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New Earth One

Page 14

by Lance Powers

  “That’s sounds too good to be true, precious, yet I know you can get it done. But there’ll be many hurdles along the way; biggest one’s going to be the President.”

  “I’m sure Garth is on his way to High Command right now to get Roberson removed from office.”

  “That’s going to be a job tougher than fending off an alien invasion.” Her father laughed nervously. “Leland Roberson is a dangerous man, not because of what he can do, but what he can convince others to do for him.”

  “We have to let people know… to make them aware.”

  “Roberson’s a master at manipulating people, and you know it first hand, precious.” Milton Scott shook his grey haired head. “He tells them exactly what they want to hear, and I’m sure he’ll do the same again now. He’ll somehow make all this work to his advantage, believe me. And I don’t want you to risk your life taking on a man like him.”

  Regina leaned back on her chair, feeling utterly defeated. She knew her father was right. There was no denying that Leland Roberson was ahead of her in the game when it came to politics. She may have a higher intellect than him, but he had more experience in using his brain power than she did. Her idea to build a core control matrix would require a stamp of approval from Earth Gov, and she wasn’t so sure of Roberson allowing that. He would probably use public opinion against the idea, just so he could remain in power over a planet still dependant on his government.

  There was nothing left for her to do now other than wait for Evans to call and update her, whenever he did. She consoled herself that at least the threat of hostile aliens was over for now and that future generations would have a clean and natural world to live in. The only problem she could see was Roberson and his freak of a daughter somehow prolonging their lives and still lording it over New Earth One in the future. Anything was possible. Why, even a week ago she wouldn’t have considered that hostile aliens were conspiring to eradicate all human life from the Milky Way Galaxy.

  Chapter Ten

  ‘NAR-AX-0010 Garth Andrew Evans’ flashed on the fifty foot screen above and the crowd cheered again. The forty foot image of his calm and relaxed face on the same screen nodded acknowledgement. Personnel from the military, naval and peacekeeping forces were gathered there in full force at the megadrome. The largest complex within the citadel where once sporting competitions were held, back when the eco-system was still natural and outdoor games were the norm.

  “Chief of Staff Garth Evans, fair citizens of New Earth One.” Roberson stepped up beside him with a wide smile showing all of his teeth. “I, President Leland Roberson, give you the hero of the millennium.”

  “Thank you all for your invaluable support.” Garth said in his deep baritone, looking around at the gathering. “Every one of you is deserving of this victory as much as I am.”

  The roar from the gathered was deafening as streamers and balloons of every color and dimension imaginable took to the air. Roberson was putting on a celebration, but it hardly seemed like it was his farewell party. The man had lied again. This Presidential address was being broadcast to every single home on the planet, and Garth could feel Roberson getting into his element. Chances of him retiring from office seemed quite remote, if at all. Roberson wouldn’t resign this job even if he was the last man on the planet. And Garth could do nothing. Everyone was lapping up each word he said with reverence. He also had a dozen heavily armed bodyguards keeping close to him.

  “You’re being too generous, Mister President.” Garth bowed slightly. “I believe you have something very important to announce to the citizens of New Earth One tonight.”

  “You bet I do, Chief Evans. The planet owes a great debt to you in this time of crisis.” Roberson’s dark eyes gleamed at him and then he turned toward the spectators before them. “And also to the little known Doctor Regina Scott. These two selfless brave souls stood up to the challenge when the chips were truly down and they risked their lives for everything we hold dear.

  “They were, of course, playing the parts I wrote for them, and they played them to perfection. Yes, once again, I, President Leland Michel Roberson and your humble servant, took it upon myself to save the world. How did I do that? I knew for sure that Mavis Orkney and his ruthless gang of thugs were growing ever more belligerent and there had to be a better reason than just opposing Earth Gov that drove them. So I had my spies infiltrate the rebel faction’s secret camps. And I also had the entire group of super intelligent men and women of Science Division investigating the planet wide corruption. And one of them, the lovely Doctor Regina Scott, bless her courageous heart, made the most astonishing discovery of the rebels’ alliance with hostile aliens bent on our destruction.”

