’t belong together. That she didn’t want Petey raised in an environment perpetually riddled with worry and fear and uncertainty.

  But the look on his face told her that he missed Colt anyway.

  Colt was a hero just as Parker had been.

  And she was in love with the man.

  “I have to go to him,” Serena said. “I have to see him.”

  Petey tugged at her arm again. “I wanna go, too, Mommy.”

  Brianna scooted onto the couch beside Petey. “Sweet-heart, I don’t think they’ll let you in the hospital.”

  Serena glanced at her new friends, desperate. She didn’t know what to do, only that she had to tell Colt that she loved him, that she wanted him in her life.

  “Go to him,” Leah urged softly.

  Madelyn patted her shoulder. “Petey can stay with us and the girls. He’ll be all right.”

  Serena stared at them for a moment, then hugged her son. They were right. Colt had risked his life for her and Petey and for all the innocent children who had been victimized.

  She had to make sure he knew how she felt.

  COLT FELT WEAK, but mostly irritated. He hated hospitals.

  At least he’d caught the leader behind the kidnapping ring. The last four months he’d immersed himself in the dark underbelly of human trafficking, and at times he’d nearly lost his control.

  He opened his palm where he held the photo of Petey and Serena and stared at it as he had so many times over the past few months. But their faces had helped him find his way back.

  The end justified the means.

  That was part of detective work he’d accepted long ago. So many nights he’d lain awake struggling, afraid his fury over the injustice of what they were doing would eat him alive.

  But one look at the kids and he’d realized that he was not like the cold, heartless men and women who preyed on the young and helpless.

  He pressed a hand to the bandage on his chest and tried to sit up. The shooter had barely missed his heart. An inch closer and he’d be dead.

  But the pain in his chest had more to do with the longing and hollow feeling that had dogged him ever since he’d left Sanctuary. He would go back there as soon as he was healed. Back to his empty house.

  Back to being alone.

  Dammit, he’d always liked his privacy. The quiet. Having a house to himself.

  But the thought of it now made his chest hurt even more.

  The beep beep of the monitors in the room echoed, reminding him that he was weak now and couldn’t go after Serena yet, even if he wanted to.

  Did he want to?


  But did she still love her dead husband?

  Exhaustion weighed on him, and he finally succumbed to the drugs and pain, closed his eyes and let sleep claim him. Nightmares of finding a group of terrified children being traded for money, sold for sex and slavery, haunted him.

  Sometime later, the sound of the door opening jarred him awake, and he opened his eyes. For a moment, he thought he was still dreaming or that the drugs were causing him to hallucinate. Except this was no nightmare, it was his fantasy.

  Serena stood in the doorway wearing a white sun-dress, her russet hair flowing around her shoulders, her face angelic in the dim light of the room. He blinked to make sure
he wasn’t imagining her.


  He blinked again, then pushed himself up to a sitting position, but the stitches in his chest pulled and he winced.

  “Don’t move and hurt yourself.” Serena crossed the room, grabbed a pillow and tucked it behind his head, then helped him ease himself into a more comfortable position.

  “What are you doing here?” Colt asked.

  “I saw the news,” Serena said, her eyes roving over him with concern, and other emotions he couldn’t identify. “They were carrying you on a stretcher…”

  “I’m fine,” he said forcing a bland expression when the pain in his body was throbbing relentlessly. “Doctors patched me up. I’ll be home in no time.”

  Serena dragged the corner chair next to his bed and covered his hand with hers. “You’re a hero, Colt. You arrested the guy behind the kidnapping ring and saved no telling how many children and families from suffering…”

  Colt swallowed. He didn’t want to discuss the case and what he’d had to do to catch the bastard. Or the horrible things he’d witnessed.

  “How’s Petey?” Colt asked.

  A smile filled Serena’s eyes. “He’s great. I…was afraid he’d be traumatized, and we met with a counselor, but he seems to have bounced back. The wives of all the GAI agents banded together and gave us support.” She paused. “Petey really likes the other children, especially the Andrews’ twins.”

  Colt smiled. “Kids are more resilient than we think.”

  Serena nodded. “He asks about you all the time.” Her smile faded. “He wanted to come, but I didn’t think they’d let him in the hospital.”

  “I’d like to see him when I get back,” Colt said and wanted to say more but hesitated. “I need to return his piggy bank.”

  “Of course.” Serena glanced away, then cleared her throat. “What about the other money, the cash in the duffel bag?”

  “I mentioned it to Detective Shaw. He said he found no record of missing cash for the department. It’s yours.”

