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The Ghost, The Dragon, and The Lost King (Fated Chronicles Book 4)

Page 20

by Humphrey Quinn

  “Never mind that right now. Sound the alarm,” said the second guard.

  Juliska sucked in a breath and froze. The alarm? Why?

  “The Banon will want to know right away.” He turned and smiled widely at Juliska, extending a hand to assist her off the pier and onto land. “Welcome home, Ms. Blackwell. It is very good to see you alive.”

  She let out her breath and accepted his help. “Thank you. It is good to be seen alive.”

  In the next moment, the island wide alarm rang loudly. Balaton started to pop in believing they were under attack. Arnon Jaocby was the first to arrive.

  He froze. In total shock.

  She smiled apprehensively.

  He surprised her by rushing forward and embracing her.

  “I don’t believe it. I don’t believe it.” He stood back and looked at her.

  “Me either,” she shook her head. “But here I am.”

  “We thought… we thought we’d lost you… for good.” There was a tear in his eye.

  She grasped his shoulder.

  “You didn’t. I got away… it’s a bit complicated really.” She had no clue where to start.

  “Come. Let’s get you out of here before the crowd gets too thick. The Banon will be eager to see you. He’s been quite distraught over your loss, as have we all.”

  While this fact warmed her, she was dying to just catch her breath and see her mother and Eddy. But Arnon whisked her away before she could argue. With a pop, she took another instant journey and was no longer standing next to the pier but in the office of the Banon. Benson Havelock.

  She let out a nervous laugh as Arnon steadied her. She imagined the news of her return spreading across the island like wildfire. There were thousands of residents, but the news would spread fast.

  “Oh my,” the Banon stammered upon seeing her. “He ran forward and embraced her just like Arnon had done.” She hadn’t really expected everyone to be so welcoming. He pulled back and looked at her. “You’re alive. You’re really alive.”

  “Yes. And home. I managed to escape.”

  “Unbelievable. When did you get home?”

  “Just now, Sir,” said Arnon from behind her.

  “Well then, I’m sure half the island already knows,” the Banon responded with a dazed chuckle. “The other half will know very soon. Do you need medical attention? You look well… all things considered.”

  “No. I don’t need a hospital. I was well taken care of. All things considered…”

  “Very well. Come. Sit. Let’s talk for just a minute then I’ll let you go to your family. Your poor mother has been sick with worry. And the young man, C. Edward Gillivray…”

  She inhaled and stopped. They all knew then. They must, that she and Eddy had planned to marry. She must have looked worried because the Banon smiled kindly and leaned in.

  “No worries at all my dear. You’re allowed to fall in love. But we’ll discuss your future later; there is much to discuss.”

  Her insides sighed and quaked all at once. She really didn’t want to think or talk about her future just yet. At least not her job or career. The Banon pulled at her arm, tugging her along. Just as she was about to sit, a door swung open and in flew her mentor, PanSofia. Her entire body seemed to deflate in relief over her apprentices’ return.

  Before they had a chance to speak, more Balaton, plus Viancourt members, including Tanzea Chase strode in. She nodded a welcoming greeting at Juliska.

  Quite suddenly, the room was full, and loud and chaotic. Questions thrown at her faster than she could answer all at once.

  How had she managed escaped?

  Was she followed?

  What did they want from her?

  What did she tell them?

  What did she learn from her time with the Grosvenor?

  Had she learned anything of value that could be used against them?

  Did she know where to find them?

  Where had she been held captive?

  It continued, her thoughts spinning. Or maybe she was spinning. This is not what she expected when she first arrived. Some excitement and confusion, but this was too much.

  And other than the Banon, not one of them asked about her. How she was. If she was okay. What had happened to her… not that she would have told them the truth anyway, but it would have been nice to hear someone ask, or even feign concern.

  The Banon tossed her an apologetic look; at least he seemed to care about her immediate needs. He threw his hands up in the air about to calm everyone when a voice shouted for everyone to stop. The room went silent.

  Juliska recognized the voice. She turned until she spotted him.

  He stood near the door, looking at her, out of breath and suddenly speechless.

  But she knew, the moment she looked into his eyes… he had waited. Eddy had not given up on her. Tears formed, she bit her lip to hold them back. Coming home had been the right choice. Even with all the chaos sure to come in the following weeks, he was worth coming home for.

  “Okay, let’s everyone calm down,” said the Banon. “Give our seer a few minutes to catch her breath. She’s been through quite an ordeal.”

  The crowd backed off a little, giving her some room.

  PanSofia stepped forward. “I’m sorry you were bombarded like that. We’re all very glad you’re safe, and home. It definitely caught us all off guard.”

  “I understand,” Juliska returned graciously. “And I’m caught off guard more than anyone. There was a time not that long ago I did not think I would ever see this place again.”

  “You’re home now,” Arnon called out from a few feet away.

  “Although I’m afraid we’ll have to find you another apartment. We gave yours to a new apprentice. Your belongings are with your mother…” she cast a weary gaze at Eddy. “Until we find you something new, you’ll stay with me.”

  They really had believed she would never return. Juliska opened her mouth to say something but was cut off.