  Garth glanced over at where Regina was seated with her parents. She looked faint at the way Roberson was spin-doctoring everything in his own favor. He exhaled deeply, knowing well that the President could not be touched now, not in front of over two million people watching, most of whom loved the egotistical man.

  “Once I was made known of this horrifying fact, I couldn’t sleep at all.” Roberson continued in his self-aggrandizing way. “Something had to be done... without further delay. And then I came up with the brilliant idea of allowing my own daughter be taken hostage by the heinous rebels. What father would do such a thing? Surely a madman who cared less than two hoots about anything. But no, I love my daughter with all my heart, but more than that I love our world. I implored Chief Evans here to help me… to infiltrate the rebel base using my daughter as a hostage to gain their trust. And it worked; we found them at their weakest and wiped them out. I had known all along that Chief Evans wouldn’t let them harm a hair of my precious Lia’s head, and he is a man of his word.

  “We did it. My fellow citizens of New Earth One, we did it. We smashed the rebels once and for all. Then we destroyed their alien allies, and we discovered that the corruption of the eco-system was not because of our exploitation of the planet’s resources, no, but what these villainous aliens were doing with the rebel faction’s help. We are free of this corruption now, my brothers and sisters. Free at last and New Earth One will once again be the paradise it was as we see in the record books and files. And I, Leland Michel Roberson, your President and humble servant, assure you that we will all live in that lost paradise very soon.”

  The cheer that went up was even louder than the one for him as Garth grimly surveyed the gathered crowd. Fools, every one of them, he thought dejectedly. Fools to still put stock in what this absolute charlatan was selling. He stood there, like a carving out of stone, grey eyes cold and ablaze all at once. Roberson had played them all again, and they could do nothing about it. At least for now.

  “And once again, we must not forget the real heroes here” Roberson went on. “For even though it was all my cunning plan, they were the ones who stuck their necks out on the line for all of us.”

  The crowd began chanting his name, along with Roberson’s. Garth shifted his weight from on foot to the next. It was beginning to get that tad bit intolerable now.

  “Yes! Yes!” The President encouraged the cheering further. “Chief of Staff Garth Evans. I promoted him temporarily to deal with the crisis and he pulled it off with amazing courage and tactical brilliance. For such heroism, I now appoint him the position of Chief of Staff permanently, with all due honors and authority of that office.

  “And Doctor Regina Scott. For her wisdom, ingenuity and courage under fire, I hereby appoint her director of the Science Division. She will take office as soon as Doctor Hartman Keller retires next month. You’ve done your father and my friend Doctor Milton Scott very proud, my dear. You have done us all proud. The record of being the youngest director of the Science Division is another feather on your illustrious cap.

  “And once again, Chief Garth Andrew Evans and Doctor Regina Lauren Scott, and everyone who stood alongside you in this hour of crisis, I, President Leland Michel Roberson, on behalf of New Earth One and Earth Gov, offer you all our heartiest gratitude. Th
ank you.”

  The cheers were deafening, and more streamers and balloons filled the air. Music pounded all around, and lights flashed in patterns to the beat. The celebrations were on in full swing. A large banquet was awaiting everyone at the dining area, but Garth had little, if any, appetite. He stepped off the stage and headed towards were Regina sat with her parents. No easy task that, with the multitudes of handshakes and congratulatory pats to the back that came his way.


  “…keep your enemies closer.” Milton Scott said with a smirk as he nursed his cup of brandy. “That is exactly what our nefarious friend Leland is doing.”

  “Yes.” Garth replied, lightly touching the napkin he held to his lips. “And yet that’s a double edged sword. It also keeps us close to him.”

  “But he’s got himself so well protected.” Regina shook her head. “All this seems so very… contrived and, well, as if we’re being used.”

