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A Brother's Honor

Page 5

by Brenda Jackson

  Jace didn’t say anything as he leaned back on his elbows. He momentarily tuned out Dalton’s angry ramblings and fixed his gaze on Caden, who’d seemed to tune Dalton out, as well. Instead, Caden was standing with his back to a post, sipping his coffee and looking as if his thoughts were a million miles away. He wondered what was on his brother’s mind. Had Dalton hit a nerve by bringing up Shiloh?

  “Joe Crowder is supposed to be here at eleven,” Dalton said, reclaiming Jace’s attention.

  Joe was the family attorney. Their grandfather’s will was to be read today. Vidal Duncan, the company attorney, was scheduled to meet with them, as well, after the reading. As expected, Titus Freeman had attended the funeral services. If he was aware of the promise the brothers had made to their grandfather, he hadn’t let on. Just as well, since Jace had no idea how the man felt about being ousted from such a high-level position.

  Dalton stood to stretch his legs and, as if pulled by a magnet, his gaze moved across the pastures in the direction of the home where he had lived as a child. “Has anyone gone back there since the day we left?” he asked.

  Jace and Caden followed his gaze. It was Caden who answered first. “I haven’t. Haven’t wanted to.”

  “Neither have I,” Jace said, finishing off the last of his coffee.

  Dalton nodded, tucking his hands into the pockets of his jeans while he continued to scan the area. “Just wondering.”

  * * *

  There were no surprises with the reading of the will. Everything Richard owned he bequeathed to his son, Sheppard. However, Jace, Caden and Dalton shared the handling of those properties and shared the inheritance in case of Sheppard’s death. Since Jace was the oldest, he received a higher percentage than the others, which everyone thought was fair.

  Hannah received the deed to her small cottage on Sutton Hills as well as papers to the car she was driving and a horse she’d grown fond of over the years. And she got a very generous monetary gift that would take care of her for life should she choose never to work again. No one said anything while Joe read through Richard’s requests. On occasion, the sound of Hannah’s sniffing was heard. Richard had been generous to his favorite charities, including the wing at the hospital that bore his deceased wife’s name.

  Joe had barely left when Vidal arrived. The two men were different in looks and stature, but both were born to be attorneys. They had that “this is the way Richard wanted it, so this is the way it is going to be” air about them.

  “So, as you can see from the way your grandfather set things up, Freeman is to step down as vice president the moment you arrive in the office tomorrow.”

  Jace jerked his head around. “Tomorrow?”

  “Yes, the sooner you take over the better.”

  Jace lifted a brow. “What’s the hurry? The company isn’t going anywhere, is it?”

  “No, but it needs your leadership. Granger Aeronautics has been operating in the red over the past year.”

  Jace frowned. His grandfather hadn’t mentioned anything like that to him. “Red? But why?”

  “Richard didn’t know why,” Vidal said, shaking his head. “He wasn’t getting contracts like he used to and was being outbid on a number of projects.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense,” Caden said. “I’m no business brain, but I would think someone as astute as Granddad would have found the problem and—”

  “Whoa, wait a minute,” Dalton said, leaning closer to the table where they were sitting. “Are you saying that Granger Aeronautics is going under?”

  “It’s headed that way unless the three of you can find a way to stop it from happening.”

  Caden looked pissed. “And how are we supposed to do that?”

  Jace heard the anger in his brother’s voice. Although they hadn’t said it, they were wondering the same thing. Had their grandfather made them promise to try to achieve the impossible? Try to save a company that was already failing?

  “I say the three of us vote to get rid of it. Stuart may know someone who might be interested in a merger and—”

  “No!” Jace said, turning on Dalton, with nostrils flaring and his gaze resembling a glacier. “Damn it, we gave our word, and we’re going to keep it.”

  “By doing what?” Dalton stormed back. “Making things worse? What did a few summers teach us at that place? Not jack shit.”