  “That sounds perfect, PanSofia.” It was the Banon. “A splendid solution. We’ll have our First Seer back in no time and you’ll finally be able to retire,” he aimed at PanSofia. He said all this as if Juliska had simply been away for a short vacation and was back to resume her job.

  What was happening here? Had she suddenly reverted to being a teenager? And not on her way to twenty-six years old? Why were they planning out her life without even asking her what she wanted or needed? She guessed they expected she’d want to return to her old life. And she did, but not as fast as she believed they wanted.

  She caught the cautious gaze of Tanzea Chase. The woman was sitting quietly at the back of the room and just smiled and winked at her. The only one in the room, along with Eddy, giving her any space.

  It was right at that moment that Juliska realized things would not be the same as before. She did not want them to be, but if she did not speak up now, it would all get settled and determined before she could do anything about it.

  “I’m sorry, everyone,” she stated firmly. “But I must decline your kind offer, PanSofia.”

  The woman just stared, confused.

  “Decline what?” asked the Banon.

  “No, to all of this. For right now. I just got home after being gone for six months. After being a prisoner… I need time.”

  “Don’t you still want to be my apprentice?” asked PanSofia.

  “Yes. Of course. But…”

  “But what? You have much to catch up on. I’m sympathetic to all you’ve gone through…” she leaned in. “You must come home with me. Think of how it will look… of your position. What is expected of you… think of your future.”

  Juliska stared, in awe. She apparently was not fond of Eddy.

  “I am thinking of my future,” Juliska replied. “And if you’ll have me back, I do still wish to be a Firemancer, and First Seer to the Banon. But I will do it when I’m ready. And that’s not today. And I’ll stay wherever I damn well please and I don’t care what you
think about that. If this changes your mind about my position, you can let me know.”

  The Banon started laughing. “Oh how I missed you! I always do get a kick out of you. Go. Get settled in. Catch up with your loved ones. We will speak about all of this when you are ready.”

  PanSofia looked like she was about to protest but the Banon shushed her.

  Before anything else could be said, Eddy strode across the room, picked Juliska up off the floor into his arms and carried her away.

  “Where are you taking her?” PanSofia called out.

  He stopped and turned around. “I’m taking my fiancé to see her mother. Then I’m taking her… home.”

  Arnon tossed them a hearty smile. PanSofia’s gaze looked scandalous. But the Banon didn’t seem worried at all.

  “You know,” Juliska whispered to Eddy. “I haven’t officially said yes, yet.”

  “You will.”

  She caught another wink from Tanzea Chase on her way out the door. The woman smelled like mothballs, as usual, but there was a comradery in her gaze that Juliska had never appreciated until this moment. She was clearly pleased with Juliska’s choices.

  And though she did hope to retain her position as a Firemancer and take over as First Seer, she found she wasn’t all that concerned about it.

  Eddy stole her away, put her inside an enclosed carriage waiting just outside. This gave her some coverage from the curious onlookers that were pouring into the streets after hearing the miraculous news of her return. He told the driver to take them to her mother’s and got into the carriage himself. It lurched forward and Eddy sat down beside her, unable to take his eyes off her.

  “I can’t believe it,” he muttered. “You’re really home.”

  “I missed you,” she told him. “I missed you so much. And there’s so much to tell you, but I have no idea where to start.”

  “All I need to hear right now, is that you’re okay.”

  “I am. Promise, I am.”

  “And tell me we will never be apart again.”

  “I don’t ever want to be apart again.”

  He kissed her. Fiercely.

  When he pulled away, he slipped off the seat and got down on his knees in front of her. “I don’t know what happened to you, and you can tell me everything, or nothing. I’ll never ask you to do anything you don’t want. And maybe I should wait, but I don’t want to get interrupted again… Will you marry me, Juliska Blackwell?”

  “Yes.” There was no hesitation. “Yes, Edward. I will.”

  He kissed her again and settled in next to her.

  “Now that is finally done…” the look of his entire being was that of relief and complete happiness. “Let’s go see your mother. And then I’m taking you home.”

  “I thought you said your place was too small for the two of us?”

  “I got a new place. I’ve been preparing for your return for months.”

  She was speechless.

  “When I got that message from you three months ago, I knew right then I would see you again. I can’t explain it, other than I just knew it wasn’t an if, but a matter of when. So I bought us a house. People thought I was crazy, especially your mentor. She does not like me and we’ve had a few heated discussions… anyway, it’s a lovely little cottage and I think you’ll…”

  Juliska cut him off. Her lips devoured his.

  Could life be any more perfect than at this moment?

  He hadn’t only waited, but prepared a home for her to come back to.

  He truly was perfection.

  When they separated, Eddy looked pleased. “I missed you so much I thought my heart might never recover.”

  She caressed his cheeks. She’d been so scared about coming home, she’d even thought of stalling… there had been no reason to fear this.

  “I was so afraid I would come home and find out you’d moved on,” she admitted sheepishly.

  “Never. I’d have waited until my dying breath. You are the only woman for me, Juliska Blackwell.”

  She sank into his side, wishing they could just disappear. For weeks. She wasn’t ready to face reality yet.