  “That we are.” He nodded at her. “And as long as we know it, we can stay ahead.”

  “Ahead of what?” The young scientist gave him a searching look. “Our promotions are a sham, a public show of fake appreciation. We’re not really going to have any of the power that comes with those positions.”

  “But you will have access to vital information and be a part of everything confidential.” Regina’s father said encouragingly. “As long as you don’t do anything to draw attention… openly.”

  “But Roberson gets everything he wants, Dad. Life is still as it was before all of this and we’re still being played.”

  “Gina, baby.” Mrs. Scott walked back to the dining area, carrying a large tray of dessert. “You’ve done more than your fair share of saving the world for one lifetime.”

  “Your mother’s right, precious.” Milton Scott nodded. “Sit back for a while and see how this goes. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you and things can only get better.”

  “And what better time now that you’re so well set at work, to find a nice man and settle down in life too.” The short plump woman had a large smile on her face and eyed Garth coyly. “Colonel, don’t you think its time Regina found a partner?”

  “Why, I… but of course. Everyone needs a partner.” He said, taken slightly aback. He glanced at Regina to note the look of embarrassment on her pretty face.

  “Mom!” The young scientist said with indignation. “No one decides whether I need a partner or not.”

  “And what about you, Colonel Garth Evans?” The older woman ignored her daughter and kept her twinkling eyes on him. “A handsome man like you must be beating women away from you with a stick. Do you have a partner?”

  “I… why yes, I do.” He lied, looking away. “She works with the government.”

  “That’s nice.” Mrs. Scott nodded. “I hope our Gina uses some of that amazing smarts she has and finds herself a partner before everyone’s taken.”

  “Mom, please. Will you shut up?” Regina was red faced and edgy. “There’s so much to do. I have no time for idling around.”

  “Yes, dear.” Her mother said in a low tone and sniffed. ‘I didn’t mean to embarrass you… it’s just that we are worried…”

  “Well, no need for that now, honey.” Milton Scott put his arm around his wife. “Regina will do what’s right when the time comes. That much faith we have in her.”

  “Thank you, Dad.” Regina stood up with a cup of hot chocolate in her hand. “I’m going to drink this on the terrace. Care to join me, Colonel?”

  “I… yes, I sure would.” Garth stood up. “Mrs. Scott, thank you for the wonderful dinner… it’s been a while since someone cooked a meal so grand for me.”

  “You’re welcome, young man.” The woman smiled, her eyes still moist. “And you can come over at any time.”

  He nodded and stepped away from the dining area. Regina was already out of the room and waiting for him on the terrace. He stepped out and looked up at the star filled night sky. The clear glass of the protective dome over the citadel hardly distorted the exhilarating view. He took a sip of his brandy and sat down on the bench beside the young brunette.

  “Peaceful, isn’t it.” She said as she looked up at the stars. “How many more worlds are like this out there, do you think?”

  “Could be millions, could be none.” He shrugged, admiring her lovely face. “Who knows?”

  “I’m willing to bet there are a few out there just like Earth.” She said, still looking up. “And if we could just go there… leave this wretched place to the likes of Roberson and his ilk.”

  “No matter where we go, there’ll always be someone like him.” He told her, reaching out to touch a strand of her lustrous dark locks. “Greed is a universal disease and there’s no cure.”

  “You’re right about that, Garth.” She nodded and looked at him. “If it wasn’t my greed for knowledge, I wouldn’t be here today. And you’d never be where you are if it wasn’t your greed to be the best soldier ever.”

  “When you put it that way, greed doesn’t sound too bad.” He didn’t resist the grin that parted his lips. “But all good things become bad when overdone.”

  “And what about us, Garth?” She looked at him with those blue pools of lovely bliss. “Is what we have a good thing? A good thing destined to go bad.”

  “Not if we take it easy and let things fall into place in their own time.” He told her, smiling like a mesmerized fool.

