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Baby Blue_A Father's Day Secret Baby Romance

Page 8

by Juliana Conners

  He sits up like he’s eager to get face to face. He runs a thumb down my check, then wraps his heavy strong arms around me, drawing me to his precious lips. We kiss, softly at first, then deeper and deeper.

  After a measureless span of passionate kissing, we pull back and rest our foreheads against each other’s, catching our breath.

  “That was incredible. I love you so much—God, I love you so fucking much, Kayla.”

  He hasn’t withdrawn his meaty cock grinding under me. He’s not done yet. Slowly, almost thoughtlessly, he continues humping my body.

  “I love you, too,” I tell him, letting my body follow the rhythm of his thrusts. I hold his cheek in my hand and lean forward so our torsos are joined. I whisper into his ear.

  “Thank you for everything.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  At 5:00 a.m., I am required to wake up. I am required to share a dormitory with all fifty of my fellow female recruits. I am required to get dressed, start physical training, run at least two miles, return to the dorms, shower, prepare and stand ready for inspection by 7:00 a.m.

  Each and every day.

  The morning drill is not that different from what I did all this past spring, when Zach was preparing me for “Academy culture.” Only now there’s one huge difference: I don’t have the privilege of waking up next to Zach.

  I’ve only been here two weeks. For the next six months, it is my task to deal with this new lifestyle. And to master this new lifestyle.

  But even with all my inside knowledge, even with all of Zach’s training—adjusting to this new life as a police academy cadet has been a true challenge. The hardest part was giving up my phone and being walled off from the outside world.

  But I go to sleep every night feeling victorious.

  I’ve never been religious. But before going to bed, I imagine I’m having a conversation with Dad, as if he were right next to me. I’m no psychology expert, but I suspect that I’m just talking to myself, acting in the manner I think my father would, saying what I think my father would say.

  Each night I hear him tell me he’s proud of me. I hear him tell me to keep going no matter how hard things get. All my memories return of his countless pep talks, the kind he often gave when I was confused or questioning. My memories flash back to his life lessons on how to be as a person, how to relate as a person, how to grow as a person. It is an amazing comfort.

  Though I must admit that Zach’s presence is also in the running for greatest comfort ever.

  I see him regularly after breakfast. And when I say “see him,” I mean literally. I position my desk during my study period at a discreet angle that gives me a perfect view of the training field outside the classroom windows. Outside it, Zach sits under a large willow, preparing notes and finishing paperwork. I act like I’m deep in thought over my studies and instead research his body sitting outside, caged in an official military fatigue-like shirt that still manages to show off his rippling shoulders.

  I think back to six nights ago. Our last “contact.”

  It was an hour before Lights Out. I’d managed to catch a glimpse of him walking the hall outside the library room. I waggled my fingers and motioned with my head to wordlessly indicate that he should meet me outside. I waited behind a thick tree until I saw his silhouette walking towards me, outlined against the glow of the classrooms inside. It was only then that I stepped out from behind the trunk, shadowed by wooded area around me that sat just beyond the training field.

  His skills in observation were immaculate—I couldn’t even tell he had seen me until he took a hard left in his meandering path and surprised me from the other side of the huge oak.

  There, in the dark, his hands found my hips, my breasts, my clit. I breathed in his ear how much I’d missed his touch. He grunted in response while lifting me in his two hands and pressed me against the dark shadowed side of the tree trunk, effectively hiding us as he took me quietly but sparing no time. Each silent thrust was slow but hard. Each one was like a stacking stone of pleasure that built a gleaming tower of sexual bliss and satisfaction. It took five minutes. By far, it was the quickest orgasm each of us had ever had with each other.

  When I wobbled back inside, I saw the clock read only 10 minutes had passed. Good to know my skills in “fast pursuit” were growing.

  Though most of my contact with him is now visual, today, I will actually get to talk to him.

  I’m starting my recruit course in advanced physical training and firearm education. And guess who’s in charge? This is an afternoon I’ve anticipated most eagerly.

  Most of the time, anyway.

  While I do look forward to seeing Zach later this afternoon, my mind wanders to the worst possible places. It’s almost like my brain is seeking out the worst possible source of pain for me. I end up lost in thoughts that are consumed with Zach cheating on me with other recruits.

  It’s so stupid. I know for a fact that he wouldn’t do something like that. After all we’ve shared, I have no doubt of his love for me.

  Plus there was also this one night before the academy, after almost draining two bottles of wine, when we talked about past relationships and how some were unfaithful and how we both would rather break up than ever hurt the other or cheat on one another. Thankfully, given our woozy heads, it was a short conversation that ended with a high-five and him going down on me.

  Despite all that, I still find myself imagining the worst situations. Only because I don’t have much else to stimulate that part of my mind. The academic work we do is straight-forward and that’s coming from someone who wasn’t a stand-out student in high school.