  Dalton drew in a deep breath and made an attempt to cool his anger before adding, “You’re talking about a corporation with close to a thousand employees, Jace. Last I heard, Granger Aeronautics was the fourth leading employer in Charlottesville. We owe it to those employees to do right by them and not screw up any pensions they have coming. If we don’t make things right, they lose it all. Do you want that?”

  No, that wasn’t what Jace wanted, but he couldn’t understand how easily Dalton could give up without trying. “Granddad was right about you, Dalton. Things did come too easy for you, and you do act entitled. Now you’ve made your billions, but even with that, you didn’t work hard. It was through investments. I think you’re afraid of a little hard work.”

  Dalton was out of his chair in a flash, knocking it over in the process. He got in Jace’s face. “I happen to believe in working smarter, not harder.”

  Vidal moved forward to intervene before words were replaced with fists. However, Caden touched Vidal’s arm and shook his head. As far as Caden was concerned, if it came to Jace knocking some sense into their baby brother, then so be it. It was probably about time someone did. Apparently, Dalton’s billions had gone to his damn head.

  “For once, will you think of someone other than yourself?” Jace asked. He was so angry he felt fury race through his bloodstream.

  “And just who are you thinking about, Jace?” Dalton snapped. “Clearly not Granger’s employees. Maybe you see this as your break to finally leave that pissy job you hate back in California. Well, fine, you do that and move your ass back here. But how can you expect to run a company when you couldn’t even keep your marriage together?”

  Now that was a low blow, Caden thought, shaking his head. Leave it to Dalton not to fight fair and bring in the personal. He was tempted to break things up, but he knew they both needed to let off steam...say what had to be said. Then he would have his say.

  “My marriage has nothing to do with this.” Jace moved closer to Dalton.

  “Doesn’t it? And by the way, I never liked your wife.”

  “And she never liked you!”

  “Okay, I think enough has been said,” Caden said, finally stepping forward. He stood next to Jace and faced Dalton. “Jace is right, Dalton. The three of us gave our word. Granted, when we did so, we weren’t aware of how bad things were, but Granddad loved Granger Aeronautics. He knew the situation the company was in, and if he died believing the three of us working together could fix things, then I plan to die trying. Now, are you in or not?”

  Dalton faced off with his brothers. One against two. It wasn’t the first time, and he knew just as sure as there was a sun in the sky that it wouldn’t be the last. And the bitch of the matter was that he loved them more than anything else in the world.

  He’d loved the old man, as well, and the two of them had squared up their differences in the end. But what Jace and Caden were planning to do was crazy. Hell, he’d assumed they would be walking into a company that already had its shit together and, in a few months, they could haul ass. Dalton had figured that Jace would stay at the helm, but Dalton would return to England and Caden to his music and concerts. Dalton had accepted that on occasion they would have to make trips back for board meetings or special events. But never in his wildest dreams had he expected to inherit a company ready to fold. The thought of remaining in Virginia and at Sutton Hills for more than a week or two was beginning to make him nauseated.

  “Well?” Caden said, when Dalton hadn’t yet answered.

  Dalton frowned, ready to tell them that, hell, no, he wasn’t in and planned to leave that night to return to Lon
don. But deep down, he knew he couldn’t do that...even as much as he wanted to. He, Jace and Caden had made a pact fifteen years ago, on the day their father was found guilty, that they would not let anything ever come between them, and today Dalton sure as hell wouldn’t let it be Granger Aeronautics.

  He lifted his chin. “Yes, I’m in.”

  “Good,” Caden said, fighting back a smile.

  Dalton’s anger that had flared so quickly diffused just as rapidly. “Vidal wants us in the office tomorrow, and I refuse to wear the one suit I brought with me.”

  “Stop whining,” Jace said. “We need to walk into the company meeting tomorrow and present a united front.”

  “We have a problem.”

  The three brothers turned to stare at Vidal. Jace and Dalton had forgotten he was in the room. “What kind of problem?” Jace asked.

  “While the three of you were sorting out your little disagreement, I got a call. It seems Freeman has decided he wants to keep his position and is rallying the troops.”

  Caden frowned. “What troops?”

