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A Brother's Generous . . . Offer

Page 2

by Catharina Shields

  “You want me to undress in front of you?” She looked shocked in disbelief.

  “It’s not like you haven’t done that before, right?”

  He was challenging her. She frowned disenchanted, lips tight.

  “Right,” she said, “but I prefer more privacy these days.” Then her glossy lips curved into a smile seeing two dressing cabanas flanking a large, cool blue and white striped gazebo. “I’ll be right back,” she said, smiling coy because she was thrilled with her solution to this dilemma.

  The cabana only had Velcro to keep the flaps from blowing open. She undressed, carefully hanging her silk blouse and cashmere skirt on hangers conveniently placed there. She pulled on the bikini and to her surprise, Ryan was right. It fit her like a glove. Then again, she reasoned, he was in the business of sizing up women.

  Still, how did he know her size before even seeing her?

  She suddenly began thinking about that summer she tried so hard to forget. It haunted her even to that day. Only hard work made it bearable, but seeing her younger brother brought it all home again, and with it, an old ache in her chest.

  She’d left Hawaii that summer and went straight to university in Florida. She hadn’t seen her younger brother in over thirteen years now. He just disappeared out of her life, but not before he came to see her at her dorm. They fought so ferociously then. He wanted to continue together, she wanted to forget, he couldn’t convince her so he left… straight out of her life.

  She was recruited by Waterman, Vasquez, Oosterhout & Associates LLP just before she graduated. Being from Georgia originally, she didn’t feel she was that far away from home so she accepted the position, and work kept her in the sunshine state ever since.

  She always wanted to make her parents proud. Their father was an attorney, their mother a homemaker. They were a close-knit family, and that one summer, she was closer to Ryan than most sisters could ever dream to be with their younger brother.

  She felt guilty about it though. It was the one, most memorable summer she wished to god she could forget. Maybe it was the reason why her brother played it so fast and loose in his life, and maybe it had something to do with why he’d chosen the business he was in now. Lord knows he had every right, not to mention the right “equipment”, to take it far.

  He was a well-endowed male with an incredible sexual stamina. He was still a virgin at eighteen, but she changed that, and yet she was the one surprised by his sexual drive. He seemed insatiable, and she recalled she had trouble keeping up with him, once joking that he should seek a career in the porn movie industry. Now she bit her lip, wondering if he would have gone in this line of business had she not corrupted him, or at the very least, kept her mouth shut.

  When she was twenty-five, their parents died in a plane crash on their way back from New York. By that time, Ryan was out of the house, shunned by their father for his career choice. He never came to their parents’ funeral as a result. She really wished he had. She needed him so, but could she really blame him?

  Plagued with guilt and anger, she turned to work to deal with it. She was good at what she did, but something had changed inside her. She was once a happy, liberated young woman, but now she was a sober, serious one; frigid to a fault.

  She was successful at everything . . . except relationships. Even her marriage to a human rights attorney fizzled out long before its time. He left for South America to pursue humanitarian efforts leaving her with baby twins, and he never looked back.

  “You okay in there?”

  She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Ryan’s silhouette on the canvas wall.

  “Yes. Yes, of course,” she answered, shaking off those memories of pain and guilt.

  She felt damp on her cheeks and quickly fingered away the tears, composing herself again. Then she quickly stepped out of the cabana, but cried out when she bumped into him. An instant, electrical shock passed through her body making her shudder. His hands had cupped her waist to prevent her from falling, and now she stood against her brother’s hard body that made hers turn instantly into jelly.

  “Wow Sis,” he said as he looked down her body, “you’re gorgeous.”

  Guilt and sudden unease made her terse. Her nerves were on edge. She angrily pushed down his arms, forcing him to let her go as she glared angrily up into his surprised, sterling blue eyes.

  “If you’re recruiting for one of your smut movies, spare me,” she said unfairly curt then stepped into the direction of the chaises, but Ryan’s hand had cleverly swept up and pulled out her hair clasp.