  Maybe it’s just the constant yelling from our instructors urging me to these dark thoughts. I expected it after Zach showed me a few academy videos. But maybe I underestimated the effect constant berating would have on me, day in and day out. The whole purpose of yelling at us after every inspection is to test your resolve and see what wears you down.

  I don’t feel worn down though. I’ve shouldered their testing with the knowledge it’s for my own good. That which doesn’t weaken me, makes me stronger. Hopefully, that’ll be the case for Zach and me as well.

  As the day progresses, I find myself growing less nervous and more excited about seeing Zach. The slowest part of my day is studying basic law, mostly because our instructor is such a slow talker, drawing out his syllables as long as he possibly can.

  That, plus I end up sitting next to a fellow recruit named Scarlett Hill. Blonde, pretty, and absolutely insufferable. I’ve had a few interactions with her before today, but they were fairly short. Today however, I am stuck next to her for what seems like a painful eternity of getting burned with hot fireplace pokers.

  Her vapid nature makes me see her as the stereotype people conjure up when they hear the term, “dumb blonde.” Every chance she had, she leaned over to me to whisper some idiotic nonsense she surely found funny or witty.

  “That’s funny and all,” I whispered back to her through gritted teeth, “but you should really be writing some of this stuff down.” She will be a poor investigator if she can’t even read my bitch face expression that surely tells her I wish she would stop talking to me.

  But she scoffs loudly, turning some nearby heads. “Please. This is basic stuff. As long as you have the textbook, you can pass the test. All this guy is doing is repeating passages from the textbook.”

  Scarlett may be right but that doesn’t make me want to listen to her say another stupid word. Her voice is astoundingly annoying. All of her sentences end with a question mark. And she seems to lack a basic frame of reference for how loud or quiet someone should be in a classroom. Or inside, for that matter.

  This is the last class I have to endure before being reunited with Zach. Scarlett is sapping my strength. My stomach already flips and flops with excitement and anticipation. Scarlett contributes by helping me feel as though I’m trapped in this law class for the rest of my life.

nbsp; As the minute hand ticks away, I find myself growing more and more easily set off by Scarlett’s antics. She goes from talking to me while the instructor does his job, to sketching some crude, immature doodles, to throwing scraps of paper at the person sitting in front of us. I am begging silently for our instructor to call her out. I honestly can’t believe how she’s getting away with this.

  It blows my mind how someone who isn’t in middle school could act so ridiculously, especially when she’s surrounded by competitive recruits, eager to report others just to get ahead. Scarlett seems wholly unaware of where she is. It scares me to think that a person like her could have a future as a police officer.

  The phrase “saved by the bell” has never rang more true than the moment the clock’s hands finally landed on 2:00 pm.

  I run out of the classroom, leaving Scarlett and everything I was supposed to be learning far behind me. Scarlett’s voice calls out to me, but I ignore her and head straight towards Zach. His classroom is only six doors down, but in the same way that time warped while I was sitting next to Scarlett, space now seemed to warp. The floor underneath me seems to stretch like a scene from a horror movie. And just like in a horror movie, I feel the cold hand of my tormentor fall on my shoulder.

  “You’re going to physical training right now, aren’t you?” Scarlett’s face is obliviously happy.

  This day continues to disappoint and distress. I politely nod my head, choking back all of the horrible things I want to shout at her.

  “That’s great!” she squeals. “I am, too. And I love this teacher. He’s hot. I think he’s into me.”

  There are only so many horrible things life can throw at me before I start to unravel, and this might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

  “What makes you think he likes you?” I keep my voice even, as nonchalant as possible, despite the anger and jealousy boiling underneath the surface.

  Scarlett laughs haughtily, “I don’t know. I think he’s pretty hot and I’ve let him know that I think he’s hot. Once I plant the seed, it’s only a matter of time before the guy I want tells me he wants me back.” Now she thoughtfully cocks her head to the side, as if considering this a philosophical matter.

  “So you don’t have any proof that he’s into you… ” I suggest, in a desperate attempt to shut down the ramblings of this mad person.

  “No solid proof. Yet, anyway.” She smirks, curling her lower lip and shrugging.

  I want to block any effort of this moron from hitting on or flirting with Zach. So I ask her if she’s worried about getting in trouble trying to date an instructor.

  “First of all, I don’t want to date him. I want to fuck him. Secondly, police academies are like… the hotels Olympic athletes stay at. It’s an all-out fuck fest. Instructors aren’t normally involved from what I’ve heard, but that can change. I can make it change,” she boasts, winking with self-satisfaction.

  I shake my head, and try playing off my rage as playful jesting. “You’re insane,” I laugh.

  Truthfully, I should consider taking up acting. I almost made my own self believe that I could be friends with this senseless narcissist.

  The two of us get to Zach’s classroom, apparently the last two in the class. Everyone stares at us as we get to the last two available seats, which serendipitously sit right next to each other.

