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Burned (Keeper of the Flame)

Page 17

by Ivy Simone

  “He’s not using me.”

  Logan’s lips quirk. “Is that all it is? Something so simple and you fall for him.”

  “It’s not‒”

  “What?” he asks when I don’t continue. “It’s not what?”

  I keep my mouth shut. I don’t have to explain myself to Logan. It’s more than the fact that he’s not using me. It’s that Ryan respects me. He didn’t try to influence me to do anything.

  “Have dinner with me,” Logan says.


  He props his arm against the building, just inches from where my shoulder is leaning. “I want you to come to my house for dinner. So we can talk. Without anyone else. Without you thinking I expect anything. I just want to talk. Explain some things.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Don’t I look serious?”

  He does. He looks serious and dangerous. The last person I should be having dinner with‒especially in his house.

  “I’m not going to your house again.”

  I turn to go in the library, but he’s faster than me, blocking my path. “Please,” he says.

  The word makes me hesitate. What can he tell me that’s going to make any difference?

  “It doesn’t matter what you have to say,” I tell him. “Your reasons aren’t going to make it right for me to do the spell.”

  His eyes darken. “Be smart about this, Willow. I’m giving you a chance to understand where I’m coming from. To make this simpler. Less dangerous.”

  “I’ll take my chances,” I say. Holding my necklace in his direction, I ease around him and enter the library.

  Chapter 23

  “I’m still not sure about this.”

  I give Ryan the same look I’ve been giving him since yesterday morning before I saw Logan again. The look that says, We don’t have a choice.

  We don’t. Logan gave me a time limit, and I’m not willing to test his patience.

  I load my satchel with my phone, my keys, my Book of Shadows, and a plastic bag of vervain that Cheyenne hands me.

  “So, I just put it in his drink and it’ll work?”

  Cheyenne nods. “That’s what the book says. As long as he drinks his drink.”

  “And if he doesn’t?” Ryan asks, arms folded.

  He stands at the counter, ignoring the cup of coffee I poured for him. He hasn’t shifted again since yesterday and it felt good to have him here in my house last night, to keep me from thinking too much about how I’m supposed to somehow trick Logan today.

  To get him weak enough we can trap him.

  “I’ll try to get him comfortable, get him talking about the spell. I’ll try to get him to trust me.”

  Ryan frowns. “As much as it pains me to admit this, he’s not an idiot.”

  “I can be convincing,” I say.

  “Maybe we should just bring a wooden stake and attack him.”

  I swallow, shaking my head. “I can’t…can’t kill him. I just‒I want to get him locked up until we can figure out a solution. This will buy us some time‒hopefully.”

  Ryan runs a hand through his hair and checks his watch. “Okay, when are we doing this?”

  “Soon,” I say, glancing at Cheyenne. “Now. Before he comes here or something.”

  “You’re protected,” Cheyenne assures me. “You drank the vervain, you have the amethyst, and we did that spell. He can’t hurt you. You just need to get him weaker.”

  I nod and turn for the door. Ryan follows me out. “You sure you don’t want me to drive you?”

  “I don’t want him to get suspicious. You should follow me.”

  “Hey,” Ryan says, catching my arm. “Please, just…just be careful.”

  “I will.”

  “Not Willow’s version of careful, a normal person’s version of careful.”

  I smile. “Are you saying I’m not normal?”

  His hands slide up my arms, cup my cheeks. “I’m saying you’re headstrong.”


  “Whatever you want to call it. Self-preservation isn’t something you have a solid grip on yet.”

  I frown. He kisses me, rubbing his hand down my back and along my hip.

  “I’ll be careful,” I tell him when he releases me.

  “Good. We’ll follow you. We’ll be outside waiting. I’ll feel it if something is wrong, okay? I can be inside in seconds.”