  “Stockholders he thinks he can win over,” Vidal said, his voice filled with irritation. “He’s called a stockholders’ meeting for tomorrow. He wants them to vote to keep him at the top, claiming the three of you lack experience and that he’s the one who can get the company back on solid footing.”

  “Can he do that? Stay on as top dog?” Dalton asked, not sure just how that worked. He’d made billions by investing in companies, not trying to run any of them.

  “Yes, if he has the right number of stockholders on his side. There are only a few, but those few hold enough voting shares that can be used against you.”

  Caden frowned. “I don’t see how. Jace has inherited Dad’s voting shares and the three of us have a number of our own.”

  Vidal loosened his tie, and Caden had a feeling he wouldn’t like what the man was about to say. “Yes, but last year, Richard sold off some of his shares for quick capital to compete against another company on a certain bid. He didn’t want a board of directors at Granger Aeronautics, and now there are stockholders whose shares might rival yours in numbers.”

  “Umm, the plot thickens,” Dalton said under his breath, but loudly enough for his brothers to hear. Jace glared at him, but Caden decided not to even waste his time.

  “And unfortunately, if Freeman can convince them that he can pull the company through this, they will back him and cast their votes his way,” Vidal added.

  “Do you know who these shareholders are?” Jace asked, starting to pace.

  “Yes,” Vidal said, nodding.

  “How soon can you get me their names?” Jace asked, moving toward the table they’d been sitting at earlier. Caden and Dalton followed.

  “In about an hour.”


  Dalton felt a rush of adrenaline move through his veins. Shit, this crap wasn’t so bad after all. He liked excitement, and from the looks of it, there was about to be plenty. His big brother was about to do some kind of power play. He knew that look in Jace’s eyes. He was pissed, and when Jace got pissed, he got to thinking. And a Jace who thought too damn much was worse than a politician who was caught with his pants down. He would find his way out of it come hell or high water.

  Jace glanced around the table at his brothers. “Okay, we’re about to hold our first executive meeting, right here.”

  Caden nodded. “What’s the game plan?”

  “For crying out loud, Caden, stick to playing your sax,” Dalton said while rubbing his hands together in anticipation. “Even a boy toy like me can figure that out. Jace plans to take that list of names and call those people. He’s going to buy up their shares.”

  He then looked over at Jace and smiled, thinking that was a really smart move on his brother’s part. “That’s what you’re going to do, right?”

  “Not quite,” Jace said, smiling back. “The only thing you’re wrong about is the part that I’ll be buying their shares.”

  Dalton frowned. “But if you don’t buy them, who will?”

  “For crying out loud, Dalton, even a saxophone player like me can figure that out,” Caden said, grinning. At Dalton’s blank look, he then added, “You will be buying them, Mr. Billionaire.”

  Five hours later, the brothers, along with Vidal, were still at the table going over the results of their efforts. Hannah had served them a lunch fit for a king, since it had included slices of her mouthwatering peach cobbler.

  Jace had been able to speak with their father personally, to let him know what was going on. Although the call was short, it had been productive. Sheppard Granger approved of their strategy. “Okay,” Jace said, leaning back in the chair. “Eight people have defected, but we won’t know until tomorrow if that will be enough to pull things off.”

  “It better be,” Dalton said, grumbling. “My bank account is minus a few million dollars.”

  “For Pete’s sake, stop whining, boy toy,” Caden said, studying one particular name on the list. Samuel Timmons. Timmons had owned over thirty shares of stock. More than likely, they all belonged to Mrs. Timmons now that Mr. Timmons was deceased. Jace had called to speak with Mrs. Timmons, but the housekeeper told him that she was out of town and wasn’t expected back until late tomorrow.

  One of the stockholders who defected mentioned that Freeman had called earlier to ensure that everyone showed up for the meeting and voted in his favor. So the question was, had he reached Mrs. Timmons, and if so, would she vote by proxy in Freeman’s favor? Caden wouldn’t be surprised if she did. Samuel and Sandra Timmons had been close friends of their parents, and their testimony had been damaging in his father’s trial. And then once the trial was over, they’d forbidden their children to have anything to do with the Grangers’ sons.