  “Look, um…” Eddy took a breath. She sat up a little. “You should know, your mother…”

  She pulled back to better see him.

  “She’s fine, she’s just been… she’s not been well. But I think seeing you will help a lot. She’s been so worried.”

  “So you’ve met her then?”

  “Yes. Everyone in your family. Accept for Amelia. She’s been… busy.” The way he said it insinuated he had more to say but was holding back. “Anyway, your mother did not so easily hold out hope of your return and I think between the loss of her husband, and then you, it just took a toll on her. She’ll be okay now.”

  Juliska nodded that she understood. However, the reunion with her mother was more painful than she expected.

  First, her younger siblings barraged her with questions she had no intention of answering. She was told that Alex was stuck at home with the new baby, but relieved beyond words that she was home. But the entire time, Juliska could not take her eyes off her mother. Was it even the same woman she’d left six months ago?

  She was nearing sixty, but she looked worn down and much older. In just her first thirty minutes there, Juliska got the sense that her mother did not handle her message three months previous nearly as well as Eddy.

  Guilt. It consumed Juliska instantly.

  She should have written it better. Taken her time to think it through.

  She’d not been taken by her choice. But by the end, it was. She wanted to stay, and learn everything about her past, her parents… everything Fazendiin could teach her. And then the traveling… she’d been off finding herself and her poor mother was home, suffering.

  And because she felt this guilt, and although she was hardly interested, she asked about Amelia. It was more obligation than anything, but no one had mentioned her yet, which seemed odd.

  The room went silent and her mother’s eyes filled with unshed tears.

  “What?” asked Juliska, eyeing them all. Her younger siblings got up and left without saying a word.

  Eddy grasped her hand. “A lot has happened in the six months you’ve been gone.”

  “That’s becoming painfully obvious, but what is it you don’t want to tell me?”

  Eddy continued, as her mother was unable. There was a sadness in her aged smile that had nothing to do with what had happened to Juliska.

  “I have yet to meet your sister,” reminded Eddy. “She was a few years ahead of me in school and I sort of recall her, but anyway… she’s been stirring up a little mayhem.”

  “That’s putting it nicely, Eddy,” said her mother. She shot him a gentle smile.

  At least my mother has taken a liking to Eddy. But what on earth has Amelia done now? Juliska waited while they explained. Perhaps not all her mother’s sorrow was caused by what had happened to her. It didn’t make the guilt lessen any though.

  “After the quest ended so abruptly, and we came home, the idea of relocating to a new home, or expanding, was called off. At least for the foreseeable future,” explained Eddy. “We put together a hunting party to search for you. We searched, for weeks. But every trail we caught on to just led nowhere. We hit dead end after dead end. I think it was all false trails. We assume that after Fazendiin took you, the other Grosvenor stuck around long enough for him to cover his tracks.”

  She kept a smug grin to herself. That sounded just like something he would do.

  “After a few weeks, there just wasn’t anywhere else to search. We did not want to give up… I did not want to give up.” There was tremendous guilt in his voice.

  She reached out and grasped his hand.

  “There wasn’t anything you could have done. If Fazendiin didn’t want me found, there was nothing any of you could do.”

  “I still had to try. Anyway,” he cleared his throat, his breathing uneasy. “About a month after you were taken, an
d the search was officially called off until we had some new evidence to follow, a large group of Svoda caught the Banon off guard and demanded to be let off the island. To form their own clan.”

  “What? Really?” Juliska couldn’t believe it.

  “Yes. Everyone had heard the rumors, the whispers amongst friends about people getting restless, but it turns out it was more than just talk and chatter. This group wants to break away and form their own group and live by their own rules.”

  “Can they? Can they just leave like that?”

  “It’s never been tried before,” her mother spoke coarsely. “The Banon is not pleased and disagrees with the idea. But he doesn’t want a war breaking out, either.”

  “You think it will come to that?” she asked. “Wait… what does all this have to do with Amelia?”

  Her mother begged Eddy to say it with a single tortured gaze.

  “Your sister is at the head of this rebellion. She is their leader,” he obliged.

  “Amelia? Oh… wow,” she breathed out. “That’s um… wow.”

  “Yeah, exactly. She’s been swaying people to her side though. People that want change. That want a different life. Not necessarily even the life she wants, but they’re so desperate they’re willing to try anything that’s different.”

  “Please tell me she’s not still on this whole returning magic to the world kick.”

  Eddy lifted an eyebrow and gave her a short shrug. “She just can’t let it go. And she’s brought many others into the cause. Milo Jendaya…”

  Juliska let out a puff of air in total disbelief. “He seemed interested in the idea during the quest,” she remembered. “But to actually agree and side with her…”

  “I don’t think many of them actually believe it will ever happen. I think most of them see it as a way off the island. A way for a fresh start. Amelia’s gotten them riled up enough to take action.”

  “She does excel at that,” Juliska jested cooly. “Six months… I never realized how much the world could change in just a half a year.” And they didn’t even know about her adventures…

  “Amelia refuses to give up or give in. Things over the last month or so have heated up a little. She claims she’s got half the island on her side and if the Banon does not peacefully allow them to leave… they will fight their way off.”


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