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Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1)

Page 4

by Quinn, Vera

  “Tito, she is as good as one of ours now and we need her. We always keep ours safe and you know that. What the hell has gotten in to you? You never got attached on other jobs.” My dad’s irritation is showing in his voice and on his face.

  Tito looks at my dad and me shrugs his shoulders and a sad shadow falls across his face, “I’m not attached! I got Callie’s file from state services and the pictures in there turned my stomach and the report is worse. I have three younger sisters and if anything like that happened to them I would end the person responsible. She is strong enough that it hasn’t destroyed her and yes, I admire that and I wouldn’t want to see anything else happen to her. Enough has been done. But, I will do my damn job just like I always do, because my loyalty is to our club.”

  I know this discussion has gone in the wrong direction when Tito thinks we are questioning his loyalty. All of us are wound tight. We need this over so we can get back to Oklahoma. Callie is not the only one T-Bone has his eyes on. Tito and T-Bone go way back and there is nothing but hate buried there for the same reason Dad wants T-Bone in the ground yesterday. T-Bone is the worst kind of scum. He peddles young girls in the streets to anyone who has a dollar. Shoots them up, gets them hooked, and then only feeds their addiction if they whore themselves out. His brother, Chaz, pulled the trigger on Tommy, Callie’s biological brother. T-Bone also got one of Tito’s cousins hooked and whored her out until she overdosed and then he left her in a back alley, naked and beaten. Dad had a run in with him a few years ago over trying to get a club girl to sell in our club. Rule number one in our club, no users. They are a liability. Dad will go crazy on someone who brings that shit in. So we need to get back on track and either eliminate T-Bone or contain him. He will stay away from Callie.

  “Look we are not questioning your loyalty, so calm your shit. We don’t mean any harm to the girl and we will protect her. I’ve heard some of the shit she’s been through, but send both of us copies so we can get updated. Keep your ear to the ground on the T-Bone situation and you stay the fuck away from him. Am I making myself completely clear?” my dad looks Tito in the eyes and gives him a look letting him know he is giving him a direct order and it is to be followed.

  “Why hasn’t anyone taken this piece of shit out before? Are his family ties still that connected?” I ask wondering to myself why he still is walking among the living if he has done this to so many young girls.

  “Yeah, his uncle is still connected and they are tight.” Figures the piece of shit had a reason he could get away with all his skin business.

  A thought comes to me and all of a sudden I have an uneasy feeling creep in, “Do you know what bar Callie and her friends are going to be at tonight?”

  “Yeah, Starlight down on Second, why?” Tito asks.

  “If they are as good at getting out as you say, then they will be unprotected for how many hours? With the shit that’s brewing that is not a good thing. Get eyes on them as soon as they come out of that house. Be sure Callie is safe even if you have to tip her old man off.” I just get a feeling this could all go wrong if we don’t keep her in our grasp.

  “Will she catch a tail? Being Chief’s daughter, she should be careful when it comes to watching her ass.” Dad barks out. His patience for the night running thin. “Why can’t a damn female stay where she is supposed to be for once?”

  “She has shaken my tails a few times. Whether on purpose or by accident, I’m not sure. I am keeping in contact with Sarah by text tonight.” Just as the words are out of his mouth his phone goes off with a message. “Yeah, they are back at the house and putting their escape plan in action. Her words not mine.” Tito seems a little more at ease now he knows we are going to look after the girls. Definitely need to keep my eye on that. He is letting those girls get to him. As long as he knows it is temporary. We will be leaving soon.

  “Get her to text you as soon as they are out. Get someone on them. We will pick them up at the club. That way I can have another word with Callie.” He shakes his head as his fingers is busy typing away.

  “Ok, they just made it over to Felix’s and are getting her car out of there.” He shakes his head, “There’s no way we can get to the track before that race takes place from here. They are closer and she is cutting it close in the time,” he says and then he has a smile come across his face, and I know this idiot is falling for a girl that is out of his reach. I am relieved it’s Sarah and not Callie, because for some strange reason I felt a little protective of the girl I know holds answers in her hands that she doesn’t even know the questions to. That just doesn’t sit well with me. None of it does.