  Zach takes attendance, giving me time to savor both the sight of him and the knowledge that he is mine. After, Zach leads the class out to the field where we are to perform some basic exercises followed by ventures on the campus’s obstacle course.

  While we all walk out to the field, I speedily walk up to Zach who is in the middle of a conversation with another female recruit. I zero in on him, my target, and find myself butting in between them to ask him how he’s doing.

  He looks at me, eyebrows furrowed, bewildered by my interruption. “Uh, I’m doing fine, Cadet. I hope you’re ready for the obstacle course. Your admission test time was fine, but let’s try to beat that time.” He then walks away from me, continuing the conversation I cut short.

  I understand that we have to act as though we have no relation to each other, but the relationship we were just starting to cultivate seems to be getting stomped like a weed on our training field. The two of us have to exist as strangers for six more months, and I don’t know how well I can handle that much time putting up a façade.

  Undoubtedly, there’s a distance growing between us. I look around. Damn. I cannot deny that my female recruits are a hot bunch of badasses. Maybe the space growing between Zach and I is building so much, that a woman like Scarlett does have the opportunity to weasel herself into my place. Her, or any of these other young, attractive recruits.

  This thought haunts me for the remainder of the class, turning my thoughts into mush, turning me into a kind of zombie, just going through the motions until Zach pulls me to the side while other recruits run through the obstacle course.

  He starts, practically spitting it out, “I understand what we’re doing isn’t ideal, but you cannot act out of line while I’m working and while you should be worrying about taking in the information instructors are giving out.”

  His warning is intense, berating me like someone would their child. He sees how disappointed I am and takes a step back, realizing how harsh his words may have come off.

  “Kayla. Please. I love you. You know I do. But we can’t jeopardize our positions here—”

  “You’re not cheating on me, are you?”

  Zach throws his eyebrows up. His face looks like someone just threw the iced Gatorade cooler over his head. “I’m sorry?”

  I place both of my hands over my mouth to cover up the immediate wash of shame I feel. “No, no. I’m the one who’s sorry. I know you’re not cheating on me. That was horrible of me to say. I’ve just been having a hard time being away from you and acting like… like you’re not the love of my life.”

  Zach looks into my eyes and smiles warmly. “I know exactly how you feel, darlin’. It’s not easy for me either. Not only can I not spend any significant amount of time with you, but I have to watch you run and go through that obstacle course while trying to hide my erection,” he gulps, stifling some laughter.

  I can’t help but laugh with him. “You get boned up watching me? Mr. Clark, how inappropriate,” I joke.

  Sheepishly, he demonstrates his little move for clandestinely hiding his boners with his clipboard.

  I bite my lip, “Well, now that I know that, I might take a bit longer trying to cross that obstacle course.”

  Without thinking, I lean in only slightly for a kiss but Zach rightfully hisses just in time.

  “Not here, Kayla. We can’t.”

  I play it off by acting like I was leaning down to brush some grass off my shirt.

  Close one.

  It pains me to know that he’s right. Acting on pure impulse could get us both in immense trouble that could ruin our lives. But I might need to act on impulse. I know my need is him.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The moon is the only light that helps me see on my journey to the instructor’s dorms. I heard through the grapevine that most instructors refuse to use the dorms they’re assigned and instead drive home to sleep on their King sized mattresses with their respective partners. Zach, on the other hand, has no problem spending his nights on campus. Before I was admitted, he told me that, back before us, he did so whenever he stayed late, or simply had no real reason to head home after his classes.

  Having staked out the location of his car in the faculty parking lot after classes were finished, I easily deduced that tonight was one of the nights he’d be spending on campus.

  No other instructors were accompanying him. He’d be all alone.

  Save for me.

  I was able to sneak out of my dormitory easily enough. Whoever was in charge of patrolling the halls must not have been doing their job.

  Sneaking into the instructors’ dorm was
a bit more difficult. The door was locked, and without my phone, I had no way of contacting Zach. I climbed in through the only window that wasn’t closed and locked, and found my man fast asleep, in a white undershirt and some navy blue boxer briefs.

  The outline of his cock started to shift, and grow. I figure he must be having a great dream. That or, he can somehow feel my presence.

  I get on the bed and watch him peacefully sleep. Part of me wants to let him enjoy his rest, but knowing that I have very limited options, I choose to get to work.

  After slowly climbing onto the bed with him, I reach into his underwear and slide his slowly growing cock through his boxers’ easy access opening. The short amount of time we’ve spent away from each other must have warped my perception because I find the dick I hold in my hand to be immense.

  Impossible as it may be, it seems as though Zach’s cock has grown a couple of inches since it last stretched me out. I use the light of the moon to make sure it’s Zach’s cock I’m grabbing and not a police academy instructor who doubles as a pornstar.


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