  He looked up at Jace. “Yes?”

  “So what do you think?”

  A slow smile touched Caden’s lips. “I think we should show up for tomorrow’s meeting ready to kick ass and take names.”

  “Now you’re talking,” Jace said, grinning with anticipation.

  “Well, I hate to be the one to burst your oversize bubble,” Dalton said. “But there are four people on that list who could either be with us or with Freeman, and their votes might be the deciding ones.”

  “And we can’t lose our hair over it,” Jace replied. “If we portray Grangers who’re ready to come in, roll up our sleeves and turn the company around, I think they’ll go our way. Most of them have been loyal to Granddad over the years and hopefully will want us to carry out his wishes.”

  “May I offer a suggestion?” Vidal said, presenting a business card to them. “Her name is Shana Bradford, and she’s only twenty-eight, but she’s been getting a lot of attention since her company relocated here a few years ago.”

  Jace glanced at the card. Shana Bradford, Bradford Crisis Management Firm. “Is she good?”

  “Her firm has turned more than one company around, getting them out of the red very quickly. She definitely has a proven track record. I suggest you bring her on.”

  Jace glanced at his brothers. “What do you think?”

  Caden smiled. “It’s your decision to make, Mr. CEO.”

  Dalton shrugged broad shoulders. “I vote we hire her only if she looks good.”

  Jace rolled his eyes and glanced back at Vidal. “If things go in our favor tomorrow, I’ll give her a call.”

  * * *

  After hours of tossing and turning, not able to sleep, Jace got out of bed, slipped into his robe and headed downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of warm milk. He stopped when he saw Hannah sitting at the kitchen table, staring down at her folded hands.

  He turned to go back to his room, not wanting to intrude on her private moments. But then he recalled something she had told him when his grandmother Ava had died and he had been filled with grief. At times it’s better to talk through the pain with someone else who cares. At that moment he made a decision.
  “You couldn’t sleep either, huh?” he asked, moving to the table to sit across from her, while pretending not to see the tears glistening her eyes. Tears that she quickly swiped away before smiling over at him.

  “I was just sitting here thinking about what I’m preparing for Sunday’s dinner. It’s so nice to have the three of you home again. I want it to be special.”

  Jace nodded. He couldn’t speak for his brothers but deep down he was glad to be back. He hadn’t realized just how much he’d missed this place. Until now his visits had been brief, but this time he was back to stay. “Well, don’t get carried away, Hannah. The more we eat the harder it will be to work off later.”

  She chuckled as she took a sip of her tea. “There’s more tea where this came from if you want a cup.”

  “Thanks, I think I will,” he said, getting up from the table. “I came down for a glass of warm milk but I think the tea sounds better.”

  As he poured the hot water in the cup he glanced over his shoulder at her as she stared down into her tea. Hannah had been with the Grangers for years. His grandparents had hired her as nanny and housekeeper just weeks after his father was born. And twenty-five years later she had gone to live with Sheppard and his wife when Jace came into the world, then remained to care for Caden and Dalton, as well.

  Hannah’s husband, Raymond, had died years ago and she had taken the death hard. She and Ray had one child together, a daughter name Maretha, who’d made Texas her permanent home after attending college there.

  He could not remember a time when Hannah had not been a part of their lives. She had been there when his grandmother had died, and had helped them deal with the loss of their mother and the incarceration of their father. And she was here for them now. But she was dealing with her own grief as much as theirs. He knew his grandfather considered her more than just a housekeeper. She was part of the family.

  And Jace knew that his grandfather had loved her.

  He hadn’t been surprised when his grandfather had confided in him the last time he was home. Jace knew neither Caden nor Dalton had a clue, mainly because they hadn’t come back to Sutton Hills as often as he had. He had been able to watch the two of them interact on a daily basis. But no one had seemed surprised with the generous bequest Richard had left for Hannah. Probably because they felt she deserved everything she got for putting up with the Grangers for as long as she had.


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