  “Car is out and they are on the move. They will be arriving at the club within an hour of the race and that should be in about forty minutes. So we have an hour and forty minutes to be in place.” He says looking at my dad and then me for our response.

  “No, we can’t take the chance of being seen with you. Dad and I will go and you stay in touch with them by text and shoot the info to us.” It seems to make sense to me. We can’t afford to be seen with him.

  “Can’t do that. Sarah is expecting me and if I don’t show they will be trying to find me. She thinks I am smooth.” He says with a smirk on his face.

  “Damn man, what is she eighteen? Don’t you think she is a little young to be getting a smirk on your face about?”

  His eyes hit the floor and then as if a thought comes to him his smirk reappears and he says, “Well she is eighteen. I am only twenty. Sarah is still four months older than Callie.” Then he drove it home exactly how young this girl I was taking on was. Damn! I am almost fifteen years older than Callie. Man, I am going to hell for this. It won’t be the first thing that is going to send me there.

  “Just keep an eye on them until you see us and don’t let on you know us. We are getting out of here and back to the motel and cleaned up. Then we will meet at this bar. Send the directions to our phones.” Dad says as he gets up and we both make our way to the door.

  Tito reaches it first and steps out and then back in. “It’s clear and I won’t forget, sir.”

  We quickly make our way to our bikes to get back to the motel for a quick clean up, then to make it to that bar and get our eyes back on my girl. I don’t know when she became my girl, instead of that girl, but she has. I was fascinated with her before, but now I am obsessed with the idea of her being mine and I’m tired of waiting.

  Chapter 9


  We made it with no time to spare. Fe and Sarah are looking around but will be back soon. There’s Jack, he will be wanting to talk to me and make sure I have my part of the bet. I’ve yet to see Rabbit, the man I’m racing.

  “Callie how are you sweetheart? You know if your dad shows up or hears about this we are both screwed.” He laughs, Jack Smithers is scared of no man and he probably wants dad to find out so he’ll have shit to stir.

  “Oh, so old man, are you scared? You must be getting old. The Jack Smithers I know could care less what anyone thinks.” I laugh egging him on.

  “Oh no baby girl, just looking forward to it. Haven’t had a good fight since the last time.” He gives me an eyebrow raise.

  “You are so out of luck. He is tied up at the clubhouse with work and I am just here with friends. Going to be dull tonight. Just me and my buddies.” I smile full blast and show my dimples for good measure, so he doesn’t change his mind.

  “Now what is the fun in that? If I remember right that is how it started out last time. If this is all I’m getting, I’m half tempted to send your ass home.” He gives me a scrutinizing look.

  I give him a pouty look, and then smile when I know I have him, “Ok. Then you tell Rabbit he doesn’t get his rematch.” I know I have him over a barrel. Rabbit has let everyone know this is his chance to win back the last bet he lost to my TA. His Camaro is good but my Pontiac will out do his Chevy any day. I built my baby from the tires up. It has a Pontiac 400 built by yours truly with a 373 posi-trac rear end. Sweet. I wa
s knee deep in parts and smelled of oil and gas for the two weeks it took to get everything done at the machine shop and get it back together. Wouldn’t change a thing though. I know it inside and out and I’m proud of it.

  “You have me there. He is ready for you this time. He has been bragging about taking you down this time.” He tries to goad me into running my mouth, but I don’t bite.

  “I’ll let my baby do her own talking. Nothing harder to eat than crow.” I say as I hand him over the envelope with my purse money in it.

  “Well, if you’re taking all my fun away. Remember the rules, no cheating, the winner is the winner, no arguing, and if we get busted, you’re on your own. Got it sweet cheeks?” he says in a smartass voice.