  It makes me feel better, and I nod again before waving at Cheyenne and getting in my car. I try to drive the speed limit on the way there, even though I want to slow down and think of a new plan. I don’t know if this is going to work. I don’t know what else to do if it doesn’t. All I know is that my mom is still not answering her phone and I can’t figure out how to reactivate a spell I never did in the first place.

  When I get to the diner, I park my car and walk in without looking over my shoulder to see that Ryan and Cheyenne have arrived. I’m pretty sure Logan will find me here, so I have to pretend everything is normal.

  I ask the waitress for a booth near the door. Even though it’s louder and more crowded, it’ll make for an easier escape, and it’ll be quicker to get Logan outside if I can weaken him like I’m supposed to.

  I order two coffees. When they arrive hot and steaming, I put the vervain in his, my hand shaking as I glance around. I keep looking at the window, too, hoping he won’t walk in and see me.

  When I slide his mug back to his side of the table, I straighten as the door opens. It’s Logan.

  He lifts his brows when he sees me. “Willow,” he says.

  I try to keep my face even. “Hi, Logan. I thought this would be a good place to meet.”

  He shrugs out of his jacket and sits across from me. He looks at the coffee.

  “Something to drink while we talk.”

  He smiles, cupping his hands around the mug. He doesn’t look suspicious. Yet. “Talk. Sounds promising. I’d prefer to do it somewhere quieter, though.”

  “I’m not…” I clear my throat. “I want to make sure I know what the plan is before I go anywhere with you.”

  He lifts the mug but narrows his eyes. What, can he smell it or something?

  I sip my own drink to distract myself. I can feel his eyes on me, locked on my face in question.

  He lowers the mug and says, “I’m pretty sure yesterday you said you’d take your chances. So what are you doing here then?”

  “This town isn’t that big. I can’t avoid you forever. I’d rather not be kidnapped again.”

  This seems to amuse him. “You’re right. This town isn’t that big.”

  My eyes keep straying to the mug, willing him to drink. I think one sip is all it’s going to take.

  “How about you tell me what’s really going on,” he says.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean it doesn’t take a genius to know you’ve got a plan.”

  I put steel in my voice. “My plan is to figure this out with you. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

  “I don’t believe you. Your plan is to stop me. Tell me what you’re up to.”

  “Logan, I’m not‒”

  “Willow.” His voice lowers and he casts a quick glance around. “You need to come with me.”


  He taps his fingers on the edge of the mug. “Do what I say, or your mom gets hurt.”

  “What?” I choke out. “My mom? What did you do, Logan? What‒”

  “Calm down, Willow. People are starting to stare.”

  “Did you hurt her?” I ask.

  “Not yet. But if you don’t tell me what you’re up to, she’ll get hurt.”

  He lifts the mug to his lips and I reach my hand out. “Don’t drink that.”

  Some of the coffee spills, dripping on his hand. He hisses out a breath and sets the mug down calmly, even though his chest his heaving.

  “I’ll tell you, Logan, please don’t hurt my mom‒”

  He stands abruptly, snagging his jacket. The door opens and
Ryan walks through, gaze going straight to our table.

  When I see the murderous look in Ryan’s eyes, I step between them. “Don’t do this here.”

  Logan doesn’t seem to care about doing anything but leaving. He yanks open the door and walks out.

  I start after him but Ryan catches my arm. “What’s going on?”

  “He has my mom.”

  I pull away and go after Logan. He only made it a few feet, staring down at his hand before putting his jacket back on.

  “Logan, please‒where’s my mom?”

  He rounds on me, eyes so dark I back up until I’m against the building. “I told you what would happen if you tried anything.”

  “I didn’t‒I mean, I stopped you from drinking that. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

  Ryan takes two long strides and stops inches from Logan. He’s taller than him, but Logan doesn’t back down.

  “Where’s Willow’s mom?” Ryan asks.

  Logan’s lips curve into a deadly smile. “Somewhere safe.”

  Ryan grips his collar so fast, I barely see it. But Logan’s just as fast and he shoves Ryan before taking a swing.