  “Sometimes things need a little nudge to move along.” She said and reached out to touch his cheek.

  “Wasn’t that what your mother was doing there?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Nudging things along.”

  “She always has been, ever since I hit nineteen.” Regina exhaled with a deep sigh “And she’s my step-mother.”

  “Does that matter?” He played gently with a strand of her black hair close to her blushing cheek. “She has as much love for you as your own mother would, I could tell.”

  “You’re right.” She nodded and wedged his hand between her cheek and shoulder. “She is a wonderful mother, and all I do is keep breaking her heart.”

  “That’s a foolish thought, Regina.” He shook his head, the sensation of her warm cheek on his palm making him giddy. “You parents are real proud of you.”

  “And what about your parents?” She suddenly looked at him with interest. “Are they proud of you too?”

  “My mother passed when I was too young to remember, and my father before my twelfth year.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” She looked away.

  “That’s quite alright.” He said, drawing her face gently back towards him. “That was a very long time ago. I don’t suppose you were even born then.”

  “Yeah, probably.” She giggled nervously. “But come to think of it, I know nothing about you at all. Other than you are the perfect soldier.”

  “Hardly perfect.” He laughed softly. “I’ve had my share of fuck-ups.”

  “Hey, we all have those.” Her eyes seemed to shine for him. “So what do you suppose, Chief Evans…”

  “About what? Us?”

  “Yeah, us.” She nodded eagerly with widened eyes. “The director of Science Division and the Chief of Staff, do we have a thing going on?”

  “If you don’t mind a man almost twice your age.” His said, gently placing an arm around her.

  “One third. You’re older by a third.” Regina laughed and snuggled in close to him.

  “Well, yes.” He closed his eyes and sighed. “I’ll admit you’ve been on my mind ever since I met you.”

  “And I would concur.” She slipped her arm around his waist. “You’ve been on my mind too. Especially after that kiss.”

  “That kiss? Yeah.” He looked at her, smiling. “Was that your first?”

  “Hardly.” She ran one hand haughtily through her dark hair and then smiled sheepishly. “Okay, it was. And I’m never going to forget it.”

  “That was just a quick peck.” He laughed.

  “Are you go
ing to give me an even better memory, Chief Evans?” The look in her eyes was sort of challenging, in a mischievous kind of way.

  “Yes, here and now.” He drew her into his arms and lowered his mouth to her moist lips. Her sigh of contentment intensified his passion. He held her tight, and felt her surrender to him. The warmth of her body released the flood of emotions he had kept frozen for so long. The wall of loneliness that he surrounded himself with threatened to fall apart. The icy tomb his emotions were confined in began to crack. He felt vulnerable as he held her close, and strangely even stronger than he ever did. The heightened beating of her heart and her excited breathing made his pulse race. He heard a strange ringing sound. Was it the sound of love finally taking him to a more meaningful life?

  “Incoming message received.” The handheld device on his belt monotonously droned. “Unknown sender.”

  “Who could that be?” He growled, breaking away from Regina and reaching for the device.

  “It can wait.” She slurred, almost drunkenly and clung to him.

  “It could be important.” He said, pulling away from her and toggling off the sleep mode on the handheld.

  The new message was a video recording sent from an unregistered source. He ran a few rapid protection scans on the file and then opened it. An image of a dark room and someone’s silhouette filled the screen. The darkness gave way to light and he saw Jillian Orkney staring back. She had a bandage on her head, covering over one eye. Her lips were twisted in a snarl.

  “Enjoy your new found glory, Chief of Staff Garth Andrew Evans.” The rebel faction leader said with a growl in her voice. “The rebellion still lives, and grows. When you least expect it, we will remind you why Mavis Orkney gave his life for the betterment of this world. Eat, drink, and enjoy the company of your friends as long as you can, Grim Ghost. All of that is not going to be a luxury anymore. That’s the promise of an Orkney. And we always make good on our promises.”


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