  Her dark brown locks tumbled down and swept around her astonished face and slender shoulders. She stiffened then snapped around, touching her hair as she glared up at him.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” she snapped.

  “Don’t need to have your hair up in that stuffy bun. It’s nice and cool in there,” he said with a friendly smile as he lifted a hand into the direction of the huge luxury gazebo.

  She looked into it and saw a king-sized chaise. Her briefcase and folder were already there and two standing fans hummed full speed and cooled the area. He had moved their glasses and her things into the cool shade of the gazebo too, and did it all while she was changing.

  She narrowed distrustful eyes up at him, but he smiled.

  “Thought it would be better to sit in the shade,” he said before he turned and headed into it.

  “Couldn’t you have proposed that to begin with? Why did I have to change into this if you were planning to go in there?” she reprimanded, following him on angry, bare feet.

  “I dunno,” he shrugged as he turned before he lowered himself to sit back in the center of the giant chaise. “Maybe you’d like a dive in the pool later on.”

  She stood stiff under the gazebo as her brother smiled. His dark legs were wide with one knee lazily swaying side to side. He lay back and folded hands behind his head, showing off his incredible body, but she was too angry to be impressed. She set hands on her hips as she glared down at him.

  Unbeknownst to her, she couldn’t have looked sexier in all her fiery glory.

  “You said no more games, Ryan.”

  “This isn’t a game, Eyleen,” he drawled, “but it is Florida. Things are a helluva lot less formal and stiff around here, as you should know by now. Besides, that stuffy bun didn’t go with your bikini.”

  “What are you now, Mr. Blackwell fashion critic?” she said snappishly.

  She marched to the chaise, but paused a moment. Her brother’s lean hip touched her briefcase, but luckily the thing was in the center of the chaise. She seated herself on the other side of it, keeping the briefcase in between.

  Ryan silently watched her. He saw his sister’s thoughts flash across her pretty face and smiled inwardly. Her lashes were down and her jaw stony, but he knew why and it made his heart jump. He was affecting her sexually. He saw her frown as she picked up the folder with the contracts, and then watched as she looked around herself.

  “Looking for your pen?”

  “Yes. Where did you—?” but she stopped short.

  She saw he’d slipped it down the elastic waist of his speedos on his right hip. She flickered up hostile blue eyes at his calm, unreadable face and reached for it, but paused. She felt his gaze on her and realized she had hers on the huge bulge of his crotch and she felt color sweep into her cheeks, but then she gingerly plucked her pen from his Speedos™ anyway.

  It still felt warm with his body heat.

  “Do you like the house?” he asked, maintaining outward calm.

  “Yes. It’s very nice,” she answered with little emotion. “As for what our firm can offer you—”

  “—I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when Mom and Dad died, Sis,” he said quietly. She was silent a moment before she raised her head to look at him, but he had his lashes down. “But I wasn’t in a good place back then. I made wrong choices and did some really stupid things.” He raised his gaze and she saw sincerity in h
is eyes. “I didn’t want you to see what I’d become.”

  She frowned curiously at him. “What you’d become?”

  “I was in a dark place,” he offered, hesitating. Then he looked at her. “I got in with the wrong crowd. I’d done things I’m not proud of—”

  “—Because of what I did?” she asked suddenly, and he looked curiously at her. She swallowed and looked down, playing with her pen. “I-I mean, did I have anything to do with-with your bad choices in any way?”

  “Is that what you’ve been thinking? Because of what happened between us in Hawaii?” he asked.

  “It’s ridiculous, I know, but some people might think it could be a reason—”

  “—Don’t ever think that, Eyleen. It was because of what happened in Hawaii I’ve been able to clean up my life and become the man I am today.”

  She looked up, but suddenly stiffened when her brother used a foot to push her briefcase down to the foot end and scooted to her. She went ramrod stiff when he laid his dark head against her breast. She felt paralyzed and couldn’t move.