  “No!” I reach for Ryan, but I can hardly follow their movements.

  Cheyenne runs over from her car. “What the hell is going on?”

  Ryan lands a punch on Logan’s jaw and I gasp. Logan spins around, knocking Ryan to the ground. He aims a kick right into Ryan’s stomach.

  “Stop!” I yell, dropping to my knees next to Ryan.

  Logan starts to swing again, sees me and freezes. “Move,” he says.

  “No. Logan, don’t do this.”

  He swipes at his lip, clearing a drop of blood. His chest is still heaving from the fight, from anger and adrenaline.

  “You have one hour.” He straightens his jacket. “Be at my house in one hour or your mom is going to get hurt.”

  He walks away without looking back. I set my hand on Ryan’s stomach. “Are you okay?”

  Ryan shifts, and then gets to his feet, hauling me up with him. “I’m fine.”


  “I’m fine,” he repeats.

  “I have to go.”

  I start to Ryan’s truck. He scoops an arm around my waist and hauls me back.

  “Stop, Willow.”

  I whirl around to face him. “Did you hear what Logan said? He has my mom. He’s going to hurt her‒”

  “And if you go there, he’s going to hurt you.”

  I grind my teeth together and appeal to Cheyenne. “Help me, please. Tell me what to do. I have to be there in an hour‒”

  “Deep breath,” Cheyenne says.

  I try to pull one in, but my shoulders shake. “I‒I can’t‒”

  Ryan folds me into an embrace, running his hand down my hair. “It’s okay, Willow. Come on, we’ll figure it out.”

  My heart races out of control. “There’s nothing to figure out.”

  “Willow, look at me,” Ryan says.

  I duck my chin. “Please don’t try to talk me out of this. I have to help her.”

  “Look at me.” He lifts my chin and meets my eyes. “You can’t walk in there without a plan‒some way to get out. Or to get in touch with us.”

  “He’ll be reasonable. He can’t expect me to just disappear.”

  Cheyenne folds her arms. “He did last time.”

  I press my hands over my face. “You’re right.” What else can I do? Selena. She can help me. And so can Ryan and Cheyenne. I straighten. “Let’s go to the library. I need a few things.”

  Ryan gives me a skeptical look but follows me across the street to the library. Cheyenne opens it up for us.

  Inside I collect what I think I’ll need, and a few more things that hopefully Logan won’t think to check for. I have to reassure Ryan three times before he’ll let me back out the door.

  “No time,” I say. “Wait for me here, okay? I’ll be in touch with you soon.”

  Ryan presses a kiss to my temple, and then my mouth. “Be safe.”

  Cheyenne hugs me. “Buy some time. If you can get us in there, we’ll help with your mom.”

  I nod and get in the car before I can change my mind. My hands are tight on the wheel the entire way there, my stomach swirling with nerves.

  I’ve never seen Logan as angry as he was in the diner. And now that he knows I tried to slip him vervain, I have no idea what he’ll do.

  When I pull the car around the long circle at the front of the house, I fight to keep going. I could turn and run. I could hide from Logan. But then what will happen to my mom?

  Even though I haven’t seen her in years, even though I don’t know her anymore, I can’t leave her here with Logan.

  I come to a stop close to the front door. Clutching my satchel close to my body, I take a deep breath and tell myself Logan won’t hurt me. He just wants to become a full vampire.

  And if I can’t stop him, I’ll have to help him. At least my mom will be alive. At least I’ll be alive.

  I get out of the car and walk to the front door with a few minutes to spare. I lift my hand to knock, and wait.

  I don’t hear anything inside at first, then the door creaks open. I expect Logan, but it’s not him.

  It’s a woman close to my age. Beautiful with dark hair and deep blue eyes.

  “Hi,” she says. “You must be Willow.”

  Chapter 24

  I don’t know what to say. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Logan with anyone else, and now he’s got a woman in his house?