  “Oh I have it. Put the gas down and leave everyone in the dust.” I say back.

  “When did you become such a smartass, sweetheart?” he asks, but loving every minute of it. I am the only one to give it right back to him.

  “Haven’t you heard I’m graduated now and all smart?” knowing this will get him.

  “Congratulations by the way, proud of you sweetheart. You did it and if you’re smart you’ll stay in school and get out of this place. You deserve more than that damn clubhouse. You and that man of yours can make a good life away from here. I always knew you and Mason were made for each other, even if he did try to fight it.” He looks deep in thought and then turns to leave but hesitates at the last minute, “Now get your ass ready to burn those tires up.” And he moves along.

  Felix comes running up pulling Sarah behind him, “They’re ready for you. Get yourself in position, girlie.” Felix is nervous and wants this over with. He really doesn’t want to get caught by my dad again. I think he is afraid to lose his respect. My dad had a long talk with him the last time we got caught doing something we shouldn’t. Wanted him to know that he was the man and in charge of us females when my dad or Ty isn’t around. What a bunch of crap. The sooner this over the better though. Money in my pocket and us out of here before we get caught is good. I get in my car and start it up and let the feel of it take me to the place in my head I need to go to be able to let go and let instinct take over. I put it in low and give my friends a head nod and slowly pull into position on the strip. I see Rabbit in his Camaro, and give him a nod and a saucy smirk and I know. I see it in his eyes. He knows. I pull up to the starting tree and the light goes yellow. He’s in position, another yellow light. My stomach is in knots but in a good way. My hands begin to sweat inside my gloves. Any second now and it is green. My baby does not let me down and by a nose she outruns that Camaro and as fast as we start we are at the finish line and my pockets will be full tonight. Hell Yeah!!!

  I pull over and get my time sheet and go to find Jack and Rabbit. I see Jack with his big ass grin. He is already giving Rabbit hell and I know he is eating it up. Rabbit is looking pissed. I park my car and get out and start toward them as Felix and Sarah approach. We close the distance between us and walk up to Jack.

  “Great job Callie. Nice clean, fast race, just like I like. Do you want your winnings tonight or do you want our usual arrangement?” Jack is only asking to rub it in to Rabbit.

  “We are having another race soon. You won’t be so lucky. I am working on a Mustang GT.” Rabbit huffs out.

  “Anytime you want another run, we’ll do it.” I put out my hand to shake his and he grabs it and gives it a hard shake. “Good run.” I say and pull my hand back and turn to Jack, “The usual, please,” and put my hand out to Jack and he just looks at it and pulls me in for a hug and I hug him back, “ok, until next time. I’m out of here.” And I turn to leave.

  “Later girl. Try to stay out of trouble the rest of the night.” He laughs as he says the last part.

  I step over to my friends and we head back towards my car. “Did you get our bet money?” I ask Felix.

  “Of course I got it, and we are sitting pretty in the money. We should have one hell of a weekend.” Felix is excited as usual. “That was a great race. You had him from the beginning but the end had me holding my breath.” He hands me my share of our bet and we get into my car and Sarah looks at me and shakes her head.

  “I know this is what you enjoy but these people give me the creeps and I just don’t get it. Of course, you did make a lot of money, but still. Oh yeah, Hanna is waiting outside Felix’s. When we get there we can go straight to the club.” She tries to act excited about all of this but she just has no idea. Her parents give her everything. This job in California is her first real job. One day when she has to pay bills she’ll understand the need to stand on my own two feet. I’ve always had that need to take care of myself. I don’t want to be a burden to anyone, including my dad. I know he loves me but he has given me so much.

  It’s a short drive back to Felix’s house and when I see the drive I decide we better hurry so I know what will save a little time.

  “Great, I need to go inside and change anyway. Felix can you get my car in your garage while I take a quick shower in your room and get ready?” I know Felix is going to love this, he loves to get behind my baby’s wheel anytime I let him. Not many people have even sat behind her wheel but me.