  “Ryan, aren’t you a little too old to do this—”

  “—It’s because I love you I wanted to make you proud. The choices I made were mine alone. It had nothing to do with you. I was an idiot and didn’t think about tomorrow until it was too late, but it was because of you I found what I needed inside me to clean up my life. What I found inside me, Eyleen… was you.”

  He couldn’t know how much his words meant to her. For all these years, she felt she was the reason why he played it so fast, so loose with his life. She couldn’t stop the tears from popping up in her eyes and she gently caressed his head, her fingers slipping through his warm, black locks.

  “We’re all we have now, Sis. There’s no one else. I’ve been thinking about that these past years. I’ve been thinking about it a lot.” His head gently rubbed against her breast, and she rested her cheek on his head as her heart stung, hearing the truth in his words.

  Her heart was thudding hard. She was suddenly feeling a little dizzy, a little lightheaded. The scent of her brother’s hair and skin was intoxicating and titillating. She felt a light throbbing start between her clasped thighs and in her instantly hard nipples, and she knew she was in trouble.

  This was insane! How could she feel this way about him after all these years? She thought she’d outgrown that infatuation by now. She never felt like this with her ex-boyfriends, even her ex-husband, so why did she only feel this way with her own flesh and blood, her own brother?

  She felt herself melt between her legs. Her heart beat in her head. Then she felt herself go back in time… back to Hawaii, back to their parents’ hotel room, back when he was eighteen and she, barely twenty-one…

  Her hand slid trembling up along his arm, his shoulder, neck, and then his lean jaw. He moved his head against her breast and looked up, seeing the fire in her darkened blue eyes. She bent her head as both their mouths opened and their wet tongues touched, then moved with growing intensity against one another.

  She broke the kiss breathing heavily and closed her eyes. She rested her forehead against his and slowly shook it.

  “Christ Ryan… I can’t help it, but I want you,” she whispered breathlessly, her thumb gently caressing his cheek.

  He didn’t say anything. His large, lean hand rose and flattened against her soft cheek. His head moved and he stared deep into her burning eyes, his own as dark as the deep oceans. Then he moved, twisting his head as his tongue and lips licked and nipped hers; tempting her, seducing her, encouraging her to kiss him…

  She closed her eyes as a shudder ran up her spine. His scent, his lips, his tongue, and heat assaulted all her senses, tearing down the fortress she so carefully built around herself. His other hand rose and flattened against her other cheek.

  As he continued licking her lips and kissing her, he gently pulled her with him and she followed. She moved over her handsome brother as he laid himself back. Soon, her lips and mouth grew a will of their own and began kissing him back with long, soft moans, hovering over him as her hand gently flattened on his hard, wide chest.

  Ryan lay back against the elevated head end of the chaise kissing his sister with gentle passion. His long dark legs stretched out as she lifted a leg and straddled his thighs. Then she broke the kiss to gaze into his burning, dark blue eyes before she pulled back a little to allow her heated gaze to roam slowly down his body. His massive cock slowly grew out of his Speedos™ as it became engorged with his incestuous, heating blood.

  Her gaze burned a fiery trail down his wide chest with a small patch of black chest hair, further down his ripped abdomen, finally lingering on his painfully aroused hips and the massive erection his speedos couldn’t hide any longer. Half of his cock had already grown out beyond the waistband, and it drew her full, undivided, heated attention.

  “You’re beautiful,” she whispered, and his stomach jumped. Pre-cum oozed from the dilated hole of his purplish glans, leaking onto his slightly furred stomach.

  Drawn irresistibly to taste him, her golden-brown head bent and she could hear his breath grow haggard. She slowly licked up his pre-cum with her tongue and closed her eyes with a soft, content moan. He tasted wonderful; musky, strong, male.

  Eyleen slipped down her brother’s Speedos™ as he raised hips. Muscles in his thighs rippled as he elevated them. She successfully removed them then tossed them already forgotten aside as he widened his legs, offering her his heavy scrotum that was ready for his sister’s warm, soft hand and lips.

  She watched her brother’s dark head lay back when she cupped his heavy testes. Her fingers came alive and she gently kneaded and stroked the soft, hot skin between his muscular thighs, making him moan and his stomach muscles tense.