  “Come in,” she says, stepping back inside.

  I walk in, noticing she looks tired. There are circles under her eyes and she’s moving slowly. I open my mouth to ask her something, but hear Logan coming down the hallway.

  “Myra,” he says, voice gentle.

  I stare at him as he puts his arm around Myra’s shoulders.

  “Myra,” he says. “This is Willow. Willow, my sister Myra.”

  “Your sister,” I whisper.

  His lips twitch, but he smoothes out his expression when he looks at Myra again. “I thought you were resting. Come on, I’ll walk you back.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I say as she turns.

  She glances over her shoulder with a small smile. Her eyes are curious, but all she says is, “You too.”

  Logan points where I’m standing. “Stay here. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  I fold my arms, tempted to ignore him. But I can’t afford to make him angry again. Not when I don’t know where my mother is.

  His sister looks like him a little. The same eyes. But what’s she doing here? And does she have any idea what Logan is trying to do? She doesn’t look like a vampire, but then neither did Logan when I first met him.

  I listen for voices but can’t hear anything. Only a moment later, Logan returns, boots silent on the hardwood floor. He walks straight to me with purpose, stopping so close, I’m intimidated. I almost back up.

  But I don’t.

  “What was that this morning?” he asks.

  I rub my hand over my cheek, shaking my head. “What do you expect? For me to just go along with something I don’t believe in?”

  “Yes,” he snaps, eyes flashing. “You haven’t been here long enough to decide whether or not breaking the spell is a good idea. You’re not a part of this like I have been‒or my family has been‒all this time.”

  “That’s not my fault. And if you weren’t so selfish‒”

  “You think that’s what this is?”

  I take a step back, swallowing, ready to hold out my necklace in defense.

  “You have no idea what this is all about.” A muscle jumps in his jaw and he steps even closer, eyes dipping to my lips. “I tried to tell you, tried to talk with you and you didn’t want to listen. So now we’re doing things my way.”

  I lift my chin. “Which way is that?”

  “What’s in your bag?”

  I look down, distracted. “What?”

  He pulls it
off my shoulder, yanking it from my hands when I try to stop him. He opens it up, pulls out my cell phone. He stuffs it in his pocket.


  “My way,” he says. He lifts his eyebrows at my Book of Shadows. “We’ll see about that.” He frowns when he sees something else. “Take it out.”

  I peer inside, figuring he’s talking about the bag of vervain. I take it out, holding it up. “Now what?”

  He narrows his eyes. “Trash.”


  He takes my arm, pulling me to the kitchen.

  “You’re seriously not winning any points here,” I say, stumbling after him.

  He tosses open the cabinet under the sink and points to the bin. “Trash.”

  Like I can’t come back in here and get it out later. I throw it in there and fold my arms. “I want to see my mom.”

  “What’s in your pockets?”

  I gape at him. “Nothing.”

  He steps forward. “Show me.”

  “I said nothing. Logan!”

  His finger grips my belt loop and pulls me closer. He digs in my front pocket as I try to push his hands away. He comes out with a library card.

  When he frowns, I snatch it back. “I just got it this morning,” I say, trying to sound convincing.

  “Anything else?”

  He reaches for my back pocket. I point my finger at him. “Don’t you dare.”

  “You know what happened last time you tried to trick me,” he says. “I’d appreciate full disclosure.”

  “I don’t have anything in my pockets, okay?” I reach back and pull them inside out. “See?”


  His shoulders relax and I step back as well, hoping he’s finished. Then he says, “I’m going to need your necklace, too.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not going to do anything with it.”

  “Then take it off.”

  “It’s been in my family for years, Logan‒”

  “I won’t lose it.” He pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and opens it. “Come on, set it inside. I’ll save it for you until this is done.”

  Feeling sick inside, I take off the necklace. I know it probably wouldn’t have done much to help me anyway, but it’s a nice form of security. I drop the necklace in the handkerchief and turn away.


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