  “Heck yes, can I take her to the back shop? I’ll lock her up tight there? Dad has extra cameras back there.” He knows I’ll go for it when he said extra security.

  “Sure and thanks for the use of the shower. I’ll hurry.” I tell him so they know we need to get out of here. It’s already late and if we want anytime at the club we have to hurry. I see the drive right ahead and I pull up to the garage and get out to go to the door and Felix takes my place behind the wheel.

  “You remember where the sneak key is right? And don’t forget the security code.” Felix says. I shake my head at him and reach down to get the key and I see Hanna approaching with someone. As I stand back up, I see it is Cru London. One of Mason’s best friends, and he should be back with Mason right now, along with his twin, Jeb. They all entered the Marines together. They are all stationed close together overseas, but Cru was hurt a month ago and came home for a while. I thought he would have already gone back. Just as I am starting to open the door they near and I step inside to disarm the security.

  “Hey beautiful. How’s my best friend’s girl doing? I heard you are still stirring up trouble.” Cru says as he picks me up and gives me a big bear hug. “Nothing ever changes here. By the way, Mason is going to be pissed you are still racing.” He says as he puts me back on my feet.

  Hanna steps around him “Where’s Felix and Sarah taking your car?” She knows I let no one drive my baby.

  “Around back. His dad has a garage with more security back there. Not like anyone would mess with my car, but it gave Felix a longer time to drive it.” I laugh thinking about the look on his face as he drove away.

  “You and your dang old cars. Do you have a hobby that isn’t life threatening?” Hanna knows my interest in anything that keeps me on the edge. I’m not an adrenaline junkie but I like excitement for sure.

  “Cru, I thought you would be back on base by now. What’s up?” I ask feeling worried over his injury. At the look on his face I feel bad for bringing it up.

  “Nerve damage, and I don’t know when I will be shipped back, or if I will be at all.” I can see by the look on his face this is not an option he is good with. “I really don’t know what is going to happen, but Monday I am being shipped to a new specialist, so this is my last weekend home. We were hoping Mase would make it home this weekend. Him and Jeb both put in for leave but all leaves were cancelled, and there is a black out on contact, so who knows if and when they’ll be in. I wouldn’t be here, but I caught a hop home to see our parents before I leave for the test.” Cru says. I know I need to get a move on, so I pick my bag up head up the stairs for a shower. “Do you think he’ll mind if I grab a drink?” Cru asks before I reach the top of the stairs. I turn and yell back down at them.

  “Make yourself at home. Felix won’t mind.” Then I pick up the pace towar
ds the bathroom.

  I shut the door and reach down and start the water, then pull the shower curtain closed so I don’t get water everywhere. I get in and rinse off and take a long breath and try to get the adrenaline under control that comes with the thrill of a race. I needed that little rush, but now I need to control it. For some reason I feel as if that proverbial other shoe is fixing to drop. The day’s events go through my mind and something is off.

  That new guy, Devil, bothers me, but something else is up with my dad . Hopefully tomorrow things will be made clearer to me, but I just feel something is way off. I step out and grab one of the towels to dry and get my bag so I can get my clothes out. My new sexy bra and thong will give me that lift to make me feel good about myself. I may not be all girly, but sexy undies make any woman feel good. I have a hot pink short tank that hangs down right above my belly button that has a silver hoop ring through it. Instead of my blue jean cut offs I would usually wear, I have a pair of tight fitting, low cut jeans. I leave my hair down and put a bit of mascara on then blow dry my hair and put some lotion and a small amount of lip gloss on and I am ready. I dig in my bag for my lighter boots and this girl is as ready as she is going to get. I look in the mirror and see my naturally dark skin tone, so the less is more look is definitely the way to go. My dark tan makes my belly button ring stand out and the pink tank looks good. I have a little junk in my trunk so I’ll pass. Not like I’m looking to impress anyone, but I like to look good for me. I just want to have a good time. I guess we can get this party started.


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