  Serena blinked in shock, then smiled. “I’m going to donate it to Magnolia Manor.”

  Admiration stirred inside Colt. Of course, Serena would do something unselfish with it. That was only one of the qualities he loved about her.

  Serena shifted, suddenly anxious. Nervous. “Well, I just wanted to see if you were okay.”

  “I am.” He didn’t know what to do or say, except that he loved her and he wanted her to be happy. But he couldn’t ask for her love or to be part of her family. He couldn’t replace her husband.

  So he had to put aside his own needs.

  She stood and walked to the door, then paused there and looked back at him. He memorized her face, her delicate features, and clutched the photo in his hand tighter. He didn’t want to let it go just as he didn’t want to let her go.

  “I’ll see you back in Sanctuary,” Serena said softly. “Stop by and visit Petey whenever you want. He’d like that.”

  His heart sank. Petey would like it. But what about Serena?

  SERENA’S NERVES PINGED back and forth as she walked out the door. God help her, she’d come here to confess her love to Colt, but she’d frozen. What if he didn’t return her feelings?


  Disgusted with herself, she twisted her hands together. She had faced trouble on the streets without hesitating, but admitting she loved Colt immobilized her.

  Geoff suddenly appeared from the waiting area, his arm in a sling. “Can we talk for a minute? Please.”

  She nodded and stepped into the corner with him. “I saw the news, Geoff. What you did.”

  “I’m so sorry, Serena.” He dropped his head forward, his voice tortured. “I know it doesn’t change things, that it’s my fault Parker was killed, but I honestly didn’t know they were going to kill him.”

  Tears laced his voice, his remorse a palpable force, and Serena remembered his wife had been ill and his handicapped son needed therapy. He’d been desperate, and had done everything he could to protect his family.

  How could she blame him for that when she understood that kind of desperation and fear, that kind of love?

  She gently touched his arm. “I understand, Geoff. I…I know what it’s like to love your family so much you’d do anything for them.”

  “But Parker’s death…it’s my fault.” His voice choked. “And I can’t bring him back.”

  “No…” Serena said softly, then pulled him into a hug. “You didn’t kill him, Geoff. We both know the job…it was dangerous.”

  Geoff wiped at his eyes and looked up at her. “I don’t know how you can ever forgive me.”

  Serena squeezed his arm. “Parker wouldn’t want me to hate you. He’d want you to forgive yourself and be there for your son.”

  Geoff straightened but he still looked tormented. “Your fellow…Mason,” Geoff said gruffly. “He’s a stand-up man, Serena. He went undercover for you and Petey. He carried a photo of you two in his wallet and I saw him looking at it all the time.”

  Serena frowned. He had a photo of her and Petey with him? He must have taken it from her house. “He was just doing his job, Geoff.”

  “No. He cares about you. He’s just the kind of man who doesn’t use flowery words. Instead, he shows you by his actions.”

  And he’d finished this case because of her and her son.

  So why had she been such a coward?

  She refused to be one again.

  “Take care, Geoff. I have to talk to Colt.” She whirled around and hurried back to his room. When she opened the door, Colt was standing at the doorway, clutching his chest, his dark eyes determined.

  Surprise lit his face when he saw her, then a sheepish grin. “I was coming to see you,” he said. “To stop you from leaving.”

  “You were?”

  He nodded, unfolded his hand and showed her the photograph. “I missed you,” he said gruffly. He pressed the picture over his heart. “But I kept this close to me so I would always know that you and Petey were near me.”

  Serena’s heart completely melted. “I love you,” Serena whispered. “I…was too afraid to tell you, but I do. I’ve missed you, and I want you to come back to Sanctuary and be with me and Petey and for us to be a family.”

  Colt’s grin widened. “You do?”

  She nodded, the flash of emotion in his eyes touching her deeply. “Yes. That is, if you don’t mind a ready-made family.”

  He slid the picture in his pocket, then cupped her face between his hands. “I love you, too, Serena, and I’ll do my damnedest to be a good father to Petey.”

  He lowered his lips and teased hers with his tongue. “Marry me, Serena.”

  Tears filled Serena’s eyes. “Yes.”

  Colt made a low sound in his throat, his sultry eyes sparkling with desire and hunger and such love that Serena’s reservations disintegrated.

  Geoff was right.

  She and Colt didn’t need words. Instead, she helped him back to bed, then lay down beside him, kissed him passionately, and showed him with her actions just how much she loved him.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-0832-2


  Copyright © 2011 by Rita B. Herron

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  *Nighthawk Island

  **Guardian Angel Investigations

  †Guardian Angel Investigations: Lost and Found




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