  “You feel full and heavy, little brother. You’ve been waiting for your big sister haven’t you?” she whispered to him.

  “I can’t cum as hard with anyone else but you. I have so much to give you, Sis,” he moaned, then shuddered when her soft fingers gently wrapped around the thick base of his cock.

  Her heart thudded harder in her chest. Her nipples tingled painfully and her vagina was beginning to soak because she knew what was to come. Her little brother’s cock was the thickest, most beautiful she’d ever seen and loved.

  It was massive in girth and length. A full seven inches circumference at the base, veined and tapering towards the end only to thicken into his massive cockhead for a total orgasmic length of nine incredible inches. No other man she’d been with was as endowed as her little brother. None ever made her cum as hard as he had.

  Ryan pulled his head forward. With dark eyes, he watched his sister’s head lower to his cock. Her sleek golden-brown locks fell like a satin curtain around his burning hips, tickling his skin.

  He watched as her lips and tongue teased his balls and tenderly closed soft lips over the loose skin before she pressed wet kisses up along the swollen ridge of his shaft. More pre-cum oozed, but his sweet sister took care of that with her slow licking tongue. The sight of his ooze on her pink, wet, tongue nearly drove him over the edge.

  She groaned deep and softly. She seemed to really enjoy his pre-cum as if it was the most delicious thing she’s ever tasted. To her, it really was.

  His sister’s lips were soft against his heavy sac. She gently sucked in each full ball with her loving mouth and tongue, and he groaned, closing his eyes in sheer incestuous ecstasy. She let her tongue slowly lick up his massive pole, tickling the swollen veins with her hot tongue, running the length until she came to the frenulum. With sweet lips closing over it, she suckled the oversensitive membrane sending sharp tingles deep into his sac.

  “Oh damn…” he groaned, “this is good.”

  Oh, and her brother tasted and smelled good too. His sensual, musky aroma made her head spin, and her mouth drool. She raised her head and opened wide, hearing him catch and hold his breath. He knew and eagerly anticipated what would come next. She took a deep breath and
slipped out her tongue to open her throat for him, slowly feeding his thick meat pole into her hot mouth. Her breath burned the sensitive flesh of his stone-hard shaft.

  He knew she could taste his salty pre-cum oozing against the roof of her mouth. He watched in awe as her head slowly lowered over his turgid cock, stretching her lips and taking him deeper than any woman ever had. He felt himself sink… deeper and deeper into his sister’s incredible mouth…

  Ryan’s large hands gripped the cushion of the chaise. His thigh muscles tensed, but then she paused a moment when the glans pressed against the back of her throat. Her lips stretched, her throat swelled, filling with his massive cock without a single gag reflex. His sister was the only woman in the world who could take him this deep.

  She got in a few quick head-bobs before she came up for air. With a loud gasp, her golden brown hair flew back, sweeping down around her slender shoulders. Her lips were stretched and her mouth foamed with pre-cum and saliva. She couldn’t look hotter or more beautiful to him than she did now. He had to restrain himself not to explode. It just wasn’t time yet…

  She gasped deep lungs full of air as the froth around her lips dripped off her delicate chin. It dropped, landing on her plump breasts, but she didn’t seem to notice. He did, and it was a painful turn-on. His sister’s mouth returned, and took him deep before she bobbed her head rigorously. She sucked hard, creating a delicious vacuum while her hand stroked his frothy, veined shaft with twists, and he groaned his pleasure long and loud.

  Nothing was hotter than watching his sister suck his cock. It was almost unbearable, and she knew it. Their connection was so tight, so strong, words weren’t necessary when it came to pleasuring each other. They knew how to pleasure each other like nobody’s business.

  His big sister was his first and she remained his best. Even after all the women he’d fucked, she remained the only woman who had him feel more than mere lust. It intensified his climax in ways that went beyond intense sexual gratification. That’s why he had to seek her out, come to her, and have her climax with him so she’d understand; hoping to convince her that they belonged together.


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